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Everything posted by buscon

  1. Hi all, lately I'm trying out the first cd of Holosync prologue series, I go with it especially at evening when I do sitted meditation (micro and macrocosmic circulation, inner smile and emptyness meditation). I find it very effective, it enhances the meditative state (more concentration and relaxation). What do you think about it ? Have you tryed out ? do you like it? I've already looked for some comments on the forum but I didn't find so much information.
  2. Thanks all for the great suggestions. In the last month I'm using Equisync cds and I'm quite happy with them. Cheers
  3. Forum upgrade ...

    Great update, thanks Sean!
  4. Hi, I don't have the book "Qigong: the secret of youth" but I'd like to learn Yi Jing Jing. Is Yi Jing Jing well explained in that book ? Otherwise I was thinking about buying smt like: http://www.amazon.com/Jin-Jing-Tendon-Musc...772&sr=8-12 thx
  5. Healing a wart

    Lately I'm practicing springforest qigong and I'm very happy with it. I'm doing the first level and beginning some stuff of the second. I'm quite healthy, but I have a little wart on my left index finger since one year and half. How can I heal it ? In springforest level 2, Master Lin recommend to: - open the c7 vertebra - open the heart channels - Use Sword Fingers on the wart these method is actually for healing other people, what about healing myself ? Can I use Sword Fingers on my own body or it doesn't make sense ? Until now I tried to visualize the wart dissolving into smoke and now it's littler (or at least I think so...). Should I simply continue with this practice everytime I do my qigong exercises ? Thanks
  6. Opening up the leg meridians.

    Horse stance and squats are quite good to open the legs. For meditation, full lotus position keep them open - at the same time you can do macrocosmic circulation opening the channels and the single points. The exercise "Seven Steps of New life" of Spring forest qigong is quite good too in order to keep the legs' channels open. Cloud hands from bruce frantzis is a great exercise too, for the entire body's channels. Maybe I misunderstood your question, you sounds like a guy who's practising since a long time, what do you mean exactly saying that your leg meridians are not opened ? Cheers
  7. If I could start over...

    Thanks for the great resume Blasto: I think it's a great introduction as well as a long way path for everyone of us, but especially for the beginners (like me)! I'm actually getting used to a lot of practices that you mentioned, that's a good feedback - even because I'm 30 right now Anyway, thanks again for sharing your experience. Be well
  8. Hi all, I've read on the internet different ideas about cutting hair and moon phases. I usually cut my hair when the new moon is in leo, in order to have stronger hair and growing faster. What do you think about it ? When one should cut the hair in order to make them growing faster or slower ?
  9. Chunyi Lin 1 hr Teleseminar Free

    Thank you very much for the upload! Peace \o/
  10. Chunyi Lin 1 hr Teleseminar Free

    *bump* Does anyone has already downloaded the teleseminar and can please upload it somewhere ? thx
  11. Healing a wart

    I've actually done some meditation and healing (spring forest sword hands) on the warts, so it's actually been a combination with apple cider vinegar. @cat: Interesting experience, thx.
  12. Healing a wart

    After more than 1 month, the wart is almost healed. I applied apple vinegar for a week, then stop it because I started to feel pain in my finger; afterwards it appeared a little scab, as if I'd be injured. In the last days the scab went away and there's just a little sign of the old wart Thanks everyone for the support.
  13. pains in the back

    are you doing horse stance with a master ? Probabily your back is not correctly straight, especially when you do some movement... Hard to say what's the problem just through a post.
  14. New Book -- Full Free Preview

    Thanks for the book, really nice of you to offer a free digital version

    great stuff, I heartily thank you
  16. Chunyi Lin 1 hr Teleseminar Free

    Thank you drew for your your detailed explanation, really appreciated! +1 for the Vortex's motion
  17. Chunyi Lin 1 hr Teleseminar Free

    Can you please explain a bit more your sitting full-lotus in front of the computer and sending chi energy out ? I spend a lot of time in front of a computer (as a lot of people do in our society), it would be nice to use that time for healing too I'm spending my winter's holiday at my parents' home, and I'm trying to do some healing - here there's A LOT of anger and too-much-thinking to heal. I meditate a lot and trying to heal smt, but at the same time I'm losing a lot of energy (wet dreams): probably I've received too much energy and I cannot handle with it... If you can tell us more about your eating anger, would be nice
  18. Tomorrow's BLUE MOON

    Very nice energy from the moon these days. I meditated a lot and slept very well. Spring forest moon meditation cd is wonderful
  19. thanks for the tips, I'll try them out. I totally agree with you: entrainment is just a crutch for meditation. For me is quite effective, more than other methods, maybe because I'm a musician: when I hear to some music during meditation I feel the qi that resonates some points of my body, especially on my main meridians and points (in particulary on my back, third eye and heart). That's smt that I've noticed just lately and really took me to a deeper level of meditation.
  20. Strange Energy Peaking at the Full Moon

    Hi Sundragon, I'm sharing quite the same situation, I practice spring forest qigong (level 1 & 2) and I'm more sensitive to external events like full moon. I feel a lot of pulsing at third eye too, especially when there is full moon. Drew's advice makes sense - concentrating more on the heart should balance the extra moon energy, I'll try out these days. During the last days my third eye pulsed a lot, but I still sleeping good and I feel quite balanced. Maybe some moon meditation of spring forest is a good thing to do during our sitted meditation @~jK~: thanks for the links, but I'm not using a windows computer, so I cannot install that software.
  21. tea

    I've been loving tea since 15 years, I can suggest to try the gong fu cha ceremony: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_fu_cha Long ching tea is great, I've drunk it for years. Pu-erh tea is endless world of taste, someone would say that has a lot of qi
  22. Igniting Others

    Hi, I've got a similar situation, but I'm not so worried about it: I think that everyone needs his right time for a "spiritual" choice, so I don't feel like forcing people with my new discoveries. On the other hand, continue to talk about your interesting experiences - you'll be an example, a reference for someone who wants to change somehow but doesn't know how My advice is simple: continue to live your enriched life, follow you path and give an alternative to others - it's quite easy if they are your friends and that's already a lot! Then it's up to every single person to decide what to do. Cheers
  23. Discourse on Taoist Internal Alchemy

    yeah, that's the point, I totally ignore this, but at I'm at the beginning of my practice and I'm very curious and enthusiastic Thank you for your explanation - one day I hope to be able to experience this process too. Good and simple words, I'm trying to Be well
  24. hi all, when I practice qigong, especially in the morning, I have cold hands and they turn to be colder as I practice. At the end of my qigong session I usually practice some massages and it's quite difficult to warm up my hands again. I live in Berlin and it's almost winter; when I wake up I open the window and I give the room an airing. After that I practice, so the temperature it's not really warm but not even too cold - I'm not really sensitive to cold and usually my hands are quite warm, even outside. Do you have any advice ? Maybe it's releated to some blockade that I have - I work at the computer all the day, in the last month I solved a big blockade at the shoulter, maybe still there smt ? The hands should turn quite warm during practice, shouldn't they ?
  25. Cold hands during practice

    I cannot watch it because I'm outside U.S. what do they say about winter in Germany ?