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Everything posted by Vajrahridaya

  1. 'No self' my experience so far...

    I had a realization once while chanting that made me cry out of this immense sense of deep release in late 95' at Shree Muktananda Ashram in upstate NY. It was so deep, this sense of just throwing up through deep sobbing and tears of a depth of love I'd never experienced through the body as of yet up to that point in my life. This recognition of personal depth and self compassion for all the things I'd done in life contrary to this immense love. It was one of those immense life changing experiences. Basically it was immense! Afterwards I went to the bathroom and shat out from the depth of my being what smelt like burnt plastic. LOL! Serious. I know gross... but you went there.
  2. 'No self' my experience so far...

    It comes from the lack of intuitive recognition of the inter-dependency of all phenomena. We can have an intellectual understanding, but the subtle clinging to various personal "selves" are harder to see through, especially the deep tendency to cling to a "spiritual" self which most theistic mysticisms do, though of course this is a better clinging, it's still considered a hinderance to full blown liberation.
  3. GIH is being sarcastic.
  4. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Well, actually it's what Buddhism teaches, from the Buddha to the Dalai Lama concerning the "mystics" excuses for theistic clinging, or for monistic idealism. This is why Sankaracharia spent so much time debating against Buddhism, because Buddhism doesn't accept the view you've stated above as true. Even the "self" in the Mahaparinirvana Sutra is a "self" arising dependent upon the intuitive realization that is insight into dependent origination. My reply's come directly from the heart of my direct experience my friend. It's not mere conceptual conditioning.
  5. Are all the religions equally corrupt?

    I've always been a fan of having a good strong ego, but in a way that see's through itself. I don't see that killing the ego is what one wants to do, but rather killing the clinginess of the mind. Having a good ego, that feels good about itself, but see's itself as a relative existent and not narcissistic would be good I think. I think that people with neurotic tendencies arising from a bruised ego often use spirituality to transcend life or escape from it, instead of learning how to be here with it from a more optimum capacity. Even though a little escapism can be good if you utilize the time for deep contemplation, like what Buddhist masters do during private retreat. For me -K- It's exactly as you've stated it... to see what the go is, not to kill it, but to see through it as a transparent entity to oneself. Even if others can't see through your ego, you know what it is and can see through it.
  6. Christian missionary converted by tribe

    Indeed powerful! Thanks for that Oolong. Though I don't fully agree with the conclusions of a non-meditative culture that only lives for the sense perceived now. It's still nice to see a Christian missionary get turned around, lol!
  7. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Well... I've experienced shock, giddiness, sadness, anger, disappointment... all of it, all dependent upon the layer or depth it was that I was seeing through. The deeper one goes, the more liberating and blissful this realization becomes.
  8. Are all the religions equally corrupt?

    Dive into the mystery and find out.
  9. 'No self' my experience so far...

    For the sake of removing the many layers of self clinging, for the sake of blissful liberation from self clinging.
  10. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Yes, I meant, "His" Taoism. I might agree with you SJ. I know that after Buddhism in China that's the case. I'm not very familiar with a very thoroughly developed form of Taoism pryer to the Buddhist introduction into China. Are there actual written texts that existed from then to prove this? I'm just wondering... I would be really interested in finding out.
  11. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Could be a number of causes. But, if the past life regression is like that of the Dalai Lama, where he remembered where he hid the teeth of his last incarnation, not having told anyone from his previous life, that's ample proof. Or if it's like that of the kid who knew details of how he died in a previous life, and it was found to be public record, that's ample proof. I have a hard time believing in past life regression therapy. I think the only ones trustworthy are those that arise naturally during practice of de-conditioning, letting go, meditating on the nature of mind directly.
  12. 'No self' my experience so far...

    The first one, no... I do not actually exist. There is no part of me that "ACTUALLY" exists. The other two.. yes. But relatively so, not actually so. You should try to viscerally understand the statements I made previously, and not deflect them intellectually. They are good statements and are liberating. Allowing to be, without clinging to being.
  13. 'No self' my experience so far...

    I exist dependent upon all else since time without beginning. I do not exist from my own self. Even the cosmos, cycling without beginning has no self existence. There is no place, no point that one can cling to as "I" and "mine." If the universe, in it's entirety RIGHT NOW, even beyond the limits of all sentient beings experiences, arises due to the universe of the previous moment, so on and so forth without a starting point? It is not spontaneously arisen, is not self caused. Therefore, the entire universe and everyone in it, is also not spontaneously arisen, and is not self caused, but rather inter-connected since time without beginning, but also it is without self essence. Thus everything flows without any real self reference, it's all just relative.
  14. 'No self' my experience so far...

    dependently, yes. Independently, no.
  15. 'No self' my experience so far...

    You reveal what you've experienced through what you state.
  16. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Actually no, I had past life experiences before I read a scripture, or was told about what they meant, I was one of those weird kids that knew too much too soon. This is due to the fact that I put in lots of work in past lives. Be open to new and exciting perspectives that may arise if you go deeper in meditation. You can time travel... really... you can, as both you and time are empty, yet interconnected since without beginning. To explain further, all of life arises due to causes and conditions, due to programs. Yes, there is the unconditioned state of view, state of mind, but how things happen to the mind have to do with how conditions happen. Past lives are part of these programs and conditions which form the current arising of this exact moment which you are experiencing from a view without condition? Just, consider this... direct insight into the nature of this moment, leads to transcending the moment while in it, then your mind state can truly be free from it's conditions, as there are no subconscious threats, as they are seen through, understood and let go of as self. This is part of the omniscience of Buddhahood.
  17. 'No self' my experience so far...

    All based upon your limited experience. What you have accepted as truth thus far. Others have another experience, that which cannot be framed in the spectrum of your doubt because it transcends those limits. Thus for people like me, who know they have past lives, we need to go to a path that can explain that. Doubt all you want, I don't exist in that paradigm of doubting past life reality. It's as real for me as you remembering yesterday, knowing that "you" in fact did this and that, it's that clear for me and people like me. I know it's just lack of meditation experience for you, and you think I'm just deluded based upon believing conceptual structures. So, you can go along with your doubts. I'll just go along with what I know to be true and keep speaking from that truth. Of course things beyond the 5 senses will not be provable, not yet at least... who knows how deep science will go. I do know that consciousness is already deeper and works on dimensions beyond science, subtler than the brain.
  18. 'No self' my experience so far...

    That's not liberation from unconscious birth and death, nor is that liberation from deeply held conditions which cause psychological suffering. What happens when you don't have the legs to walk outside, or you loose your arms, or your body dies. Buddhism is a path that brings people experiential contemplations that allow one to find a source of joy that is free from dependency on sense friction, while not denying it at the same time. If your goal is not complete eradication of psychological suffering and freedom from unconscious rebirth, no matter what happens. If that doesn't matter to you and if your Taoism brings you some happiness in this life, if that's your goal, then you've reached your goal. Other people might have different goals, so they will need a path that addresses these questions. You think it's delusion, I think it's deluded to think that. Both are subjective views.
  19. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Well, that would be splendid.
  20. Heartmind

    No, Buddhism doesn't say that, as the physical apparatus is also a product of the elements. What Buddhism is saying is that sense perception is a product of the mind interpreting reality through the elements of the body.
  21. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Ok, now we're getting somewhere. Ok, so no.. you're not advocating sharp sword wielding bodhisattvas beheading theists. Just, reasoning with them, somewhat forcefully out of their deeply held belief system? I don't know how this could end in anything other than their retaliation through blood lust? I've been hanged by a gang of tongues numerous times on here. Unless you could do mind to mind transmission at the same time on a really powerful level!? I'm not sure if going around debating with Theists is going to end up in anything other than violent retaliation on their part as they'll perceive your compassion as violence.
  22. Are all the religions equally corrupt?

    It does appear to serve some positive purpose, yes.