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Everything posted by Vajrahridaya

  1. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    He was talking about the all. Only someone who doesn't understand the profundity of the teaching of dependent origination would say such a thing. Both the experience of Samsara and Nirvana as well as the experiencer are empty of inherent existence and arise dependently, Nirvana arises dependent upon wisdom of dependent origination and Samsara arises dependent upon ignorance of dependent origination. Nirvana merely being the correct cognition of Samsara. Samara merely being the incorrect cognition of Nirvana. You need some good mind pointing from a truly knowledgeable and realized being of Buddhist tradition. Your taking the space of mind as ultimate, true and self existent? Uh oh! Yup... you need some good mind training. All originating dependent upon causes and conditions ad infinitum. Your mind, even the experience of the "basic space of mind" (neither perception nor non-perception) arises dependently and is not an inherent reality in and of itself.
  2. Mantras

    Endless experiences, including what you just said... deep calming and "WOW" energy stuff. Sometimes I repeat "Om Mani Padme Hum" while in the dream state in layers very fast. Sometimes filled with light. Sometimes I would see mantras in my dreams done in graffiti lettering. LOL! I used to do graffiti as a youth. I have lots of experiences of mantra, energy and visions through mantra. It's very good to give oneself over to awakened mantra. Yes... always! Due to going deep into mantra one can always call on it's power at any time in life. Mantras are reflective of the meaning. You focus on the meaning during repetition and you have it blessed by an awakened person in a particular lineage and it will carry that beings intention and you will feel it if you really connect to the lineage through your good karmas. You can always make good karmas through focus, even if you don't feel it at first, but you give yourself over to it understanding that you will feel something good eventually through focus. You always get what you focus on. Mantras hone the mind, bring it into focus on a particular intention. There are plenty of mundane mantras, both positive and negative that people repeat deep within and you will find these out through repeating a mantra blessed by awakened lineage. Through this your own subconscious blocks will come to your awareness. Yup! Yes, more to them like seeds of power and connection to deities... yes, yes. Very much so. Om Ah Hum Vajraguru Padma Siddhi Hum!
  3. Shaktipat

    I do have this happen with the Ah tigle experience. This beautiful and brilliant radiance of "aaaaaahhhh" coming from the center of my being and this radiance fills every direction in a wondrous bliss. All the colors emanating and suffusing everywhere. In fact, it's already there, it's just my awareness falls into this space or dimension at times, sometimes during practice, or just whenever I want from memory of this spontaneous space of freedom. Awesome! It's important not to reify this experience but go deeper into emptiness and dependent origination, experientially thus widening and deepening the field of selflessness.
  4. Shaktipat

    I agree... beautiful.
  5. Sleep Paralysis

    I don't know if this is what you need to hear but I'll share my experiences of sleep paralysis since I've had countless experiences with it. It started happening to me in deep meditation. I'd go within, go into a space of unconscious non-awareness, then wake up in this state and open my eyes and my body would be frozen in this energetic pulsation. I would be filled with fear as I would have no control over my body, sometimes it would move on it's own and it would be like I was watching it from outside of it. At other times it would be stuck in the usual chin mudra on my knees, index finger touching my thumb. In this state I would have different visions, and it wouldn't matter if my eyes were open or closed I couldn't escape the same vision. Sometimes it would take place in the very same room I was in, having a vision in the room with the room in the background like the picture of my main Guru at the time coming alive in the picture while my body was completely frozen, or I would have a vision of different things happening inside the of the room. It's endless... I don't know which experiences to share really. But, I remember it being really, really scary at first! Then, I would just remind myself after it happened to let go and relax into the experience next time it happened, and eventually this worked. Then the really cool stuff started happening! Incredible visions of bliss and joy and great beings filling the meditation hall with light or even going into other dimensions entirely. This also started happening for me while in bed sleeping! I would at times get visitations from ghosts, or the recently dead, killed or just ghosts giving me messages. Then I started having visions of deities in incredible states of bliss and having really great, great experiences in this state, spinning out of my body into other dimensions. I've had a few with the Dalai Lama, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, deeply psychic experiences with the Karmapa who I've never seen in person and other great Tibetan yogi's and yogini's who's names I have no idea about. The fear that the Christians are pushing should be ignored, as it's really all just how you are connecting to this environment from within. If you relax and bring wisdom to the table, the environment will reflect this as you are connecting to beyond the body level dimensions so you are dealing with your own mind stuff manifesting like dimensions within the screen of experience. I really hope this helps you to relax about this phenomena. It's just part of the endless play... nothing demonic at all about it, unless you are dealing directly with this level of connecting to other dimensions from within. In the state of paralysis, try remembering goo and influential beings like Jesus, Buddha... whatever makes you feel relaxed and protected. Or a big inner smile will help deeply too as on this level you are dealing with energies. EDIT: You are dealing directly with how your subconscious connects with it's environment, so to learn how to relax in this state will reveal much more of your own stuff as well as your own blessing from within reflected from without.
  6. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    This is true up to the Mahayana vehicle, but one actually turns all the endless debts acquired through countless and beginningless births into endless blessings as cause for endless Nirmanakaya manifestations. So, one does see right through rebirth and non-rebirth, basically through duality, but one still constantly display's meritorious rebirths for the sake of others. So, basically Buddhahood is merely the beginning of living as a selfless being for the sake of service. Everything becomes enjoyed though and there is no more psychological suffering.
  7. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    It's not rebirth per say that is the obstacle, but rather lack of awareness. If you take formless, non-conceptual awareness as a Self of all, this leads to reabsorption and so full awareness is not recognized. If you see emptiness directly, it's not a dualistic thing, this is just a figure of speech. You don't have reabsorption into Samsaric re-becoming by recognizing emptiness on all levels applied to every aspect of experiencing, this way awareness unbocomes, unbinds and uncompounds and truly becomes fluid and free without any type of self-fixation. Because DO shows that there is no end all be all, just constant relativity. Other traditions take something up as some sort of ultimate and self sustaining existence generally on a universal scale thus the extreme of Eternalism. DO is the only insight that transcends both Eternalism and Nihilism yet is completely eminent and does not really transcend anything at all, but rather just sees directly and cuts directly through and reveals the transparent nature of everything. This is why they say Samsara is Nirvana. Because Samsara is actually not transcended, just seen through. It's really just about going beyond unconsciousness, or unaware rebirth, moment to moment. You are not a mystery to yourself anymore because you see right through yourself and you don't take up anything as ultimate and true self existence which is basically saying there is a mysterious will behind everything. I don't know if it's easy for you to see the co-relation of seeing an ultimate Self of all and seeing an ultimate and mysterious will behind everything which basically reveals ones ignorance about ones own actions. Taking up any experience as proof of ultimate self existence shows non-recognition of dependent co-origination, thus there is still ignorance about the cause of ones own actions and being.
  8. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    Clinging to a self either relative or ultimate is the seed to Samsaric rebecoming, weather it's the next moment, or the next eon, or the next universe. One who takes up any experience as proof of an ultimate Self, does not see emptiness directly and does not see the Buddhas teaching of dependent origination clearly.
  9. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    The Buddha said that there is nothing outside of the all. The mind is also dependently originated. There is not a transcendent entity to take refuge in and if you take your own experience of mind as refuge, then you fall into the erroneous view of Eternalism. You obviously don't understand what neither perception nor non-perception means. Think about it, or reflect upon it. Mind does not transcend this state, only the realization of dependent origination does, because it reveals emptiness directly. Your mind is also empty of inherent nature, and the Buddhas say this over and over again. Emptiness means dependent origination.
  10. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    This is merely talking about the realization of Nirvana, seeing emptiness directly and always, this is it. It's not talking about a transcendent being. If you understand dependent origination on an experiential level then the above makes sense, otherwise the habit to reify will still remain.
  11. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    It only seems that way. Especially in the many English translations of Dzogchen texts. It's just that everything is always and always has been empty of inherent existence and awareness of this reveals that awareness has always been empty of inherent existence. This is what is meant by primordial. Not that your awareness of this is the ultimate existence of all things or the singular source of all things. So, this is still different from creationist theories.
  12. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    Oh ok... I was just reading into what you had said before. For that I apologize.
  13. Shaktipat

    I think ralis might actually be a nice guy in person. I get a hint of that from time to time.
  14. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    Did I say this or is this your understanding of what I've said. The word constructs seem quite similar to my own. Very interesting. Quite right of course.
  15. Shaktipat

    I find that my view has become refined over the years due to these debates. I wouldn't even be a Buddhist right now if it wasn't for internet forums.
  16. Shaktipat

    Well, just that the experience of mystery originates dependent upon ignorance.
  17. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    You don't have insight into Rigpa then. The insight of Rigpa does include clarity about the 31 planes and 6 realms. You don't truly follow the teachings of ChNNR. There are hell realms, and you don't need blind faith to understand this. You merely need meditative insight. There are lower dimensions of experience than the 5 senses. There are also higher though as well. You can experience this directly, without being conditioned by Buddhist texts. Buddhist texts will just give you insight into the nature of these realms and experiences of them. Only slammed in the sense of trying to find clarity in your thinking that they are one. There is not one thing separate from another, but they are not completely alike either. There is both difference and non-difference. All phenomena is connected, but not one.
  18. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    The mind is in fact dependently originated and is not ultimate nature. To consider mind, even in the most subtlest experience of beyond perception and non-perception as ultimate and real in and of itself, is to have a subtle obscuration of pride. The pride of clinging to an ultimate existence of some sort. The mind does not inherently exist, just like dirt. It is not any deeper than dirt. It's just that through your mind you can realize this. This is what it means by inherent purity in Dzogchen. Not that things are inherently pure due to existence, but merely due to the fact that there is not one thing that has ultimate existence, including mind.
  19. Shaktipat

    This is exactly what the most powerful gods think they are, the one true GOD of all. They teach this and convince through a show of powers, bliss and seeming control to those that are won over by one or the other so called, GOD of all. Hindu god, Christian god, Islamic god... whatever. They all suffer from the same delusion as elaborated upon in my answer to the first paragraph. See within... LOL!... kidding. You didn't read my first sentence correctly. I was saying that Brahman is considered the "one" essential nature of all, even of the gods. So, it's equivalent to Tao. But still considered a mis-cognition according to Buddhas. As in a mis-interpretation of meditative experience, reified and considered the absolute truth of all things. So, this also applies to Tao and is not only a Hindu mis-understanding, it's quite a universal mis-understanding. This is how it's considered in Hinduism to realize Brahman. Through observing nature. I'm not merely seeing through a Hindu lens here, I'm merely making a comparison. In Taoism, I have read many times that one is to become one with the Tao of things. To merge ones awareness with this ultimate state of being. This would still not hold up in the court of Buddhahood. I'm just saying, just as you have said, that Buddhist insight is not equivalent with Taoist interpretation of Cosmos. Buddhism has a different cosmology basing movement upon infinite regress instead of a primal single, self existing origin.
  20. Shaktipat

    Ok. I've moved around a lot since then so it seems longer... relative to my experience. Ah! Relativity.
  21. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    I'm a huge fan!
  22. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    You don't know what Omniscient means in the Buddhist context, as you keep associating the appearence of the word within Buddhist context from a point of view of Western association, originating from Theistic interpretation of the Cosmos. So no... you don't understand. Also... it's ok for you to constantly berate me post after post, but I cannot point out your flaws? Please appreciate it, and take it in, or ignore it. But, don't react. It's your karma to hear such things as you deserve some criticism, just as I do. But, I use it as fuel for the virtue or condition of patience.
  23. Shaktipat

    It can be proven through meditative experience and contemplative insight originating dependent upon experiential understanding of dependent origination. The Buddha is considered a type of Buddha, a wheel turning Buddha who turned the first wheel of Dharmic teachings on planet Earth in this era. But, I have met plenty of beings who have incredible powers of perception and so called magic, like appearing in multiple places at once, beings who can teach you in your dreams and be completely aware of having done this. Beings who can time travel... etc., etc... But, in order to have experience of this from these being there has to be karmic opening and congruency with these beings as every experience originates dependent upon such criteria. Yes, there are beings who are more deeply realized than others. Yes, there are beings who are liberated, and those that are close to liberation, and beings who are somewhat bound by various qualities and others who are really, really bound and experience deep psychological suffering and physical suffering originating dependent upon lack of insight into the nature of things. You seem to be one of them who suffer from my posts dependent upon a lack of experiential insight into the meaning of my word associations. Thus, you follow me around incessantly, throwing spit balls, kind of like an insecure bully. Take this in... contemplate it, find out from where within you are truly bothered and try to untie this knot. Your interpretation of my posts is merely your interpretation and not reality. Come on... it's been two years of you struggling with your view of me. Haven't you even seen a little bit of yourself?
  24. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    Omniscient is the Western term for a Pali term associated with the Buddhas teachings. What omniscient means for a Buddha is not the same as what it means in Western Theist understanding. What the Buddha is omniscient of is the nature of things, basically, how things work. Not that he knows every infinite particular of everything, but basically the way things manifest. In states of meditation he can get into a state of psychic ability transcending time and space and have remote visions of things that have happened and possible happenings in the future based upon seeing patterns. This type of omniscience is not the same as what you would identify the word with using Orthodox Theistic interpretations of the word, which is where the Western equivalent comes from. So, in order to speak a term of Western origin into Buddhist interpretation does take contextualization, of which you do seem to ignore and harp the same mis-understandings over and over again due to lack of insight. You have many mental dogmas which limit your ability to understand what many of us are talking about here who are part of the Buddha family. You keep projecting from an inability to understand outside of your own conditioning. The Buddha view is viewless view... which you don't understand because you don't even intellectually understanding the Buddhas teaching of interdependent origination/emptiness, which is actually deeply organic and not mechanistic as you haven't seen into stages of samadhi, thus your understanding and interpretation reflects your level of experience.