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Everything posted by Vajrahridaya

  1. Shaktipat

    Yes, it is a powerful experience. I see blue light penetrating everything most of the time. But, I also see the other elemental colors which grounds me more. The Vajra light is the same color. That Lapis Lazuli kind of Cobalt electric-neon blue... The blue pearl is also spoken about in the Dzogchen path, but it isn't granted inherent existence like it is in Shaivism. It's a deeply subtle distinction that leads to a deeply subtle insight that re-contextualizes everything and expands the awareness into other insights that seem to only be talked about in Buddhist traditions. It also lessons the sense of self importance, and identity with a super-mundane... whatever you want to call it which can lead to experiential, and intellectual excuses. It means you probably have some wrathful deities that can protect you and your path from harm towards the Dharma. As you are definitely on the Bodhisattva path right now perfecting the 4 immeasurables. Yup... you gots good karma girl! Keep it up!! Danka! As may the Dakini's continually guide you! Yes, it's the color of infinite space, also the symbolic color of the blue sphere representing the state of Rigpa.
  2. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    Do you want to fund my scholastic carrier then? If not... then step off and contribute something of context instead of personal attacks. Just accept the fact that I'm a self educated "whatever you want to call me" and leave it be, or actually debate the points. Why not?
  3. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    I wrote this on the fly and posted it. As if you can't understand what I said... unless you have mental issues of attachment to linearity of an absurd degree? As if the mind was not abstract?
  4. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    You're joking, but this actually makes me laugh very deeply. Thank you for this... it is so. :lol:
  5. Shaktipat

    Thanks ralis... it was a very, very interesting time in my life, to put it mildly through words.
  6. Shaktipat

    I had my first conscious experience of the power of this lineage at this Ashram. Of course it's always a congruency of ones karmas with the presence and intentions of the place as well... still karmic. The experience was incredible. I was 14 and wanted to be a monk and devote my life to the practices after the experience. I left and forget the experience even happened for 7 years as it was so different from my normal everyday life. I saw directly the space beyond being and non-being then I experienced the light of the physical body as Muktananda describes in "Play of Consciousness" which I didn't read until 7 years later reminding me of the experience I had at 14 with such vivid reflection. When the experience happened it was just from looking at a picture of Gurumayi in the chair and Muktananda above the Guru's chair. The picture itself emanated this power and energy that made me close my eyes while chanting and I went into this deeply aware state of timeless, formless expansion... then it coagulated into the red body sitting in my posture burning with fire! I later walked out of Muktananda Mandir into the walkway with my Mom and wondered why everyone suffered when they are innately so beautiful and free beyond the conditions which only seem to bind! I later had visions of the "nila bindu" and such things as this. All I wanted was to stay there... it was like heaven on Earth. Such a wonderful place... if one is karmically open to it that is. I was the Pujari for that statue and all the others on the grounds of the main building once a week as my offered Seva for my day off when I lived there. I lived there for most of 5 years from late 94' to just after 99'. I also did Seva in the Nityananda temple and Pujari for the afternoon Arati at times. My main Seva was the food service line for a number of years as the manager or co-manager sometimes for the lunch and dinner schedule. I also worked with Mahadev (Leonard Saphier) as a personal assistant who has muscular dystrophy but is a highly accomplished yogi who has been living at the various Ashrams since the 70's. Anyway... some of the happiest times of my life were experienced at and around Shree Muktananda Ashram. Yes... no doubt at all. He visited me after his physical passing as well. eh... karma is as karma does. Oh yes... yes... yes! So deep she is. So deep. She's a very good, good person. Highly realized on the Shaivite transmission. Very nice to hear your shares. If I don't reply tomorrow... that means my head exploded. You know... spontaneous bliss combustion you hear about that happens to some Indian yogi's? No really... just kidding. You know... your share about the blue light around the Earth. Muktananda talks about that same experience in play of consciousness, except it penetrate the Earth for him, and I think I remember Gurumayi sharing that same experience which she had at a talk. I could be mistaken as there are so many talks I was at with her since 85' on into the 2000's both impromptu and formal as well as amazing dream talks with tons of people at them. I remember being confused sometimes by these dream talks thinking they were physical talks and I would tell people things she said, but later remember that this was my dream. The blue light is the conscious illumination of the infinite space element, thus one can travel through time and space via remote viewing through this connection. I remember when I first started seeing, feeling and hearing through physical matter through this connection. It kind of freaked me out. Anyway... thank you so much for sharing and taking me down memory road. I had a lot more to write and did, but erased it as I deemed it to private. But... thank you!! Good energy... very good energy.
  7. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    At times it's joyously funny to hear such things emanate from such subjective formats of karmic congruencies, as them. Mostly it doesn't bother me to respond to them. At other times... I have to force myself not to and sometimes I have to contemplate and force myself to respond from a better place than their intentions. It's all food for the fire anyway!
  8. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    Hmmm... looked into the mirror lately?
  9. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    There is still a creative quality about your posts that transcends the need for perfect grammar, as the message which transcends such bondage is transmitted through your posts regardless. At least your not calling everyone an idiot anymore. Even though most everyone is, a beautiful idiot ignorant of their nature that is.
  10. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    I find grammar can be a dogma too. I'm more into the context... if one can gleam the gist of the juice in the expression... maybe it's like poetry? Some can and tell me so. At other times, maybe I am just writing for myself as I get joyful! More people tell me that my writing is good in a different way than these people who like to use me like a toilet bowl and hardly post anything else other than to show anger and bitterness. So, who should I listen to? My writing is ever evolving anyway. I will learn nothing from ralis and songs hate, except patience. So, I thank you for that ralis and songs. Other than that...
  11. Shaktipat

    Then don't mention Buddha in the same sentence as merging with a substratum. I'm just saying... understand really what you are saying. If that happens in front of me I am inspired to make corrections. Yes, but taking refuge in the triple gem guarantees Buddhahood at some time or another, unlike other forms of refuge, like refuge in the realm of infinite consciousness for instance. You eventually realize what you focus upon, as the law of dependent origination demands. No offense taken. You are quite right from one perspective. But from the above perspective... anyone taking refuge in "right view" will end up at Buddhahood eventually. Ok... just don't mention Buddha in the wrong context or my Dharmapala side will come out. No need to take offense... seriously folks.
  12. Shaktipat

    If people stop bringing up Buddha in the wrong context, I won't feel inspired to correct them.
  13. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    You mean Maudgalyayana. Oh yes... I fully agree with that my dude. Fa real! That guy was cool... in the colloquial sense of the word. I'm sure he was a huge burning furnace of power. edit... yes also known as Mahamogallana, my bad.
  14. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    For someone like me, who was raised in poverty around highly under-educated people, except my mother who recently got her PHD in 1998 while in her mid to early 50's in womens arts and spirituality, who I rebelled against fiercely during various periods of my life. I didn't finish high school, though if I afforded slight effort got A's and B's very easily, and I denied the gifted program and AP studies so that I could play in the streets with thugs, and is mostly completely self taught in spiritual "jargon." Having been literally homeless a number of times in various cities including NY, San Francisco and Albq. NM, due to karmic circumstance and not getting hired. I think I do quite well though I looooong to have the finances to go to school, and be able to take care of me and my wife at the same time who I can't even afford to pay the fee's for her ability to get a social security number due to the fact that she's from Canada. Anyway... I look at Ralis and Songs like promoters of my ability to remain calm in the face of adversity. A life long forced upon me practice... obviously.
  15. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    I do agree, and I think that's the point of Dzogchen. Have the glimpse, then just relax... always. Every moment is a new glimpse of the "one taste," the Mahamudra (great stance).
  16. Shaktipat

    The Buddha didn't teach this. The subtle differences between the realizations are very important to understand if you are to understand Buddhism at all. If this is not your interest, this is fine. Yoga in Buddhism means to merge emptiness (does not mean the void experienced in an absorption or samadhi state), wisdom and awareness, not as a substratum of all, but as a direct insight into the nature of things including the body. You can be here and be completely realized just like in the causal realm. All these realms are empty of inherent existence, thus are empty of the inherent ability to bind. None of these realms are the goal of Buddhist realization, not even the Purelands of Pureland practice are the goal of the Pureland practice. read... The 31 Planes of Existence
  17. Shaktipat

    Because to identify with the experience of connecting to everything as an absolute Self only leads to Samsaric rebirth in the next universe, because you will just follow where most everything except Buddhas go during the pralaya. So, it is one or the other as far as Buddha realization goes. So, as far as Bhagawan Nityananda goes... I deeply respect him, but he does not teach Buddhahood. He does teach the 4 immeasurables though. .....Brahmaviharas on wiki The four sublime attitudes (brahmavihāras) are a series of virtues and Buddhist meditation practices designed to cultivate those virtues. They are also known as the four "immeasurables" (Sanskrit: apramāį¹‡a).[1] According to the Metta Sutta, Shākyamuni Buddha held that cultivation of the four immeasurables has the power to cause the practitioner to be re-born into a Brahma realm (Pāli: Brahmaloka).[2] The meditator is instructed to radiate out to all beings in all directions the mental states of: 1) loving-kindness or benevolence, 2) compassion, 3) sympathetic joy, and, 4) equanimity. This same list is also found in PataƱjali's Yoga Sutras (1.33),[3] a text composed long after the beginning of Buddhism, which shows heavy Buddhist influence.[4][5] These virtues are also highly regarded by Buddhists as powerful antidotes to such negative mental states (non-virtues) as avarice, anger and pride.
  18. Shaktipat

    He is... that doesn't mean he doesn't have a very high power of realization within his tradition, but a Buddha he is not. As I've said, I used to be a devout Hindu in the Shaivite Kundalini tradition, so have many experiences with this tradition. I respect it for it's various high level achievements. I just don't respect it as much as Buddhism. This is true within this tradition. In the Dzogchen tradition this is true as well... one must get a transmission of Rigpa through a genuine Dzogchen master. Rigpa includes the stilling of the winds or prana in the sushumna. I've experienced this in meditation, but not on a regular basis. Also a little energetic hole opened up in my Sahasarara which allows for prana breathing through the sushumna with the sahasrara as the channel. Also it's the beginning for the basis for Phowa... explanation of Phowa What you quoted is the mistake the Buddha calls taking the formless experience in meditation as the basis for all. This is not the basis for enlightenment in the tradition of Buddhas, so Buddhahood is different from what Shaivism teaches and leads to a different place, sort of speak. What you stated in the second is true for Buddha realization. Even the state of high Nirvikalpa Samadhi is considered a conditioned arising, but deeply unconscious for most people including yogis. Actualizing this state as a Self of all is actually the very subtle seed of grasping that leads to future re-emergence into Samsaric experience in the next Cosmic eon. You asked! So, I'm just answering.
  19. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    "Mind pointing" from a qualified Rinpoche of Dzogchen in a private one on one is utterly amazing. Mine was with Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. Well... glimpse after glimpse gets longer and more sustained. I guess that's the work of the path, to integrate fully, that taste with every aspect of life. Fly well Garuda!
  20. Shaktipat

    Yes, he was a projection from a higher loka. It's a little complicated to talk about how this is, but basically he manifested a body her on Earth from what is known as Siddhaloka. He's a very powerful Siddha with lots of super powers who attained his state in a previous life. Well... his projection has now ceased functioning and is buried in Ganeshpuri, but he is still contactable as that was merely his meat bag projection which lost it's karma of movement.
  21. Shaktipat

    That's more than 10 years ago in the late nineties. This is still about 4 or 5 years ago. You can see slight sag in her cheeks. Anyway... she is looking far more healthy than your average person because she mostly eats a raw food diet and she has been practicing a vigorous hatha yoga practice her entire life... besides that. She is deeply connected to the dimension of infinite space so lives her life from a deeply calm place. She also regularly chews wheatgrass. Funny... I had a dream with her last night. She was just talking and chatting, laughing it up a bit and sitting at a table with a few people, and I was just standing next to her and I was like... "wow... such bliss!" I was just feeling the bliss of her presence. I've not felt anything else around her since I first met her as the Guru in 85'. Well... I also went through my period of doubting the bliss during my sadhana, but that's done with now. :lol:
  22. Shaktipat

  23. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    That's quite well said. You should submit it to wiki!
  24. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    A Buddha can in meditation know any particular in the cosmos. But, while living everyday life, they are all knowing about the nature of things, not the endless particulars, he talks about this in the Pali Cannon. A Buddha is not God... which does not exist.
  25. Free Will

    Cool... as long as you don't reify it... you should be fine! Yes... all things are a new through evolution. This is why it's said that Samsara is Nirvana. As when Samsara is rightly cognized... the ever changing events are quite the joy to experience without the inner experience and dichotomy of good and bad experiences. When I say "right view"... I mean the viewless view of course.