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Everything posted by Vajrahridaya

  1. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    This is the essence of all the Buddha's and every single teaching by all Buddhas. This is the essence of the very first uttering of the Buddha after he got out from under the bodhi tree. "The mind and it's phenomena is uncompounded, unborn, free and pure since beginningless time." He said this teaching was too profound for the people, so he laid out a structure of methodology "buddhism" leading right to this contemplation below... To this master I offer endless obeisance! Thus my quote below...
  2. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    That's reifing. You reify everything as Tao is the ultimate existence of everything, continueously and always. You ultimate a substratum. You see everything as ultimately real. Isn't that funny...??? "NO! We don't reify, everything is just 100 percent real!" Oh my...
  3. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    LOL! The God delusion, eh?
  4. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    But it is made the source of everything, so that's reification, as it's the reality of all reality. Yes you do... according to Buddhist undersatnding of reification. If the Tao is the source of everything, than it's the reality of everything. No matter how immaterial you make it, its the existence of existence, because of the Tao, all this is. That's reification according to a Buddhist. There's no way around it. Of course you can argue, but this is why a Buddhist would not accept the Tao as a good way of explaining a way to liberation. Because the Tao has no cause, it's independent and exists from it's own. It's not dependent upon anything for being. This does not hold up to Buddha's scrutiny. Because you didn't understand it just say's something else, really. It was actually worded for a Buddhist to read, so it doesn't surprise me. It wasn't directed towards you Marblehead.
  5. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    I would more say put out of reach, into unconscious potentiality. Yes, my Mother is a PHD as well. I also experienced spontaneous meditation as a young child and experienced the first few jhanas spontaneously as a kid. My first movements were hatha yoga body postures, due to the fact that my mother would do hatha yoga pregnant with me, and these were the strongest and most deep impressions on my psyche so they were my first movements as a baby. Pretty cool, eh? So, get your wives to do yoga when they are pregnant, because it's very peaceful and releases very good energy into the womb.
  6. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    I do agree... It can be explained through a complicated set of seemingly paradoxal equations. Either that or just say... "pratityasamutpada/shunyata" There was something undefined and complete, existing before Heaven and Earth. How still it was, how formless, standing alone and undergoing no change, reaching everywhere with no danger of being exhausted. It may be regarded as the mother of all things. Truthfully it has no name, but I call it Tao (TTC, chapter 25) That's pretty reified.
  7. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Nah... really? Well, not to me... Because it's still seeing the relativity of all manifestations through infinite consciousness' (plural) Buddha mind is merely just being aware of all dat-a... relative. I agree... Taoism play's a good game. It' doesn't reify/deify the Tao nearly as much as Hinduism, but not nearly as less as Buddhism.
  8. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Zen has the Buddha mind metaphor. If that's not a metaphor for the co-creativeness of all consciousness' (pural), than... well... shoot. Ok, indeed your right... which is why Buddhism de-mystifies everything. Very good! Sure might.. I suppose, not for me... Unless I really try to think about it as such. Nah! I'm Vajrayana through and through... Dzogchen Jalus, here I come!!...
  9. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Based on a lack of experience. Yes Tibetans think that Zen reifies emptiness to much and doesn't see it as it should be merely relative. By seeing the causes of consciousness one is consciously "aware" of it's own dependently originated nature. Thereby one's awareness transcends one's consciousness...
  10. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Ah... well... the blue haze I'm talking about is the spiritual energy light that Rinpoche and even my Siddha Shaivite Master taught was the light that the Enlightened beings use to travel through and give from, and see through infinitude with. Jnaneshwar calls it the blue lotion over the eyes. He's a deeply realized Hindu saint actually... it's the same experience except they reify it a bit more than Buddhists. As dependent origination is the non-reifying salve. But if your going to disbelieve mystical experiences... because you've never had them. Oh boy, you'll have a hard time with Mahayana. Not as a self sustained substance, it's all subject to D.O. But, the creative matrix is a good metaphor for co-creative consciousness' (plural). Well exactly, not really... that was supposed to empty out consciousness too... for you. It's just the flow, but the consciousness aspect is the key aspect to realizing all the links, even beyond consciousness. Ah, yes a great daily help. It should be like brushing your teeth. I hope you do that every day. LOL!
  11. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Nac, Blue haze? If your talking about seeing into the blue space of infinite... you'd have to meditate deeply for a long time to get there... Anyway, The supermundane substance is infinite consciousness' co-creating... all inherently empty of any self substance, and also co-dependently originated. Think 12 links simultaneously, throughout endless time... rounding and rounding through infinite beings. You'd have to meditate deeply for a long time, not just talk some book stuff.
  12. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Thanks... Love your name by the way... thought you should know now that I always thought so. Godzilla, except made of fruit...
  13. max

    This will help calm you down. Just energy focused movement through the hands, completely relaxed in the body, opening the nadi's, meridians out/in through the hands.
  14. max

    Shaman Fu... This is more how I dance... except still faster. I like this stuff! Feel's so natural!
  15. max

    So it's more Nyingmapa and Kagyupa as in the old traditions from India before the Gelugpa. But, the Bonpo is supposedly the left over from the Buddha previous to the Shakyamuni Buddha. As it says in ancient texts that Shakyamuni even met a few left over monks from the previous Buddha practicing the teachings of the Buddha previous to Gotama way up north in the moutains. So supposedly Bonpo is actually ancient Buddhist pre-Gotama Buddhism as their Cosmology was already quite the same as Buddhist Cosmology already even before Vajrayana came to Tibet. Which is why it wasn't so, so hard for it to become the national religion. Many of it's concepts were already a part of it's native Shamanism. This is a great video though. He's actually re-enacting the way I dance in clubs... lol. Except I move a little faster. I suppose?
  16. If you give yourself to a path with full heart, you'll be so surprised at how fast you can evolve in a few short years. But... as you give, is as you receive. I gave 4 to 6 hours a day of sitting meditation and 4 to 6 hours a day in chanting, an hour to an hour in a half to hatha yoga, and the rest to reading and work, and little sleep. No chatting online and no movies, no dates, no sex, no tv. For most of the 90's, this was my lifestyle. For much of the first part of the 2000's till about 2003 as well. You'll see incredible changes and lucidity... as well as joy, peace, bliss... spiritual travels and experiences. Your inner life will take off to a degree that your outer life can only shine a dim light upon, even if you were a millionaire. Take care.
  17. Of Buddhists and Taoists

    Oh, it's not my Buddhism... but yes, it's different. Regardless of your subjective view of me. Take care! Be the best darn Taoist you can be, as you are quite immersed in it, as I was in Trika and Advaita Shaivism.
  18. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    Has anyone read, "Joseph Chilton Pearce"? Click on the link above. His works include, "Cracking the Cosmic Egg", which revolutionized child psychology in the 70's. Take care! You are an interesting person. I've known about Mung beans for quite some time, but not in the way you have given me. Thanks!
  19. What is your plan?

    Start school and see where the wind blows from there, at the age of 34. p.s. Within the spectrum of writing, philosophy, Buddhist studies, Tibetan Language studies. Around those areas...
  20. Yes. Plus much, much more, like the retinue of dis-embodied enlightened beings all around that person, various energy vortexes describing subtle paradigms beyond the linear perception. Sweeping one off the feet of bodily identity in a flash of insight worth millions of written pages. Inspiration beyond being someone to be inspired by something... I've found cosmic blue to be a bit subtler... but the golden color is just the grounding of the infinite space color of cobalt blue. Gold is considered the enlightened view of earth density. But it's all permeated by infinite space cobalt, or lapis lazuli blue.
  21. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    But for your guys there is a mysterious source. The Tao... It can if conditions are appropriate as such, otherwise it goes into a potentiality, into the air... water... recycling... to be reused again as the conditions arise to support it's conjunction through wiring. But electricity was just a metaphor and is not nearly as complex as consciousness. So, no we are not of the same ilk. Yes, you have questions, I have answers, but you won't agree with my answers, so you'll keep asking the questions until your ready to hear the answers. Which can take eon's and eon's and eon's. Alas.... Go ahead... tell me how egotistical I am.... It's interesting.
  22. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    Some people haven't been that deep in meditation. I have no superstition of an eternal soul... I just understand and have seen directly how dependent origination works and how moments of consciousness transcend the physical body. Which has nothing to do with a permanent soul. Impermanence is permanent though. Get off your low horse. Yes, and you think physical death is the end... We'll you might just experience it as so because your belief is strongly wrapped around such ideas. So, you will most likely just forget as soon as your causation leads you to another life after this one. You have no idea what beings traverse the region around you at this moment, do you?
  23. My Pledge to the TaoBums

    The cause of this thread is?
  24. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    You guys go ahead and be one with all... I'll see you in the next universe evolve from amoebas. It'll be fun!