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Everything posted by Vajrahridaya

  1. What is your Enlightenment paradigm?

    I have to go deal with it again tonight!! The after Super Bowl crowd at that!!!
  2. What is your Enlightenment paradigm?

    right... right. stupid is as stupid sees... Talk about offensive? Taking a statement coming from a place of compassion as some sort of grand revelation of something other than it is!! Yes... yes!! I've had a long weekend dealing with such scourge of the Earth, drunk asshole minded thugs, seeing people getting beat up, smashed over the head, knocked into a coma on the railroad tracks with thick oozing blood coming from mouth and nose, so many, many occurrences of stupid animal behavior manifested through the human capacity all week and weekend long... So many remarks of hate and violence coming from cars, speakers, and mouths in this, "dirty south" area that I work in at night... I'm just saturated and over with peoples projections, misunderstandings and ignorant vision of both me and the world. Yes... It's rubbed off on me. Sometimes the way I make my money is over testing!!! IM NOT A BUDDHA!!! But, I know Twinner is wrong about my intention in my remark. I am psychically aware, very aurically sensitive, sometimes a bit naked, many times the object of ridicule while on a pedicab or otherwise... blah, blah, blah... Sometimes I get sick of stupid people who do no more than ruin the planet both inside and around them... Ah... patience, more patience, more compassion... pleeeeeeease!!! More of the 4 brahmaviharas (immeasurables)... please!!!
  3. Dependent Origination

    Did you read the link I provided you about the 84 mahasiddhas?
  4. Dependent Origination

    Hmmm... ok, thanks for that.
  5. Dependent Origination

    Going deeper into dependent origination empties your organism of all the accumulated stuff, that's the actual point of the entire philosophy and practice. Thus the idea of "emptiness" and "dependent origination" which reveals how inter-connected all your "stuff" is both inside and out and how to realize that it's "empty" of any inherent and static substance so that your "stuff" can be self liberated upon awareness of it's dynamic instantaneously. All this just upon direct realization of dependent origination/emptiness. Either that or you could say to transform your stuff into reference points for insight and healing others by realizing it's malleability and non-static nature. I think my point made in my previous post is that most of you are here to argue from the space of ignorance instead of taking the time to actually learn and read the links and information provided? Many here are not really concerned with learning it seems and are just holding onto your "stuff" because you think it's who "you" are and you think its "fun" and your not really ready for enlightenment or the path and dedication it takes. This only applies to those of you that it's true for. But, thank goodness you're at least present and trying to the degree of your currently realized potential?? I've personally learned a whole lot of positive things about many forms of Taoism by being here. Even though I'd already committed myself to studying it for a number of years in the past.
  6. Dependent Origination

    Yes, I've practiced for years. Please do you, don't try to do me. We are here to read posts. Do you? There are so many attached healing methods within Vajrayana, including healing the mind through philosophy. Healing through dream, kunye massage, and there are many medical systems associated with Buddhism varying slightly between cultures of it's appearance. There are energy healing systems like tonglen and reiki (which is originally a Buddhist system by the way which doctor Usui attributed to the Buddha) which has recorded instances of healing. There are many forms of healing associated with the medicine Buddha. It's really endless the amount of information available out there concerning healing techniques and documented cases of healing through various Buddhist healing methods. I think you do need to read some good autobiographies from famous Tantric Buddhist yogis in order to get a better idea. I think maybe a lot of you, due to the fact that your only exposure to Buddhism is through much of the philosophical points argued here, that you think this is all Buddhism is about?
  7. Dependent Origination

    Actually there are examples of DO being explored in Taoism throughout various applications of the ying and yang philosophy of polarities in how this manifests as the cosmos. There are various Taoists who do have an understanding of DO who do not substantialize the Tao as some mysterious and unknowable uncaused cause or primal point of origination at the beginning of the universe but rather see the Tao as merely the nature of movement on all levels. If you understand malleability, relativity, impermanence, inter-dependence on an ongoing experiential level, then you have a good understanding of emptiness and dependent origination as it's presented in Buddhism. If you have come to the mis-conclusion that there is an independent and uncaused supreme cause to the cosmos, then you have not and you've created a rooftop to your exploration of nature and thus limited your own possibility for insight. I once again, point to my post #72 for a very brief explanation of practical benefits that have far reaching and much more complex ramifications if understood. Just think about all the benefits we as a people would have on a practical level if the philosophy of inter-dependence (dependent origination) was a universally human experience at this time. We as a people, corporations and governments would not do so many things; including cause wars, rape people, destroy the environment... etc. etc. etc. We would even have a more sensible monetary system in place that didn't give all the power to international bankers. The practical applications of experiential understanding of dependent origination is endless. It's almost dumbfounding to me that it's not obvious??
  8. Dependent Origination

    My point was that if the experiencer, as in you are not independently originated, then neither are your experiences independently originated. There is no such thing as independent, or uncaused origination. All experiences and choices, beings and phenomena can be broken down into an endless chain of inter-causation.
  9. Dependent Origination

    :lol: More like the cyber space manifestation of one or more of my psychological maras!
  10. Dependent Origination

    Ah... so dense... is that brick in the wall.
  11. Dependent Origination

    I've studied Taoism, have read many of it's core scriptures, I've practiced the I-Ching divination method for over 20 years. I've got confidence in TCMedicine due to having an ulcer healed in 2 months through a tea prescribed by a TCM doctor. I've had acupuncture done on me since I was in middle school with amazing results. I've read from many Taoist Wizards both past and present and have gained much understanding from the books as you would from reading Buddhist books. You could just read the link I linked you too above. You could even explore that whole website, if you were truly interested. Yes, understanding D.O. has done so, so much for humanity... Buddhism will continue to do so much for humanity and intelligent life in other solar systems regardless of this debate. See post #72 on page 5. There's just a little blurb from me there concerning your concerns.
  12. Dependent Origination

    ralis, you have been the king of judgement towards me, bashing me for years, insulting my writing style, insulting my personal life, insult after insult. There is hardly even a nice post from you as the vast majority of your posts are insults towards me. You need a good and clean mirror to look into.
  13. Dependent Origination

    You actually deserve it and need to hear it... you are quite as LS7 said, which I won't repeat. You take care of that and unbind that... be well!! I'm off to buy dinner...
  14. Dependent Origination

    To think that you completely know yourself through and through is really off the freakin' wall... It's obvious by your reactions that you have not. So you've completely delved into your entire potential as a human being and explored every region of your subconscious and unconscious illuminating every crevice of your inner being?
  15. Dependent Origination

    I've provided some answers, but you don't read my posts it seems. So be it. The only way to really know is to practice yourself or read some books by Buddhists masters it seems. Why not read this one... The Eighty-four Mahasiddhas and the Path of Tantra (THE MASTERS OF MAHAMUDRA)
  16. Dependent Origination

    Yes... this situation is as well, dependently originated. I'm a pedicab driver... I make as much money as I can working insanely hard at odd hours, for instance until 5 am last night. Should I work 24 hours a day until my legs fall off? She has actually gotten a job, finally. This helps greatly. You are sitting there, judging, from outside the circle of my experience without any insight into it's interior.
  17. Nagarjuna and Samkara

    No fantasies were involved, it's merely the manipulation of energy and opening of the heat channel, thus very natural and has nothing to do with sex in fact but rather more to do with health. I was having full body orgasms at the age of 6... so what? I didn't have a single thought of sex when it came to this arousal and orgasmic climax that filled my body with peace and love (a type of love that had nothing to do with sexual attraction). It had to do with natural stimulation of energetic channels only.
  18. What is your Enlightenment paradigm?

    I was referring to the volatile and violent actions leading to both self and other harm that happens daily throughout planet Earth that is reflective of a stupid lack of self investigation of which all humans have the capacity for, leading to compassionate action instead of violent activity. You seem to have a very dualistic idea of virtue and compassion. You seem to have a block in your intuition, or you see an arising in yourself that is reflective of this dualistic idea which you mistake as intuitive insight. Because people act stupid when they don't have to, or they only feel that they have to act in ways that are in the end stupid, I have compassion. There is no real substance being demarcated as stupid in my statements. You seem to be projecting only from your own lack of insightful assessment.
  19. Dependent Origination

    The numbers are endless... but you might start with reading this... The Eighty-four Mahasiddhas and the Path of Tantra
  20. Dependent Origination

    "simplistic?" You obviously haven't studied abidharma or abidharma kosha. You need insight into dependent origination to understand directly how both infinitely complex and simple it is. dependent origination actually reveals an endless regress of complexity without rooftop or bottom. There is no end to complexity when it comes to dependent origination.
  21. Dependent Origination

    No you didn't, as you are a product of your parents, environment and the information that you both choose and not to chose that has invaded and permeated through your senses throughout your entire life into your conscious and subconscious mind which you consider and also are not yet aware of as your "personal self." You, yourself are not independently originated, you did not just spontaneously manifest out of a void of absolute nothingness, so neither is your perception, interpretation or experience of reality through your dependently originated self independent in any sense at all.
  22. Dependent Origination

    For 21 years my life has been engaged in the service industry of one type of another. My practice has made me better at making people happy through my service towards them, either in the food or entertainment services. If I have food or money to give and it feels appropriate, I give. I'm a small worker in this sense with no large means. I also give here through understanding which is received well by plenty as well as disparaged by plenty of you, but none the less, I understand it's value and plenty do as well. I also consider being on TTB to be a service.
  23. Dependent Origination

    Yes, but generally speaking, they open differently and towards a different goal in other systems. The way the channels are treated both theoretically and experientially in Buddhism is different. We actually develop different dimensions of energetic experience and insight into energy itself through contemplation of dependent origination, instead of the idea of a "static and eternal truth" that all things definitely "are" which is where most systems arise from.
  24. Dependent Origination

    There is no "one truth" in Buddhism, and that's what dependent origination means. All you people seem to have very topical understandings of dependent origination and are debating from this very epidermic level of understanding. I suggest contemplating deeper within the concept, so that it becomes a realization before clinging to mistaken views concerning it. There is no "ultimate truth" that we are all one with in Buddhism, this is a samsaric concept as well as experience according to Buddhism. We are not after the, "I AM" state of mind that you keep going on about. The "I AM" state of being is mistaking expanded awareness for primal origin and primordial "selfness" of all. This does not lead to complete unbinding, nor does it lead to Buddhahood.
  25. Dependent Origination

    Not complete unbinding. Complete unbinding has happened for countless Buddhists throughout the centuries. You might or probably won't notice if you don't commit to connecting to these beings through study or insight that is directly associated with Buddhist lineage.