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Everything posted by Vajrahridaya

  1. True Self

    Alwayson, as far as what I've read of your expressed understanding, I will have to say that this view of yours is based upon your own understanding of which I do not share. As for me, all the different views from the different vehicles are actually the same view, if you can bridge the gaps experientially, you can understand this truth. The first statement of Shakayamuni is no different from the goal of Dzogchen. Mind and it's manifestations are pure and free since beginningless time. To really understand Dependent Origination/Emptiness is to experience directly Rigpa, liberated awareness, clean, crisp, pure, and flexible. ... Dzogchen without Buddhism? By Lappon Namdrol here's a clipping from the article, and to read the entire thing, click on the link above. "Finally in terms of the path: Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche has clearly enunciated many times the following point: there are three sacred principles without which a given practice that one is doing is not Dzogchen: these principles are going for refuge, developing bodhicitta motivation, and dedicating merits. Going for refuge is not defined by reciting some words; it is defined by the recognition of problems with one's own understanding and knowledge, and a desire to find the solution to these problems in Buddhas, such as Samantabhadra, Vajrasattva, Śākyamuni, Garab Dorje and so on, their teachings, the Dzogchen teachings, which include the meaning of all yānas; and the Sangha of Dzogchen, the vidyādharas such as Śrī Siṅgha, Padmasambhava and so on and bodhisattvas such as Mañjuśrī, Avalokiteśvara and Vajrapani. Motivation does not mean mouthing words about saving all sentient beings, here it means that it is not sufficient to merely seeks one's own liberation, whether through Dzogchen or any other vehicle, one must have compassion and loving kindness as one's basis for entering practice. Dedication here means that we dedicate all our practice to others, in the usual Mahāyāna way, not necessarily with words, but with our intention, so that all others will reach the state of the adibuddha, Samantabhadra, quickly. Without these, whatever practice we are doing cannot be considered Dzogchen practice let alone Buddhist. Dzogchen without Buddhism therefore is "Ati Lite™". It may sound good, it may look good, it might have a nice package, but in the end, it has no value. It is not spiritually nourishing, it is spiritually depleting. Ati Lite™ will have the exact opposite effect of Dzogchen: instead of becoming a more open, more humble person, one will become more self-involved and afflicted. Instead of developing a broader mind, free and flexible, able to accommodate changing conditions, one will become more and more constricted, selfish and narrow. And in the end, one will have nothing worth giving to anyone." -Lappon Namdrol
  2. Shamanic roots of Western World

    Your experience of me arises dependent upon your understanding of my words. Because you don't feel my heart, doesn't mean others do not. Which they do. This Very Moment My heart is wide open, Like green grass fields with no hills in sight, Red roses line the edges and the lovely wind ushers them into a playful dance. Happiness abounds, like children's laughter during fun-filled after school excursion. Love fills this body This feeling emanating from the depths of my being, This mind knows not from where this energy comes, Yet its presence in the moment leaves it filled to contentment. Not wishing for a thing or a place. All outer darkness melts into this splendor, Like wax into the flame of a candle. All tensions from earths toil disappear, And all feelings are turned into light. Like the night into day when the sun has finished its ascent over the horizon, Bringing bright charm and elegant bird song to this, the new awakening. The mind holds stead fast to this Spring of Joy, this Breath of Fresh Air. These lungs breathe deep and this is the exhalations exclamation, "Where else is there to go but here, What other time could there be............but now!" -Vajrahridaya (JM)
  3. Shamanic roots of Western World

    One cannot take on Buddhist practice without the intention of loving kindness and compassion, with dedication of merits and taking up the path for the sake of all beings. This purifies ones Earth element through intention, thought and action. In Vajrayana, we focus on the Earth element as yellow/gold radiance and purify it through various breathing and energy practices. There are plenty of masters in the Vajrayana tradition who demonstrate incredible physical health as well as mental buoyancy because they also purify the other elements in their system. I personally think it's pretty incredible that here in the West a student of Vajrayana, of which I know many who also practice Tai Chi or Baqua, as well as Chinese Herbal Medicine, as I think all these practices are great contributions to humanity. ben, The fact that you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to Buddhism speaks volumes about your lack of scholarship as well as your ego. Which I'm quite sure you cherish as it... "masculates" you. All your life's goals are impermanent and even if you're strong (head strong) and physically healthy, you can die at any moment. I feel compassion for your lack of understanding and intuition about the nature of death and the Shakyamunis path of renunciation of ignorance concerning life/death, of which there are many branches of methods for the sake of realizing this nature. Your other comments are not worthy of repeating due to their complete lack of factual support. Basically, your lack of insight weakens your ability to feel deeply. Due to the law of dependent origination, your view creates your reality, as there is no static being, everything is malleable... So basically you are creating your own truth based upon how you are conditioned by your self created environment, kind of like a loop, or cycle. This truth is real and visceral for you, as it is your self created experience of which you cannot see the emptiness of, because you don't have insight into dependent origination yet. Take care.
  4. Shamanic roots of Western World

    Indeed. It's not nihilistic at all, upon deeper investigation into the meaning. But, most Westerners are quite surface oriented.
  5. Shamanic roots of Western World

    Ah, such a funny guy. Your take on Buddhism is quite interesting... deeply flawed, but interesting. One day, you will know death and hopefully before such a time, you will have a psychological anchor/focus/liberator to help you through it. Your clinging to this impulse of survival as fundamental is quite telling. You must have a very intensely visceral fear of the death of the body, as illusory as it is.
  6. True Self

    Actually, for me, you are free to think that Theism leads to a higher place. It's just different is all I'm saying and yes, I think Buddhism is superior. Your view designates your destination. As the law of dependent origination dictates.
  7. Shamanic roots of Western World

    The root of all forms of Buddhism is dependent origination/emptiness. To translate the 1st noble truth as, "all life is suffering" is a really misleading translation. It's more like, "there is suffering" Then there are the other truths, of "knowing the origin of suffering" Which is ignorance. Then knowing the cessation of suffering which is the 3rd noble truth. Then there is the 4th noble truth which is the teaching of the path out of suffering, having nothing to do with escaping the body, but all to do with understanding it's processes and liberating it from the clutches of the psychological poisons induced by ignorance. Buddhism is fully life affirming. With teachings available for different people at different stages of their personal development. The problem Ulisis, is that you are really attached to this take on Buddhism of yours which actually has nothing at all to do with Buddhism. I've explained this to you before. I'm a much better scholar than this guy you are quoting from, and I'm not even a scholar.
  8. Shamanic roots of Western World

    This person has no idea what they are talking about and is hardly worth the comment, because anyone that took the trouble to see what the Buddha was talking about, would understand that he didn't teach the doctrine of Samkhya which is the philosophy of Purusha and Prakriti, a very early hindu doctrine laid out by Kapila (Samkhya). There is no duality in the philosophy and psychology of dependent origination/emptiness. It is in fact the most non-dual explanation on the planet as it never makes the mistake of Theism and only reveals the natural liberation of the process of life, right in front of you and in you. You are following really horrible sources Ulisis. This "Error of the Buddha" is really the error of the scholar you are reading. This is your problem, you have no idea what Buddhism actually teaches, or what the Buddha actually realized and disseminated as verbal pointers and methods for realization of what is. So, what you are rejecting, is actually not Buddhism, but mis-interpretation and really bad scholarship. There is no longing for transcendence in Buddhism, except ones own ignorance about the nature of things. Below are just a few things the Buddha said... For more.. go here: Buddha Quotes. We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Buddha Dhammapada. Speak or act with an impure mind And trouble will follow you. Buddha Dhammapada. Speak or act with an pure mind And happiness will follow you As your shadow, unshakable. Buddha Dhammapada. In this world Hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, Ancient and inexhaustible. Buddha Dhammapada. Better than a thousand hollow words Is one word that brings peace. Better than a thousand hollow verses Is one verse that brings peace. Buddha Dhammapada. There is no fire like passion No crime like hatred, No sorrow like separation, No sickness like hunger, And no joy like the joy of freedom. Buddha Dhammapada. You too shall pass away. Knowing this, how can you quarrel? Buddha Dhammapada. It is better to conquer yourself Than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, Not by angels or by demons, Heaven or hell. Buddha Dhammapada. You are the source Of all purity and impurity. No one purifies another. Buddha Dhammapada. It is better to do nothing Than to do what is wrong. For whatever you do, you do to yourself. Buddha Dhammapada. To share happiness. And to have done something good Before leaving this life is sweet Buddha Dhammapada. Master your words. Master your thoughts. Never allow your body to do harm. Follow these three roads with purity And you will find yourself upon the one way, The way of wisdom. Buddha Dhammapada. The fragrance of sandalwood and rosebay Does not travel far. But the fragrance of virtue Rises to the heavens. Buddha Dhammapada. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Buddha Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. Buddha Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. Buddha The mind is everything; what you think you become. Buddha Therefore, be ye lamps unto yourselves, be ye a refuge to yourselves. Hold fast to Truth as a lamp; hold fast to the truth as a refuge. Look not for a refuge in anyone beside yourselves. And those, who shall be a lamp unto themselves, shall betake themselves to no external refuge, but holding fast to the Truth as their lamp, and holding fast to the Truth as their refuge, they shall reach the topmost height. Buddha Mahaparinibbana Sutta. Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule. Buddha Dhammapada. Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. Buddha Dhammapada. It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways. Buddha Neither fire nor wind, birth nor death can erase our good deeds. Buddha On a long journey of human life, faith is the best of companions; it is the best refreshment on the journey; and it is the greatest property. Buddha Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. Buddha The greatest prayer is patience. Buddha With gentleness overcome anger. With generosity overcome meanness. With truth overcome deceit. Buddha Dhammapada. For in craving pleasure or in nursing pain There is only sorrow. Buddha Dhammapada. Never speak harsh words For they will rebound upon you. Angry words hurt And the hurt rebounds. Like a broken gong. Buddha Dhammapada. Let go of anger. Let go of pride. When you are bound by nothing You go beyond sorrow. Buddha Dhammapada. The wise have mastered Body, word and mind. They are the true masters. Buddha Dhammapada. Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. Buddha Kalama Sutta. Think: Happy, at rest, may all beings be happy at heart. Whatever beings there may be, weak or strong, without exception, long, large, middling, short, subtle, blatant, seen & unseen, near & far, born & seeking birth: May all beings be happy at heart. Buddha Karaniya Metta Sutta. Let no one deceive another or despise anyone anywhere, or through anger or irritation wish for another to suffer. Buddha Karaniya Metta Sutta. As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child, even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings. With good will for the entire cosmos, cultivate a limitless heart: Above, below, & all around, unobstructed, without hostility or hate. Whether standing, walking, sitting, or lying down, as long as one is alert, one should be resolved on this mindfulness. This is called a sublime abiding here & now. Buddha Karaniya Metta Sutta.
  9. True Self

    That's dualistic, and a philosophy arising from the top down substantialist theory of all things come from one real thing. This is why monist non-dualism will always have a slight duality inherent in it's understanding, making it an incomplete view defined by the Buddha as Eternalism, an extreme. Pratitsamutpada has a different experience to offer.
  10. Happiness - what is it?

    It's a chemical reaction in the brain effecting the body, arising dependent upon ones state of mental focus. When the mind receives the object of desire, it goes still for a few seconds, and one experiences a state of joy as the dopamine rushes in. Though I think there are a number of inner chemicals that arise naturally to facilitate joy and not just dopamine. One can elongate this feeling either through drugs... not preferable due to deeply harmful side effects, or meditation and yogic or energy practices. In this way, one makes the state of joy independent from the senses and not dependent upon the senses. The result is actually that one derives more pleasure from the senses, even while not being caught up in them.
  11. Shamanic roots of Western World

    You're Western conditioning speaks volumes. You should read Tibetan Elders by Sandy Johnson Dilgo Khyentses state of mind is far more important than his state of body. I know, I know... you're very caught up in being the body. It's ok... someday you may spiritually mature.
  12. Tron in 3D

    I feel a genuinely open heart when I see him on film. Like in True Grit, as soon as he came on... I felt this joy about seeing him.
  13. True Self

    All of which you need some guidance on. As you don't seem to understand them very well. I think other teachings are fine and lead to fine places. Buddhism leads to Buddhahood. Theisms lead to God realms. The law of dependent origination reveals this, as your view so is your destination.
  14. True Self

    Again, this is not conducive to Buddhahood, only long lived God realms and formless bliss realms. Such are the teachings of the Buddha.
  15. Shamanic roots of Western World

    Yea, mostly its me.
  16. Shamanic roots of Western World

    He's been at me for almost 2 years. Like a tail with spikes that keeps whipping me.
  17. Shamanic roots of Western World

    Well good, it doesn't seem to have worked well. Unless you were even more bitter before and now your just a little less bitter through practice, but still bitter.
  18. Shamanic roots of Western World

    Sure, plenty do. Also, lots of Westerners have the tendency to romance the current state of self destruction and craving for material sensation. There is plenty that is primitive about ancient Tibet, I don't focus on that, because there is plenty that is amazing about ancient Tibet and the ancient East. This is where my mind goes. Why does your mind go to the negative? You should read some autobiographies that share good information that will help you. I'm sorry Vajrayana didn't work for you, but that's not it's fault.
  19. Shamanic roots of Western World

    It has nothing to do with exotic cultures, it has to do with the superior teachings of Vajrayana and the enlightenment it produced through the people who practiced it thoroughly. I don't have a drive to study the politics of ancient Tibet. Vajrayana is my interest and Tibet just happens to be the country that preserved it, and that is all. Vajrayana is originally an Indian production and there is plenty to go on about Vajrayana from India as well. Just not nearly as much as in Tibet as Tibet really got into documenting everything. There are many things that make Tibet interesting though. Why are you so fascinated with being so dismissive of anything you don't understand?
  20. Shamanic roots of Western World

    No, that's your illusion. I focus on the enlightened beings that were produced by Vajrayana in Tibet, and that is all. I've read plenty of Autobiographies that support this fact. I follow my interest and that's my interest. I find it a far more positive one. Just because Buddhism came to Tibet, doesn't mean the entire country of millions of people all of a sudden dropped their issues and became Buddhas! Maybe only a number of thousands of people over the past 1200 years of Buddhism in Tibet became enlightened. Who knows... maybe 10,000... 100,000, 500,000 over the last 1200 years in Tibet became enlightened while the other billions of people who have lived in Tibet over the last 1200 years did not get it and kept with their pettiness. I don't know... do you? It's all speculation. But, I'll focus on the enlightened ones, as that will help me. Focusing on the horrible things anyone does in the name of religion will not help me. Also, plenty of Shamanistic tribes did the same thing, went into war, killed entire tribes, systematically. Where does it end? Why focus on that? You like tunnels with no light in them? I've already discussed this with you ralis, but your "stale narrative" sees no rest I suppose.
  21. Shamanic roots of Western World

    That's just politics and has nothing to do with Buddhism. You choose what to focus on. Will it bring clarity about the nature of your mind, or delude it? There is also plenty of data on the Tibet of enlightened masters, there teachings and there friendliness with Bon. I'm not into those people that use religion as an excuse for their political gain. I also find it interesting that people have a tendency to focus on scandal and the dark side of things. It's one thing knowing about it, but it's another thing to become obsessed with it and let it cloud your judgement. I personally don't know if what Kingsley wrote was objective truth either as it would have to be corroborated with more than various myths or hand me down information. But, it doesn't concern me much as I'm interested in the enlightened Tibet, not the dark side of humanity that is prevalent in any culture. Oh, and here comes ralis to join in on the focus on the dark side of things. Anyway, I'm sure since you just read this book that the information is still fresh on your mind. I've never read it, so I can't say one thing about it at all. If all true and fact, then that's very sad and those people committing such atrocities were only Buddhist by name. But, there are other true stories to read that can leave a different impression on your mind. Like the Autobiography, "Blazing Splendor", or "Brilliant Moon." Anyway.. your choice. Focus on what you want, but it will mold your mind.
  22. Shamanic roots of Western World

    For a Buddha, there is no re-birth as going from realm to realm is like how we travel from country to country. There is no fear of here or there, everything is already liberated. As the first statement of the Buddha, "The mind is pure since beginningless time." A Buddha is enlightened here and now, with no where to go. The entire concern of Buddhism is the state of ones own mind and that is all, after knowing this directly... it's just about sharing. There is no end to the voyage, just an end to ignorance about it.
  23. Shamanic roots of Western World

    Samsara seen clearly is the experience of Nirvana. There is no where to go, and nothing to transcend. Where do you get this idea that Buddhists are trying to transcend anything other than ignorance? There is no transcendent absolute in Buddhism.