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Everything posted by Vajrahridaya

  1. Ok Mr. Yes me bossy. It's all information that's in Crystal and the Way of Light. It's basic and I was merely interchanging Tibetan words of which I am far from a scholar on. It's about the meaning and the inner experience, but yes... I used the wrong word. I apologize to the entire world for doing so!
  2. I've read that whole article a number of times through the year. Yes, I just read it again now and recognized my mistake.
  3. Oh never mind, Kadag is primordial purity... my mistake.
  4. Your point is? Lundrup is spoken about differently in different scholarly translations. I've seen it translated as primordial purity, instant presence, and here we see "natural formation." Sheesh... I guess it's all the same.
  5. lhundrup just means primordial purity or spontaneous presence.
  6. Sure, I agree then. I think though as one starts to really experience integration, that both distinction and non-distinction cease to have real distinction from each other. Thoughts and rigpa, mind and rigpa, impurity and purity slowly cease to have real relevance on an experiential level. Of course on a practical level, there still is, but this also ceases to become very densely different from the prier. I agree though, there is lhundrup. I'm not disagreeing with you and Namdrol is one of my main Dzogchen mentors.
  7. Sure, I still think that they say this in order to help mind let go of itself though. What else is going to recognize but mind? It's just semantics really. Experiencing Rigpa is... nothing to be talked about and everything to be said. Mind in Buddhism is generally defined as ripples, and activity, so in this sense... yes! But really... what could rigpa be beyond if nothing is established to begin with?
  8. Shamanic roots of Western World

    Ok, then I guess he is wearing a skin suit. I have friends all into this shit and I think it can drive you nuts if you let it. But, whatever... maybe it's true, I'm not convinced and have no experience to validate it, just cooked up logic, of which I've heard so much, on and on and on. It's amazing how much a pothead can talk while taking bong rips. The snake was merely considered a symbol for wisdom long ago in various traditions. These depictions could really be innocent, they really could.
  9. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    I'm glad there are a few things we can agree on.
  10. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    I'm not sure, as it's an ever evolving dynamic. I'm optimistic.
  11. True Self

  12. Shamanic roots of Western World

    There's a group of people who think the TV show V is real. As far as I have experienced, they are mostly pot heads who take everything Alex Jones says to heart.
  13. Shamanic roots of Western World

    So he's wearing a skin suit?
  14. I think it's merely semantics. I think Rigpa is just showing a person through experience that mind does not inherently exist and is merely a relative existence and this awareness is merely seeing through itself, thus self liberating and is then called as a convention, Rigpa (self liberated awareness), which is basically just mind liberated from itself.
  15. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Example: Parasitic technology would be, coal burning, and nuclear and the oil industry. Symbiotic technology would be that powered by wind, running water and solar energy. I say symbiotic because it doesn't contribute to the destruction of bio-systems and it would benefit because we'd still be around to make it and give it new birth as a contributing factor to the mutual existence of humans and technology itself. The parasitic technology will both destroy bio-systems and humans, thus it will destroy the possibility of it's own renewed existence as when we die, so does it cease to have a creator. Unless we create self evolving technology?? Then it might outlive us and out evolve us? That's just the sci-fi freak in me talking though.
  16. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    I wish you would open your heart mind, and get more creative in your thinking process and understand poetic license. From Wiki: Artistic license (also known as dramatic license, historical license, poetic license, narrative license, licentia poetica, or simply license) is a colloquial term, sometime euphemism, used to denote the distortion of fact, alteration of the conventions of grammar or language, or rewording of pre-existing text made by an artist to improve a piece of art. An example of artistic license is if a visual artist decided it was more artistically desirable to portray St. Paul's Cathedral next to the Houses of Parliament in a scene of London even though in reality they are not close together. ralis, I would say that you are more of a cubic type of thinker, abiding entirely by conventions. Which has it's place... but also has it's limitations and is kind of a bondage for you I think.
  17. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    I think it has the potential to, and it is created from life, or an extension of life. I don't think it is alive in the sense that biological systems are, some being sentient like us, and others being insentient like plants. I think computers have the potential for sentience and self evolution in theory and possibility? Technology is made of the same elements as we are, except organized differently, with less complexity, but this could change as we first evolve technology ourselves into self evolving technology in the future. I'm sure all it takes is finding the right codes and all of a sudden, technology could become sentient, in a different way than we are I think, but who really knows... do you? Also, I am using the term symbiosis in a creative and poetic sense when it comes to technology. This is called, "poetic license" and like I said, I find that you lack creativity and poetry in your thinking process. This I think is the major contributing factor to your misunderstandings concerning Buddhism and your ideas that anything you can't readily make sense of in your material based logic, is superstition. For someone with some creativity, who is not such a hard liner literalist, they can see what I mean by symbiotic and non-parasitic technology. You just have to think poetically for a second and expand your capacity a bit. Another bit of poetic thinking. There is cubic thinking and there is spherical thinking.
  18. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Technology and biological interactions can be seen as somewhat similar if you could use some creative interaction with your thought process. You have absolutely no poetry in your bones and are waaaaay too literal in your interpretation of everything thus you have a hard time seeing connections in the abstract. For instance, they have already implanted microchips into quadriplegics brains in the successful attempt to help them move a computer curser with the use of their thought waves. The microchip merged with the brain of the patients forming a symbiotic level of communication, instead of treating the microchip like a parasite and rejecting it, the brain embraced it. Maybe I should start another thread... "Are cyborgs the future?"
  19. True Self

    Because when the karmas (actions) in thought, intention and deed are focused on this as a platform for all things and beings, it absorbs them, but only to the depth and intensity of your focus, which can last eons, until the end of a cosmic eon when the rest of the universe you are occupying goes into collapse during the big crunch, this subtle attachment recycles you into the new universe ignorant of the one prier, to do the process all over again, thus true liberation is not realized. It's really hard to explain this subtle level of understanding, but the Buddha explains it well and other Buddhist masters after him. Basically, if you take your experience of faceless and formless consciousness as proof of an eternal platform that is uniform for everything, then this subtle interpretation of experience, which is non-conceptual is the actual seed for re-becoming, because emptiness and dependent origination is not realized, but rather you are merely reifying the seed agent for re-samsaric emergence. I'm trying to be as succinct, while being freakin' totally tired at the same time... and I think I'm not doing a good job. If you want to know what the Buddha taught, you'd have to really study what he taught directly. Anyway... I'm not saying that the experience is "bad" or "wrong" but that the tendency to interpret the experience as the "true Self" of all is not going to lead to final emancipation or to put it differently, is not going to lead to complete insight into the nature of yourself/others.
  20. True Self

  21. Only if you experience it as such. Making distinctions and not making distinctions is as non-dual or dual as you experience it.
  22. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Only if it becomes symbiotic and stops acting like a giant mosquito, because the Earth will reach out and swat us off if it's creators don't make a huge change. I hope as you do Sunya.
  23. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    First of all Sunya. I'm really tired from working hard all day into the night on a Rickshaw, shlepping people around town, because I have a wife to take care of who can't work in this country and have to work harder to support both of us, so I'm going to lack some clarity in expression. Second of all, I'm sorry that your experience lacks sense transcendence, but this is not my fault. This is the first time I've really mentioned as such. Plus, it's not all bad! It's all just what is... there are great things about it and bad things about it all and it's up to individuals to work out their own karma around it. I was talking to ralis about his view being trapped in this idea that because your belly's are full and you can be physically warm, that you are actually suffering less. No, for the most part, people are just too distracted to know that the 3 lower realms await them after their momentary high on sense fulfillment. Cave yogis have a better future eating nothing but dried barley every 3 days, without any feature comforts. Yes, and the resulting answer concerning these should be more of a mixed bag and not merely a black or white answer. Some of my previous reply's were quite lazy. I'm trying to stay awake so that I can fit a later schedule in order to work more prime times this coming week. But, of course, all these issues we are having globally all arise due to the lack of experience of rigpa, going back endless lifetimes for any Samsarin. That sounds pretty black and white, I know. But... they really aren't "different realms entirely." Some things about ancient cultures are better, and other things aren't. There is great benefit that could come from technology, but only if it becomes more symbiotic and less parasitic as it is right now. Like, WHY ARE WE USING NON RENEWABLE RESOURCES WHEN WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY TO USE RENEWABLE RESOURCES INSTEAD!!?? Oh yeah... duh! Profitability!! Our pyramid based economy and social system.
  24. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    I know you are but what am I? This is where I find your view too material based with little eduction and insight. Yes sure... at the same time, having any of what you take for granted won't free anyone from samsaric perspectives, of which your view of compassion seems to be based upon, as in material instead of spiritual. As if feeding the hungry is going to save people spiritually. Though of course at the same time, people who have no time to chant, meditate and contemplate because they're too busy trying to feed their kids, will not benefit from spiritual teachings as well. But, these Buddhist monasteries that you hate soo much actually do clothe, feed and help many kids out of previously impoverished conditions, as well as teach them things they can take into the next life. You seem to want to focus on the corruption and sex scandals, as if they are the proof that religion doesn't work? I think your perspective on this subject is deeply narrowed by your lack of de-conditioned inner experience.
  25. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Tibets problems right now are caused by the Chinese. Did NOBODY bother to watch the segment I posted from The Gods Must Be Crazy?? If not... then never mind.