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Everything posted by Vajrahridaya

  1. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    His perspective seems more matter based rather than spirit based. Lower 3 chakras instead of upper 4. Of course they should be balanced, but it's like he's out of left field and I'm in right field. I may need some left field, but he seems to need plenty of right.
  2. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    That's not what I mean, more that you're perception seems trapped by material conditioning, the 5 senses... etc. Your perspective of other cultures always seems to dwell more in the glass is half empty type of thinking. You always like to bring up, "what is/was wrong" instead of what was/is right about these cultures. This deludes your clarity and disallows you to see more objectively, just as you accuse me of the same. I think you misjudge due to a lack of insight into the nature of things. I think your perspective reveals a deep flaw in your interpretation of experience in general and I'm not talking merely conceptual either.
  3. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    I think you're talking about yourself again ralis.
  4. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Those aren't the kind of problems that I'm talking about, which might have worked themselves out? Or not. I'm talking about major overpopulation due to the technology of food manufacturing. But really, it's so complex at this point and China was good at technology quite early on as well as the Europeans, so... it's not really just white man per say. I guess I'm just bored and falling back on old slightly under-informed thoughts of my past. There really isn't a simple answer or example, or single cause at all really. But, that segment from The Gods Must Be Crazy sure is powerful. Sure, obliteration of the Buffalo in Native America and displacement of Native heritage to the point of extinction, kind of like what the Chinese are doing to Tibetans and their culture in Tibet. That is just one. I see him as being overly Materialistic.
  5. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Food development and food dissemination. Before the 19th century, and after is huge. Yes, I know that you are filled with resent ralis, this is obvious. I actually had no idea what your race was, just your opinions seem pretty white washed. I don't agree with your damning of native cultures and their ancient traditions. You should watch the segment I posted from "The Gods Must Be Crazy."
  6. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    I agree, so let there be balance between Eastern spiritual benefit and Western material benefit. Yes, I'm looking forward to visiting places like Ladakh and Dharamsala.
  7. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Oh wait... here we go!
  8. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Much of what is happening in these other, what you think of as "lesser" countries is a direct result of Western Technology and materialism invading and taking over the world. Not all, but at this point, most. Honestly, I think if "white man" had of never ventured to conquer the planet, many of the problems in these "savage" countries would have never happened. Have you seen, "The Gods must be crazy?" You should, if you haven't. At least the beginning of it. Railroads, mills... so much has contributed to over population without considering how entirely different of a type of mind these cultures used to have. When I say used to, I mean that so many of these spiritually advanced cultures are being poisoned by the type of materialistic mentality that occupies your brain ralis.
  9. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Nice to meet your mirror from the other direction? Hi ralis.
  10. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    What is sacrificed for the ideal and focus on material gain?
  11. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Yes, that'd be great! But, alas, it's Communist China now and not really Tibet anymore...
  12. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Ok, have it your way. I know what I know... I think what you focus on out there, and how you interpret things as the information comes in through your senses is reflective of what you know about yourself from within.
  13. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    You obviously know very little about it. Tibet had a center and even a University where they studied the medicine practices from great ancient doctors of TCM, Ayurveda, and middle eastern forms of traditional medicine as well, incorporating all of this information into it's own many, many centuries ago. I forgot the name of the university in Tibetan, but it translated as "World of Medicine" I think. But, they have categorized thousands upon thousands of diseases with variations and their traditional cures through traditional means with variations depending upon climate, time of year, body types, pulse types... etc.
  14. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    I agree. There are documented cases of cancer being eradicated or highly abated by traditional medicine and methods from China, Tibet or Native Americans, using Herbs and energy manipulation methods. As well as other things like Aids were abated through these traditional techniques where Western medicine failed these people, Eastern medicine did not. They should really join forces! But, Western medications are too high of a profit for our corporate run and enslaved country and political system. Tibet also used to do surgery as a regular practice, even brain and heart surgery with regular success. But, one mistake was made many centuries ago on a princess or queen or someone of that sort who died, and it was outlawed across Tibet by the rulers of the time. I think this was sometime before the advent of Buddhism in Tibet. I read it in an Autobiography by a Tibetan Doctor of Medicine as the surgery is documented but the methods outlawed.
  15. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Exactly my point. This is your conditioning. All this popularly excepted BS passed on as objective fact in school after school, with no heart opened insight or intuition to balance it out. Just cold, hard, linear and materialistic thinking. boring.
  16. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    That's not my perspective! I think there are soooo many positive things about Western society. When I say ralis is Western, I mean overly so, in that sense that he is flawed in his judgement of less materialistically developed countries that are more spiritually developed. The West is far more materialistically developed in both positive and negative ways, and I think the East needs to be balanced by it as the West needs Eastern spirituality to balance it out, kind of like the right and left hemispheres of the brain. I multi-task on the computer. So, actually... you can project your Freudian ideas all over me if you want, but you really don't know the nuances of my home situation or my time. Plus yes, at times I post something, then I think of something that is clarifying. If that's a fragile ego to you... so be it!! I'm fragile and breakable, bendable and burnable. I am just a Buddhist, not a Buddha. Actually, there have been many mistakes in Tibetan culture, as well as over argumentation, segregation and I could go on and on about the negative things that have happened culturally in Tibet over it's centuries. I just don't focus on the problems, even though I know they were there and focus on what is good for me and what I feel society in general could benefit from. Vajrayana should be preserved and Tibet preserved it during a time when it virtually disappeared in India. I'm not trying to preserve the mistakes the masses made, anywhere. Well sure you've heard it, but... It could just be your limited perspective. Thanks!
  17. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    That's left moves the right and right the left.
  18. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Of course you use your whole brain. The metaphor is merely referencing the association of logic vs. intuition, of which the two should be in balance. I was mostly saying that your heart doesn't seem very open at all. I was trying to be nice about it though. I don't know about your upbringing, just what you bring up in here which must reflect something of your conditioning. Oh sure! There are plenty of individuals from any walks of life with individual opinions about things. Does he have an avid interest in Tibetan Buddhism, it's goals, and practices? You are free to eat the fruit of your perspective and I'll eat mine. Your take on Tibet as a "third world culture" from your chair sitting in a world filled with obesity, depression and suicide, where we spend most of our taxes on weaponry and personal money on pleasure seeking is quite reflective of your state of mind. Thank you for that clarity. I'm very glad I don't know you in person.
  19. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    No, the philosophy is deconstructing, but the experience is dissolving and illuminating through relaxing into the radiance of the elements, and not just physical relaxation either but psychological all through the layers of personal consciousness.
  20. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Of course you would have all these thoughts ralis, it's reflective of your lack of real investigation transcending your own upbringing. I've read plenty of autobiographies from various Tibetans, both Vajra Masters and common folk. They say something different from your Western minded projections, which you are welcome to by the way. Yes, life was hard... but their depth of faith and practice made them softer. While you seem harder due to the way you seem to live from your Western construction. This is merely my assumption based upon what I've seen of you here. I'll live more from my right side of the brain, balancing with the left and you can try to do the opposite as that's your prerogative.
  21. True Self

    Yes, of course. Nagarjunas two truths paradigm. I prefer Dzogchens one truth paradigm where you just stay in the middle experientially, but yes. Concepts will always reveal paradox.
  22. sub me dawgz

  23. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    Yes, but was he peaceful, free from inner turmoil, spontaneously joyous, compassionate and loving? Who knows? I don't know.
  24. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    First it would be better to compare with Yantra Yoga or Trul Khor as Vajra Dance is more of a merging the rigpa state of mind with body movement and not so much with energy manipulation. So, your entire comparison is really quite a bad one too, being based upon the premise of choosing the wrong process or practice to compare from. Second, your projections are funny! Like a child grasping at a toy placed on a shelf too high above his head, unable to reach it and play with it, he tells stories to himself about what it might be like and in his innocent naiveté, believes these self made stories to be true. Jalus (Body of Light) is not a process of de-construction, but rather dissolving and relaxing. If your lifes goal is merely longevity and is not enlightenment? Then I can understand how you would think the goal of Dzogchen might be lofty and "spaced out dude." George Burns lived to be 100 and he smoked cigars with a much higher level of any form of toxin than cigs. So again, your comparison is rather undernourished. Also this whole idea of yours of Buddhism being merely some sort of de-construction process is quite false. It's also a process of developing ones energy through the body and power of mind. One uses the philosophy of self de-construction in order to have awareness of the parts that make up Bens ego. So it's foolishness can be better understood. From the way you talk, I wonder what you think about the Chinese invasion of Tibet? Also, Tibetan Medicine could also revolutionize Western Health Care.
  25. is it possible to hurt yourself by meditating?

    The beginner 9 movements is very easy to learn. I learned them in one training session and continued at home with the VHS. Also, Vinyasa is not as precise about the breathing with the flow of movement as Yantra Yoga. I've done both for years, well Vinyasa for longer. My mother did this and other forms of Hatha yoga while I was in the womb and my first coordinated body movements were in fact hatha yoga postures due to my mothers daily practice during her 9 months with me. Hmmm... Tenzin Wangyal is