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Everything posted by Enishi

  1. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Good suggestion center. Seeing a provider is how I got over my own blocks and lost my virginity as well. It's not the 'best' option IMO but if you find an escort who is genuinely kind it can really help.
  2. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Nature and genetics can seem unfair at times, but one should not lose hope. Attraction works on a bit of a curve I've noticed. The range of people you are attracted to depend partly on your own self-perception of your attractiveness and social position. Now that I'm 29 I feel more attracted to women in the 29-35 range then I did when I was 19. Perhaps when I'm 39 I will feel more attracted to 40+ women than I do now.
  3. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Several years ago when I was much more focused on my writing I actually had several very hot women express interest me, but sadly, due to the stupid Christian programming I still had at the time, I didn't make any moves. When you're devoted to a passion which isn't directly related to romance, women notice. Non, seriously, I think you obsess too much over abstract thoughts. Abstract yang thinking can be both a very powerful tool and a very powerful prison. For example: "80% of the acres in this forest have only black crows, therefore trying to find white crows here is mostly futile." On an abstract level this is a decent description, but it can also be binding. In conversation and inner thought, "80% of crows here are black" becomes "Crows in this forest are black". More emotional types will yell "No way not all crows are black!", forgetting that it's just a generalized description used for the sake of ease and brevity and that it isn't always necessary to put PC qualifiers like "some" "many" "not all all" in every sentence. However, "crows are black" still has a binding power over your mind if you repeat it too much. To escape the binding affect abstract thoughts can have on your reality, stop thinking so much about whether the crows are black or white!
  4. Organic Farming: The revolution of the future.

    Even if a replacement for petroleum is found, it would take decades to convert our entire infrastructure over. In addition, a growing population strains other resources besides just that of fossil fuels. I agree that a great reduction in population is pretty much inevitable. For many of us in western countries, having kids is already too expensive. (Sets aside money for a future vasectomy).
  5. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    That has not been the experience of some men I've talked to who went to live and work in Asia/Latin America. Breaking out of the nerdy mold is still required to an extent no matter where you go IMO, but there ARE cultural differences that influence whether you are considered alpha/beta. In the case of the aforementioned men, it's possible that the exotic element of coming from an outside culture, combined with having an accent, increased their 'alpha' image. I do agree though that a general trend of Aphas for sex, Betas for $$tability can be observed just about anywhere. I have a pet theory that the type of role married men play in Western societies is fundamentally different than that of married men in pre-industrial agricultural societies, or hunter-gatherer societies. The type of work they do and the authority they wield is more akin to that of the male heads of the household in horticultural matrifocal/matrilineal societies. Such men were not husbands, they were the womens' BROTHERS. This would go a long way towards explaining why so many wives start feeling like their husband is more of a brother/friend after several years of marriage. If society starts to move in a more horticultural direction (which I believe may be necessary to survive for economic and environmental reasons) I also suspect that many men will just stay with their sisters and mother and not marry. If he has any self-respect or spine at all, a man should NEVER be a beta provider to a woman who does not feel the same passion for him as she did for 'that guy' at the club who could dance well/flirt well/whatever.
  6. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    That pre-med, nerdy guy needs to let go of his delusions and break up with that girl. She obviously doesn't love him, lmao. He should go date in an asian country. He would probably be happier there.
  7. Body armour, trauma, David Berceli

    This interests me. I just ordered the DVD online.
  8. I don't have anything wrong with the idea of the inner influencing the outer...but I'm bothered by what seems to me to be a simplistic assumption that the "outer" (other people) will automatically treat you well if the "inner" is "good". There have been plenty of native tribes who were living relatively peacefully when hierarchical civilizations came in and started oppressing them. Were they attracting negative circumstances? O.o Was Hitler "good" because the germans idolized him for a fair portion of his life? It makes more sense to me that even a harmonious and peaceful person would attract some bad circumstances as a means of testing their soul. Even if they act in a good manner the "bad" aspects are perhaps still in their subconscious and can never be fully removed.
  9. A friend of mine refers to himself as a shaman. Shamanic initiation HAPPENING TO a potential shaman rather than someone choosing to become a shaman in the same way you might choose to practice yoga is basically how he described it to me. For awhile I was confused as to why he was adamant about not learning from human teachers and would only listen to spirits, but now I understand it a little better. It's really not something the average person should want to seek out either, unless for some reason you don't mind going through several years of physical and mental torture.
  10. Chi of a beautiful person

    I work at a large organization that is quite PC. I've seen people get fired before for trying to flirt with a woman who wasn't attracted to them. At one point I merely leaned around the side of a female coworker to type something into a computer and she misinterpreted it based on her own subjective perceptions and accused me of harassment. Fortunately my manager let it go when I explained things, but it could have been much worse. Minus any accusations, even the relationship drama I have seen play out is not something I want any part of. Therefore, my workplace is a no go. I agree about foreign girls being laid back. I suppose it depends on the area of the US one is in (some areas like Seattle are reportedly quite anti-social while others are more happy go lucky) but certain areas are pretty much a no go IMO. One of these is university environments (thank god I've finally graduated). The Chances of Holding Your Son Responsible for a Rape He Didn’t Commit Have Just Skyrocketed
  11. Chi of a beautiful person

    Generalizations are ultimately abstract descriptions that may not be true on an individual level. They can however describe general trends among groups. In my own case, I feel nervous approaching or interacting with women outside of "socially accepted" venues for meeting women in the US like bars or clubs as I do not want to be accused of sexual harassment/rape. This limits me to either clubs/bars or meeting women through mutual friends. The claim that "nice guys finish last" does hold water if you are talking about the generalized experiences of young men in regards to many 18-30 year old women who frequent clubs and bars. It may be this environment that Non is thinking of in many of his posts. Most of the women who show strong interest in me in those environments are usually 30+ and have gained a lot of weight or have baggage from past failed relationships. Basically, those I don't feel all that attracted to. Honestly speaking, the thought of "settling" for them incenses me as those same women probably rejected guys like me back when they were younger and had more options. Most of my positive experiences that belied the above description came from dating outside the US or meeting women through mutual friends online.
  12. most blissfull practice?

    Building up a charge in the belly with inner smile/perineum pumping, then projecting love down towards the Earth. Projecting love up towards the shen chi of the heavens works as well, but that really gives me more of a "void" experience than a blissful one.
  13. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I think there is some truth to this, but I partly disagree in the sense that it makes it seem like things will only return to normal if a man makes all the inner changes while the woman sits around waiting. IMO women should take responsibility for working through their own conditioning rather than expecting the men to fix everything.
  14. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    With the exception of some rock stars, PUAs and prostitutes, very very few people have had hundreds, much less thousands, of partners. I actually know a woman who once worked as a prostitute and had hundreds of partners. She ended up marrying a 100 % shy virgin nice guy (minus the low self esteem traits) from a different country. His accent and the exotic element of coming from a foreign culture probably did increase his image of 'alphaness' in her eyes, but he was still 100% pure grass-fed niceness. I suppose one could claim that she was faking her interest in him, but when you hear someone having screaming orgasms within earshot of dozens of other friends during a camping trip, that notion becomes quite hard to swallow. This is, of course, very much an exception.
  15. Leaving aside the issue of superpowers for the moment (imo everyone has some level of skill with telepathy, chi control or conscious influence over their life circumstances, even if they don't utilize it), the impression I have gotten from various Buddhist writers and the traditional descriptions of Enlightenment in other systems is that it entails absolute wisdom and freedom from all forms of character defects. Therefore, by that description, it would seem to me that a fully enlightened individual would be utterly incapable of internally disagreeing with another fully enlightened individual on, say, politics or cultural issues. What I wonder is if there is indeed no final perfection, only a state wherein one is far more skilled adapting and maintaining balance. I suppose it would be useful as well to differentiate between an Awakening wherein on starts to see the nature of the self, and a "final" enlightened state that implies the aforementioned perfection.
  16. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    The advice that is given in these threads tends to be all over the place. "Don't bother with spiritual practices, seek out a woman to date!" "Stop looking for a woman, it turns them off, just do spiritual practices." Personally I like the advice to "learn how to forget and go with the flow, have pleasurable energy and no longer look for anything or give a crap."
  17. IMO the two are separate. As others mentioned, one of the two (psychological maturity) is also culturally relative. I've found that if you research the opinions of those who are said to be enlightened, they still have differing views in regards to things like politics. Even if enlightenment makes it easier for you to work through and let go of core beliefs, I think that one will always have some of them. Even if those beliefs are relative, they are necessary to an extent to function in the physical world. One should just admit to themselves that they never were and never will be right or completely rational about everything and try to make do the best they can.

    Looking back on this now does make me feel rather silly. For about a year I had taken the bait in regards to Verdesi's material. The thought of finding the "best" system out there and being able to burn newspapers with my DBZ chi was too tempting to pass up on. Thanks goodness I'm more grounded now and have other good teachers. Burning newspapers in order to experience the mysterious and incredible is NOT necessary. Regular telepathy, lucid dreaming experiences and transferring healing, feelings and knowledge via projecting chi has been more than enough in the siddhi department. Thinking back on it now I HAVE actually witnessed a friend who went through a shamanic initiation emitting strong heat from their hands. It was awhile back so it's too hard to know now whether my memory is faulty, but it was still a noteworthy experience. I'm more skeptical of the idea that John Chang actually set those newspapers on fire with chi, even starting a relatively small flame takes a LOT condensed of heat. Thank god I only paid for the chi kung training in Oregon and not the full $7500 trip to China.
  19. This thought just came to me: What are the options for someone who doesn't want to repress their sexual energy, doesn't want to indulge in the cycle of porn, fantasy and addiction, but also wants to avoid actual sex and relationships due to the danger of heartbreak or getting screwed over (alimony, false rape accusations, cheating, etc)?
  20. Your guys thoughts on Ron Paul?

    I'm not sure if I'd label myself as a libertarian anymore (at least not in the lewrockwell, mises vein) but I do consider freewill to be of paramount importance. Further in the past I drifted away from liberalism when I realized many liberals are just as moralistic and controlling as conservatives, if not more so. I think the area where some libertarians lose support is in their seeming support of big business. Greater freedom would also include communal land ownership and worker owned businesses, which would go a long way towards fixing the imbalances in the world.
  21. I WANT to see scalar/electro-gravity receive more attention, but I think most of humanity isnt psychologically ready for it just yet. For now thorium, solar and geothermal is the best bet.
  22. It has been my perception that women tend to project their own psyche onto other women and feel a sense of solidarity with the female gender much more than men do with other men. I don't feel a strong sense of connection with most men and it baffles me why women seem to feel this connection with "the sisterhood", even if other woman might have a far more different personality than her! I know a couple women who don't think this way, but they seem to be the exception. Thus, many women assume other women think the same. The ones who say "I'm not like that! I like nice guys!" and are being honest with themselves are usually either much older than the age range I feel attracted to or are already taken. However, they project their own psyche onto younger women who may make the same claims. Those younger women frequently prove that they in fact ARE "like that" through their mate selection.
  23. Major component of evolution theory proven wrong

    Here's an interesting post I found which ties in to this discussion: Pre-Adaptation?
  24. Chi Kung Q&A with Sifu Dan Ferrera

    Many thanks!!