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Everything posted by Enishi

  1. KAP

    I agree that breaking mahogany with two fingers or getting a skeptic to feel chi should NOT be one's main goal, but I do also think that seeing direct confirmation of the non-local/non-physicalist aspect of reality at some point in one's path can be a powerful experience of mental confirmation and inspiration.
  2. I hear ya Agape, the learning curve with PUA is VERY steep. If there's a nice balance, building up better 'game' and masculine energy without having to deal with the constant tension and frustration of spending many hours a week approaching women and pissing away tons of dollars driving to clubs while wondering if it's all for naught I very much want to know about it. Admittingly, I have been told by those who have traveled to other countries that the whole "women prefer assholes" phenomena is more of a distinctly American neurosis. Travel to Latin America, Europe or Asia and its not so pronounced. Of course, moving to another country isn't currently within my means, sigh.
  3. More testosterone + greater focus on abstract thinking = greater drive to create something which has a greater impact (whether for good or worse) IMO. Both sexes are creative, just that since most human civilization is very yang skewed, we tend to notice the stuff which is more 'yang', active and outward changing, etc.
  4. KAP

    Sometimes general marketing techniques are needed to reach your audience. Thus far, praciticing KAP has given me more energy and helped to greatly reduce the near constant depression I was experiencing several months ago. It was most definitely NOT a waste of time in my case.

    You need pre 4.0 skype I've just been told. Also enter Santiago Dobles if you want him to add you.

    I can't seem to reach the public chat either, it says it isnt available for the latest version of skype...
  7. hello

  8. Semen Retention & Modern Day Society

    Hmm. I practiced retention once for 3 weeks without any emissions. Looking back on it now though, my method was probably not very smart. I still masturbated occasionally while trying to draw the aroused energy upward, just not to the point of ejaculation. I was also still looking at da sexy pictures here and there. I did a bit of meditation here and there, but no chi kung. After the first 9 days, every time I saw an attractive woman walk by I would feel like her breasts were sending out an astral projection which would physically bonk me on the forehead. My balls were frequently sore and I constantly felt like I had to go to the bathroom. I'm glad I didn't try to extend it any further than 3 weeks.... I did notice a boost in mental clarity and peace and a reduced need for sleep though.
  9. I think overpopulation and destruction of the nutrient content of the soil would get much, much worse if fusion or some of the theoretical zero point technologies I hear about were ever implemented.
  10. Physical age vs. Soul age

    As long as someone is mature enough to be in a relationship, I don't see any problem with great age differences. With one married couple I know, the woman is 36 and the guy is 26, and they have one of the strongest relationships I've seen. A 19 year old female friend of mine has a better head on her shoulder than most of the 30 something nurses I work with as well.
  11. Psychic Training

    Thx Capitol. Yeah, karma is really much more than "he did this, he is a bad boy!" type deal. Some with a more simplistic exoteric understanding might think in terms of "you deserve this because you did something in a previous life" but the reality is much more complex. We inherit the destiny of past actions by our ancestors, both on a personal and a collective level, sometimes even if we ARE good and have a positive outlook. Part of the whole point of spiritual practice is to overcome and transmute karma. Change your inner vibrational makeup and you can change your own karma and that of others as well.
  12. inacuracies / lies in magus of java

    Speaking of which, I've often wondered myself if the description of the DBZesque battle between the two masters which left large areas of a forest decimated 'as if bombs had been dropped' was an extreme exaggeration...
  13. Psychic Training

    Karma is just vibrational cause and effect, it has little to do with human concepts like 'justice' or "he deserved/didn't deserve this".
  14. Psychic Training

    One pet theory I've had for some time is that the karma of some people quite literally prevents them from seeing something which could change their mind about paranormal stuff. Either their closemindedness functions as a form of bad karma, or their good karma actually shields them from seeing something which could unbalance them at that point in their individual path.
  15. Retention and Neediness

    Personally speaking, I've experienced a far greater energy drain when wanking to porn (especially if its around noon or the early afternoon) as opposed to releasing when I'm with someone I like.
  16. John Chang Video

    The thing which most impressed me about Wang Liping's story was not so much the powers and wisdom itself, as it was the almost superhuman level of time, effort and hardship required to attain them. Attaining greater health, joy, a stronger and higher frequency energy body, the ability to help others, coming into greater contact with the other side of reality, all of those things are possible in this lifetime. Attaining Wang Liping's level, well, that is a different matter altogether it seems. It was Liping's MASTERS who sought HIM out. And truth be told, I don't really have the desire nor the discipline to spend several hours a day meditating over a cesspit. I now feel quite foolish for thinking I could attain John Chang or Wang Lipings level if only I could train under Verdesi. Seeking the Tao should be one's goal. Whether it leads one to Wang Liping's attainments in this lifetime or another is not the main goal, the main goal is the path itself.
  17. David Verdesi Foundation

    I don't like the idea of this, it almost sounds like a Randi type setup wherein they go in with the specific intent of discrediting someone (despite claiming otherwise). Although I did take the chi kung seminar with Jette back in 2008, I've decided not to train with David at the moment. This is partly due to the money issues, partly due to my own skepticism as a result of the controversial issues surrouding David which have been discussed here, and also due to the fact that I'm preoccupied with KAP and it's giving me more immediate benefits. I would also choose a seminar with Wang Liping, Laoshi or Kathy Li over David. However, I'm still open to the idea that he does have some legitimate ability, and that much of the controversy and confusion surrounding him is actually a means of separating the more devoted and disciplined students from the ones who will slack off in their practice for whatever reason (as I did with the Xing Sheng Zhaung form). To be quite honest, I'm find the outright hatred some members are displaying towards Verdesi, despite not knowing the whole story or having even met him, to be distasteful.
  18. As of late I've started wondering to myself whether the anxiety and discomfort I feel in clubs and other crowded social situations is due to my own faults (as some of my friends assert) and lack of grounding, or me being more sensitive to spiritualy toxic atmospheres (something which others might lack). Case in point, I usually go to goth clubs which play industrial music. This is not so much due to a great love of that form of music on my part, as it is many of my friends being into that scene. In addition, I feel more "in my element" at these venues, as I share more interests with the people there than I do those at sports bars. However, on halloween night, the club I went to was absolutely PACKED. Constant, blaring in my ears noise, hundreds of drunk people pushing against me from front to back and side to side. I wasn't all that inebriated either, so I didn't have the alcohol to act as a relaxant. My gf even noticed how anxious I felt. Social situations have gotten better for me ever since I started KAP, but I still can't stand noisy, drunken, over-crowded events like the above. If anything, I feel like my alarm bells are going off MORE than they were before I started KAP. Anyway, at this point I'm left wondering, how much of this is ME? How much of it is just a lack of confidence or rooting? Am I SUPPOSED to enjoy these kinds of environments like everyone else? Will it get better in time as I improve my ability to root? *Throws up hands in frustration*
  19. That isn't always the case at the club in question. Many of the people who go there are drug addicts or have mental issues.
  20. Taoist View on Vegetarianism

    Vegetarianism is something which has always sounded "right" to me from a purely logical/ethical standpoint, but also "feels" wrong on a gut level. Humans have been eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years, and some of the biggest meat eater tribes, like the Masai, are much stronger than their neighbors. I know it IS necessary in some traditions at specific points in time, but I'm very skeptical of any claims that my eating grass-feed beef is an evil action and I'll be reborn as a cow as a result (why is being reborn as an animal such a bad thing anyway? they're another aspect of the Tao, just like us)
  21. Why do we disagree so much?

    Although the Buddhism/D.O. vs. everything else debates are getting a bit tiresome, the level of debate and controversy I've seen on this forum over the past three years is actually pretty mild. Several years ago I used to participate on several astral projection forums, and got into battles frequently, taking the side of a friend withmore psychic ability than myself. Astral projecting into alternate fictional worlds, archangel channelings, arguments about psychic attacks vs positive thinking, my god, the battles never ended on the AP forums. I now deeply regret all that wasted time. I've also seen much more nasty debates on other forums concerning Obama supporters vs detractors, feminists vs. men's rights activists, 9/11, the list goes on and on. Most people on here are quite civil in my experience.
  22. K.A.P Full moon Shaktipat tonight on skype

    Excellent, I was feeling like I needed some more Shakti.
  23. Spontaneous Kundalini Experience

    For myself, I am trying to get more disciplined with my seated practice. Truth be told though, some of the best meditation moments I've had over the past couple months have occured when I was performing KAP exercises while doing other things like moving around at work, school, hanging with friends, walking through the park or even when daydreaming. Whenever I sit down with the mentality of "ok, it's time for me to WORK" I generally dont have as deep of a practice and have trouble staying motivated. Years of dysfunctional public schooling have taught me to despise anything that feels like WORK, and try to find ways to get around it.