Brother K

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Everything posted by Brother K

  1. Wei Wu Wei anyone?

    I have not read anything by Weu Wu Wei but I intend on buying Fingers Pointing Towards the Moon: Reflections of a Pilgrim on the Way next week when some money comes my way. I was wondering if anyone here has read him and if it is worth buying all his books and if someone could recommend an order I should read them in or just jump in and hold on.
  2. Personal Practice subforum

    The title description in the Tao Lounge says all we have to do to get one is ask, but does not direct one where or whom to ask, so I ask here I guess. Thanks in advance.
  3. Personal Practice subforum

    I am letting you know that I have not heard back from anyone about and would really like to begin posting in a personal practice journal. Thanks for any help. Brother K.
  4. Sex, Health, and Long Life

    I recently found a copy of a book I thought I had lost;Sex, Health, and Long Life Trans. by: Cleary and was wondering if anyone had used any of the techniques in the book or if people had any thoughts in general on this text.
  5. What Do Monks Eat Everyday?

    Thank you for the info and views on various monastic diets. I have been looking for diet information for a while on here and read though may long threads on the subject but I think I go the most practical information from your reply. Thank You again.
  6. Sexual Energy

    Who are "some" and if you can't transmute sexual energy then what can you do with it? Is it a waste of energy? So if that is true is sexual arousal also a waste of energy? I ask this because I am beginning some Taoist alchemy practices and sexual arousal is on my mind as I am very sexual being and have been trying to get a grasp on retention.
  7. Who here practices alchemy?

    Thank you Xeno for the link to such a great thread. I have been on here for a week or so now and I am still going through all the back post. I have been working with the basic alchemy exercises now and in a month I am going to begin in earnest. Right now I am staying with a friend in his living room. But at the end of June I am getting a apt. with a friend, so I will have my own space to work in. I also advise watching Darin's youtube videos to hear his experienced views on Taoist alchemy.
  8. Alchemy Conference

    Thought you all might be interested to know there is going to be an International Alchemy Conference in Oct. in the City of Angels. Mantak Chia is speaking and they list Taoist alchemy as one of the topics for the conference. here is a link to the website:
  9. What is a good breakfast for a TaoBum?

    I had lots of questions in this regard also and you should try the search function on the forums, search for Taoist Diet there are many long threads on this topic.
  10. Buddhism transcends the Tao

    I could not agree more. I come at Taoism from a Ceremonial magickian stand point and my view is that ANY path actually FOLLOWED is worthy. They all lead hopefully to the permanent union with the Tao, God, other plane, what ever you choice to call it. The reason I came to this path is because most of the people in CM seem to spend countless hours arguing about the "correct" way to do something instead of doing anything, or even trying anything. How many magickian does it take to change a light bulb? All of them, one to change it and the rest of them to tell them they are doing it wrong. So lets not do that on this forum. I am new here and I am actually blown away because I am learning so much from people who actually understand the THEORY of what they actually PRACTICE. That is so rare in this world, lets just keep up the good work.
  11. I have since moved on to move advanced text in my practice, but this is the short on me that got me started:
  12. Personal Practice subforum

    Okay I will do thanks.
  13. This video was pretty good as I have just started reading The Secret of the Golden Flower I think it will help me understand some of the terms used. I really enjoyed your Taoist Alchemy videos alot too. Very good and lot of goods beginner info.
  14. Interesting as a very new member it seems to be good and I am enjoying the conversations so far, you get dramatic lulls in any group. So we must think of ways to spice it up then and keep things interesting for everyone. What sort of things do you want to talk about? post topics and we will see if we can get people to discuss them.
  15. The 4 hour work week

    I had read his blog off and on for a little while and got the audio book version of it and listened to most of it on a cross country train trip and then bought the book upon my arrival and find it to be one of the books I recommend most to people now. I think everyone should read it, you will get something out it.
  16. Taoist Vagabond

    Greeting fellow Taoist and Bums I am currently attempting to live the life of a true vagabond and Taoist. I have been traveling and "living off the land" for a year now. I have been a Taoist most of my life my Father is a Taoist so I grew up with the philosophy in me. Now that I am getting to middle age I am seeking a community of like minded people and having problems finding it in "real" life, so I was looking around and found this group and hope to gain some fellowship in these forums with other Taoist Bums like myself. Glad to have found you all and I look forward to reading your wisdom and insights and hope that I can bring something to the group. Your in the Sacred Science, Brother K.
  17. I agree with everything you said and want. I myself feel this same way.I have decided to take to the road for this release from society. It has proven to be the most amazing, enlightening experience of my whole life. I think you should decide what you want and do it. I have yet to practice Neikung at all, but do practice a lot of traditional Pranayama yoga. The two things that helped me realize how to achieve my life on my own terms which is what it sounds like you want too, am I right? Are the following two books: I think Vagabonding is required reading for anyone who is thinking about beginning this path in earnest. If you don't just want to talk about it, but actually do it. Get that book and read it cover to cover. Most libraries have it if you do not want to purchase it. Also I advise the study of lightweight backpacking, and reading Walden. I do agree with some of the above. I think the answer is sooner or later to go to Asia. I myself and going to spend sometime walking in Spain and then head off to South East Asia for an extended period of time. Keep me posted on your progress I am always interested in how this life works out for other people also.
  18. Run off poll for book club selection

    Okay I am new here as some of you know and would like to start the book club as soon as possible. I am reading all the post in thie sub forum and was not sure if we are going to stick to the polling system or so the other method. I was wondering if we knew yet. I would like to get in on the polling system, I think it will open us up to more books and ones that we may not have read, even heard of, or given a fair chance in the past. What if we suggested books for the poll and then you choice the top two or three and posted those for the poll. I may be mistaken but I do not see a poll for June's book yet and was wondering if anyone had thought about it much.
  19. You should read everything by Phillip K Dick he wrote almost exclusively on this topic. especially his last three novels which are said to be the Valis trilogy, these include Valis, The Divine Invasion, and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer. Also I think the proper order of Iain M. Banks Culture novels is: Consider Phlebas, Player of Games, Matter, and a new one called Use of Weapons.
  20. The Tao of Leadership

    I am obsessive collector of different translations and interpretations of The Tao Teh Ching so usually when I run across one I have not seen or heard of I get it without even thinking twice or looking into it very much till afterwords. This was the case with the version I am currently studying it is called The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Teh Ching adapted for a New Age by: John Heider. I bought this at a used bookstore here that always gets great Taoist text and set it on a shelf and did not touch it for months until a week or so ago and now I am slowly reading it and finding that it is one of my favorite translations of the text. So I was wondering if anyone else owned or a read a copy of this book and wanted to discuss it by itself or in relation to other versions of the text.
  21. The I Ching

    The best way I have found to describe it, is it is a teacher a guide for those of us who are not lucky enough to have access to a physical teacher. I have used it and many other things for divination but have since abandon those things. Now I use the I Ching strictly as a guidance tool, and it serves me well. riverheron recommended a book above on I Ching describing a way to use it without using coins, stalks, or seeds and it sounds interesting, and in that vein I recommend a book by western sex magick expert Louis Culling called "Incredible I Ching" it is a book on intuitive interpretation of the hexagram after one arrives at that after using coins, stalks, or seeds. Here is a link to those that are interested: With all that said I have almost always used the Wilhelm version of the Book, but have recently got a copy of The Taoist I Ching by: C;eary and find it also very good and useful. I have about 10 different versions/translations in my possession, but those are the two I use the most. I hope this helps you see the point of such a rich and wonderful system of teaching that should not be overlooked by anyone.
  22. On becoming a wandering monk

    I might take you up on that offer. I am thinking of doing the Camino in either April/May or August/Sept. depends on what is going on here. But I would love to come down there and meet you and hang out for a couple of days. Thank you so much for the offer Brother. It means a lot to me and others like me.
  23. On becoming a wandering monk

    Trust me if you are open to new possibilities you will see that people will open up to you and it won't seem like taking advantage of anyone. You just must read Vagabonding, he covers all the issue you were asking about and also, and more importantly how to deal with all the people who will not understand what you are doing and why? I have not left anywhere I have stayed without the people thanking me for being there. You can private message me and I will share my experiences with you and help you out if you are serious about this path.
  24. I believe that by the letting go of the ego and trusting in the Tao that that trust, that intangible force in the universe will support you, but you must first overcome your ego thoughts about what may or may not happen once you have achieved this state of being and just do it. I know it is easier said than done, but I think it is the goal of all mystic paths. As you know we all rot and die. I do not think this state of being will cause that to happen any faster, but it is true you may lose your house. Truly undertaking any mystic path such as this requires one to give up the fears of the ego and trust in your self, your inner being. What you want to achieve is in fact a paradigm shift and these shifts come with a price, but the reward is better than you can imagine. So just do it.