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About forestofclarity

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    Nowhere to Abide

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  1. Transcendence vs Integration

    From the Mahamudra Aspiration Prayer, trans McLeod: It doesn’t exist: even buddhas do not see it. It doesn’t not exist: it is the basis of samsara and nirvana. No contradiction: the middle way is union. May I know the pure being of mind, free of extremes.
  2. Transcendence vs Integration

    In this case, I would say whatever one refers to as the Self is not beyond mind, but is the essence of mind.
  3. Transcendence vs Integration

    If minds were truly separated, how would we communicate? And what would form the edge or boundary?
  4. Transcendence vs Integration

    This sounds very similar to the Indo-Tibetan models description, TBH. What is dissolved is not the mind, but the illusion of a separate self. The ultimate is not separate from the relative, any more than gold is separate from any specific form, such as a ring or a bracelet, etc.
  5. Transcendence vs Integration

    I don't know if it's been mentioned, but the initial model sounds like it is dividing ultimate truth from relative truth, and seems to be describing a classic Samkhya, renunciate approach. Relative practices are often important, and this would include various forms of healing, therapy, integration, etc. But over time, the relative practices become less necessary as one's center of gravity shifts away from the relative self to a more open spacious awareness. This is not a state of inactive passivity but a state of spontaneous action. And the shift itself need not be forced, it just happens. One issue is that people often overestimate their development tend to abandon the relative practices too quick, which some teachers describe as premature immaculation.
  6. Greetings. I need some help.

  7. Returning user

    Welcome (back)!
  8. Hello

  9. Hello. Athlete and workaholic reporting for duty.

  10. New member

  11. Hello!

  12. Hello Dao Bums!

  13. The Totally Boring News Thread

    Watched Oh God with John Denver and George Burns. I was pleasantly surprised at how light but also deep it was for a 1970's comedy about the doubt and the existence of God.