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Posts posted by forestofclarity

  1. Comparing spiritual traditions is like comparing languages. When you say, which is right and wrong, you are not even asking the right question.


    If people spent ten percent of the time they spend on collecting, arguing, debating, and analyzing spiritual concepts on putting the path into practice, in both theory and practice, then everyone would see how silly all of this is.


    . So what really is the use of Taosim?

    . A stop gap to get to the Buddhist teachings? Does it help on the way?

    . Or are we good directly jumping to the "correct" teaching?

    . Is there is a separate audience for these teachings - like a more qualified one for Buddhism?

    . Is Tao a concept that is unneeded and the cause of not reaching a state of ultimate non-duality?

    . Or, are we really misinterpreting the Tao and Taosim?

    • Like 1

  2. Ha ha! That's not the Tao!


    I have seen the Tao directly, and then I transcended it. Not permanently, but I have that direct experiencing.


    The Tao is a cosmic essence, sorry this also is dependently originated and without inherent existence.


    I realized it was a mistaken interpretation of mystic experience and moved on.

  3. Vajrahridaya,


    When you see the Tao, which you will, then you will see what a foolish statement this is. In fact, you will see how foolish all statements are.


    Where do you think you are going to?


    Also, this idea that Hinduism and Buddhism is included in the Tao is something akin to a view that everything is one. No everything is connected. Buddhism is a path out of Samsara, out of the Tao. Hinduism is a path within Samsara, so one with the Tao.






    As a Buddhist, I agree with everything you say. It is true, but also false because any statement only reveals half the equation. The paths are different, but the end is the same. How can it be otherwise? One can see the Tao shitting on the toilet if the conditions are right.


    Again, my intention wasn't to claim "my way is better than yours" because only a dogmatic deluded person will say that. We have to understand that all that any tradition can do is give names to concepts and ideas. They are as empty as the ideas and concepts they convey in the truest sense (in light of Higher Truth). The true efficacy of the system is in it's ability to facilitate for the seeker, the ability to transcend the framework, leave it behind and realize Higher truth.

  4. You don't meditate to become one with the Tao. You meditate to realize the Tao is always here.


    If you feel you should return to humanity to help others, why not do that? Other people have their own knots that they are untying. Your know may be completely different.

    It sounds like a childish question, but if weren't childish I guess it wouldn't be like the Tao :)

  5. Read in Search of the Miraculous.


    I've heard about this man, but what did he do? What's his philosophy, if he had one? I don't seem to find anything comprehensive on the net, no books at all written by or about him.

  6. Hello!


    I have been on these forums for a few years as forestofsouls. In light of certain recent events, I feel that it is appropriate to no longer continue under my old moniker as some of what I wrote in the past is wrong.


    I am a Buddhist practitioner who also practices chi kung and philosophical Taoism. Good to meet you all!