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Everything posted by enouch


    Dude!, huh...what's Napoleon dynamite? No it creates a tactilesensation for any sound source, you feel it in your body.

    Just go to biowaves.com and look to the left side for transducers.
  3. Remote viewing

    I have the gateway series,brainwave mind voyages astral travel series,Dick Sutphen's astral projection series, Ed Dames course with Lynn Buchann,plus Silva's remote viewing course.I just haven't found the time or willpower to devise a systematic regimen.I guess, I feel autogenics,lucid dreaming,nlp,hypnosis,accelerated learning,qi gung, working out,memory techniques are all more compelling than remote viewing.More practical, involving real world applications.I find the concept of travelling with projection more compelling than remote viewing since it is more immersive.At the Monroe institute the pioneers of the remote viewing travelled and communicated with one another without the body or through telepathy with Bob lisening to their individual communications.I mean to say[write] each was isolated in a room while Bob recorded their descriptions.So either true transportation with a friend or telepathy which is just as fascinationg.You can go to youtube and type in my big toe or theory of everything to hear an interview from Coast to Coast. These things are so fascinating! Have you wondered about the implications? For example John Chang claims he travelled outside his body,if true, then it's possible.What about his spirit teacher being able to manifest? What does this say about islam or christian faith? If he had a conversation with God...then God must exist! IF it wasn't solely in his mind.How much does belief play into the universe giving us what we believe? Are there different dimensions we go to based on our faith? Or lack thereof? Fascinating!
  4. Could you please get his input on Robert Peng's abilities,Wang Liping's teachings, Drew said Chunny respected Yan Xin's practices and abilities-can you verify? Also ask him about his impression of John Chang's cultivation level.Sean Denty showed the John Chang video to Wang Liping and Liping reportedly said ''He's not that enlightened'' Then Sean goes on to say Liping is not talking about his level of energy cultivation,''Which is high'' according to Liping but some mental level of enlightenment.If he is not familiar show him the video-Chunny Lyn.
  5. Remote viewing

    Joe Mckmonaeagle
  6. Solomon

    There is a theory that the ark is in ethiopia and many dignitaries from around the world have visited it.There is definitely a sacred object that a sanctified ethiopian pledges to protect with his life and stands guard over it for life.They are all virgins or are suppose to be.I accept the bible but I accept a great many other things as well.Humans are born free after all,so this is very much a process for self discovery.
  7. Solomon

    What makes you say that? It disappears or isn't mentioned after him I believe.But some say it's burried deep within the temple at jerusalem.They recently found a new space with trinkets but as soon as the muslim community heard about the digging/discovery around the temple mount they forced them to stop.Or maybe Hezekiah had it burried deeply within since he knew from that prophet about the comming invasion.
  8. Solomon

    Well, Solomon wrote[reportedly] ''He that increaseth in knowledge also increaseth in sorrow'' He had peace until he strayed from Yaweh when he as [his wives led him astray]old.In the muslim tradition this isn't accepted.Excessive wine ,women, and song will get you everytime.Happyness can depend on the timeline of his life.If a poor man becomes rich then loses it all was he a success? Is he a success? Just like O.J. Simpson or George Bush.I guess, like most things it depends on your point of view.
  9. Solomon

    According to the secret books of Enoch[my real forum name but I messed up the spelling!] the serpent landed in India.Hmmm...I wonder what that means.Wink,wink.
  10. Solomon

    Fascinating! the Ethiopian Jews are called Beta Israel[some call them phenosh,but they don't like that term] and their rituals predate the talmud.Moses maried an Ethiopian.
  11. Solomon

    You can downloa a free bible buddy program with all the texts.Then you can download free natural reader and have it recite Solomon's words from those texts only.
  12. Solomon

    Book of Kings and Chronicles, Ecleaseates,Book of Proverbs, but really absorbthe wisdom! ''In the a multitude of cousellors there is safety'' The wise scaleth the city and casteth down the confidence thereof'''' He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast'' '' The hand of the dilligent shall bear rule''
  13. Solomon

    First of all I'd like to say all the responses have been great! Curiously I was planning on introducing a similar subject to the forum maybe I still will:How would you compare and contrast the proverbs[parables] of Solomon with Buddha confus., or Lao zu? I use to compare them for depth of meaning,multilayeredness i.e. intellectual,social,emotional dimensions.I personally think Solomon's are incredibly penetrating,insightful, and he seems to arrive at a balance point between Aristotle/Buddha. For example, vanity of vanity[in ancient hebrew emptyness] saith the preacher all is vanity!Everything passes away[dust in the wind] nothing hs any permanent meaning except duty to Yaweh.But he also observes the mathematics of social reality:''Be not overly righteous nor overly wicked for why should you die before your time?'' Be not overly righteous Gandi or Dr.Martin luther King[both assasinated] nor overly wicked warlords-Guy from Romania or other leaders killed by their populaces.''Here's another a rich man's wealth is his strong city but the destruction of the poor is their poverty'' Deep stuff. Actually, there is historical evidence now for both King David and[and Hezekiah] Solomon,what's more I think some of it is extra biblical.Any copmparisons?, analysis?
  14. Guys this is most likely a useless observation/question..but here I go! Have any of you marvelled at the almost scientific observation skills of the ancients? Th many systems of qi/nei gong and what went into creating ,investigating them? In Kriya yoga students are taught the wise ones made certain observations in nature and recorded them.For example the correlation between breathing and longevity,how creatures with shorter life spans take many breaths[breathe fast] and cratures with long lifespans breathe deeply and slowly or at least their heartbeats are slow.Let alone the teachings ofZhan Feng,Bodiharma,mo pai ancestors, thunder path ecetera, and all the minor distinctions on chi flow.This is so incredible! A feat that rivals going to the moon! or building an airplane! Swami Rama,Jack Scwartz[may the Swarch be with you!],John Chang are all testaments to the wisdom of the ancients.Even Coral Castle in Florida is a testament to them.We moderns know so much yet so little!
  15. Beginning Questions About Being A Vegetarian

    Well what if I eat fish once every six months? I don't really equate fish with fowl or meat maybe I'm just preudiced! I guess I equate water with life and think of Yeshua[Jesus]eating fish so it becomes something romantic! Funny how beliefs work,I'm much prouder[''pride goeth before a fall''] of the fact I've fasted for 14 and 7 days,sun up and down with no solid food.
  16. Magnets with your chi gung?

    Did you get this from my power generation thread?If you google it many posts will emerge.Wang Liping accoding to his student blogger has a special arrangement of magnets in his mattress.I posted about my experiences and limited research[comments from Chunny lynn,qi gung studies,magnetic fields changing with deep breathing] try taping magnets [strong ones or a lot]onto your dantien,or lao-gung points[or forehead it can make you sleepy,drowsy,a lot of psychics try to rip open their thrid eye this way] while practicing qi gung or while deep dantien breathing.Watch out for the heat or energy or any other sighs,along with psychological balance.
  17. Vegetarian diet and body building / hard training

    I decided to mention some other supplements you can research yourself:DHEA can increase testosterone and known for its anti-aging benefits.In fact it s banned by the N.C.C.A.Yohimbe works well with ephedra or as a stimulant,used in a lot of sexual formulas.Soy some don't like but some studies have shown soy can neutralize dht a leading cause of baldness!So watch the dhea! Biotin is good for the hair and skin.Co-enzyme Q 10 is great for energy and heart health.Royal jelly or honey is great for quick energy.Kareem Abdul Jabbar mentioned during the many hours filming the fight scences for game of death Bruce would open royal jelly honey containers and consume them.Always getting a quick burst! Don't forget brainwave entrainment beta and gamma style-they can impact upon the brain and nervous system causing vitality.To much can cause anxiety.
  18. Beginning Questions About Being A Vegetarian

    I'm a vegetarian[i'm Spartacus!] but I'll occassionally eat fish.I don't know with certainty that it's better than other diets,I can only speak for me.I stopped eating meat but I continued to eat fast food and was overweight.Eventually I stopped eating so much fast foods and started to create my own dishes or make my own selections.Even if it's just noodles and wheat bread.I take vitamins everyday,I workout religiously[can run a 4.5 in the 40 yard dash [run a mile in 6:20,but I weigh 210-212]and my vertical is around 44 inches.Not bad for a guy who was almost obesse[seriously overweight] for 6 years.Oh, I perform flat dumbell flys with 95 pound dumbbells. I am rarely sluggish or sick[knock on wood]so is that from diet? or qi gung? or fasting? or working out? or visualizing what I want my body to look like?,or prayer meditation? I don't know.I do know the discipline gained from converting into a vegetarian can spill over into over into other spheres of your life if you let it. Also food restriction becomes easier therby extending the lifespan[if you care about that stuff,so say this world is a paradise for the non-believers and a hell for the believers] or hopefully making you look younger and get the females.Again if you care about that stuff.A lot of people go back to meat after years but I think it helps me appreciate the vital force in the air we breathe.
  19. questions on tridaya material

    From a guy over at the cyberkwoon who did the course. I did the Tridaya course. It has been a couple of years and I don't remember it being so expensive at the time. There is a 2-week intensive jump-start period, followed by a "maintain" level of training. After the 2 week intensive I found a tremedous increase in physical energy, along with crystal clear alertness. One of the ways this manifested was when I woke up each morning. I find I bound out of bed full of a sort of eager energy, rather than the old "drag myself to the coffee pot" routine I was used to. I am not a kid anymore, and found this pumped up well-being exhilerating. The course comes with an illustrated book to aid in training. Some of this material is probably available on you-tube by now. gerardfrit Neophyte Posts: 8 Joined: Sat Jun 28, 2008 16:13 Location: North Carolina He also wrote this:My experience with Tridaya, which I felt was remarkable, was mentioned in my Jan 29 post. "After the 2 week intensive I found a tremedous increase in physical energy, along with crystal clear alertness. One of the ways this manifested was when I woke up each morning. I find I bound out of bed full of a sort of eager energy, rather than the old "drag myself to the coffee pot" routine I was used to. I am not a kid anymore, and found this pumped up well-being exhilerating. " Let me go further, I developed measurably superior performance in my Taekwondo training. All metrics improved: speed, power, stamina. -Gerard