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Everything posted by enouch


    And the infrared camera-[how hot before burns begin?]202 degrees? Their is also the medical well being of his client the DOCTOR.Of course this could be placebo but the doctor didn't believe in the first place.Also the body lightness skill demonstrated is quite nice.The steak I'm refering to comes from Dr. David Eisenberg's writings and encounters with qi gung masters.The heat element is quite consistent with yang chi healers.

    Interview with Dr. Elmer Green: Father [at least in America] of biofeedback. DiCarlo: Over the past several years you have spent your time on a project you have named "The Copper Wall Experiment." I have to admit, that sounds very intriguing. Please explain. Green: When I was a student in the department of physics at the University of Minnesota, I had read about the use of a copper wall that meditators would sit in front of to induce deeper meditative states in the book called "The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnet. " It occurred to me, if people were meditating in a really potent way, they may very well be generating electrical voltages in their body. Over many years, the idea stuck in my mind, until about ten years ago, when we finally had the chance to test it. So we set up a copper wall which people sit in front of, with their body facing true north. They are isolated from ground by glass blocks. They have a bar magnet over their heads. After doing all this set-up work, we began to measure the voltages that developed on the walls as a way of finding out whether or not their body changed voltage. I didn't want to put wires directly on the body for a number of technical reasons. If you change the voltage of an electrical object in a room, it has an effect on others things too. So I just wired up the wall to see what was happening to the human body. DiCarlo: How do you know that these voltages being measured were not attributable to normal electrical fluctuations of the body that have been commonly observed? Green: In the first place, the person is sitting alone in the room, isolated from ground. The normal body voltages that are generated in a situation like that are usually in the milli-volt range, which is very small. Also, you would expect a person's body voltage to drift by as much as two volts from a buildup of static electricity. So you expect some fluctuation. But the voltages that we were getting connected with a healing were shooting up and then returning to baseline by as much as 200 volts on occasion. The healer voltages are not normal body voltages. They are at least 1,000 times bigger. So that's the problem. We asked ourselves, "In the first place, where did all the voltage come from? In the second place, where did it go to when it disappeared?" Generally, the pulses of electricity in the body of the healers lasted only 4 or 5 seconds. So a huge voltage would appear then disappear. I thought that was quite fascinating. DiCarlo: Were these surges in electrostatic charges accompanied by an intention to heal? Green: Generally speaking, yes, the healers were trying to heal, although over a period of years, they had generated so much of this kind of phenomenon with their bodies, that even when they weren't trying to heal people-if for example they were just meditating in the room- we got electrical pulses from their bodies. In 6 meditations sessions, one of the healers produced only one pulse of voltage. But in the first of the healing sessions, there were 15 to 20 pulses generated, and that was connected with the intention to heal. And that was generally true, although one of the healers was bursting with energy to such a degree that this pulsing phenomenon occurred even in the meditation sessions. DiCarlo: Fascinating! Well, what sort of conclusion have you drawn from these experiments, recognizing that the research is not yet complete? Green: Well, in the first place, I have accepted that healing at a distance is a fact. I think that the religions of all times which have talked about this are not wrong. Of course, these anecdotal types of accounts do not constitute scientific evidence. But I think that there has been enough research now regarding the effects of prayer at a distance to indicate that it really is happening. So I accept that. That's the first point. Second point is, that whatever the energy is that does the healing, one of its correlates is electrical phenomena. I am not saying that electricity is the cause of the healing. If that were the case you could do it with a battery. DiCarlo: So would you say your work has focused upon understanding the mechanisms involved in healing? Green: Yes, that's right. But it's taking for granted that something is happening. We are not trying to find out if healings are taking place. We're just trying to find out what's going on. DiCarlo: Well, if something is happening, I am wondering if the mechanism involved might prove to be subtle energy.....But first, what is subtle energy? Green: Subtle energy is something that hasn't been detected in any scientific way except by its effects. If you look at all the careful, clean studies on intercessory prayer on heart patients in a cardiac unit in which the people they were praying for were a block away for example, you find that sure enough, the prayer produced a healing effect. So, we assumed that something was happening, but not in the normal, scientific sense of electromagnetic energies. It was something else. Since it can't be defined or directly detected except by its effects, it got the name of subtle. Chi is a good example of subtle energy. Subtle energy is that which must exist in order to produce the effects it is producing. I can't imagine healing taking place without any energies at all being involved. That's the first point. The second point is, if you talk to healers, or you talk to Qi Gong people, or you talk to people who are talented in their ability to affect physical objects using their minds, they always talk as if they are handling some kind of energy. If you ask them questions about it, they will say, "Well, it's sort of like electricity." So I am assuming-and this is part of the metaphysical tradition too-that energy exists at four different levels, the crudest of which is the one we call electrons. I am assuming that instrumentation will be developed for directly detecting and photographing this stuff. It's very similar to the development of electricity. In the early days, researchers noticed frog legs twitching on a wire rack when lightening struck nearby. But they didn't know anything about electricity or electrical induction or magnetic induction. They simply assumed there was a connection of some kind. So in those days, you could say that electricity was subtle energy since it could not be measured. DiCarlo: That's amazing. So you feel that we will be some day be able to measure this energy directly? Green: I think it's pretty inevitable that finally we will be able to develop instrumentation that will measure it in the same way that we now measure electricity. DiCarlo: So, what would be the implications of your work to the average individual, if these subtle energies associated with the body, are scientifically validated? Green: The importance of this is that-and I believe this will happen in the next century-medical teams will have healers as part of the team. On occasion, medical people can't keep a patient alive long enough during surgery to complete their work. Healers would be very useful in helping maintain health. And not only that, I am assuming that in the future, medical teams will include what we would call an intuitive or a psychic diagnostician. Somebody like Caroline Myss who works with Norman Shealy. And not only will we have psychic diagnosticians, but we will have healers who will supply energy not only to heal, but to keep the body going. I would imagine that medical people, as is the case nowadays, would still be in charge. DiCarlo: But there would be a partnership? Green: There would be a partnership, yes. Now a lot of people who are sick don't go to a medical doctor, they go to a healer who is an alternative practitioner. And there are thousands of people out there who call themselves healing practitioners. But they are not accepted scientifically. But I feel that eventually they will come to a place where they will be recognized and their services made use of. DiCarlo: Are you personally able to sense subtle energy? Green: To tell you the truth, I have never attempted to document that. But my feeling is that everybody on the whole planet who has a physical body, has a body of subtle energy also. I accept the yogic theory that the physical body is the representation of an energy structure. If we knew all about it, we would call it a subtle energy structure. DiCarlo: Do you think this energy field represents the ultimate link between mind and body? Green: Sure. I believe that is actually how biofeedback works. I think that's how any action of the physical body works. Say you want to move your hand. First you think of it. But the question is, "How does your intention move your hand?" After you have thought of it, how does that thought make your hand move?" Since the nerves that operate the hand are up somewhere in the cortex of the brain. There is some sort of intentionality that causes those nerves to fire. The way the yogis would explain it, is that the mind and the body aren't the same thing; that the interface between the mind and the body is the subtle energy domain." Anytime you think of anything, the subtle energies are activated and of course that activates the neurology. It's like this: Say you have somebody working at a computer. They have an idea and they want to write something, so they tap on some keys and words appear on the monitor. But the mechanism in between involves what they intend to do. There are quite a few intermediary steps before the words can be seen. In an analogous way, our intentionality activates the subtle energies of our body, which some of the Russian experimenters by the way, are calling the bio-plasma body. The subtle energy body then influences the neurology which fire and allow your fingers to hit the appropriate letters on the key board. Actually, becoming an Olympic athlete consists of training the neurology, and it is always trained through intention. All the athletes I have talked train themselves through intention. Now the yogis would understand that perfectly. They would say that it's the training of the energies that manipulate the physical body. DiCarlo: One of the great characteristics of the emerging world view is that the domain of the spirit and soul is now being acknowledged and embraced. In many fields, people are discussing the "reality" of this aspect of our being. According to yogic tradition, what is the nature of the soul? Green: From the yogic perspective, it's another level of energy. Aurobindo, the great Indian philosopher who died around 1950, put in very clearly when he said, "The highest spiritual levels that we know of our energy states also." The physical body is manipulated, generally speaking, by the emotions. Emotions have an effect on the physical body. But he said, emotions themselves are an energy state in a subtle energy domain, and they are focused on the body. Ideas and mind are also an energy state. And above that, there are various spiritual levels. In the Tibetan system, it's called the void and according to the Tibetan Teacher W. Y. Evans West, there are 28 different levels in the void. And each one of those levels according to Aurobindo, is an energy state-wheels within wheels within wheels. DiCarlo: Through your work, you are exploring the frontiers of human potential. Have you discovered any boundaries to that potential? Green: We haven't found any boundaries. It's sort of like coming to the edge of a continent and just finding the edge-we don't know where the boundaries are. We're just beginning to start exploring the continent. I don't think that scientists as a whole have done more than landed and planted their flag. Not much has been discovered yet. The ultimate human potential has been nicely described by the Tibetans, and that is this: to become conscious of all the different levels of who you are and to be able to work on all these different levels at the same time instead, unlike the present situation in which we have a conscious self and an unconscious self. If you talk to psychologists and the psychiatrists they will agree that there is an unconscious self. And that's what the Tibetans and the Hindus and the Chinese and the mystics have always said. But in the unconscious self are all the spiritual levels as well as the normal subconscious which Freud talked about. Our ultimate human potential is to become aware of all these things, and when we do, we are able to answer the question, "Who are we?" and "What is our own nature as a human being?" We find our relationship to the larger whole, in other words to Divine Being. That's the idea of the ultimate of human potential, it is to find your relationship. The Christians say, "To find your relationship to God." Some of the modern scientists might talk about it as finding your relationship to nature. DiCarlo: How significant is the work of frontier scientists, such as Bill Tiller, who has developed a model for understanding these subtle energies? Green: Bill Tiller is a scientist who is aware of the fact that these internal domains or other energies exist and he's trying to help build a science of it. Scientists are the priests of acceptance, and it's important for the graduation of humanity-to use Buckminster Fuller's expression-that scientists learn enough so that they can break through, expand the frontiers and lead the way. People depend upon scientists. So Bill Tiller and others who are working in that area are interested in developing knowledge of how all of this stuff happens. As Ralph Alexander said, "Everything happens according to natural law." Sai Baba said, "There is no such thing as a miracle. It's only the application of natural law." And scientists like Bill Tiller are trying to make it objective so people can understand it better, and that will help them go through the transformation. A lot of meditators are doing self-exploration-they want to explore. Quite a few scientists are trying to explain. These explanations are important because they help people shape their world view. If the world view includes these subtle energies, then when the energies become important in your life, you won't be so shook up so to speak. It makes it possible to move through the transformation process with less pain It goes on but the copper wall experiement is all I truly wanted to share.You can find the restof the interview online.

    Here are a few more remarkable feats, the japanese one I'm a little wary of.These have all been presented on taobums before. Japanese Qigong(kikou) doctor Kanzawa - Amazing!" by magechon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=madoDvtKEes

    A very refreshing outlook! Here is a clip from a guy who lives in L.A. I believe you can look him up in the yellow pages.Jo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnLV3YPUTS4
  5. Vegetarian diet and body building / hard training

    The federal law,ban ,act[whatever] was repealed some time ago.A manager at Vitamin World told me individual states sometimes still respect the ban and it'll most likely take a company with deep pockets to petition for open selling. You can freely order ephedra on the internet.I have a bottle that I haven't used in three months right next to me.The selling of alkoloids[original product] is prohibitted but if you look around you can find that too.The reasoning being, I guess, people have been using it for thousands of years in Asia and Africa.Do you want my sources? Do you want my goodies? Do you want my candyman?

    I don't wish to start a debate here again...but these feats have been captured on video and the world doesn't change at all.See Prahlad Jani or the non-decomposing[actually dead] monk.Some have reported dc I believe I'll check into it, I know a person who attended a seminar by Robert Peng told me he talked about absorbing the lighting and other esoteric practices.This was of course during breaks.At any rate according to Dr. Eisenberg from Harvard heart abnormalities[irregularities] and other physiological symtoms should have surfaced.Correct me if I'm wrong but 200-250 volts is pretty shocking[bad joke] no?
  7. Vegetarian diet and body building / hard training

    There are grades of creatine, we are now in what fitness buffs call third generation creatine formulation.Kreealkyn creatine is suppose to be absorbed without a lot of water retention.Also some of the ester creatine support this process as well.Getting cut requires a energy deficit i.e. burning more calories than you consume. Just for reflection a pound of fat is composed of 3,400 calories,a pound of muscle? 600. Muscle is metabolicly active fat isn't it just sits there.A mile run may burn 150 calories two miles 300 but consider your food intake, the running will help with metabolism but any bodybuilder will tell you diet is supreme. If you want power formulas that are legal...here are a few:Fat burners with synephrine,aka bitter organge in them.It's a milder chemical cousin to ephedra.Of course ephedra aka ma huang is very powerful and once again legal.But the mainstream chain stores won't sell it because they don't want to be sued by rich parents whose kids took the stuff irresponsibly.Look online,ephedra can help you work out for hours,work full time,study for hours if in school, and still have energy left over.Many of my friends lost tons of weight through ephedra and cardio.Caffine helps to neutralize feelings of fatigue and pain.Baking soda is a little known secret used by distance runners.It somehow prevents the build up of lactic acid.Cardio is suppose to be more effective for fat loss on a empty stomach.Sprinting increases growth hormone which is renown for eliminating body fat.Again l-arginine 3-5 grams on a empty stomach increases this hormone or its release.Delta brainwave sessions are known for increasing hgh.Perhaps look at[ carb consumption] fitness model diets,fitness models and bodybuilders know a hell of a lot about getting cut! Drug use aside. If it's any consolation for six or more years I was fat near obesse.Now I have a physique like Bruce Lee's but with more muscle mass, or Daniel Goddard's t.v.'s beastmaster.So it's certainly possible. Good luck regarding the spiritual path, once you are super fit people will try and use you for their agendas-sex! Women and[gay guys] men.With women it's really bad because they aren't socialized to handle rejection like we are,so if she feels rejected, she turns all that infactuation into hate!
  8. I wonder if anyone else has had this happen to them: Last night before bed I went outside to practice chi gung, Robert Peng's stuff.Afterwards I could not get to sleep, except for maybe two hours of deep sleep.The only reason I mention the episode is that I had a job interview[just for the summer] mid morning and the conversation went well.But then they threw a aptitude test my way, which I passed, however my cognitive powers were fading fast.So let this be a lesson to be wary of practicing novel [new]rountines late at night. Earlier that day I had practiced spring forest qi gung as well.Emotionally I felt great during the interview no fear or dread[hypnosis as well helps] during the waiting process I practiced dantien breathing.Felt rivers of heat circulating and the female interviewer kept flirting with me.Interesting stuff indeed! P.S. I still can't get to sleep for more than an hour but that's probally due to circadian rhythmns.
  9. Vegetarian diet and body building / hard training

    I'm a vegetarian and I work out religiously.Somtimes I take soy protein, sometimes whey protein from wal mart since it's the cheapest.The body can only assimalate 40 -50 grams in one sitting,so you can take two scoops of [from walmart] whey and get 46 grams right there.Conventional bodybuilding wisdom advocates a gram per pound of bodyweight to pack on muscle. On occasion I'll consume creatine as well.Creatine breaks down to the atp molecule which is the energy molecule.Also mutivitamin/b-complex,soy milk,amino acids,there are other supplements that I could cite that would make you feel like superman on crack! L-arginine on a empty stomach can support the release of growth hormone.
  10. Screwtape Letters

  11. Screwtape Letters

    if God is separated from men, what then allows the prayer to cross from man to God, and if such medium exists, wouldn't it be ontologically superior to both man and God, and to pre-exist both Could you please explain your reasoning with more examples?
  12. Qing Gong

    Once again defering to people who have first hand experience in these matters:Jim the former student of John Chang mentions his former sifu being able to make his body so light...that he can jump[has too meditate for two weks though to prepare] over a house!He also mentioned his sifu having partial levitation and that Chang believes he will have mastered it completely in a few years.Of course this path is closed to us, I only mention it as to what's humanly possible. The founder of bagua[or the man who made it public,Tung Chaun] was renown for leaping up into the air hanging by ceiling beams.Reportedly he could jump as high as twenty feet. He passed on this knowledge to one person while he was perfecting his skills in the moutains.This same person showed up in Beejing as a cat burglar[years later] using his skills to leap over walls.Tung found out and ordered him out of his town or he would kill him for his immoral use of his teachings.This experience soured Tung on teaching ching gung or light body skill ever again.Sounf familiar?
  13. Paul Dong Empty Force

    I've heard good things about Paul Dong as well, he comes off as a realy sweet person.Jim, the student of John Chang had nothing but good things to say about Paul.Event detailing an encounter with paul when Chang went on his two year retreat.He said he could feel Paul's chi attempting to push him aside but his yin chi prevented him from doing it.It made him immediately ill. Paul told him that his master in China is more powerful but Jim wasn't that interested.Remarking that empty force isn't that rare or far removed from the western world.There are several masters who are quite young in San. Fran. who are more powerful than Paul.Also remarking that you can't compare it too neigung...there just isn't that much power.I've read most of Paul's book I don't recall abstinence being mentioned.The reason I mention it is due to a study of kong jing I'm doing now with a guy from China and conservation of jing is required.
  14. S.O.S. MJJ Becker!

    Hi! I wish to draw insight from your experience with John Chang[having dinner in his house you mentioned] and hearing a spirit speak.What was it like...did it sound like white noise or an audible voice? Jim, said while in his teacher's presence the spirit would appear[could not see it either] but he wasn't advanced enough to hear the voice.When I was a child a relative called me into her room and the television knob kept turning by itself.Not a hallucination since we both saw it! A friend of mine told me he probably wouldn't joke around anymore if he'd had an experience like Moses[met God] so my question for you is...did the experience alter,enhance,reaffirm your morality?[moral choices] Alter your perception of human reality? I'd imagine having certainty of the unknown could be reassuring and daunting.Jim, said on martial arts development blog his experiences led him to draw closer to his God.By the way I've heard Chang actually had a conversation with God[Magnus of Java] Can't imagine the certainty and responsibilty that[to know that God is real] entails! I apologize if this thread offends you but I liken your experience to meeting a prophet or at least a special person. Enoch or Methos
  15. Bruce Lee?

  16. Bruce Lee?

    How is it clearly superior to JKD? The man he references in the video is Ma Shr Ching from the Bill Moyers special.Yet Brain Tracy has a baqua book detailing his encounter with the guy,saying ''he refused to demonstrate on me or anyone not a student.His qi Gung postures looked correct but...he required me to study with him first'' Kong jing or empty force needs the cooperation of the student how is this truly helpful in a life or death fight? Discerning intentions? Maybe. My criteria [which comes from Bruce] is what if you come home and find your wife,parents or daughter all killed and the killer is there? will you be fearful then? How about if you're locked in a room with Shaquille O'neal type on p.c.b., do you have faith in your system or skills? Or you are thrown in prison and four or six guys who want to rape you? In that situation, mastery o mastery,where is my mastery? is all you can say.
  17. Bruce Lee?

  18. Buddhism and the Three Poisons

    Yes, I've heard that many times,the only way to truly transform society is through changing human consciousness.Yet as rational creatures we've changed ourselves many times[just takes so long!] our societies I'm talking about.Race relations,religious tolerance,multicutural education, ecetera all have been impacted by our changing mindsets.Which in turn impact upon our institutions of power,shaping policy.I sometimes wonder if a relative paradise could be constructed if a balance was struck between spiritual,humanistic values and material values.Or are we so hopelessly corrupt that the vision will remain out of reach?
  19. Bruce Lee?

    Well we agree to disagree on practicality.I've used J.K.D. in actual street fights and when a kid after studying it for a short while I was able to penetrate the defenses of a 3rd degree black belt in karate,who was also a national champion.The greatest drawback for me is that you can't use a lot of the techniques in practice because they are desighed to be fatal.Or you need equipment which isn't always handy-available.Most J.K.D practitioners who are beginners to the martial arts lack a understanding of its sublety or depth.It is best for some one to be trained in traditional arts then after a while embrace J.K.D. for what it offers.Jim the guy who studied with John Chang[mo pai] had several black belts and got moped by a Gracie jujitsa stylist.As a result, he gave up his martial arts practice.A lot of traditionalist suffer from illusions when it comes to safety and feeling secure until reality hits them-kinda like the I.R.S. or Cancer. I will also admit one of the greatest drawbacks of J.K.D. is the lack of a world philosophy[world view] people want values and a feelng of the sacred in their arts.You see the same thing in nlp,which is also suppose to be devoid of worldviews.But people grow and change and some have started[Roger Dilts] to apply nlp to metaphysics.Bruce felt if you're not careful nationalism can creep into those views.He thought charecter is developed through fighting[trainng,sparring] or meditation.I feel the same I separate my martial arts practice from my chi gung practices.Video would be nice but I'd like to see Bruce versus Wang shu Jin.If Wang's abilities could be applied on non -believers Bruce might not stand a chance! Then again...real world-tactics,conditioning,can even out a fight.

    Since much is made about John Chang and mo pai, Wang Liping, and we have a fascination with phenomena over here I present to you all..Ted Owens P.K.man! Jeffrey Mishlove: Hello, and welcome! This is Jeffrey Mishlove, host of Virtual U. Our conversation today is going to focus in on one of the most fascinating adventures of my entire life. We're going to explore the subject of contacting Space Intelligence. And this is an adventure, and research project, in which I was engaged for over 10 years, between 1976 and 1987. I was involved in the study of a most unusual individual, a man named Ted Owens, author of the book, How to Contact Space People, a very obscure book published by Saucerian Press in 1969. How did I meet this man? And what were his powers? The story will unfold over the coming hours of this edition of Virtual U. It is a story about a most unusual man, a man larger than life, a man whose powers were of shamanistic proportions, although I regard him as something like an American folk hero, a Paul Bunyan or a Pecos Bill type! I swear to you, everything that I am presenting in this program is true. You're going to hear things that are unbelievable, but they are true, and I have the documentation to prove it. The story of Ted Owens would be interesting if it were just another "Oh, wow!" story. We could sit around the campfire and tell stories like this. But it has profound implications for our human potential. For our self-awareness. The story begins in 1976 when I was a graduate student at the University of California at Berkeley, studying parapsychology. At that time I was very interested in "Remote Viewing", a clairvoyant procedure that was being developed at the Stanford Research Institute, now known as SRI International, by two physicists there, Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff, both of whom have become very prominent in the field of physics and in the field of parapsychology. Back in 1976 I went to visit them and learn about Remote Viewing. It was at that time that they gave me their very extensive files on Ted Owens and encouraged me to follow his career, and to initiate a research project of my own into the remarkable work that he was doing then. And I did. And let me tell you why I thought it was such an important case to follow. You see, Puthoff and Targ had achieved a lot of public prominence in the early 1970's for their research with the Israeli psychic Uri Geller. Uri Geller, many of you will know, had achieved a lot of fame and notoriety because he ostensibly had psychokinetic powers, mind over matter powers, and he was bending spoons and stopping watches. People would see him on television and they would discover sometimes that spoons would start bending in their own homes, and actually around the world, it was quite a phenomenon. Hundreds of thousands of people began recording metal-bending, spoon-bending, simply from watching Uri Geller on television. And people were holding "spoon-bending parties"! And it even became a fad within the military. It was quite exciting. I knew about these things. I was in on it because I had sponsored Uri Geller's first major public appearance back in 1973 on the University of California campus at Berkeley. I was a graduate student at Berkeley and I was producing radio programs back then, and organizing events like this. So I was in the middle of all this excitement. Puthoff and Targ, being serious scientists working at a major military-industrial think tank, had by that time, in 1976, had become burnt out with the publicity and the controversy surrounding Uri Geller. Hopefully, we'll spend another program and really go into depth about the Geller phenomenon, and perhaps we'll even have Uri Geller as a guest on this program. He's been an acquaintance of mine for over twenty-five years, and there are many interesting things that could be said about him. But for now, simply let me say that Puthoff and Targ didn't feel that they could handle another controversial psychic. So when Ted Owens contacted them and said, "Why are you guys wasting your time with Uri Geller? I'm the world's greatest psychic!" Well, they felt they simply didn't want to get involved. They ignored him. His contacts, however, went on for some time, over a period of weeks, months, perhaps even years, and he kept writing to them and badgering them to send him money to work as a research subject. One day, in February of 1976, Owen sent Puthoff and Targ a letter. His letter read, Look, you guys, just to prove to you that I am indeed the world's greatest psychic, I am going to end the drought that is now plaguing you in California. And indeed there was a very serious drought that was going on at that time. He said, I will make it rain and snow and sleet and hail. You will have all sorts of bizarre weather going on, and there will be power blackouts, and there will be UFO sightings. And your local newspaper is going to run a front-page story proclaiming that the drought is over. Within three days all of these things happened. I have the article that was published in the Palo Alto Times, the local newspaper down there near SRI, Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California. The article proclaims: "Rare Snowfall Ends Drought". Of course many of you listeners now are all over the country, so you may not appreciate that snow in the San Francisco area is a very rare phenomenon -- maybe once every 15 or 20 years do we get snow. So Puthoff and Targ were impressed. They sent a postcard to Ted Owens congratulating him on his successful prediction. He immediately sent a letter back to them and he said, in effect, "Hell, no! I caused it!" It was at point, within a few weeks, I had visited SRI and was meeting with Puthoff and Targ, and it was then they said, "Jeffrey, please take this case off of our hands! We don't know what to do. We don't want to do anything, but somebody should look into it -- a promising young graduate student like yourself, who doesn't have a major career already on the line that could be ruined because of controversy and publicity!" So I looked into the case. They gave me stacks and stacks, about six inches thick, of their files, including many, many letters that they had received from Ted Owens, documenting similar demonstrations. It turned out at that time, there was a magazine published in San Francisco called Psychic Magazine. It later became New Realities and I think has subsequently gone out of business, but Psychic Magazine published a little news clip: Puthoff and Targ had talked to James Bolen, the Editor. His wife, Jean Shinoda Bolen, is the prominent Jungian therapist, the woman who wrote the books, "Goddesses in Every Woman", "Gods in Every Man". But James Bolen was the publisher of Psychic Magazine at that time. He ran a little news story about this fellow, Ted Owens, who had successfully (apparently) ended the California drought. Psychic Magazine went around the world and it was read in England, because in 1976 there was a drought also going on in London, in England. It was so bad, in fact, that in some of the outlying towns, away from London, the only water available had to be brought in by truck! The British, that summer, were hosting a Conference on Parapsychology. I was attending it. By "coincidence" they had invited Ted Owens to attend the same event, in the hope that he would also end the drought that was there. That drought was so bad that when I came to London, my friends told me, "Jeffrey, would you like to have your picture taken on the front page of the London Times. It's no problem. All you have to do is go down to Piccadilly Circus carrying an umbrella! People will think it's so strange, they'll take your picture and put it in the newspaper!" There was just no rain at all. It was dry! But the day Ted Owens arrived in England, it began to rain and rain and rain, and there were power blackouts that also shut down the whole London subway-system, and within I think a matter of weeks, the London Times proclaimed that the drought was officially over, within a short time, although when I first arrived in London, the newspaper said "No End in Sight, for the Drought". So I had now had two relatively convincing experiences that I could attest to, in which Owens in one way or another, seemed to be involved in suddenly and unexpectedly ending a drought. I didn't know whether he had caused these phenomena, or had predicted these phenomena, or whether it was a coincidence, or whether perhaps it was simply a statistical fluke or maybe it wasn't even that! Maybe it was just happenstance, but my curiosity was aroused, and I made a point of meeting Ted Owens. We actually became good friends. He was a Speaker at the London Parascience Conference held at Birkbeck College at the University of London -- a very prestigious scientific institution, and many physicists and well-known scientists and writers were at that event, when Ted Owens spoke. He had a large white beard. He looked like Santa Claus, and he spoke in a very booming, articulate voice. He was a Member of MENSA, the organization of people with high IQ's. And yet there was something peculiar about this man. He came into the auditorium carrying a toy wagon, and stacked in that toy wagon, about two feet high, were piles and piles of paper, and he claimed that he was the agent of the UFO's. He was their Ambassador, their Emissary, and he had come to Earth, or they had empowered him, by operating on his brain, and they had authorized him to perform miraculous feats to end the droughts, and to do wonderful things for people on Earth, in order to convince the people on Earth of his connection with the aliens and his powers! And frankly, the audience laughed at him. They couldn't take him seriously. It just seemed too absurd, too ridiculous. That's when I stepped in, because I stood up and talked about what I had observed and known about in California. And I became his friend, and what followed from that friendship I will present after these messages. [segment Two follows] Jeffrey Mishlove: I'm Jeffrey Mishlove, host of Virtual U, back again, talking about my adventures with Ted Owens and the Space Intelligences. In our first Segment, I described how I met Ted Owens at the Parascience Conference in August, 1976, Birkbeck College, University of London, and how he had already by then, established a reputation for having extraordinary psychokinetic abilities. He even called himself PK Man, meaning the Psychokinesis Man, the man who had powers of mind over matter. And he also called himself The UFO Prophet. When he stood up at the Parascience Conference to speak, people thought of him as being a highly inappropriate individual, and I have to say, that stigma followed him throughout his career. People thought that the man was an egotist, that he was brash, and although he was brilliant, a member of MENSA, he really didn't have an advanced educational degree. He was more working-class in his vocabulary, in his mentality, and he seemed very much out of place at a scientific gathering, talking in his booming voice about how he was the Ambassador of the Aliens! Polite society was simply not ready for that in 1976, and I doubt that they're ready for that yet! Then when he carried his toy wagon stacked high with papers which he claimed documented his feats, well, the whole thing seemed almost like the man was psychotic. I think there were people in that audience who were willing to dismiss him as a nut case. And there were people in the audience who were willing to dismiss him simply as being an arrogant egotist. And there were people in the audience willing to dismiss it largely because they were incapable of integrating what he was saying. That was the difficulty throughout his whole career. I befriended him by standing up for him at that meeting and telling people what I personally was aware of with regard to ending the drought in February, 1975, at the San Francisco Bay Area. And I think the audience quieted down a little bit. They began to listen to him. After that talk, Ted Owens came up to me. I was doing radio interviews at the time, and I actually interviewed him for my program on KPFA Radio in Berkeley. I had a tape-recorder with me then, and we became friends. We were talking, and he noticed that I had a little ceramic pin that I wore on my jacket. It was given to me by my girl-friend back then, before I left for Europe. It was a picture of what I took to be the Planet Saturn, with a rainbow behind it. A lovely New Age kind of design, and Ted Owens looked at that and he said to me, "You know, that's the Rainbow UFO." He said, "Do you know that every day I meditate on the Rainbow UFO." He said, "Jeffrey, I'd really love it if you would make a gift to me of that pin. It would mean so much to me." Gosh, I thought, wait a minute! That's from my girl-friend! But there was Ted Owens, the UFO Prophet, asking for it, and I did. I took it off my jacket and gave it to him. My relationship with my girl-friend really didn't last too much longer, but that's the way of things, sometimes. Ted Owens and I became good friends. He showed me his files, his toy wagon full of files, and I had some already at home that had been given to me by Puthoff and Targ at SRI International, and as I looked through the many, many documents illustrating instances where he'd produced a wide variety of phenomena, lightning-strikes and weather-changes, heat-waves and cold-waves and hurricane controls and tornado controls and UFO appearances, I found in the files a letter from Dr. Max Fogel, who was the Director of Education for MENSA, the organization of people with high IQ's, and that letter said that Ted Owens had, in 1973, promised Vogel that he would produce a UFO sighting within a certain radius, a 100-mile radius of Norfolk, Virginia, where Owens lived, in that area (he lived actually in Cape Charles, Virginia). Fogel said, "Yes!" and a UFO appeared that was seen by Policemen, it was reported in the local newspaper in Chase City, Virginia, where the Policemen chased it, and there was an interesting coincidence. The Police Dispatcher who first reported the sighting was a woman named Marian Owen. It seemed as if -- oftentimes, in these demonstrations -- there would be a person named "Owen" or "Owens" involved! That was another of the Space Intelligences, and it suggested that they had powers outside of our own dimension of Time and Space, that enabled them to create meaningful coincidences. John Lilly, author of many books, Center of the Cyclone was one of his excellent books, Programming and Meta-programming the Human Biocomputer -- John Lilly, the great pioneer explorer of Consciousness, often called this kind of a force ECHO, meaning Earth Coincidence Control, some sort of Intelligence that operates outside the normal three dimensions of Space and Time that we experience. So I asked Ted Owens if he would produce a similar demonstration for me in the San Francisco area where I lived. Could he make a UFO appear like that, and be seen visibly by reliable witnesses. He told me he would do that. He would make a UFO appear in front of many -- hundreds, he said -- of reliable witnesses. It'll be well-attested. It'll be photographed, he said, "You can count on the photograph being published on the front page of one of your local newspapers." And the story of that demonstration will be presented next, after these messages. [segment 3 Follows] Jeffrey Mishlove: When I got back to San Francisco, I pursued the question with Owens, of his demonstration, and he set it up with me in November of 1976 as follows: he said, "I will cause a UFO to appear. It will happen within 90 days, it will happen within a 100-mile radius of San Francisco." In fact, he said, "I'll cause multiple UFO appearances, and one in particular will be seen by very reliable witnesses. The photograph will be published on the front page of the local newspaper, and that's how you'll know, it'll be my signature." And other things happened as well. He said, "There will be power blackouts," (that's also one of his signatures). In December. 1976, it occured pretty much on schedule, December 12th as I recall, in Sonoma State College, a small college campus about 50 miles north of San Francisco. The Art Department, on a clear December day, was sponsoring a live demonstration of an unusual art form -- aerial artwork. A pilot who is an artist was flying his aircraft over the campus, he had smoke trailing out the back of his plane, and he was creating loop-de-loops and other designs in the air. And this was the demonstration hundreds of students were outside looking up at the sky. Some of them had video-cameras. (This was in the days before camcorders but they were recording it, and there were photographs being taken). Many faculty members were out there. The pilot of this airplane was named Steve Poleskie, and he was a visiting Professor of Art from Syracuse University. He was visiting Berkeley, and he was performing. I actually have the videotape of this event. As he was doing his loop-de-loops about 3,000 feet above the Sonoma State College campus, a UFO appeared right in his airspace. He witnessed it from the air. He said it was about 15-20 feet wide, and it just came out of nowhere. It was right there in his airspace, and it stayed there a few minutes and suddenly disappeared. It was seen from the ground, and it was photographed. The photograph was published on the front page of one of our local papers, The Berkeley Gazette. And the videotape was actually shown on the Channel 9 Evening News, KQED-TV in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ted Owens had scored pretty much a direct hit. There were many other events that occurred during that demonstration. There was a UFO Abduction. There was an earthquake, there were power blackouts and other things. So I felt that I now had enough cause to really launch a serious investigation of Ted Owens. I was willing at that point to restructure my graduate program, my doctoral degree program in parapsychology at Berkeley away from the study of Remote Viewing, and make it a case study of Ted Owens! Little did I know, in my naivete, the kind of opposition that would develop. But I called together a meeting of leading UFO and Parapsychology researchers. I put together a Report, documenting what I had done with Ted Owens, and documenting many other dozens of cases in the records. And we had J. Allen Hynek attending that meeting, the Founder of The Center for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois. We had Dr. James Harder there, who is the Director of Research for the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization, one of the major UFO organizations at that time. I had many leading parapsychologists there: D. Scott Rogo, the author of about 20 books on UFO phenomena and parapsychological phenomena attended the meeting. And I thought, with this impressive group of people and this data, that the time had come to launch a serious investigation, to make a major breakthrough in our understanding of the phenomena. And that with these powerful people there, something might be accomplished. But the tenor of the meeting went in a very different direction. Dr. J. Allen Hynek stood up and said, "I wouldn't touch Ted Owens with a ten-foot pole! That man is exhibiting powers of the subconscious mind, there. They're erratic, they're crazy, they're even dangerous! I don't want to go near him!" Another/And other researcher said, "He wants to get money from us, that's what this is all about! And furthermore, what if we don't agree with him about certain things. What if we don't comply with all of his wishes? What will he do?" People were afraid of Ted Owens. And perhaps they had good reason to be afraid of Ted Owens. He was not always the most pleasant of people. He was like an American Folk-Hero, and if you looked at some of his documented demonstrations, many of them of the best ones, in fact, occurred when he would go into a city and announce that he was the "UFO Ambassador" who had come to help people. And he'd go into a local newspaper and they'd sort of laugh at him, and say, "Come on! Get off of it!" and he'd say, "Oh, you don't believe me. Well, I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson." And sometimes very unpleasant things would happen. I'll go into some of those. But unpleasant weather conditions. Or sometimes even individuals would get ill. Unpleasant things would happen to particular people who crossed horns with Ted Owens. This was frightening to some of the researchers whom I had brought together, and the upshot of it all was that in spite of the enormous potential of this phenomenon, from a scientific point of view, nothing came of it. I was really encouraged to put aside this project and get back to my other studies in Remote Viewing, and indeed I did do that. I wanted to finish my doctoral degree, so I put aside my studies of Ted Owens, at least I was unable to raise funds to do anything serious, and it's unfortunate, because he lived in a relatively impoverished condition in spite of his enormous talents. But many, many things unfolded from our interactions, and I'll tell you about them after these messages. [segment 4 Follows] Jeffrey Mishlove: Hello, again! I"m Jeffrey Mishlove, host of Virtual U on WisdomRadio. I've been talking about my studies and investigations of a most unusual man, Ted Owens, the "PK Man", the "UFO Prophet", the man who taught me how to contact Space Intelligences. A man who was larger than life, somewhat like a Pecos Bill or a Paul Bunyan. I think of him as an American Folk-Hero whose talents had shamanistic qualities, of extraordinary proportions. One of the researchers to whom I had introduced Ted Owens was D. Scott Rogo. Scott, who is actually a distant cousin of mine -- you see, my mother's maiden name was "Rogo", died in 1990, but this was 1976 and '77. He was the author of more than twenty books dealing with parapsychological phenomena. (By the time of his death, he had authored those books). Of all the researchers whom I attempted to interest in the Owens case, he became the most interested. In fact, he and I co-authored a book, still unpublished, about the Ted Owens case! Scott, who was probably in his lifetime, regarded as the single most knowledgeable person about the history of parapsychology and Psychical Research, told me that he thought that Ted Owens might just be the most powerful psychic in all of our history. He [Rogo] was the author of Parapsychology: A Century of Inquiry, one of the best historical books written in the field. We're talking about some great psychics, when you go back to the nineteenth century, people like D. D. Home, or Eursapia Palladino. There are extraordinary things that have been reported in the history of this field, and I will from time to time, talk about them on this program, Virtual U. But Ted Owens was in a class of his own, really. We're talking about earthquake control, hurricane control, volcanoes, tornadoes, the forces of Nature seemed to respond to his thoughts. One of my friends, the Jungian scholar, Dr. James Driscoll, felt that Owens was in touch with the archetypal energies of the Greek god Poseidon, the god of the sea. The god whose thoughts were expressed in the elemental forces of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Owens himself saw it a little differently. If we look at his life history, he knew from childhood that he had some unusual experiences. When he went into the Military in World War II, he was in the Navy, and he describes for example, both in his childhood and again in the Navy, there were moments, like diving from the air from a diving-board into a swimming-pool, that he felt like he was suspended in mid-air for a while, and that people down below would see this, and marvel at it! So while he was in the Navy and producing effects like this, from time to time, and having other experiences, he wrote to J. B. Rhine, who was at Duke University, who had established a Parapsychology Laboratory there, and would you believe it, J. B. Rhine invited Owens to come to Duke University and work for him as a Laboratory Assistant. Rhine took an interest in Owens and his talents! And Owens did. He enrolled as an undergraduate student at Duke University, and he worked for J. B. Rhine, and he became very close to J. B. and his wife Louisa Rhine. At that time he learned about the scientific research that was being undertaken at Duke University in the field of extrasensory perception. J. B. Rhine had established an international reputation for his work in card-guessing and for his work in psychokinesis, where he'd ask people to concentrate on dice: he had a machine that would throw dice, and ask people to make certain faces of these dice come face-up. Owens, of course, was working in a wilder way, in a less disciplined way with these phenomena. He told me on one occasion, he was in the office, in the laboratory with Rhine and some of the research associates, and there was a scissors on the table, and he concentrated on that scissors, and it levitated a few feet above the table! I tried to verify that event by talking to Dr. Rhine and his wife. Of course many decades later, nobody remembered it. But you know? They didn't really want to talk about Ted Owens either. I think they considered him an embarrassment. The Rhines had really, really struggled to make Parapsychology a respectable scientific discipline, and it was an uphill struggle because the Scientific Community wasn't ready to accept even statistical experimental, well-controlled proof of such a thing as extrasensory perception, and in psychokinesis, let alone to think of someone of the likes of Ted Owens! It took until the mid-1960's, in fact 1969, before the American Association for the Advancement of Science granted recognition to the Parapsychological Association as an affiliate body, to even recognize that they were doing valid Science! And that was roughly about 40 years from the time that J. B. Rhine first initiated his research. So his struggles just put Parapsychology on the map, [but] prevented him from really appreciating not just Ted Owens, but many of the more far-out, more extraordinary, bizarre, remarkable, strange phenomena in the parapsychological zoo, so to speak! But Ted Owens did get his training right there, with the "Father of Parapsychology", J. B. Rhine. He got married when he was an undergraduate student, and left Duke University, and it was after that, that he really began focusing his energies on controlling the weather. He thought that he was in touch with the Powers of Nature when he observed that he could concentrate and cause clouds to move about, or cause lightning to strike, or cause storms to appear. I'll tell you more about his remarkable story, after these messages. [segment 4-Coda Follows] Jeffrey Mishlove: Welcome back to Virtual U. I'm your host, Jeffrey Mishlove, and I've been talking about my encounters with a man who taught me how to contact Space Intelligences. It's really quite a dramatic tale, and one that I rarely tell, because it is so bizarre. But there are many deep insights that I've gleaned from this story, and I'll be back at 6 and a half minutes after the hour, for another hour, in which I'll go into much more depth about not only the phenomena which I observed, but the metaphysical lessons associated with that. .... Before we end this hour, I should say some things about Ted Owens. He was a bizarre person. One might say that he had strange personality quirks, that he was even frightening and unpredictable and unpleasant and egotistical, and sometimes paranoid, and perhaps even psychotic. But he had an extraordinary gift, not only the gift of producing miraculous phenomena, but there was a core to him that was very pure. A core to him that was in touch with an extraordinarily powerful spiritual essence. I want to let you know that because I'll be talking about that more when I return from our break .... [segment 5 Follows] Jeffrey Mishlove: Welcome back to Virtual U. I'm your host, Jeffrey Mishlove, and this is our second hour of exploring the phenomenon of Space Intelligences. Well, I haven't really gotten into Space Intelligences too much yet! What I've actually been talking about is my encounter with the "Ambassador of the Space Intelligences", Ted Owens, a man I studied from 1976, when I first met him, until his death in 1987. During that eleven-year period, he produced about 200 documented demonstrations of unusual phenomena, which he attributed to the Space Intelligences with which he claimed to be in telepathic contact. Let me say a few more things about Ted. We were describing, before the break, how he had studied at Duke University in the 1940's -- around 1947. He actually was Research Assistant to Professor J. B. Rhine in the Parapsychology Laboratory there. He had left Duke University with his wife, travelling around the country, working at various odd jobs. Notice that he seemed to have an ability to control the weather with his thoughts! If he wanted to make a storm come up, he'd think about it, he'd visualize a storm and it would happen. This seemed to happen over and over again. It got to the point where at one time, he even contacted the C.I.A. and offered to demonstrate it to them. In fact, throughout his career, he made a real effort to interest the United States Government in working with what he believed were his unusual powers. I think the United States Government probably has extensive files on him, because he was constantly bombarding them with information. But they were really ill-equipped to deal with a person like him, and as far as I can tell, while they kept files on him, and maybe had people watching him from time to time, nothing ever came of those contacts. At some point, Ted shifted in his viewpoint. He originally thought it was "Nature": he was in touch with Nature. And because it was his link with Nature itself, he was able to produce these phenomena. And on one occasion, he actually saw a UFO while he was producing the phenomenon. There was a big UFO flap across the United States, back in the 1960's and it dawned on him then that it wasn't just "Nature", that he was in touch with some phenomenon in space and time as we normally think of it, the phenomenon he began to the S.I.'s or the Space Intelligences. He began to receive what he described as telepathic messages from the Space Intelligences. You might think that he had gone totally off his rocker at this point, but he believed that he had had a whole series of unusual experiences that made him believe that he had been abducted and had actually had surgery performed on his brain, that enhanced his natural telepathic abilities and allowed this to occur. Truly, as a psychotherapist, I can tell you that these kinds of stories are indicative of paranoid psychosis or schizophrenic psychosis. These are the stories of a schizophrenic, of a psychotic person, of an insane person, of a crazy person. It's no surprise to me that people treated Ted Owens this way. I think perhaps what is unusual about me is that I was willing to say, "All right, Mister, what is your evidence?" And if you listened to the first hour of this program, you know already that Ted Owens produced a great deal of evidence for me. In fact, I have in my files, hundreds of cases of weather-control and UFO appearances and poltergeist types of phenomena that were associated with his demonstrations. Typically, what he would do to produce a demonstration is put in writing, to scientists or journalists, or other responsible members of Society, what he planned to do, usually something very unusual or bizarre -- a heat wave, a cold wave, a UFO appearance, and then he would forward newspaper clippings of these events, because they were so dramatic, they were reported in the newspapers. I have these in my files along with the original envelopes and postmarks and letters documenting the precise dates in which his predictions were made. He'd send them to multiple groups of scientists to make sure they were well documented, and many of these scientists, who really wanted little to do with Ted Owens, were happy to forward to me all of their documentation about the man. Well, he came to see himself as the agent of the Space Intelligences as their representative on Earth. Then he began to tell me as I questioned him about the course of his life, he began to tell me some very interesting things. He told me, for example, that he believed that the Space Intelligences had been watching him throughout the course of his life, and he pointed out to me that he had held many different occupations. He had been a knife-thrower in a circus act and a bullwhip artist in a circus act. And he had been a high-speed typist, and he had been a jazz musician, a drummer. He had worked at a railroad as what he called an "idea man". He had been in the Navy. He had been a Parapsychology Assistant to J. B. Rhine at Duke University. He had worked in a law office. Owens believed that all of these strange careers were somehow guided or arranged for him by the Space Intelligences, and they had a purpose. The purpose was to help him develop a Mind that was so flexible that it was capable of developing very complex symbols from many different occupations, and professions, so that he could use those symbols in his telepathic contact with them. He also told me that these Space Intelligences had tried throughout history to try to establish such contact with many human beings from time to time. He said Moses was such a person. And often he compared himself to Moses. I think when one considers the accounts of Moses, in the Book of Exodus, and the miracles that were produced in Egypt at that time, ostensibly (I have no idea whether any of that really happened -- there's no archeological or other evidence to support that any of that story is true; I consider it very likely a story of mythological dimensions more than actual, but people will differ on these things) and in any case one can see the parallels. Owens, with his abilities to end droughts, with his abilities to cause UFO appearances and many, many other things, seemed to have powers parallel to those of Moses. On one occasion, parapsychologist D. Scott Rogo and I observed for a month or more, Owens's ability to manipulate the movements of a hurricane in the Caribbean, off the coast of Florida. Day by day, he was doing this. One direction, then another direction, and reporting to us in advance what was going on, all of this is well documented. And today there are still hundreds of people who have witnessed these demonstrations of Ted Owens. I have been in touch with many of them, and I have their affidavits on record. For example -- and this is a Moses-like phenomenon -- I have the affidavit of Attorney Sidney Margulies in the Philadelphia area, who was working in a law office where Ted Owens was employed, back in the late 1960's (about 1967), when Owens was bragging to him, as they were standing in the stairwell of this office building, that he could control the weather. Margulies said to him, "Well, if you're so good, why don't you make lightning strike right there," the Camden Bridge, and Owen pointed his finger. (It was a cloudy day but not lightning), and within a minute a bolt of lightning came out of the sky -- the only bolt of lightning in the sky at that time, and struck that Bridge, right where Owens was pointing. And that Attorney, Sidney Margulies, wrote an affidavit attesting to his witnessing that fact, and I have spoken to him. I have other Affidavits of exactly that phenomenon -- Owens's ability to point his finger and concentrate, and cause lightning to strike. That's an unusual phenomenon, and we know scientifically speaking, that the odds of predicting when lightning is going to strike are less than one in a million. That event alone is highly significant for me, from a scientific point of view. Owens tried, throughout his career, to encourage the United States Government to work with him. He felt that our world was in great danger, that we were on the brink of a nuclear war. Back then, in the sixties and seventies, many, many intelligent people were in agreement about the dangers that the world was in. I think that these days, it seems like somewhat of a less dangerous place than it did, back then, because of the Cold War and hostilities between the communist world and the capitalist world, that were going on at that time. He believed that his intervention, or the intervention of the UFO's, was required, literally, to save the world. But he was laughed at, and when he was laughed at, as I mentioned before, he sometimes produced demonstrations that were unpleasant in nature. In one instance, he came to San Francisco in the summer of '77 and he announced that he was here to end the drought. We were having another drought then, and he walked into the offices of the San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle, in order to make his public proclamation that he, the UFO Prophet, had come to end the drought. The guard in the lobby literally kicked him right out the door! So he said he would have to teach the people of California a lesson, and instead of ending the drought, he would cause forest fires. He said forest fires would be caused by lightning, his trademark. I was a witness to this. Within weeks, 300,000 acres in California had burned. A thousand fires had been started by lightning. It was one of the worst devastations. It affected not only California but the Western States as well. I was horrified, I was aghast. I guess I have/had a little more distance from the phenomenon then. I went to the Examiner myself, to report what I had documented, because Owens had sent me in writing his prediction that he would cause these fires and then they had occurred. I met with a reporter who was a close friend of an associate of mine. We met at a restaurant for dinner and I began to explain to him the whole sequence of events and he got so indignant that I was telling him this preposterous tale, that he got up and walked out of the dinner-table, and I have never seen that reporter, whose name was Sandy Zane, since that time, well over twenty years ago! That was the problem, of getting people to take this phenomenon seriously. I'll be back again after these messages. [break] Jeffrey Mishlove: Hello again, I'm Jeffrey Mishlove, host of Virtual U, and I've been talking about my eleven-year research with the UFO Prophet, the "PK Man", Ted Owens. I guess I've been tantalizing you, the audience members, by telling you that what this program is about is contacting Space Intelligences. Ted Owens wrote the book, How to Contact Space People. It was published by Saucerian Press in 1969 in Clarksburg, West Virginia. That book is a rare, out-of-print classic now, and for the rest of this program, I'm about to talk about that process of contacting Space Intelligences. I'm really giving you a lot of background about Ted Owens because I think it's important that people understand the range and the depth of the phenomena that we're discussing. It's the kind of phenomena that might be called, in the classic Greek sense, daimonic. You might think, from the Christian theological perspective, it's demonic, and many Christian theologians think that UFO phenomena are the work of the devil! But in the Greek sense of the term, a daimon was a spirit that had both positive and negative qualities. That seems to be more an appropriate way to classify the Owens phenomena, and the Space Intelligences with which he worked. He had a training program, himself. He had students. I interviewed a number of these students. One was named Jade Swan, and she had a cousin or sister-in-law named Janice Leslie. I've lost touch with both of these women, and I'm mentioning their names now because it's been well over a decade since I interviewed either of them, but perhaps they'll hear this program, or somebody who knows them will hear this program and urge them to get in touch with me, through WisdomRadio or through the Virtual U program or through my website, www.mishlove.com. (That's my name). They took his program and they were interested in using it the way he used it. They were interested in going out into the woods late at night and making lights appear in the sky. They described the many different kinds of lights. There were some that would zip across the sky. and they called them the zippers. Then there were other lights that would hover, right above the tree-tops, and they went on many adventures like this, after being trained by Ted Owens to do this kind of work. I also took the Ted Owens Training Program, and I'm going to describe it as we move on through the hour here. I've also interviewed other people who have as well. Ted Owens told people that this kind of a contact with an other-dimensional Intelligence could be used in many different ways. If you had his makeup, his personality, his stamina, you might want to go out and cause UFO sightings or poltergeist types of appearances. But other people use the same kind of training purpose for healing. When Ted Owens asked me, when I finally took his training in January of 1986, about a year before his death, he asked me, "Jeffrey, what would you like to do? What is your purpose? What is your intention in going through this Training Program to contact Space Intelligences?" And I thought about it. I said, "Ted, what I really want to do with my life is to become an effective communicator to the public at large about the realities of the Spirit, about the realities of Parapsychology and Consciousness." I was at a low point in my life, because even though I had a doctoral degree in Parapsychology, even though I'd been on the radio, going back to the 1970's, I had been slandered and libeled. Because after I received my doctoral degree, I had become a target for the skeptics. It was intolerable to them that a person like me, a public figure, would have the visibility and the public credibility to talk about the kinds of phenomena that I was researching and experiencing, and they had launched a big effort to actually get the University of California to revoke my doctoral degree in Parapsychology. Which, incidentally, is the only doctoral degree in Parapsychology ever awarded by an accredited American University. It was a landmark of sorts, and it remains so today, twenty years later. When they were unsuccessful in getting that degree revoked, an article about me was published, arranged by the skeptics, it was published in Psychology Today, which then had a circulation of nearly a million readers, claiming that I probably really didn't get the degree, and if I did get it, I certainly didn't deserve it because I was nothing but a bad person, all the way around. And I felt mortified, and I withdrew from the field, and I did other things. I got my training in psychotherapy. I got business experience. I studied computers and computer programming. Anything but being in public in the fields that I loved. Of consciousness, of spirituality, of parapsychology. But I asked Ted Owens then for that gift, that I be out there in the world, that I could be an effective communicator once again, for the realities that I knew so deeply. I can tell you this. Within a few months of taking that training, I launched my Thinking Allowed television series. 1986. It was launched in May. We have now been producing programs every week since then, continuously, and we've been out on the Satellite all over North America every week since then. The TV program is carried by Wisdom Television, and it's carried by Public Television Stations throughout the United States and Canada. So I got my wish. And I have to say, that connection with the Space Intelligences was very positive and wholesome for me. And now, dear listeners, if you could contact Space Intelligences with such powers, what would you wish for? What would be your mission, your purp

    No worries! I eat from the fruit of the tree. Actually Geller's done some remarkable things fraud or not[maybe] it's just when you prostitute your gifts for entertainment things have way of falling apart.Especially when you are not certain of your powers origin or how it works.I think the case of Owens is very compelling when you accept all the primary sources of evidence.Predicting[causing]before the fact [notorized contracts]observed,putting up and not shutting up...very compelling.Also the namees involved Dr.Rhine,Stanford research institute,ectera,very compelling.