I don't know why Wim is continuing with his marvelous works...perhaps to spread the word about what is possible. Should he stop and allow skeptics to say it was never done? ''Never video taped?'' To answer that question I would have to engage in mind reading or judge him by my subjective standards. Should an artist stop painting? Creating? Anyway, you are the one who poo pooed subjective reports and wanted clear cut evidence for all the world to see. I could talk all day about my subjective experiences but wouldn't get anywhere because you deleted that as evidence in your opening salvo.
I was never interested in attacking you [maybe standing up to you or hooking up with you]just providing contrary evidence for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.We each have to find our own [acceptance]truth in our own time. Actually you attacked me first[i would never attack such a beautiful,beautiful,woman] and that's okay since I came with such objective ''talking points''
Notice how no one since Swami Rama has replicated or outperformed his parlor tricks amazing feats of mental power under similar or better lab controls. I have to look at how much energy was invested and how much time and training went into Rama's demo and at the end of the day it's not impressive.
I'm sorry if you don't find control over supposedly involuntary functions that impressive or moving a needle ten degrees extraordinary I'm sure a physicist who witnessed such a feat would be extremely impressed! knowing what he knows about gravity and definite forces. At any rate, below are several individuals who rival Rama and Hoff in what can't exist but does! I'm still your b.f.f.!
n Unusual Demonstration
The yogic claim of voluntary control over the heart beat:
A letter to the American Heart Journal - 1973
LK Kothari MSc MAMS, Arum Bordia MD, VP Gupta MD
Rabindinath Tagore Medical Colledge & Hospital; Udapur India
To the editor:
Yogis in India have long been reputed to develop a remarkable control over bodily functions. Theoretically, it is believed that all visceral functions can be brought under voluntary control by prolonged yogic training, but perhaps their most fascinating claim has been the ability to stop the heart at will. However, in most instances where this has been investigated so far, it has turned out to be an exaggerated Valsalva manoeuvre in some form, which makes the pulse and heart sounds imperceptible while the heart continues to beat at a slow rate.
Recently we had the rare opportunity of investigation of an altogether different and very interesting demonstration of this supposed yogic control over the heart. Yogi Satyamurti, a sparsely built man of about 60 years of age, remained confined in a small underground pit for 8 days in what according to him was a state of "Samadhi", or deep meditation, with all bodily activity cut down to the barest minimum. The pit was a 1.5 metre cube, dug out in an open lawn surrounded by the Medical Institute buildings, and was completely sealed from the top by bricks and cement mortar. The Yogi squatted on the floor of the pit with nothing on excepted a light cotton garment. About 5 litres of water was placed in the corner, presumably for drinking but according to the Yogi only for keeping the air humid. An ECG (Lead II) was continuously monitored during these 8 days and various other laboratory investigations were carried out before and after. The ECG leads were kept short enough not to allow any free movement inside the pit.
The 12-lead ECG recorded before closing the pit was within normal limits (Fig. 1, strip A), but a significant sinus tachycardia developed soon after. It increased progressively, reaching a heart rate of 250 per minute on the second day (Fig.1,strip . At 5:15 pm on the second day, when the yogi had been inside for about 29 hours, to our great surprise a straight line replaced the ECG tracing (Fig.1, strip C). There was no electrical disturbance of any sort even at higher amplification and with different leads. There had been no slowing of the heart or signs of ischaemia preceding this.
The straight line on the ECG persisted till the eighth morning. Then, to our astonishment, electrical activity returned about half an hour before the pit was scheduled to be opened. After some initial disturbance, a normal configuration appeared. Although some sinus tachycardia was still there, there was no other significant abnormality (Fig.1, strip D). The Yogi had informed us beforehand that he would begin to come out of his deep trance or suspended animation after nearly 7 days, much in the same way that a normal person wakes up after a few hours sleep.
When the pit was opened on the eighth day, the Yogi was found sitting in the same posture. One of us immediately went to examine him. He was in a stuporous condition and was very cold (oral temperaturewas 34.8°C). On being taken out of the pit he developed severe shivering and this persisted for nearly 2 hours. A 12-lead ECG repeated in the laboratory subsequently was again within normal limits (Fig.1, strip E).
The Yogi and his admirers felt more satisfied at his scientifically documented proof of a remarkable Yogic feat, while we were left rather perplexed and confused. We were expecting some bradycardia and possible sign of myocardia ischaemia, but contrary to this there was severe tachycardia followed by a complete disappearance of all complexes. Any instrumental failure was ruled out by thoroughly checking the machine and also by the spontaneous reappearance of the ECG on the last day. A disconnection of the leads by the Yogi, quite a likely explanation, ought to have given rise to a considerable electrical disturbance, but there was hardly any. Later on, we tried all sorts of manipulations with leads to stimulate what the Yogi could have done inside the pit (notwithstanding the total darkness and his ignorance of ECG technique), but in every case there was marked disturbance. Therefore, although it is obviously difficult to believe that the Yogi could have completely stopped his heart or decreased its electrical activity below a recordable level, we still had no satisfactory explanation for the ECG tracings before us.
Apart from this, the Yogi had of course endured total starvation, sensory deprivation, as well as the discomfort of a very humid, closed atmosphere for 8 days. We did not pay much attention to anoxia, thinking that sufficient ventilation could occur through the bare earth on the side of the pit. The loss of weight (4.5 kilograms) and other biochemical changes were essentially the same as can be expected in starvation under similar conditions. They certainly discount any remarkable depression of the metabolic rate.
The more optimistic amongst us considered this feat to be a marvellous extension of the "hypometabolic wakeful state of yogic meditation" as described by Wallace and co-workers, and the conditioned learning of autonomic responses in rats reported by DiCara. The sceptics, however, were inclined to take the whole thing as some cleverly disguised trick. But, for the present, we only want to put this interesting experiment on record just as an intriguing and inclusive attempt of a Yogi to demonstrate a voluntary control over his heart beat.
Prahlad Jani -
Ten Day Study
Medical Case Summary
Dr. Sudhir V. Shah
Case Summary: Prahladbhai Jani
Case Summary A 76 years old male, Prahladbhai Jani (Chunriwala Mataji), gives a detailed description about his life. He left home at the age of 7 years and wandered in the jungles of Mt. Abu, Girnar, Narmada, etc. At the age of 11 years he had some supernatural experience and this changed his life. According to him he has no desire to eat, drink liquids or pass urine or stool since then. He had been physically fit. Almost daily he goes in a state of extreme bliss (Samadhi) where he experiences enormous light and strength. He attributes his strength to an elixir coming out through his palate.
He has studied up to 3 standards and knows to read and write with limited abilities. According to him he did not speak for about 45 years (Maunbrat). In 1942 he was taken at Jaslok Hospital and was under care of doctors and police for 45 days. One and half years back he was investigated by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah for initial analysis of his state of health.
He has no past history of any major illnesses, hospitalization [save 1942 for observations], major or minor surgeries or drug intake.
Mr. Jani accepted to undergo all non invasive procedures and blood investigations but refused for any invasive procedure from the beginning. He never wanted anything to be introduced through anyway to his body.
It was decided to study him by a panel of doctors, which included:
Dr. Sudhir V. Shah (Consultant Neurophysician, Sterling Hospital/Associate Professor of Neurology at K. M. School of PGMR, Ahmedabad)
Dr. Urman Dhruv (Physician & Secretary of Association of Physicians of Ahmedabad (APA))
Dr. V. N. Shah (Diabetologist, Director-Sterling Hospital)
Dr. Bharat Gadhavi (General Surgeon/Medical Superintendent-Sterling Hospital)
Dr. Kandarp Parikh (Urologist)
Dr. Dinesh Patel/Dr. Hemant Patel (Radiologists)
Dr. Sanjay Mehta (Neuro Radiologist & Sonologist)
Dr. Gargey Sutaria (Radiologist)
Dr. Sanjiv Haribhakti (G. I. Surgeon)
Dr. Navneet Shah (Physician, Endocrinologist)
Dr. Prakash Darji/Dr. Sonal Dalal/ Dr. Pankaj Shah (Nephrologists)
Dr. Bansi Saboo (General Physician)
Dr. Shrenik Shah (Cardiologist)
Dr. Dhanesh Patel (General Surgeon)
Dr. O. M. Modi (Senior Physician)
Dr. Hemang Desai (Psychiatrist)
Dr. Jayesh Sheth (Genetician & Endocrinologist)
Dr. Dhaval Modi (Ophthalmologist)
Dr. Jayeeta Chaudhary (Dietician)
Dr. Mukesh Patel (Pulmonologist)
Dr. Ruchir Shah (ENT Surgeon)
Several other doctors also examined him from time to time.
He was kept in Sterling Hospital (Gurukul Road, Ahmedabad) from 13/11/03 (10:00 AM) to 22/11/03 (10:00 AM) for observation. Directors of Sterling Hospital specially Dr. V. N. Shah and the management committee of Sterling Hospital kindly consented to look after the ethical aspects and the funds for the project including various tests.
The strict monitoring to ascertain the genuinity of his claim (Not eating anything, not drinking anything, not passing urine and not passing stool) was done by the unbiased august body, i.e. Association of Physicians of Ahmedabad, under precise protocol set by the Secretary of the Association, Dr. Urman Dhruv, along with executive committee of the association.
The research panel of doctors was headed by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah (Consultant Neurophysician, Sterling Hospital/Associate professor of neurology at K. M. School of PGMR, Ahmedabad).
During the project, Dr. Sudhir Shah almost daily was in touch with Professor Dr. Selvamurthy who is the over all controller of Defence laboratories including DIPAS (Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences), New Delhi. He was kind enough to guide the protocol of monitoring as well as further tests for the project.
During the study period Mr. Jani was completely monitored by doctors, staff members and security people all throughout the day.
He was asked to make an affidavit to undergo the study with clear understanding that if his health or medical parameters deteriorate then panel of doctors will withdraw from the study.
He was kept in ICU for 24 hours, i.e. 13/11/03 (10:00 AM to 14/11/03 (10:00 AM) and then was kept in a room with glass door. The toilet door was sealed. CCTV camera was set in the room for the rest of the period of study, i.e. from 14/11/03 to 22/11/03 (10:00 AM). Medical officers on duty were assigned the job to monitor him. Staff persons were deputed on round-the-clock duty for 9 days and nights continuously to stay with Mr. Jani in the same room to closely watch him and make sure that he does not eat, drink, pass urine or stool. The video tapes were reviewed for all 24 hours of all these days by committee. Mr. Jani was not allowed to go out of the room except for sonography of bladder and MRI testings, but even during that period, he was all the way accompanied by doctors.
Clinical opinions of system examination of all experts were obtained including cardiac, renal, neurological, urological, gastrointestinal, general medical, pulmonological, ophthalmic, ENT, psychiatry and others. A series of investigations were done as per protocol defined earlier as well as additional tests were carried out as per suggestions of the team.
Clinically all his systems were generally normal. All his special senses were also ok except moderate hearing loss. However, his pulse remained at 42-46/min, BP about 114/80 mmHg and respiration around 12-14/min. His cognition and behavior was all right. His weight was taken daily. His clinical examination including vital data and general examination and systemic examination was done daily. Urinary volume in the bladder was checked by ultrasound twice daily at 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM. This showed that there was urine accumulation, which ultimately decreased on its own without passing.
Blood samples were checked regularly with frequent monitoring of CBC, RFT, electrolytes, sugar and acetone. There was mild alteration in renal parameters and there was slight fall in weight, which subsequently stabilized. Otherwise all reports were in normal range. Genetic study report is awaited. The above study was done for the period of 10 days.
Pertinent Clinical Investigations:
Blood Group: “A” +ve
Date: 12/11/03
Hb: 10.8 G%
T.RBC: 4.17
TC: 4880 /c.mm.
DC: 40/47/10/03/00
PC: 3,52,000 /c.mm.
ESR: After 1 hr: 10 mm
Blood Indices:
HCT: 35.8
MCV: 85.9
MCH: 25.9
MCHC: 30.2
Date: 14/11/03
Hb: 11.3 G%
T.RBC: 4.37
TC: 5780 /c.mm.
DC: 47/41/09/03/00
PC: 4,25,000 /c.mm.
Blood Indices:
HCT: 37.9
MCV: 86.7
MCH: 25.9
MCHC: 29.8
Date: 16/11/03
Hb: 11.5 G%
T.RBC: 4.49
TC: 5640 /c.mm.
DC: 52/36/09/03/00
PC: 4,53,000 /c.mm.
Blood Indices:
HCT: 38.5
MCV: 85.7
MCH: 25.6
MCHC: 29.9
Date: 18/11/03
Hb: 12.3 G%
T.RBC: 4.87
TC: 8180 /c.mm.
DC: 66/27/04/03/00
PC: 5,03,000 /c.mm.
Blood Indices:
HCT: 42.0
MCV: 86.2
MCH: 25.3
MCHC: 29.3
Date: 20/11/03
Hb: 12.9 G%
T.RBC:5.17 m/c.mm.
TC: 7690 /c.mm.
DC: 62/25/04/05/01
PC: 4,86,000 /c.mm.
MPV: 9.0 fl
ESR: After 1 hr: 25 mm; After 2 hr: 52 mm
Blood Indices:
HCT: 42.2
MCV: 81.6
MCH: 25.0
Date: 12/11/03
Prolactin: 3.80
S. Cortisol: 12.2 microgm/dL
S. Total Proteins:
Total Proteins: 7.27
Albumin: 4.05
Globulin: 3.22
A/G Ratio: 1.26
Gamma GT: 31.0 U/L
Thyroid Function Test:
T-3: 0.86 ng/ml
T-4: 5.90
TSH: 3.15 microIU/ml
Lipid Profile:
S. Cholesterol: 216.0 mg/dl
S. Triglycerides: 127.6 mg/dl
HDL: 57.2 mg/dl
Direct LDL: 118.9 mg/dl
Cal. LDL: 133.28 mg/dl
Very low density lipoprotein: 26 mg/dl
LDL/HDL: 2.079
Cholesterol/HDL: 3.776
S. Electrolytes:
S. Na+: 139.8 mmol/L
S. K+: 4.61 mmol/L
S. Cl-: 103.2 mmol/L
S. Acid Phosphatase:
Total Acid Phosphatase: 4.58 IU/L
Non Prostatic ACP: 2.58 IU/L
Prostatic Phosphatase: 135.19 IU/L
S. Bilirubin:
Total Bilirubin: 0.48 mg/dl
Conj: 0.10 mg/dl
Unconj: 0.38 mg/dl
Delta: 0 mg/dl
SGPT: 21.0 U/L
SGOT: 22.0 U/L
S. Alk. Phosphatase: 95.0 U/L
FBS: 85.7 mg/dl
Blood Urea: 33.0 mg/dl
S. Creatinine: 1.36 mg/dl
S. Uric acid: 5.26 mg/dl
S.Acetone : 10 mg/dl
Human Growth Hormone: 0.14 ng/ml
Date: 14/11/03
Blood Urea: 46.9 mg/dl
S. Creatinine: 1.53 mg/dl
S. Na+: 145.1 mmol/L
S. K+: 4.60 mmol/L
S. Cl-: 107.0 mmol/L
S.Acetone : 10 mg/dl
Date: 15/11/03
S. Na+: 143.7 mmol/L
S. Acetone: 30.0 mg/dl (Present)
Date: 16/11/03
Blood Urea: 59.6 mg/dl
S. Creatinine: 1.52 mg/dl
S. Na+: 148.3 mmol/L
S. K+: 4.97 mmol/L
S. Cl-: 106.8 mmol/L
RBS: 84.9 mg/dl
S. Acetone: 30.0 mg/dl (Present)
Date: 18/11/03
S. Uric acid: 11.44 mg/dl
SGPT: 10.0 U/L
S. Acetone: 30.0 mg/dl (Present)
Blood Urea: 63.7 mg/dl
S. Creatinine: 1.75 mg/dl
S. Na+: 154.3 mmol/L
S. K+: 4.37 mmol/L
S. Cl-: 107.5 mmol/L
ABG: (Venous Blood)
PH: 7.31
PCO2: 48
PO2: 23
TCO2: 25
HCO3: 23
BE: -3.0
O2 sat: 35%
Venous RBS: 162.0 mg/dl
Date: 20/11/03
T-3: 0.97 ng/ml
T-4: 9.0 ug/dl
TSH: 2.1 ulu/dl
Plasma Cortisol:
AM: 11.0 ug/dl
FBS: 76 mg%
Blood Urea: 77 mg%
S. Creatinine: 1.7 mg%
S. Na+: 155.9 M.Eq/L
S. K+: 4.67 M.Eq/L
S. Cl-: 115.9 M.Eq/L
SGPT: 24 Units/ml
S.Acetone : 30 mg\dl
Date: 21/11/03
Blood Urea: 87.5 mg/dl
S. Creatinine: 1.46 mg/dl
S. Na+: 143.5 mmol/L
S. K+: 4.16 mmol/L
S. Cl-: 101.5 mmol/L
S. Acetone: 30.0 mg/dl (Present)
Date: 25/11/03
S. K+: 3.40 mmol/L
SGPT: 23.0
S. Creatinine: 1.40 mg/dl
S. Na+: 137.5 mmol/L
Blood Urea: 48.2 mg/dl
RBS: 99.8 mg/dl
Audiological Evaluation: (17/11/03)
Bilateral severe to profound degree of sensori-neural hearing loss.
ECG and cardiac evaluation were normal.
Radiological Investigations:
X-Ray Chest PA (12/11/03): No significant abnormality detected.
USG Abdomen (12/11/03): No significant abnormality detected.
Doppler examination of carotid, vertebral, abdominal aorta and peripheral arterial system of lower limbs were quite normal.
MR Angiography of Brain, Neck & abdomen was unremarkable.
MR Oesophagus: Normal study
MR cholanigopancreatography: Normal study
MR Abdomen – pelvis: Presence of bowel gas and solid faecal material.
Gall bladder collapsed.
Urinary bladder partially filled with urine around 70ml
MR Myelography: Normal study
Cartography (26/11/03):
Normal study except LVEF is between 22-35%
After day 10, the committee is satisfied with following matter:
1. The protocol was strictly adhered to.
2. Mr. Jani has not passed or dribbled urine during these 10 days.
3. He has not taken anything by mouth or by any other routes not even water for 10 days.
4. All his parameters remained within the range determined by the committee.
5. He has shown evidence of formation of urine, which seems to be reabsorbed from his bladder wall. However at present the committee does not have any scientific explanation for the same but the help of senior scientists and medical personnel of the country is being taken for the same.
We are surprised as to how he has survived despite above particularly without passing urine for 10 days and remaining generally physically fit.
However it should be made very clear that we have confirmed the claim over 10 days only and we as scientists and responsible doctors cannot say anything regarding validity of the claim of his sustaining without food, drinks, urination and excretion of stools over several years.
Our attempt is to understand this wonderful phenomenon having confirmed from our side over these 10 days and we are not sure whether this is reproducible in other human beings by the way of YOGA as he practices, or by other methods like Genetic Engineering. If so, also we are not sure whether and how it can contribute to human welfare. At the moment, we are trying to analyse the results and trying to learn for the betterment of science. Probably some invasive investigations may help understand this process, but from the beginning Mr. Jani has refused any invasive procedure or any sort of injections be it a dye only.
Dr. Urman Dhruv
(Physician & Secretary of APA)
Dr. S. V. Shah
(Consultant Neurology & Head of Research Committee)
Dr. V. N. Shah
(Diabetologist & Director-Sterling Hospital)