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Everything posted by Wayfarer64

  1. I maintain that watching nature is my BEST teacher, my sifu and other educators will never have that much to teach me, because their knowledge is just static compaired to the world's ongoing growth and evolving propensity...
  2. I question everyone here and elsewhere who claims that their way is the best way. Everyone, encluding my own sifu! I mean no disrespect. I only mean to open the doors that seperate levels of hierarchical standing we each impose on ourselves and each other, this is so- even when I agree with the premisses involved. Up is down from hemisphere to hemisphere, perspective is dubious that we are are all one thing-(beings of mostly light) - I may take for granted...The rest seems beside the point...
  3. Bruce Lee

    He was briefly a student of my sifu, Grand Master Bill Chung... GM Chung told me he believed Lee was killed by some unknown masters' female assassin -The only persons Lee let near him self were family, true & trusted friends and various lovers...someone laid him low with a slow-acting death blow administered durring sexual activity... Many masters were ticked-off that Lee was so famous & would not test himself against them in an open trial by combat... I do NOT claim this to be the facts just an educated guess by someone who knew him...Small world here huh?!
  4. The Taoism Greets

    Good points made here. I offer great respect to all who write for us here as well...But sometimes think that an adherance to lineage narrows options more than they open minds to some purity that may be inherent to any lineage and thus espoused after their transference... but hey, different strokes may not apply in this case!
  5. religion

    Thanks Lozen-Thats getting emailed to many from here-love to all-Pat
  6. Obama's birth certificate

    Irecently got a copy of my BC and it is pretty much the same -- I hope he can find the way thru these dark and difficult times- I voted for Nader (In NJ... BHO didn't need my vote) and wept for joy when he made his speach in Chicago! I SAY HURAH FOR THE WHOLE WORLD -GWB WAS THE WORST PRES EVER IN MY EXPERIENCE- peace
  7. Why Taoism is different

    People of many belief systems drink green tea... And not only Taoists "become one" with their tea... Still it is far better for one to take green tea rather than coffee... Yet & still I drink coffee some mornings... I can choose to ignore my own knowledge & act as if ignorant when it comes to being one with many things that aren't very good for me... There is no, (or very little)- judgement -just observation to contend with...
  8. Is Chi Something You Can feel?

    yes indeeedy... the feeling for me almost always comes "up" from contact with the earth as I do form/meditate or even make love! the difference between yin & yang qi - may be best expressed as the giving and taking of energy... which is directly related to healing and hurting both! it is the give and take of basic energy we open ourselves up to...
  9. Is the sound annoying you?

    I thought this thread was going to be about Sarah Palin's voice! But I too meditate a lot on trains/buses/ walking in woods- I am usually on the move when I am trying to quiet my mind and bring myself back to my center -where I wayfare as spirit... But when I am trying to work at the library -where I can use the computers -it is distracting to be bombarded with chatter and mayhem as id aften the case- staying calm & mellow isn't always a dish of bliss...
  10. How can i apply Tao to my life

    Jump right in! Hold the question in yr mind and consult the YiJing!
  11. Religion or a Philosophy?

    tricky & sly to boot! such is the universe we live in - It seems we are talking about integration to some degree integrating our yin with our yang componants as well as our ego/personality/self into what we can (for ease of discussion only) call the Tao... I agree words will never reach the meaning of our complex attempts to harmonize our selves/the rest of the universe, but it seems that we can cultivate ourselves to be more aware that we are spiritually/ humanly and the other sub-divisions part of a greater whole, I've read where we can judge ourselves as evolved beings by how we see ourselves - as in -what plane we think we are on... I'm not sure of this but it may be so- we become who we intend to be by directing our attention and indevors...perhaps
  12. Haiku Chain

    a spirit chaser. Hifullutin name for beer! Sparkling water...
  13. The era of secrets seems to be over...

    This is an interesting thread... I'd like to think that the hippies opened us up to the age of Aqarious- was it a premie? in any case do any of us assume we are entitled to be "all knowing" ? are we able to handle all that remains secret? I doubt that I am- some of the more energy demanding experiences remain beyond my grasp- I remain a fallible human and predict that I'll remain so durring this life time... but I shall remain (hopefully)- atuned to vibrant change in my own quest for enlightenment!
  14. Religion or a Philosophy?

    I doubt there is a banana that "wants" to be an apple. That would not be natural. But humans find a natural way to change ourselves... Yes, we humans try so very hard to be more than what we now are - we do cultivate ourselves to become something else -maybe more than what we see ourselves as - For me, as Taoists... we accept ourselves first as what we are and begin to reach for a greater involvement in the universal oneness we sense we belong to- It is a Way to be and to grow into a larger sense of being, we align ourselves to the universe and ride life like the wave of energy we truly are -
  15. Keep it clean please

    I'm not sure this forum needs any police action to keep us clean or socially acceptable or any other imposed objective that any one of us may feel needs doing - I went thru a period where I was on Mr. Denty's case for what I felt was obusive language and narrow-minded castigation of other's systems of gaining knowledge -and/or seeking of wisdom - I bet we can each deliver our thoughts without holding back and without demeaning those we feel we need to oppose... but I will never curtail my language to assuage another's sensabilities, that is not my way damn it!
  16. Can We Transcend Lust?

    lust, envy, pain, anger so many of these seemingly negative energies can be accepted as our own -owned up to as it were, and then laughed off as what we once owned and then let go of... like so much of what we go thru- use it don't abuse it and it can help you learn just who/what you are about...
  17. How This Universe Works?

    I've always thought that Spinoza had read Taoist texts to get to where he came from... For me, Taoism is accepting of everything as being part of a whole...and thus helps us to remain calm amid the turmoils and trepidations- inner contact with the devine -by any name would smell as sweet... the knowledge of the devine within us seems to be the very basis of most "spiritual" thinking, beliefs,.Constructs or systems... we are all one in essence if not practice.
  18. National Pride

    I Have a good friend in what used to be Burma who had his home taken by some general...These things still go on and dispite our rhetoric about freedom the USA supports the Myanmar junta -because of Unical's pipe-line... there is so much to be done -I do believe we are evolving as a species and will in future days (millenia) reach a point where we could be concidered civilized beings worthy of "cosmic" concideration to become an intigrated part of the universal community that is likely to exist-because there are so freaking many planetary systems out there!!! In any case I remain positive in my projected thinkig and hopeful in my personal direction- peace to all-Pat
  19. National Pride

    If this were so there would be no growth, progress, evolution etc... I believe we are an evolving species with a whole lot more to grow!!! -- And yes-for once I have some national pride these days!- If we can boot the corporations off of our backs -that IS the real win! Peace-Pat
  20. How This Universe Works?

    yep- thats it! but the best place to preview &/or buy one is here- http://www.lulu.com/pdgart & "cliff notes" here: http://www.pdgart.com/Wayfarer.html I hope you enjoy what is there... I will also send you an autographed thank you note once its a done deal- I did have several pre-signed copies that a few TaoBums were lucky to have gotten directly from me- but I no longer have any copies for sale of my own... If I do reorder a box-load I'll let this site know- right now I have no $$ to buy my own for promotion! in any case thanks for the interest & letting me know that Amizon is now hawking it as out of ptint -it isn't! love to all- better days ahead!-Pat
  21. absolute direct work with fear

    I saw someone with a button on their lapel the other day - Survivor not Victim I believe that is a good image to hold to- gain what you can from duress and go on with what you need to do
  22. How This Universe Works?

    & thanks to you as well- It is a boon when what I offer here rings true for someone- who replys - this kind of connectivity is perhaps what some of us seek here and once again in the opto-mystic spirit of self -promotion please check out my book -the Wayfarer Sonnets - I really need to boost my sales or Lulu may "down-grade" me on their site! an old friend of mine who IS mentally /chemically unbalanced can do very little for himself on any given day-he remains almost infantile in his abilities, while priding himself on laziness and slovenliness - because that is all he Can do... it takes all kinds... he has a very sweet nature if self-absorbed to a very unhealthy degree... So- rather than envy him having found his way to be.. we need to choose our own paths, find our own best ways to be ourselves - find our own capasity for the virtues we hope to emulate etc -
  23. How This Universe Works?

    I kinda think that to align ourselves with the natural flow of time/space is to become one who is attaining a closeness with the Tao... the closer we come to being one with the Tao the closer our "wills" are in synch with our own Tao - as it were- there will always be a time/space gap between the I and the oneness we seek... just to keep everything moving along -and laughs aplenty for each & all to boot... and Michael - that butt scratching - I hope it is not a serious condition needing salve!
  24. Virtue is...

    Yo Stig-- At least you plumb into depths of understanding ... rather than just snake around only to allow the s#!t to flow!
  25. Energy Healing and Self-Protection

    well it seems pretty complicated from what I read - as Richard Farinia wrote -beware of the Monkey-demon! Happy birthday anyway- try to focus on just being "above" the situation -not ignore it maybe just transcending the situation as it were -then kick some ass if that don't work!-approaches vary day to day in most relationships good & bad... peace out-Pat