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Everything posted by yabyum24

  1. "Nondual" In Buddhadharma

    I don't know enough about Advaita to comment but the point you make here is something we shouldn't overlook. For many people, the religious trappings are a kind of support and comfort. For some initially, for others indefinitely. Most sectarians are people who can't let go of this stuff and feel compromised or threatened by other points of view. There are clear lines they can't go beyond, as they fear losing that security.
  2. "Nondual" In Buddhadharma

    This is unfortunately true. We have a wonderful opportunity to ignore that kind of thing and just take the essence of the teachings and put them into practice. Who knows how much we can all help each other by exchanging our experiences, regardless of the path we're on. One-upmanship is pointless posturing and just causes ill feeling. Buddha himself says in MN22 there are worthless men who "...study the Dhamma both for attacking others and for defending themselves in debate. They don't reach the goal for which [people] study the Dhamma. " That says it all.
  3. "Nondual" In Buddhadharma

    Malcolm was being very non-judgmental on the whole topic of other paths. I don't think he was point scoring in any way at all. An amazing post that's for sure.
  4. Urgent serious complaint

    There has to be the makings of a "How many MoPai masters does it take to change a lightbulb?" joke there.
  5. "Nondual" In Buddhadharma

    But what are you going to do now that Malcolm has abandoned sectarianism?
  6. "Nondual" In Buddhadharma

    Wow, that is one awesome post. 100% respect for Malcolm there. I was on E-Sangha when it blew up and I've witnessed some evil sectarian stuff on line over the years. I never thought that I would ever read anything like that from him but I completely agree with him on all points there. Gone right up in my respect. Still trying to take it all in....
  7. Sin

    For me, this goes back to the 'fall' in the garden of eden. It's less a desire for self-definition, rather a process which affects all of us as we develop a self-identity. The apple (the knowledge of good an evil) is the dualistic discriminating, self-grasping mind. Our expulsion is the sundering of this self-grasping identity from it's basis - from whence it has arisen (God in this case). When God says that Adam should not eat of the tree of life, it is a riddle - a concealed invitation to do so. The directions for the return to Eden are there for those who are ready and can locate the gateway. Guarded by the flaming sword - you shall not enter between (sunrise and sunset) but in the twilight which belongs to neither the day nor the night - the gateway opens. Between the in breath and the out breath between the death of one thought and the birth of another. Shiva's skin is the dusk of dawn and twilight, the crescent moon in the sky. When this self-grasping mind falls away, no boundaries are found and we walk naked in God's presence once more. But this time with the light of knowledge, not like Adam before the fall who did not understand and was compelled to leave. Just my 2 cents.
  8. Internet Buddhist Nihilists

    Well, Buddha dealt very well with that. When I get a bit more time, I'll put it up. Thanks for all the comments and interest.
  9. Debunking a Creator

    Fully agree with number 1. but number 2. is an oxymoron.
  10. (Image) Keep your eyes on Lord Buddha

    Or perhaps... Do not let anything make you take your eyes off Lord Buddha, for when you look back at him once more, his footprints may have faded away.
  11. Sin

    For me, the whole concept of sin is inextricably tied to the Abrahamic presentation of God. One sins against this God, which displeases him and nasty things follow. If we move away from this narrow, dualistic concept to a more 'monist' understanding, then the very notion of sin becomes redundant. It is replaced by ignorance - our own apparent separation from the supreme source.
  12. We crossed the high Himalayan pass just as the weather turned. The Sherpas had all but given up and had declared our mission little more than madness. But suddenly it was there - the fabled kingdom of Shangri-La. We staggered down into the lush valley watched by incredulous natives who had scarce seen an outsider in over a century. There was no mistaking the temple, it's legendary golden doors, which swung open as a monk emerged. We prostrated and begged him to confer the most highest empowerment. He smiled and explained that there were five levels and we would first need to gain the four in order to gain the most highest. "Yes mighty Lama!" We replied. "I'm not the Lama". He said, removing a mysterious metallic object from his robes. We could scarce believe our eyes has his fingers passed over it. "An iPad Air!" My companion gasped. "The Lama is nowadays based in California". The monk said absent-mindedly, as he checked his mail. "You can catch the first empowerment in Zurich, in March. Then he's off to Madrid to do the second in April. Australia is scheduled for June for empowerment number three... I think it's Moscow for the forth empowerment in August, then back to our centre in California for the big one in September, if you can make them all". We were stunned. "B,b,but this place?" I stammered. "Oh yeah he keeps it for storage." "Sod that" I thought, I'll just do breathing meditation instead.
  13. It looked more like a general comment about new agers rather than an attack on forum members to me.
  14. Buddhist corpse ritual?

    Let us know how you get on.
  15. Buddhist corpse ritual?

    I was told that tantra enjoys a very bad reputation in India these days. Black magic etc. Is this right?
  16. Fuck karma

    Oh well, I guess we'll never know.
  17. Full lotus helps to control it, if she's able or willing. Actually, you don't even need full lotus. Crossed legs is enough.
  18. Fuck karma

    There's something I don't understand RongzomFan. You continuously quote from the above people, whilst practicing something entirely different yourself. I'm no expert on Dzogchen but what material I have read on that topic does not concern itself too much with any of the above and if I have understood it correctly, you are a Dzogchenpa? I may have misconstrued this, due to your veneration for Malcolm, so please forgive me if I've jumped to a false conclusion. Also, the above is merely scholarly tenets and contains no practical application. It's certainly not a good summary of Buddhism. You also claim to have no interest in the teachings of Buddha, so why don't you post the teachings that you do have interest in and have found personally helpful? It would be very interesting to see.
  19. Krampus: Saint Nicholas' Dark Companion

    Santa is the last vestige of a forgotten folk memory of Wotan, who was said to visit Middle Earth in disguise during the season of Yule. Midwinter solstice - a vital time to the pagan North European tribes, got whitewashed by Christmas.
  20. Fuck karma

    Lots of questions. I'll try to do them justice (briefly) 1. Suffering can be interpreted in different ways. The obvious one is the stuff we all know but it would be disingenuous to claim that all life is this kind of suffering. As Marblehead points out, there's bikinis and short skirts etc. Samsara is not called the Desire Realm for nothing. Some of it feels really good, so let's check this out. Buddha claimed that he only ever taught about 2 things; stress and it's release. Wow, that's not much and what did he mean? (later). Stress (the one we know about) is unpleasant. It's release can comprise of many things; sex, alcohol, tobacco or whatever (no moral judgement). Anything which relieves stress, we like. It's all fairly obvious. Addiction to anything is the repeated need for relief. 2. But it goes way deeper than this. In deep states of meditation (Jhana), inherent underlying stress is shed and it can be experienced exactly how this happens. Of course when you arise from such a state, the mind contracts again and you can feel how the underlying stress returns. Repeated practice of this begins to dissipate the self-grasping mind and the stress does not return to the level it was previously. This is really what Buddha is getting at. Self-grasping mind causes stress, so there can even be stress when pursuing our normal 'stress-busting' pleasures. Yeah, even those contain the stress of a contracted mind. Buddha re-emerged. Same body, aggregates etc. but samsara no longer wielded any power over his mind - he was unbound in the here and now. Liberated. 3. I don't have a crystal ball, so I can't comment on that but there are recognized stages of attainment. But all 12 links are present to your awareness in some measure, even now. It's only the depth of insight which ultimately transforms your being. 4. By meditating on the breath. Simple. You only need a modicum of seclusion - a bit of 'me time' and to have the intent.
  21. Fuck karma

    The twelve links are taught as a means to describe & analyze the volitional process (aka karma) which drives our existence. The key one (and the final to be removed) is ignorance. Check this out: Dwelling at Savatthi... "Monks, I will describe & analyze dependent co-arising for you. "And what is dependent co-arising? From (1) ignorance as a requisite condition come (2) fabrications. From fabrications as a requisite condition comes (3) consciousness. From consciousness as a requisite condition comes (4) name-&-form. From name-&-form as a requisite condition come the (5) six sense media. From the six sense media as a requisite condition comes (6) contact. From contact as a requisite condition comes (7) feeling. From feeling as a requisite condition comes (8) craving. From craving as a requisite condition comes (9) clinging/sustenance. From clinging/sustenance as a requisite condition comes (10) becoming. From becoming as a requisite condition comes (11) birth. From birth as a requisite condition, then (12) aging & death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair come into play. Such is the origination of this entire mass of stress & suffering. Source here. Mahayanists also accept this teaching. Vajrayanists additionally take vows to uphold sutra as well as tantra. Sutra is never denigrated or dismissed by a true tankrika. Sutra forms the foundation for everything else. When a person gains enlightenment they see the 12 links dissolve into each other in reverse, as they enter cessation, and then once more in sequence as they re-emerge back into samsara. Once seen and comprehended, the power of the links is shattered and the mind freed.
  22. It's not necessary to 'see' anything in meditation. Some people get visual stuff, others get 'feelings' - both are valid but you just don't hear as much about the latter. The ground (earth), a large body of calm water (lake), an open fire or the sky's clear, vast expanse are natural Kasina - or meditation objects, as they reflect our 4 elements. Viewing them produces a result. The mind stills and expands into blissful silence. The pulsing is a good sign but don't grasp at the visual apparition. Be aware of how you react to it and relinquish ownership of it.
  23. Krampus: Saint Nicholas' Dark Companion

    Yes, it's a fascinating tradition.
  24. Taoism & Confucianism - surely no way?

    I understand that the two are not necessarily linked but many Chinese were Buddhist once upon a time (not sure if it's many nowadays). So a Chinese confucian buddhist would pay respect at the shrine of his ancestors (in remembrance) whilst accepting that the ancestor is already reborn someplace? Is that roughly right?
  25. Fuck karma

    dunno... I flip-flop