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Everything posted by lifeforce

  1. The Perils of Meditation

    Hi Miffymog, I certainly agree with you there. I had formal instruction at a Theravada monastery about 10 years ago now. It was a practice I was very passionate about at the time. The Abbott and the rest of the Sangha were very helpful. A few months of regular, daily practice and I was a changed man. I had gone from a happy, outgoing, loving person, to a cold, mechanical and emotionless robot. It took me ages to pull myself around and this put me off meditation altogether. When I eventually plucked up the courage to try meditation again, I found that more heart-centred practices were better suited to me as I found out after practicing mantra and also silent Sufi group meditation.
  2. London Bridge

    That's what you've (and billions of others) been led to believe by the mainstream media, which is controlled by the very people orchestrating this evil plan. Be it the media, monetary systems, food, pharmaceuticals, religions etc etc. It's all manipulated by them. I woke up more than a decade ago from decades of conditioning. This is no 'anti-semetic conspiracy theory', it's fact. I appreciate your input.
  3. London Bridge

    Not that way. By pitting man against man, religion against religion, lifestyle Vs lifestyle, eventually culminating in rebellion, reaction and civil war. Research 'The Kalergi Plan' and ' The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' and all will become clear.
  4. London Bridge

  5. Taiji Master fighting MMA guy

    I've met, and trained with Alex Kozma, and I've never experienced anything like his power from any martial artist. He demonstrated one technique on me where he lightly struck me in the chest with his palm. I literally flew across the room and slammed into the wall at the opposite side, all air leaving my lungs at the same time. Otherworldly and incredible.
  6. Where can I buy legal psychedelics online?

    No, unfortunately the ban on legal highs came into effect last year. I managed to get my order in just before that happened. Psychedelics are, and always have been, a big part of my life.
  7. Where can I buy legal psychedelics online?

    And it's no different to 'real' LSD. Superb.
  8. Recommend a shaktipat?

    Dr. Gabriel Cousens worked for me. I've discussed it at length in various posts.
  9. Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China, Permanently!

    Horrific. Signed.
  10. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    North East England. No, I haven't tried Kundalini Yoga. There is no point anymore. Not that I have anything against it, it's just my K was activated by shaktipat all those years ago and is doing it's 'thing' every day.
  11. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    No, I don't watch it. Only once, which was enough for me. The work has been done. The explosion I felt that day lasted for weeks before eventually subsiding. However, the change that it initiated still continues to this day.
  12. The Heart opens Everything

    I have my first Sufi meditation session next week with the Naqshbandi order.
  13. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    Hi cheya. This is from my own personal experience so as I've said before, everyone is different. The downward, cool flow is something that comes through acceptance and letting go of any preconceptions of what might or might not happen. The upward thrust is when you initiate, almost 'force' something tangible to happen,(MCO, spinal breathing etc) Depending on what type of person you are, one method will be more suitable than the other. I haven't tried the 'forcing' method so I can't really comment on it, but mixing the two sounds like a recipe for disaster.
  14. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    So it wasn't just me.
  15. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    It was definitely a good thing for me. It changed the direction of every aspect of my being.
  16. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    I've spoken to lots of people who've watched the video. 99.9% of those I spoke to said that the video had no effect whatsoever. That's perfectly fine. We are all different and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. The conditions must have been right for me at that particular time and place for the magic to happen. And it did.

    The only time I experienced an OBE was while I was high on Ketamine. It was a frightening sensation.
  18. Mantak Chia & Kundalini This was the method that awakened me. I simply watched the video. I must have been ready for it, probably through years of cultivation, because IT hit me like a train.
  19. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    I received shaktipat several years ago. It was a completely life changing experience and the world has been a totally different place since. 24/7 rollercoaster. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Downward flow and not a forced upward thrust. There is a massive difference.
  20. Excellent articles Gerard. Thanks for sharing.
  21. The older I get the more actual reality of this place in which we live reveals itself. Love definitely does NOT conquer all. There is no such thing as unconditional love. There is evil in this world, lots of it. Unless we build self-defence mechanisms, (physical, spiritual and mental), our destruction is assured.
  22. The Heart opens Everything

    If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished? Rumi silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation. Rumi Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others. Muhammad
  23. The Heart opens Everything

    Thanks for that Gerard. I especially love the Sufi quotes. It really is a unique path that I feel myself drawn to.