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Everything posted by lifeforce

  1. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Many moons ago I once had a qigong and taiji teacher who was also a 6th Dan taekwondo and hapkido instructor. He was Korean and very, very good. CD, your logic is flawed and bizarre. Not only in this thread, but many others.
  2. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Question: Who I don't want to be my teacher ? Answer: ChiDragon
  3. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    Why would you be surprised ? There are probably many thousands of Zen folks who don't even know what qigong is, let alone practice it.
  4. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    What if you practice zazen AND qigong such as I do ?
  5. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    'The more you speak and ponder, The less you concur with the Way. Cease all talking and pondering, And there is nowhere you cannot reach' -Sengcan
  6. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    When Priest Yaoshan was sitting in meditation a monk asked,
”What do you think about, sitting in steadfast composure?” Yaoshan said, “I think not thinking.” The monk said, “How do you think not thinking?” Yaoshan said, “Non-thinking.”
  7. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    In zazen, there is no focus on the breath, only in keeping the posture and quieting the mind. If you are 'observing', you're creating more mind-chatter.
  8. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    Zazen, to me, as well as being a Zen (non)practice, is quintessential wu-wei. It compliments Daoist philosophy so well. I can think of no better way for a cultivator of the Dao to practice.
  9. What is a 'high level' teaching ? What is a 'low or mid level' teaching ? Remember, what works for some, doesn't always work for all. We have to find our own way, often with many disappointments. To me, the highest teaching is the path of the bodhisattva and probably the most difficult.
  10. Master Chunyi Lin's Gift

    To send you the link for the mp3 download. Plus, SFQ send you lots of free stuff throughout the year if you subscribe free of charge to their newsletter.
  11. Master Chunyi Lin's Gift
  12. Interdependent Totality in Buddhadharma

    I've listened to a couple of these talks and they are really good. Thanks for posting this link.
  13. Master Chunyi Lin's Gift

    Interesting. So basically it's the energetic vibration of the sound, rather than the sound itself which heals ?
  14. The Will for Enlightenment

    Hi manitou. I came across this post : which may be relevant to your study of the Avatamsaka. On reading your posts, as well as those by adept, deci belle etc etc, I think I might have to delve into this sutra.
  15. So I have a hernia...

    I've had two hernia's 15 years apart on different sides which were both repaired by surgery. The first one was conventional cut open at the pubic area, the second was a keyhole operation. Both with mesh fitted to strengthen the muscle. Even though the keyhole has a quicker recovery, I found that long term I've had more problems with the keyhole. Pain when pressing on parts of my stomach etc. As FT rightly says, you have to be really careful what you do in future to not risk another tear.
  16. A Path To Enlightenment

    Hi Gerard. My views on Wang Liping have been well documented on these forums. I'm not in the slightest interested thank you. This is a thread on dawg's experiences and I don't wish to derail it.
  17. A Path To Enlightenment

    This thread is possibly one of the best things I've ever read here at Taobums. Dawg, you are an inspiration. I only hope many others are also benefitting from your wisdom. Thank you.
  18. Tips for Opening Meridians in the Shoulders ?

    In the system I practice, xing yi nei gong, the first four exercises of the set focus on the shoulders. It gives a nice warm, loose feeling which continues throughout the set.
  19. Anyone notice a change of taste after Qigong?

    My sense of smell, since practising neigong, has become ultra sensitive. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse though ha ha.
  20. Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
  21. Teacher's, guru's, authority figures etc, are not needed for self-inquiry. The words of these enlightened people are enough to turn the mind.
  22. Some Questions About Meditation

    'Who' is having these thoughts ?
  23. Tea/Tisane My local tea supplier. I also buy from oriental supermarkets in the area, they always have a good selection.