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Everything posted by lifeforce

  1. Prabhupada

    Thanks dwai. I thought I would ask some more knowledgeable folks. I'm only going off what I've read, probably from biased sources. What would be a good translation of the Bhagavad Gita, especially for a new reader with no prior knowledge of Vedic scriptures ?
  2. My first full lotus experiences

    Drew, I just clicked on this link and WOW. I could not take my eyes away from this man ! So much peace, love and compassion radiated from him. After a minute or so, I felt a warm tingling in my abdomen and then a cold rushing feeling like I used to get with MDMA 20 years ago. . My hairs stood on end and I got goosepimples. I feel very, very good now. My head is tingling and my whole body is vibrating ever so slightly. I never thought this was possible by just looking at someone especially through electronic media. Is this shaktipat ? Kundalini ? Has a process been started ? I'm sorry but I have no experience of this sort of thing and need some sort of explanation. I may need to re-think my whole practice after this. This is absolutely mind-blowing. Thank you so much for the link.
  3. Shakuhachi

    Beautiful !
  4. Ch'an Buddhism

    Maybe I'm softening up a little, because at one point, I'd run a mile when the word Buddhism was mentioned. It conjured up images of rules/behavior and authority figures that I'd be uncomfortable with. It's not that I didn't like or even understand the topics debated, I just thought it was something incompatible to my life, and sort of discarded all ideas relating to it's study and practice. With my reading and contemplating of the Hsin hsin ming, which I see as a bridge between the Dao and Dharma, I see a lot of value in pursuing the path to Buddhahood. Which brings me to Ch'an, which I am finding to be utterly profound, rooted in Chinese culture, but at the same time, flexible enough to be practiced by anyone, anywhere and in any life situation. I've even started corresponding with a monk on the other side of the world who is helping me with my path. So, it's time to eat a big ol' slice of humble pie and to apologize to anyone who I may have upset in dialog with Buddhists on the forums. Sorry to you all.
  5. Ch'an Buddhism

  6. Whaaat ! What rubbish. There's so much dis-information on here it's frightening.
  7. Classic scene from 'Taxi Driver' ! I knew I recognized you from somewhere.
  8. What Is Non-Duality ?

    I'm just awestruck after reading this. Unbelievable ! Words of comment wouldn't do it justice. My link
  9. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    How can you or anyone achieve the Dao ? The Dao is beyond conceptualization or even description. One can only wonder at it's myriad manifestations.
  10. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Yes, but he can write damn good English, so I take it he is good at reading it also. The DDJ is all over these forums.
  11. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Bah ! Burn all your holy books and experience the Dao, as it is, without any interpretation or opinion.
  12. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    You gotta be kidding, right ?
  13. Commitment Post

    My meditation practice slipped when I changed jobs 4 months ago. It is a practice which I want to kick start again as I feel I was becoming a better person (less anger, more thoughtfulness etc). I seem to be drawn to the more formless styles of meditation such as zazen,or vipassana, then of visualization or energy movement, mco, frantzis water method etc. As i already practice xingyi neigong and zhan zhuang, maybe zazen or vipassana would help to balance it all out. I think it's good to want to commit to a practice and to try and follow it through. This almost never happens, as life situations change constantly. Nothing wrong in trying though. I'm going to commit to daily meditation, starting at 20 minutes per day, and see if I can maintain it.
  14. What is Zazen...?

    The source of zazen
  15. OK, thanks for the heads up. I'll keep a lookout for those nasty,deceitful qigong practitioners
  16. "Shaolin" movie 2011 - thoroughly enjoyable!

    I was less than impressed with it. A bit of a let down for me. My link
  17. have you ever thought about it like this?

    Confucians ? Maybe he didn't like that t shirt.
  18. im tired of accepting christians

    Seriously eternalnoob, if you take one of the o's out of your username, that would be a better name for you, judging by the ridiculous posts you've made.
  19. Lao Tzu T Shirt

    Nice shirt here
  20. have you ever thought about it like this?

    Oh dear, who rattled his cage ?
  21. Lao Tzu T Shirt

    Found a shirt just for you My link.
  22. Zhan Zhuang

    It's HOW you stand and breathe that's important. It affects the whole of your being. Different arm and hand positions are crucial. If the arms and hands are held too high it can raise blood pressure and create too much heat. It is VERY important to have proper guidance, or if you learn from written material/experimentation, to read/understand everything thoroughly.
  23. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Agreed. His constant random incoherent ramblings make no sense to me. From non-duality to UFO's to perv attacks to pythagoras to CYL again and again and again, all in the same post ! Aarrrghhh.