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Everything posted by lifeforce

  1. Ch'an Buddhism

    After some extensive reading, meditation and contemplation, I've come to the conclusion that Buddhism isn't for me, in any of it's forms. I like some of it, but dislike a lot more of it. I may be wrong, but it seems more like an escapism from life's challenges and not an embracing of them. To detach from the senses and emotions, to me, is to become more like a robot and less like a human being. I'm sure there are millions worldwide who benefit from these teachings, but I find them more suited to people who have cut themselves off from regular living, such as monks and nuns. These are just my own findings, by the way, after looking into myself. I don't mean to offend anyone.
  2. Top 5 2011/2012

    Great topic. 1. Shifu Yan Lei. - Awesome Shaolin master based in London. No fancy wushu here. Solid, hard, old skool Shaolin gongfu and qigong. 2. Dr Yang Jwing Ming. - His YMAA organization oozes quality and his encyclopedic knowledge of the arts is astounding. 3. Master Lam Kam Chuen. - THE pioneer of zhan zhuang in the western world. His books and series of free youtube videos are simple to follow. 4. Tim Cartmell. - I would love to learn from this guy. The co-authour of my favourite internal arts book. A man who has tremendous respect from martial artists across the globe. 5. Alex Kozma. - My first introduction to the power of internal martial arts. A humble, down to earth man who has trained extensively in Asia from the masters, and passed on his knowledge and teachings to many.
  3. Tibetan Empty Force Master Tzun Tzun Hsue

    Well, the methods explained in his book are relatively easy to learn, putting them into practice is another matter. The length of training time required every day, over a period of years is what put me off about the practice. 1.5 hours, building up to 4 hours per day in one continuous session. A lot of people with jobs, family etc can't manage this. I applaud anyone who puts in the effort to do this and I have no doubt that only good things can come from this level of cultivation. From the small amount of standing that I have practiced for a few years, the benefits are worth even a small amount of effort and discipline.
  4. Tibetan Empty Force Master Tzun Tzun Hsue

    Paul Dong. His book on Empty Force is here
  5. Tibetan Empty Force Master Tzun Tzun Hsue

    Healing and martial power. My link
  6. Tibetan Empty Force Master Tzun Tzun Hsue

    The prices seem a bit on the steep side. Empty Force master Paul Dong teaches for free to anyone willing to seek him out.
  7. Taobums Q&A with Kosta Danaos

    I've only just spotted this thread. Some great questions folks. Looking forward to the responses from Kosta. Thanks for doing this mjj becker.
  8. The Ch'an Bums

    My Link A short article explaining the meaning of the Chinese character 'Ch'an'
  9. Quick question

    Human sofa ?
  10. Qigong Newbie

    He is bald with a 'comb-over'. Seriously though Tatsumaru, the choice is overwhelming. Have a good read through all the past threads on here regarding qigong. That should keep you going for a while. p.s. my personal choice of qigong/neigong is my avatar. horses for courses though. we're all different.
  11. The Ch'an Bums

    I'm liking this thread very much and can I make a request that it be moved to the Buddhist Discussion area ? I've just managed to get the Charles Luk 'Ch'an and Zen Teaching First Series' book from the local library and have just started it today. This was also a recommendation of a Venerable from the Ch'an tradition who I'm corresponding with. He said that in the situation where I don't have a Ch'an teacher nearby, this series of books is the next best thing in developing a foundation in Ch'an practice and study.
  12. Liezi and collectivism

    Love, peace and compassion conquers over greed, anger, hatred and desire.
  13. Recommend me some films or documentaries

    I bought this on dvd the other day and I have to say that I was slightly disappointed. Maybe I was expecting a bit more actual Shaolin history/culture/martial arts while instead it seemed to be more focussed on feuding military generals with the temple as the battleground. With the film being Chinese and a lot of the actors still residents there, I guess they can't really show the murder and atrocities which actually took place, for fear of reprisals. A film detailing what actually happened to Chinese spiritual, martial and religious culture is definitely overdue.
  14. To the spirit of Steve Jobs

    Rest In Peace Steve Jobs. Your spirit survives through the Apple products I own. Thank you for bringing these to the world.
  15. Your Favorite Martial Art

    It's not nonsense my friend. I was a member for 11 years. I have seen a white belt turn up in Japan and be awarded a Dan grade within six months!! People turning up at seminars and having grades transferred from other disciplines. Practitioners injured quite badly by the incompetence and lack of control by high grades (15th Dan, whatever the hell that is). I've seen karate guys and wing chun guys tear to bits Bujinkan guys with a lot of years training behind them. I've seen and witnessed the cult-like hero worship of Hatsumi, something that made me very uncomfortable. It leaves a very bitter taste that I may have wasted all those years training in a 'fake' system with a controversial history.
  16. Your Favorite Martial Art

    I was a member of the Bujinkan for quite a few years and in the end I saw through all the BS. It's a cult whose members hero worship Hatsumi ( a shrewd business man who cashed in on the 'ninja' craze of the 70's&80's ). Ninjutsu was made up, a mish mash of Budo arts schools which Hatsumi claimed lineage rights over. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the art and the organizations who teach it. The grading system is an absolute joke, with members awarded grades for 'turning up' at seminars and workshops, regardless of the hours put in. I mean 15th Dan, what nonsense ! A karate guy with a few years behind him would walk all over these 'ninjutsu' guys. I've seen it happen.
  17. Living proof that qigong works!

    Great story jaysahntao ! An inspiration to anyone. I was only thinking the other day about adding some Bagua to my practices, maybe even just circle walking. Do you think it's possible to learn it from these online videos ?
  18. Your Favorite Martial Art

    Love this
  19. Tao save world

    I remember this Li Jiong guy from a few years back. A precursor to Mak Tin Si, Bodyoflight, Tulku and all those Falun Dafa cultish threads. Their way is the ONLY way and humanity is doomed etc etc. Cranks have been saying this since the dawn of time. Horseshit !
  20. Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming's Embryonic Breathing

    I honestly don't know how you could start to discuss this book. The amount of detail is absolutely staggering. I have a few of YJM's books but this one is the most detailed that I own. To discuss, disect and categorize this book would do it a great dis-service. It needs to be read, re-read, studied and absorbed. There are several lifetimes worth of practices contained in it. I don't see it as an explicit set of instructions which need to be followed to the letter, even though plenty of examples are given. It is very flexible in this respect. Anyone who has any experience of meditation and/or qigong can tailor their own practice(s) to suit. Mind-boggling.
  21. Awesome post. Everyone who cultivates the Way should read this. Thank you.
  22. Kunlun:4 Years later

    Thanks Cam for opening up about your experience with Kunlun. It's refreshing to hear about a practice that has worked out. I remember before I joined TTB, I used to browse the forums, there were loads of Kunlun threads. Then they just sorta died out gradually. I was always intrigued and interested but I never got around to trying the practice or getting the book. Now that the book is unavailable, I find myself wanting to give it a go. Typical.
  23. John Chang vs Buddha

    Chuck will whoop his ass !!
  24. Excellent ! I couldn't have said it better myself.