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About johndoe2012

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  1. Replenishment of prenatal jing in an effective manner can be done by one of the Golden Lotus standing meditations also.
  2. What God Looks Like

    Bringing the fire down from the heart to ldt works in a Daoist context as I know you have a background in Daoism.
  3. The reason why FP is safer than other Daoist systems is the nature of the FP qi. While other systems deliver a 'hard' qi the FP qi is soft and healing and doesn't force an opening to happen. So in other systems you can end up with lots of anger and emotional issues. For awakening we need lots of qi to shift and dissolve the mental constructs of the personal self. Here the FP long form is a good tool as are the LDT forms in FP from the different levels. The xing and ming union is the same as dissolving the personal self, I sensed into my system after I did the exercises.
  4. True, but some seem to think that the attainments are different so I named them all as the same 😊
  5. I did the Core Veil class and for the rest of the awakening stuff I have been working with Merlin on my own.
  6. I know technically it is not Buddhist but a good pointer to non-doership
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sometimes thinking can be useful. Eg today I was irritated, then did bending the bows to bring fire from the heart to ldt, if you understand FP as a alchemical method. And it worked.
  8. Maybe we should have another thread for higher levels of Flying Phoenix. Anyway, I am getting really good results using a combination of Flying Phoenix different levels according to my intuition and sensing, VortexHealing and dzogchen. I have a been a VortexHealing practitioner since 2015 and received dzogchen transmissions since 2013. This helps reaching higher state in FP. VortexHealing from removing blockages more precisely and also because VortexHealing is a awakening and healing lineage and dzogchen for reaching a deeper state of emptiness and non-clinging. My feeling is a combination of practices can result in full Buddhahood and Immortality, realization of non duality and the Dao. Today I did 2 San Gong meditations followed by 3 different Golden Lotus FP, long form from level 1 and msw 60 70 40 5 from level 1. Total clarity with no suffering and full of joy.
  9. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    We have access to authentic Bak Fu Pai arts like Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Qigong and Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gong internal alchemy. Everyone should consider themselves extremely lucky if they start practicing these arts instead of studying books etc.
  10. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    We have access to authentic Bak Fu Pai arts like Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Qigong and Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gong internal alchemy. Everyone should consider themselves extremely lucky if they start practicing these arts instead of studying books etc.
  11. Belief in doership plus "they are not good enough" being projected on so-called others. No faith in Divinity that somehow can correct the "error" - who says there is an error? From Presence Awareness by Sailor Bob Adamson Neem Karoli Baba: Bhagavad Gita 7.19 Granted it takes relative time to surrender to Divinity and seeing the illusion of the self.
  12. Everyone knows when they have a silent mind if they are being honest. There is simply just silence. Everyone already knows if they are being triggered. Life will show you. Your dreams will show you your subconscious in full glory.
  13. This is not true, that is a strawman argument to support your own position. The majority knows it is hard work and takes a long time.
  14. One milestone is peace of mind in daily living, no triggers at all appearing, a completely silent mind, not from suppression. Fairly simple to evaluate. You don't need a teacher for that?
  15. Sailor Bob Adamson is no more

    No separation, so nothing to fear. The Divine unfolds things before our very eyes.