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  1. Read this
  2. For those interested, 13 and 14th of February 2025
  3. For Bindi, non-dualists, and myself

    Put people in a hell hole prison, and let's see zen sickness and neo advaita beliefs like 'everything is ok, I am not the body' crumble in a matter of hours, maybe minutes. I wonder how many 'enlightened' folks would have survived the hell of the Syrian prisons where they took turns in gasping for air.
  4. Medicine Buddha

    Beautiful ❤️
  5. Wang Liping Contact

    Do daily prayer for getting that amount of money.
  6. Wang Liping Contact

    Do daily prayer for finding a senior student or get to a retreat.
  7. Should there be an etnic element to spirituality?

    Yeah, shouting is effective 😅
  8. Wang LiPing's "Daoist Internal Mastery"

    Probably this one
  9. Buy here
  10. Transcendence vs Integration

    True. Childhood trauma can be very deep and require years of healing and therapy to release. It is not just a story, it is deeply embedded in the body and someone who is honest will know it because they feel deeply bound by it. The tension that comes up in relationships will make you honest and non dual bypassing will feel totally fake. However, stirling does not recommend bypassing but actually work with it in meditation. Just healing issues blindly with no view however can lead you astray. The non dual view is helpful in correcting the underlying beliefs of a fixed self in a hostile world. So it is like riding a bicycle. The view is the direction. The healing is necessary for getting to the goal.
  11. Transcendence vs Integration

    Not sure about that. I don't consider myself a Buddhist although I sometimes use Buddhist methods and I remember being a Chinese Buddhist monk in a past life. Compassion makes my mind relax, alert, body calm. It takes effort in the beginning, that is true.
  12. Transcendence vs Integration

    I had a online meeting with stirling some time ago where we discussed how he suggests a practice could be. And I started practicing daily according to his suggestion. During the meeting I felt so much compassion in my heart and afterwards I had an experience of enlightened mind 'appearing' which took away 90% of pain in the heart. This pain had been very difficult to dissolve using other methods. After that experience I leaned into trusting reality more as a compassionate friend. Today I had an experience of fear related to a deep seated trauma and quickly I asked myself 'is it true that I am in danger?' and enlightened mind appeared again and fear dissolved. Another fear appeared later same day with regards to the future and an outcome linked to the same trauma and I felt at ease and wishing everyone well no matter how the outcome turned out. Thanks stirling for the pointing 🥰
  13. Transcendence vs Integration

    This is true. What I mean by drop, is to heal the issue with whatever method you prefer.
  14. Transcendence vs Integration

    Deep seated stuff like eg. anger can be uprooted by contemplating not self / no-doer as antivirus for the mind. If there is still glue in the body you clean that out using other tools until nothing is left. Circumstances will pop up to help you recognize if you are still holding on to wrong views. Essentially you have no choice but to drop all the false.
  15. Transcendence vs Integration

    You don't need kundalini to clear issues or samskaras. You can use ordinary sitting mediation or as I shared in another thread you can invoke a Flying Phoenix meditation and clear deep stuff in your system using that particular energy.