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Everything posted by johndoe2012

  1. hardcore meditation as a way out

    According to one of my teachers enlightenment is not up to you, but is an act of Grace. So you can't mechanically meditate yourself to enlightenment. I have a family so hardcore meditation is not something I do. I try to do other things in my waking hours (healing, mantras, being with masters etc.)
  2. What does everyone practice :)

    Interesting how affirmations work. I find they can go really deep.
  3. Stretching for mobility, flexibility, wellbeing

    I tried a 10 minute routine from the Dara Torres resistance stretching youtube videos and had a real nice release of energy flooding the body. It reminds me of Hanna Somatics which I did a lot long time ago. Some say negative emotion is just bodily tension being interpreted wrongly. Probably part of the truth since stretching releases a lot of the negative stored emotions and leaves you more happy and balanced.
  4. What do you think about I am thinking of the effects of the two way pointing in silencing the mind and enabling flow through the crown.
  5. Spiritual Systems

    The pattern of voicing negative opinions about others will hurt you in the long run. Read up about the vagus nerve. I feel it in my neck when I think negative thoughts about others. Saying nice things about others even though it feels bad / scary will open you up in a nice way and minimize the domain of the ego due to the way positive reinforcement works.
  6. The three discoveries

    The quote you linked to says rigpa is non-dual but maybe you are interpreting rigpa as dualistic, from your quote? From Namkhai Norbu's Guru Yoga in the state of rigpa there is no difference between you and other so rigpa is non-dualistic. I think you are interpreting wrong.
  7. The three discoveries

    Rigpa is not dualistic. If it is, it is not rigpa.
  8. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Be wary of that stuff. Lots of Quran stuff is a death cult in new clothes, like ISIS. Better to practice Pure Land Buddhism to get out of the negativity.
  9. The Ten Thousand Ways of Nei Kung

    One does. The other has only one sitting meditation.
  10. The Ten Thousand Ways of Nei Kung

    I have experience with two internal systems and they do not contain thousands of techniques. Whether they pass your definition of nei kung I don't know but just because thousands of techniques exist in a system does not imply anything in itself. The path to immortality can also be done by a single technique.
  11. A bit off topic but I remember Namkhai Norbu mention he was well trained in Madhyamaka but when he met his Guru then he saw reality as it really was and that the Madhyamaka training was a shallow intellectual understanding. (my remembrance of his words, not the exact words he used). Regarding Goenka I went to one of his retreats. The retreat was fine but I had a hunch the method was chosen and then citations from the sutras were cherry picked to support Goenka's view.
  12. Shakti kundalini and Taoist alchemy

    In my understanding kundalini sits dormant in the base of the spine. This energy is awakened through practices and to blow the energy through the crown for awakening / oneness etc. In Taoist alchemy the lower dantian is filled up with energy as one of the first stages. I wouldn't combine the two methods as it can lead to confusion and energy deviations.
  13. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    You understand objectivity on a deeper level than what is called observation and documentation of the observations which leads to the 'scientific method'. Objectivists believe in an objective world and they can't see this belief themselves.
  14. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    Moving to 100% renewables is not enough to stop climate change. If CO2 is the prime mover behind the temperature increase then you need CO2 removal plants, hundreds of thousands of them.
  15. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    On topic India renewable percent 2016 20% - 57244.23 MW / 280 GW Renewable energy capacity in China 2012: ~ 27% if I read correctly US, 2016: 10% of total energy consumption, 15% of electricity production California, 2017: 40% of electricity production (only solar energy) Compared to smaller countries Scotland 2015: 59% of electricity production Denmark 2014: 57% of electricity production
  16. A question for everyone

  17. Who has reached Jhana?

    It was more the attention deficit disorder kicking in :-) Many years later and this aspect has been ironed out almost completely using various healing practices and due to being in the presence of various masters.
  18. Who has reached Jhana?

    Have you tried following the Attention Revolution by Alan Wallace? It is jhana based practice. I reached a blissful state a few times using the book but I stopped using the book after a while.
  19. Mark Cohen Zhan Zhuang questions??

    The way of power also is very good. Postures are a bit tougher to hold but give nice effects.
  20. Thanks Trump for supporting terrorists! 1. Create terrorists. 2. Make the military go after terrorists, thus creating unlimited profit for military contractors. Rinse and repeat.
  21. London Bridge

    Karma can wait ages until it gets evened out. You need to stop thinking and reacting to understand. It is not self hate but explaining the root cause. When we understand karma better we can feel when our actions are not aligned with the whole. The whole always try to even out the energy so the calculations sum up so to speak.
  22. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    USA never cared about other nations and non-whites. Thus the carpet bombing of Vietnam - yellows, and Iraq - brown ones. Total number of dead: more than 2 million. Then there are the drone programs which are terrorizing innocents but politicians act surprised when bombs go off in their cities. Hello McFly?
  23. D-Day

    Does this topic have anything to do with cultivation? Belongs to off topic or another sub forum IMO.
  24. Secret of the Golden Flower

    Like in your mentioned thread, there is definitely a need for a simple instruction probably a mix between Golden Flower and Thogal. Maybe the Golder Flower technique has been superseded by Mahamudra. Funny while writing this I felt the energetic transmissions behind the traditions leading to being aware of awareness...very nice
  25. London Bridge