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Everything posted by johndoe2012

  1. Observing thoughts ?

    Keep doing what is working for you. Sometimes we only need a simple practice.
  2. How do you heal/release your issues/fears ?

    See my signature, Magical Awakening is a system of divine tools that uses divine consciousness and energy to release blocks.
  3. Oneness Blessing (deeksha)

    Just came back from a Oneness livestream and the energy was working intensely to quiet down my frontal lobes...almost done now Last week was lots of work in the heart area. There is some strong juice in this energy, definitely recommended
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You are probably right. I am referring to the numbering Sifu Terry made in a post in this thread. Anyway it is a nice meditation. Will see how the next experience will unfold
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Regarding seated #3 I have been doing it lately with 216 repetitions inspired by Earl Grey's practice log. It has a deep effect each time I do it. It feels like a direct contact to spirit and I receive lots of intuitive information each time.
  6. Standing Rock

    No, the karma idea does not automatically mean victimhood but merely a action-reaction sequence beyond the mind and beyond any ideas. It is a natural law if one believes in individuals that can acquire karma. Like gravity.
  7. Standing Rock

    I think the diehard capitalists have not reached the state where they appreciate clean water and want others to have it as well. Eventually humanity will reach the stage where such things are more valuable than money. It is just a certain percentage are that are stuck in the past and probably there are also karmic reasons for why the Native Americans are suffering so much.
  8. You are already living in the present. Thoughts about "I want to live in the now" are just thoughts. If you don't want to meditate be conscious of all thoughts and notice how they can pull you into negative states of despair and anger etc. Regarding seeing then it is really about what is seeing, not that something is seen. The problem is what Tolle says can interpreted by the mind as a future state to "get" as if it is something you are not already. So the mind wants to get and this is the seeker which is identification with thought. See this identification.
  9. Did Jesus Study Taosim?

    Like one of my teachers told me. Jesus, Buddha and also living avatars / saints are all different expressions of the Divine. So Buddha had a focus on wisdom, Jesus a specific kind of love and so on. Not the same thing but different expressions like people have different personalities but we are all of the Divine.
  10. Welcome to the Machine? Organic Spirit V AI Machine

    On electromagnetic pollution the problem is that the waves are distorted not harmonic and thus disturb humans and animals. Once the people who design this gets their consciousness lifted or people will start demand products which don't cause negative effects then this stuff will continue. So we need engineers and geeks more evolved than now.
  11. Oneness Blessing (deeksha)

    Tomorrow is an opportunity to try the blessing live with a teacher 8 PM CET. London, United Kingdom 7:00pm - 8:00pm (GMT) New York, United States 2:00pm - 3:00pm (EST) Enjoy
  12. Did Jesus Study Taosim?

    I have felt the presence of Jesus in my own body when he took over during a healing session. It was very powerful. My sensing says he didn't study Taoism.

    Some trust the inner teacher too much and then it becomes arrogance. Some trust the outer teacher too much and then they become helpless without their guru.
  14. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Trump is good at drawing
  15. Science and the Future of Non-Duality

    On researchgate they have a lot of articles on meditation research, like this one It seems TM has the most research to back it and the one where people have "pure consciousness" experiences. There is also Open Focus which is based on loosening up narrow focus to achieve relaxation but I don't think it promises transcendence / awakening - but the effects seem to mimic those you get from practices with focus on pure awareness. Doing Open Focus with a practitioner brain activity is measured to improve the results. I think in the future we will see consumer devices that can measure brain activity, skin response etc so one can get feedback on one's practice and maybe speed up the awakening process.
  16. Teachers who accept money vs. teachers who teach for free

    There is no free will for anyone to follow a teacher or not following a teacher.
  17. Rare Esoteric Buddhist Teachings

    This happens for everyone including those not initiated or having a sangling.
  18. How to Feed Your Demons

    Thanks. Some of these powerful demons seem to be thought forms projected from a seemingly powerless state at a young age. Then we integrate them back.
  19. Oneness Blessing (deeksha)

    Good question. I just tried a few blessings so no expert. From what I experienced then the Oneness blessing opens you up like so many other healing forms but it works slightly different. The focus is more on the spiritual heart and physical brain and on shifting you from local self to boundless awareness. Especially after the live blessing then I felt more childish joy - joy for no reason but of course it could also be just what I needed. Also since it worked on my heart then issues fell away that prevented a feeling of connectedness with others.
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You can communicate with the deity that imparted FP Chi Kung. I did and got some interesting facts. Like whether we could just channel FP energy like Reiki but the answer was that it had to be cultivated through physical movements - at least that is how I understood it.
  21. Damo Mitchell - Internal Arts Academy

    I have read about a third of White Moon on the Mountain Peak on the Nei Dan process and so far it is very informative. Too bad such a good book wasn't available when I started out many years ago. It is miles ahead in clarity compared to what came before it which have been too philosophical and not useful IMHO. So bravo Damo Mitchell, good work.
  22. Emei Qigong

    Continued from Info from Also mentioned here and Anybody know this type of qigong?