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Everything posted by johndoe2012

  1. Primal rage, inner critic, self-image

    Welcome. Hope you get better.
  2. Mastering the emotions

    I understand. Anyway, as the wise says, if it is a state it is not what we are looking for since it changes. We should look for the unchangeable. Not that I have found it yet.
  3. Jerry Alan Johnson completed interview link

    This was a very good interview. Thanks.
  4. I found this an interesting read.
  5. Mastering the emotions

    What Kajenx is talking about is the awareness that is before any conceptualization is done hence perfect. About 1/3 of a second after sensory contact conceptualization starts which is why good concentration is needed. Even cognitive therapy acknowledges this delay in understanding automatic reactions.
  6. Seeking positive, alternative, off grid community

    Yes nothing wrong with going away from society to get some fresh air and being with new people. I travelled for 6 months in South America when I was younger and it was freaking great! There are also some people who are very sensitive and feel things more strongly so who knows better?
  7. Seeking positive, alternative, off grid community

    The rage against society is very interesting. It can be a primal unconcious repression that needs to be released one day. For me it is felt in the gut and basically talking to it gives you conscious information on what the issue or issues are about.
  8. Mastering the emotions

    What is this "we"? A body? A thought? A feeling?
  9. Mastering the emotions

    Even neuroscience has proved we don't have any free will as defined by western thought. The problem is people being attached to a sense of self which is just a bunch of thoughts and emotions. So no doer behind the action just doing.
  10. easiest/ hardest thing to do...relax

    This was a good video I liked it. From what I understood there needs to be created a "force" / energy to go from the right to the left amygdala to get enlightened. It seems that this is what happens when the energy centers open up and the energy goes up in the head. I have heard of one kind of enlightenment happen where the energy was very gentle and smooth. I understand this is when it happens by the body's own energy and not from external energy like in neigong. The thought / tension loop seems to stop at a certain point when one is completely unattached just by watching one's thoughts. That one should be completely unaffected by emotions as in dzogchen by letting them release makes the energy go from the right to the left amygdala - so emotions in this context help one wake up.
  11. Hi, I've uploaded three new entrainments in case you want to try. The methodology since I started producing these has changed. Now there is a gentle "rocking" you into that "state" since if too much force is used it can lead to what people call healing crisis. The neutrality file has also changed based on this new concept which came from a letting go from old patterns to a new emerged insight coming out from nothingness. Enjoy!
  12. Creativity, spontaneity, intuition

    Exactly. The interesting thing is I don't know what will actually happen when I produce these. I start with one intention and then it morphs into something else. So let's see what happens next
  13. easiest/ hardest thing to do...relax

    Manitou That anxiety is caused by the life forced being suppressed in my opinion. Creating - that is moving with life - releases that bit by bit it seems for me. So coming into the flow of life by inner guidance of the impulses naturally occuring I find better than sitting still and suppressing myself.
  14. easiest/ hardest thing to do...relax

    That knot I find gets triggered by effort and also energies which are forceful. This is why going the way of non effort for me is better.
  15. Mastering the emotions

    This is something I have noticed and remember a discussion of this long time ago, was it Daniel Ingram from dharmaoverground and Kenneth Folk on the topic of Buddhahood: that Buddhahood could only be reached when bodhicitta was real and integrated. This is compared to the arhat which didn't embody this principle: instead he chose equanimity. There's also the danger of being dissociated and "stuck" in your head because the body hasn't been integrated. Maybe something to think about.
  16. Satya, I updated the page with two more entrainments Clearing the fight or flight response and clearing the amygdala two good ones for people with anxiety.
  17. Mastering the emotions

    I am reminded of this when I read your post it is also mentioned in ChNN's book "The cycle of day and night": By the way, I don't think there's anything wrong with positive emotions, like love, bliss and joy. These IMO are the natural occurences of the natural state. I don't experience positive emotions as contractions because they have been integrated meaning they don't have triggers in the unconcious. I am working myself in that direction: releasing negative emotions with energy corrections / inductions and love, bliss and joy follows naturally. Maybe you are right in your situation / mind / body complex; I actually tried that stuff many years ago but I was too contracted to even try living fully in my senses.
  18. Yes, if you are hungry you eat it is that simple. You don't sit there and think I shouldn't be hungry or I don't have a body which is non spontaneous and not natural. So there's no choice in working with that which is.
  19. Karma is endless which is why you can't clear it all. We need to look at the 'I' and its stories to get to the end. Getting to the end is difficult because of that primal fear / contraction which is why very few get 'enlightened'.
  20. Satya, Regarding mental health I have made some entrainments - MP3s - you can play and get some blockages cleared. maybe you'll find it useful.
  21. Regarding free most people have unconcious beliefs around money / paying money that they haven't cleared.
  22. I have done it on myself and others. Most of the time it is easy. Other times it requires a good deal of energy. I wish people didn't have this mystical view of things. It serves little purpose other than keeping people ignorant.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Both Flying Phoenix and Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gong makes one go into stillness faster than basic sitting. It seems that the brain waves "jump" onto a carrier wave which is why it is effortless. The carrier wave is getting activated by the breath percentages. Just my observation/opinion.