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Everything posted by johndoe2012

  1. Indeed! Don't I know this feeling of self-doubt.
  2. The Center has no Location

    This is indeed it! Very nice put.
  3. The ego grip can be illustrated as a sponge being squeezed by a hand. When the hand lets go you can feel all the tension you have been carrying around. (you are the sponge) So a high level "method" can undo that grip by as little force as possible because high level means high understanding of the issue causing the grip in this case. Low level is like taking a hammer and banging on the grip but that doesn't work. So low level = low understanding = forceful, like when politicians are forcing us to obey the law! :-)
  4. Yes, that's pretty difficult, I agree.
  5. Then you try teaching A, it doesn't work then try teaching B or invent your own methods. Never giving up.
  6. Saying I can stick to things is a prediction, nobody can predict the future. What to expect: I have no idea. But at least be more relaxed.
  7. without advertising or getting specific, lineages or teachers that claim "this is not just for health but for awakening to your true self".
  8. From Awakening to the Tao, p. 87: My own experience: the silence energy-exercises try to induce by clearing blockages is already there "beneath" it all. The buzz from exercises is not actually what one is looking for. The buzz is merely an electrical sensation which can also be induced by plugging yourself into a set of batteries. The sensation covers up the silence. Silence is not necessarily better reached by meditation. Meditation for me equals suppression. Life told me early on this was not for me so I basically couldn't meditate which was actually a GOOD thing. If life tells you this better listen to yourself and stop hating yourself for having mediocre concentration skills!
  9. Master Chunyi Lin's Gift

    Yes, that's my understanding.
  10. holism

  11. Love the One you're With

    Very fine writing. You are a good communicator and a blessing to this forum. This is true. Something I am working on myself. Thanks for this post
  12. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    The heart is connected to the face and eyes, thus opening you up when you do what you are describing. So a good thing indeed.
  13. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    The intellect can set up a number of reasons for why you want to do this because it is based on limited intelligence.
  14. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Clearing all karma doesn't work. I've tried that and I failed. Looking into the sense of self that owns the karma works better...
  15. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Funny, as I had a heart experience a week or so ago, where love from the heart flowed strongly and impelled me take action. Love = action Anyway there are two pathways in the body resulting in "good" karma and one resulting in "bad" karma.