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Everything posted by johndoe2012

  1. Fasting

  2. Refining Qi to Shen

  3. Natural Chi Movement

  4. Taoist views on Buddhist way

  5. Taoist views on Buddhist way

  6. Author Sam Harris on Buddhism

  7. Channelling your destructive side...

    How Am I Experiencing This Moment Of Being Alive? I sometimes use this to enlargen my view from a microscopic perspective to a broader one.
  8. Trying to pick a QiGong system

    Going or not going: use your intuition, not your mind
  9. Spiritual and emotional healing

    Some issues have many layers. You could try it again on the same issue. In terms of energetic strength, you can count while doing muscle testing http://millionairehe...he-finger-test from 0 to 100%. I understand. So a pure mental version without using the hands could look like this. Set intent on the issue you want to clear while holding the spine / midline in focus Set up a spiraling line around your spine from the top and downwards. Clear the issue with intent either non-verbally or using a command, eg. "clear!". Is number 2 important? Maybe for mental clarity purposes. I guess the video is good for people who have difficulties understanding the mental version. Either way works in my experience. Also it is good to look for chatter in the clearing process. I heard a lot of "I can't" mental noise. EDIT: you can also use this technique on others as a form of distance healing.
  10. solo cultivation: self pleasure without climax

    You could try else just ask it to leave to a specific destination. The destination is decided by your higher self: ask your self. One destination could be the Light.
  11. solo cultivation: self pleasure without climax

    You are not the first to point this out. Drew claimed this in a number of posts. Funny how [your] energy seems to come down my crown right now...
  12. Notes from the dark side of the force

    Wonderful, Scotty. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Stillness, another option is to contact kempomaster here to get a medical qigong treatment.