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Everything posted by johndoe2012

  1. Michael, Are you considering publishing your ebook other places than Amazon, eg. Smashwords? I have a Sony ebook reader and it cannot read the Kindle file - on Smashwords users can download all kinds of file formats, DRM-free though.
  2. Social Anxiety = A lot of Mental Chatter?

    You could try to center your awareness in lower dantian or in the heart and look at the thoughts from there. It takes time to master it. Another thing I have discovered is that if you have lots of tension in your body it could cause more thoughts to appear. So relaxation exercises could be beneficial, e.g. consciously relaxing your body while lying in bed. See 'Progressive relaxation'.
  3. Hi, Is it possible to move posts from one topic to another in my personal practise forum by myself? I get an error in doing that. Reason is, I would like to keep the date of the post and not just the content - which I can move to another topic manually.
  4. 'No self' my experience so far...

    I don't see any problems with no-self from a Taoist perspective although I haven't realised no-self. When 'I' put my awareness on the lower dantian I can then watch thoughts appear with the I content in them. Through the senses there is no I, only experience, hearing, seeing, feeling and so on. No-self might be a part of wu-wei. A no-self Being who is not-Doing by Listening. Also in bringing up my son - 2 years old now - I can understand how this misunderstanding might form; the duality of language is enforcing the concept of I.
  5. Please change my username

    Hi admins, Could you change my username from 'wtm' to 'chris d'? Maybe you could also change the name of my personal practise forum to 'chris d'? If 'chris d' is taken, please use 'chrisd'. Thanks!
  6. Please change my username

    Thanks admins, Everything is as it should be now
  7. Engaged Buddhism

    yes, this is true. I guess steve f was talking about the first point?
  8. Working with beliefs: or actually you are working with parts, aspects, subpersonalities that are found when confronting a feeling e.g. "feeling so and so in situation with strangers".
  9. [TTC Study] Chapter 40 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Were you kidding?
  10. Financial Enlightenment? free software and $0. A good site for money matters
  11. Nei Kung

    Isn't that standing meditation? I'm not sure which category that belongs too. Anyway, was it you who tried Yi Gong / Kunlun? I would call that neigong. Also you could try Gift of the Tao, which Michael Lomax also calls neigong. What NeiChuan said could also work but I don't have any long experience with it.
  12. Liu I-Ming 18th century Taoist Adept

    oh, I don't know Chinese, it was just for reference if I ever get interested in learning. Anyway, I wonder if Fabrizio at could help translate Liu I-Ming's writings.
  13. Liu I-Ming 18th century Taoist Adept

    what's the link for the chinese text?
  14. Hi mods/administrators, Could I get a Personal Practice forum? There's stuff I feel like sharing. BR
  15. Increasing sea levels

    maybe not so bad as I thought: 3.1 +- 0.4 mm/year. just FYI.
  16. Joplin Mo

    Ya Mu, Which web site do you recommend for donations?
  17. Daoism and Chinese Culture

    Get Daoism and Chinese Culture by signing up at
  18. Sitting in Oblivion, Livia Kohn

    Ebook can be bought for only $12 here - along with other books.
  19. Help I seem to be addicted to Zhan zhuang

    Regarding high blood pressure, from the Way of Energy p. 171 "Word of caution Positions 6 to 9 in this book have a strong effect on your circulatory system and, as with all intense exercise, push up your blood pressure during the period of training. Attempt these positions only if your doctor advises that your normal blood pressure level will permit this. This is not a problem for positions 1 to 5, the warm ups, or any of the "mentality exercises" (Chapter 2) - in fact these will be positively beneficial for any problem in your cardiovascular system." On p. 183 there is a also a set of exercises to do if you suffer from high blood pressure.
  20. bodyoflight, life is not black/white, it is not either you do this or you do that. It is true that children and relationships take up your time, time that you could do eg. Taoist practises but then who says that being with children and women is not a practise itself? It is, from my experience. Bringing up a child demands constant awareness of your own flaws, trying to minimize your "bad" influence on your child and trying to let go and let the Tao guide you. My son, 2 years old, continually teaches me a lot about life. Today, we looked at ants. Very illuminating