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About RobB

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  1. Good practice for inflammation

    You have pain in multiple organs (how are you able to be so organ specific?) and have a swollen limb? This is a matter for medical professionals - not internet amateurs. Get a second opinion if your first doctor is not able to offer a pathway to resolution or at least a clear understanding of what is going on. There are also acupuncturists and other complementary practitioners who may be able to assist but don't start doing random stuff just because you read it on here.
  2. Anybody here has a training or workout regimen?

    I'm getting back into some kettlebells.
  3. My understanding is that the Yi Jin Jing are a set of principles - often explored/worked on/communicated through a set of exercises. So you'll get 'sets' of 'Yi Jin Jing' exercises which are similar but vary. My teacher teaches a set of exercises for Yi Jin Jing but also says that Yi Jin Jing principles should be present in our Bagua practice.
  4. Current Events Discussion

    Hi - please can you remove my access to the current events forum. Thanks.
  5. Hot Shower X Cold Shower

    Cold is generally seen as a thing to avoid or actively balance out in chinese medicine. Cold pathologies are far more likely to arise than heat-based ones. As others have mentioned, there may be specific circumstances when it is more OK but in general best to steer clear.
  6. Grounded = More Qi?

    One of my teachers noted that 'The Yang is rooted in the Yin' - the Heavenly tree can only flourish as far as the Earthly roots can support it (or something like that). I suppose you could also say that our earthly manifestation (yin) is required in order to facilitate our spiritual evolution (yang). Either way, the simple answer (as @Gerard will undoubtedly confirm) is more body-weight squats .
  7. Wim Hof, some less savoury details
  8. The Five Elements In Modern Life

    Getting a BaZi analysis is a fun way to start getting into the ways that the Wu Xing manifest in the world. Find out what your Day Master is, have a think about how that manifests in you. Find out the Day Masters of some of those around you. Have a think about how that manifests in them. Consider the interactions between those elements and how that manifests in your relationships with those people. Work outwards from there...
  9. What is fajin, 發勁?

    This description fits quite closely with how it's been explained to me: Link to forum post
  10. Chi Gong/Kung Fu Schools in China

    You'll get mixed opinions about online learning. You could look at these:
  11. Simon is great! He had a video up on YT of a talk he gave in a park somewhere. Got into mirror neurons, animal mimicry and all sorts. Well worth a listen.
  12. Those things look like fairly standard components of any Daoist approach (certainly the ones I've come across). I don't think they're necessarily evidence of specific cross-fertilisation between the two individuals or their predecessors.
  13. Ask an acupuncturist

    Warm, cooked food almost always better than cold. Stomach is a cooking pot and prefers not to work harder than necessary to heat everything up.
  14. Could anyone introduce me to the basics of daoism?

    This is great Steve - many thanks.