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Everything posted by ~jK~

  1. how to erase bad karma

    The only one that can forgive you is you. Karma is not within the 'belief' system. Rather it has a place within the physics arena being that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton's_laws_of_motion
  2. Healing a wart

    Scottish people in the mountains learn to "wish'' a wart off. My mother wished over 100 off of her hands (She is a classical pianist). What the duct tape would do is to remind you daily of how much you wished the wart was not there. I've wished a few off my hands and taught others how to do it. There is a power of our mind over our body that accepts and rejects diseases etc... Good Topic !
  3. Good chemistry

    King, A bit that's not taught in the west that I learned in China Women's menstral cycle happens around the same time each month. Beginning with the full moon - they get sexually active according to their state of health. If you can remember the calendar day of your good experience, go find her a few days before the same day. If you've lost the date, full moon is on the 29 of Jan - I use this Chinese Lunar calendar http://www.lunarcal.org/ A woman will peak about 7 days after full moon - which - also means that this is her best time to make a baby. As a woman's physical health declines - her perod generaly becomes later after her normal starting point. http://www.raminsoftworx.com/Gallery/Romance/Chang-e.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid_Autumn_Festival Look closely and you can find the origin of the Yin/Yang symbol of the Tao Almost all Chinese holidays are associated with the full moon.
  4. The wu-chi diagram

    Eva Wong wrote the entire book Cultivating Stillness to be a type of rosetta stone for Taoism. The beginnings of each chapter have the translations in usually 3 forms and then more detail in the rest of the chapter. If you want, I can ask a friend what the Taoism Sifu that lives in Eva Wong's ancestral hometown will charge you to explain more. I know he has traditionaly required the person to come but my last contact was about 5 years ago - so he may have changed. One point is that Chinese schools are a lot different from USA - when they graduate high school they are at 3rd year university as compared to USA standards. All school children know these 186 rules by heart - from age 12 - and a Taoist Sifu will expect you to follow them. http://tsoidug.org/dizigui_trans_simp.php
  5. Nagging back pain from meditation! HELP

    Meditation should not do any of what you've described. For the least expensive, I would go to the fire dept, or a health clinic and ask for a right and left arm blood pressure check. If there is a difference - go to the hospital as it is a symptom of an oncoming stroke as well as a 'slight' possibility of a few of the symptoms that you've described. I'm from farm country too and when the fly's get too bad we would go fishing - and when you clean the fish - put the head and guts in a black trash bag. Then tie the neck of the bag tight and poke a hole in the bag that is large enough for a fly to get in. They can smell their way in but cannot smell their way out... After the bag has a good & loud buzz - spray some bug spray in the hole - keep repeating the above either untill the fish are gone or the fly's are gone. As for the ants, I would move the chair. A chiropractor can do good for back pain too.
  6. Biotechnology...

    Good luck - I went into it when it was called Bio-Medical - but it is the same. Don't let them stick you on the Hemodialysis machines as they are where the AIDS patients end up before they die. Less than 5% 0f all that begin will finish - because of the math - which is used very little in practice. The way to do the medical terminology class is with a tape recorder and sleep learning. We needed to memorize 100+ terms and definitions per week. i keep a 4.0 GPA by notever watching TV - never...
  7. I wish I had written the above. Belief systems have been the enemy of mankind, as in the tool of controll, for a Looooong time.
  8. When coming to China I had to realize that almost all that I was able to see was what had survived the last 250 years of foreign occupation and world wars... I have been many of the places shown on the second video (I haven't watched the first one yet) in the 1990's - when I was travelong China, I noticed many cavingss a dragon chasing a fiery ball - at the Summer palace, I saw a bronze statue of a dragon holding a fiery ball. It was outside the Imperial Library at the Summer palace. It was the library that was burned by the French and British which held the knowledge of China that had recently been compiled. The two videos are taught as a portion of Chinese history. Most of it is in Putongwa but it does have some English subtitles and the video speaks for itself. They are about an hour each but you will learn... http://bugu.cntv.cn/Documentary/humanities...09/128215.shtml http://bugu.cntv.cn/Documentary/humanities...09/128217.shtml A new fact coming to life is that the foreign troops met almost no resistance as the Chinese had left the buildings to be occupied as they hid the library... There were: 10 million record files in Qing dynasty saved http://big5.cctv.com/gate/big5/video.cctv....0/839233/0.html Can you imagine? Here are the coments of a few of the Chinese on a forum I also write on: http://www.asiawind.com/forums/read.php?f=...53&t=133453
  9. OBEs, Vibrations, Lucid Dreaming

    1,2,3,4,5,6,7: good boys all go to heaven... Anyone ever read the book "I'm OK, You're OK? " It graphs the personaliyy types into Parent, Adult & Child. Parent types feel they must declare a point as the one that all 'must' follow. Adult types use reasoning to get a point across - Child types are playfull to the extremes.
  10. OBEs, Vibrations, Lucid Dreaming

    Before you sleep - focus on a verifiable, but never been there before, place you want to go - or a person to visit. Later - go there and see how it matches up. Desires can get in the way of reality. In general, it takes some training to reach the level of focus that it takes to OBE - but then again - I had my first one at about 13 years old and have had them periodically throughout my life - some were sought, some were from missing friends, some were just looking for new things to do. Some were not remembered by me as when I returned to my place of birth, a very small town in the mountains of South Carolina - some of my friends asked me why didn't I stop whan I was there before. I asked them when was I there. They told me about a year ago and that they had called out at me but I ignored them. I asked what time of day - they told me it was about 10 PM at night. I told them that a year ago I was in Georgia and that I always went to sleep before 10 PM as I get up, with the chickens & goats, at 4 AM. Here is a web page that I wrote on the yogic training process: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?showtopic=11802
  11. At first it seems well researched and accurate -but simple - Then I discovered that each webpage opens up to ten or more other webpages and they opened up to ... http://taoism.about.com/od/holidays/a/holidays2009.htm Just look for the blue words and click on them.
  12. ParanormalTV

    The catholic church is second only to oil in the USA economy - illegal drugs are #3. An odd statistic from the 1990's is that there are as many lawyers in USA as gasoline pumps. America has less than 5% of the world's people but almost 25% of its prisoners - And Guess What - They have Free Health Care ! http://www.google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=na...e66df99b387cc4d
  13. Happy New Year!

    The Dragon Dance (Agni Kai) UTE1k7xjrCE Gon Hay Fat Choi To Y'all !
  14. are you ever gonna die?

    The Physics of Immortality http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Immortality-...n/dp/0385467990 An independent opinion: http://www.johnreilly.info/immort.htm
  15. The Tao Bums Daily Meditation Challenge

    Monestaries do 8 hours twice a week for beginners. The other days are for warming up - varied times. Many will open their doors to almost anyone.
  16. The Tao Bums Daily Meditation Challenge

    Excellent topic and post. Full lotus is often not used in even Buddhist monasteries. Damaged legs from no circulation? What is used is a simple cross leg sitting on a Zafu with the aim of being comfortable. Make your own: http://www.buddhamind.info/leftside/lifestyl/medi/zafu.htm Or buy for over 50$ http://www.zafu-meditation-cushions.com/ A book, on meditation, by a Zen Buddhist priest (headmaster) that gives a page on making a Zafu: http://www.amazon.com/Opening-Hand-Thought...d/dp/0861713575 On the ego - If it helps you meditate - use it - if not - loose it. Meditation is the objective. More important is not to become obsessed with the ego. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Over the years I have found that I have become a connoisseur of meditation To be honest, the best places for meditation are found on trains, planes, busses and park benches. When on a park bench, I often wear sunglasses, take my had off and place it, on the ground, at my feet. I have learned to use care when picking my hat up though - Sometimes people actually throw coins in the hat Back at the ranch - there are many styles of mediating. One, not commonly known, is Conceptual Meditation which is taught by taking a box apart and remaking it - then doing the same in your mind. I have learned it to the extent that I can build a wooden staircase - or even a house in my mind, cut the wood to make it as a helper assembles it. The most advanced case of this meditation practice is: described on this web page: Nikola Tesla's Creative Thinking Secrets Nikola Tesla's Mind Lab Nikola Tesla had extraordinary visual thinking powers. When he got an idea for a new machine, he was able to "set it up" in his mind and leave it running to see how it would work. His capacity for this was so developed that the results that he got in his mind were incredibly accurate. This was verified when it came to building prototypes for the new machine. He would already know exactly how it would perform because of his "Mind Lab" experiments. http://www.creativethinkingwith.com/Nikola...ng-Secrets.html Albert Einstein also used this style of conceptual Meditation albeit to a lesser degree. I found more on the subject: "A Blind Man Learns To "See" Here's a great example of someone learning to develop extraordinary powers of visualisation, like Tesla. Mark Tew, who been blind since birth, read a braille version of the great book Superlearning in 1984 and realised it was just the thing he'd been searching for. He started practicing the accelerated learning techniques and before long his computer programming career just took off as he became the 'go-to' guy for troubleshooting. His bosses made him the chief debugger of all their software programs. Mark's story features in the updated sequel Superlearning 2000, where it says: "Using his new skills in relaxation training and visualization plus the slow Baroque music that facilitates a connection to the subconscious mind, he found it easy to mentally picture an entire computer program. He could remember it and see it in his mind. "I can mentally find bugs because I can see what's happening with the program," he says. He didn't even have to go through the braille printouts. He developed a talent for visualization like the great Nikola Tesla, who could run entire experiments in his mind." "
  17. I agree with LINGGUZ. Although I also would watch the diet and take 1/2 asprin daily. I have the headaches when I eat more than 3 eggs aweek. For LINGGUZ: Asprin is a western medicine taken from the tree bark of the willow tree of China.
  18. 'Ever heard of the Lawyer's guarantee of 250,000 US$ for any woman to divorce the father of their children ? She gets the house, the car, child support - he pays. At least he is supposed to pay - in reality - she gets it all for about 6 months and then he quits working as well as quits making the payments & all goes to the lawyer who was waiting - the family then goes into public housing - the children without a father then go to jail- as addicts - in search of a father... and become a statistic as to why USA has 5 times the number of prisoners, per capita, of any other nation on earth. In the meantime - prison building has been the #1 investment opportunity - for the last 30 years. I'll take self cultivation any day over the preditory government's path..
  19. Strange Energy Peaking at the Full Moon

    The Chinese calendar is at the heart of Taoist studies. Here is a place that you can download a small program that will begin to open the door for lunar studies - http://www.lunarcal.org/Screen.html And here is a description of a book that will open all the doors : Huangdi Neijing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huangdi_Neijing
  20. hi

  21. Qi is NOT Energy

    The "Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy" in physics states that: "The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change its form. The total quantity of matter and energy available in the universe is a fixed amount and never any more or less. " So matter and energy are the same but in different states which allows them to be interchangable. More simply put - we cannot speak of one without speaking of the other. qi is a form of energy within the body and as such can be controlled by the mind which can turn on and off the synapse : "The junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell." http://www.answers.com/topic/synapse
  22. Kundalini

    Non, The methods I found in The 5 Tibetians have worked for me. I do the exercises and afterwards meditate for about 30 minutes on the chakras. Exercises take 10 minutes, Meditation takes 30 minutes equaling a total of 40 minutes I need to add that I am from farming country. I wake with the goat that wake the roosters. I get up between 4 AM and 5 AM every day. When meditating during the waking times, also known as the sun's rising times, it gives a particular lift. Supposedly this lift operates between 4AM and 12 noon. Oddly - it helps some if you take a short nap after meditating - something like digesting the experience.