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Everything posted by ~jK~

  1. still meditation is good mixing it up a bit is better.

    Here's a hodge podge http://www.redwingbooks.com/sku/FivTibKil;jsessionid=420B626738A4D27EE10B755F9343FD8A

    Here's a free download of the original 1936 version

    The upper book is a must read -

    The lower is free & almost as good.


  2. I've got some good news...

    http://www.google.com.au/#hl=en&source=hp&q=lime+calcium+carbonate+flea+powder&rlz=1W1GGLL_en&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=1a8592ad222ca131 Just sprinkle this in the bed. lime (calcium carbonate) IS flea powder. I've also used seven dust but don't know how good it is for catZ by the way - if you live close to the ocean, Lime or Calcium Carbonate is powderwd sea shells.
  3. Leg pictures? I haven't seen any legs... Of course you would be pleased with our resident tibetian AKA: Vajra- busting out of his shell. - what shell ? - try the most iggied poster on this site.
  4. Seeker, Buddhists don't see the need to access their past life memories. Here is a website that you can explore and learn for yourself. http://www.amtbweb.org/tchet110.htm Seeker, I'm a Buddhist and was born in the hills (Kings Mountain) I know your thinking as well as Buddhism. Buddhism is mainly about meditation. The Buddha's method was meditation. Largely the main differences between Buddhism and Christianity is that Buddhists don't pray to a god and understand that no one can forgive you for wrongdoings except yourself. If you watch Golfing news, you can see this in action right now with Tiger Woods. It is destroying his golf game as the guilt of his disloyalty to his wife and child, occupies his mind. Tiger Woods is a Buddhist. The Dahali Lama is Not a Buddhist - he puts politics ahead of Buddhism. He uses Buddhism as a tool, a false face, to help him engage in politics. In an attempt to answer your list: [*]Is multi-verse theory a common element across the variations of Buddhism? ---I think that if you look at the website, you will find that Buddhism does not use multi-verse as a tool as it seeks to relay information in as simple a form as possible. There may be the explaining of a situation in a series of sentences that say the same thing from different angles but it is not used as a standard. [*]Are buddhas all still able to interact with "us" after attaining true enlightenment? ---The enlightenment of Buddhism is, at it's most simple form, just a clearing of the mind of unnecessary thoughts. This works to make a meditative state called "Mindfullness" that allows our mind to access memories more easily and clears our mind to allow it to find its true creative potential. It is likened to a farmer clearing a field to allow room for new growth. [*]Are buddhas able to access all past-life memories? ---There is no need to access past life memories. [*]Do buddhas understand the workings of the cosmos? --- no, this is the work of scientists. Buddhas do understand the workings of our everyday life better than those that do not practice meditation. Here is a collection of the Buddhist way of thinking - click on the images for a larger, more readable image. http://www.amtbweb.org/ecards/index.php http://www.amtbweb.org/ecards/index.php?page=1&cat=Dharma_Cards〈=english_lang.php For anyone reading this topic: I found a Free - E-Book on Buddhism contrasted with Confucianism by Thomas Cleary PHD. http://www.ebook3000.com/The-Buddhist-I-Ching_61516.html
  5. Yoga Nidra

    Here's an online version of 'The Secret of the Golden Flower' http://www.rexresearch.com/goldflwr/goldflwr.htm
  6. Yoga Nidra

    If you are a sailor, with any length of experience, you know how to controll your emotions in the face of what 'may' happen. This is what is needed to begin learning.
  7. Yoga Nidra

    MoKona, Raja yoga at the entrence level is a 6 year old driving a car alone. I will not teach a person that I am not very-very-very familiar with.
  8. Formless and Active Meditation

    Kali Yuga - I apologize for disecting your post but it is exactly what I've been thinking about. My aim was to bring more of the essence to the obvious points that you brought up.. I've been studying crystals as one of the Yang methods of reaching higher levels of meditation - The crystals work -and- I'm wondering just how many methods there are that I haven't thought about - as well as 'when does a method become a problem to the objective' or even -does it become a problem ? Of course the crystals may be having a psychological effect of reassuring my confidence that if something can be touched it has more of a place in reality - so as to give me a prop. But the risings that I am having are exactly the same effect that Kundalini Yoga had, on me, when I was began studying it about 20 or more years ago. I echo: feel free to comment on experiences. The reason I echo 'experiences' is that 'experiences' are the foundation of the Scientific method of objective observation. Whereas 'beliefs' are founded on only windborn thoughts with little to no connection to reality other than one persons imaginative dream.
  9. I apologize for shortening - but the other was seeming too complicated for me to get my noodle around Feelings are, to me, natures compass as they point the way in an otherwise dark trail. They have been sharpened through practice in folowing them through many dark alleys that turned out to be shortcuts. My opinion for TV is that, in USA, it was my main problem in achieving goals. And to be honest, I didn't miss Gilligan's Island -or the 7:30 PM, 7:30 AM or 60 min. news- a bit.
  10. B-Man - In an alternate possibility- You may have a teacher coming to find you. I had the another sort of the same experiences. So - I opened the door to let it come in to visit. It helps to have someone on the other side to give advice. If you have possibilities of growth - you may have one of the immortals. Don't tell this to your shrink - they make a lot of $ from the pink tabs.
  11. Formless and Active Meditation

    WoW there is intelligent life on this planet after all (\^..^/) Experiences? Somewhere between about/around 20 or 50 years of the same as you've posted. (I'm shy of telling my untrue age ) But then again I'm not shure of which life I'm in right now either. All I know is that I've been here before and would like to do it again. (I had a really good birthmother) For Active meditation I usually give it the name of Taoism as from my experiences/present understandings is that the Tao is a bit structured (right brain) with a core center foundation of universal timng. It's good for building things like roadmaps on how to get places. Whereas with Passive or Creative (Left Brain) meditation, I usually attribute it to Buddhism and presently consider it as meditaton in it's pure form. Of course I like to leave room for the universal constant of ((((Change)))) The problem with Buddhist meditation is that once I get into it, it's hard to get out of it. By the way, I practice savasana yoga as a form of escape / astral projection and overall mental evolution - also for somewhere between 20 to 50 years. Lately I've been experimenting with crystals and their energy and found them to be a fairly good meditation aid/focus - or maybe just a good reminder - but off subject - I am also finding a bit of a healing energy coming from them that is 'V'ery much akin to the risings I got from when I went through the steps of Kundalini Yoga. Here's a megawebsite that claims the Chakra's are but a "motion in the alchemy of time." http://www.crystalinks.com/chakras.html Try to Be a tad carefull of the website - I've seen it blossom, over the years, from a tiny webpage to one that she claims has around 50,000 files to get lost in. Just last night I missed 5 TV shows while learning stuff from it. Mo'Later
  12. Mokona has a Hawaiian sound to it

    (MoKona = More Kona !:o)

  13. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    Dislexia? Hard times are brought on by no meditation = The perfect time for meditation is always NoW. http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1d9qz_spi...-pt1_shortfilms http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1da00_spi...lity-pt2_people http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1da8v_spi...-pt3_shortfilms http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1dae5_spi...ty-pt4_creation http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1daj2_spi...eality-pt5_blog http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1danq_spi...eality-pt6_news http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1dapv_spi...lity-pt7_people http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1dijt_spi...lity-pt8_school
  14. Third Eye

    From what I have read of the posts on this topic, it seems that most are confusing enlightenment with the 3rd eye. Enlightenment contains the 3rd eye process - whereas the 3rd eye process does not necessarily contain enlightenment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I borrow this from one of Steam's posted discoveries at http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/11802-awakening-psychic-abilities/page__st__100__p__153573__fromsearch__1entry153573 post #118 .
  15. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    Anyone can be a monk on the mountain.
  16. Thoughts on vegetarianism?

    Diet is one of the steps toward the return to our normal nature. The more we return to nature, the more that we are able to perform naturaly. There are reasons the ancients would live in the forrest, on mountains, as hermits. I suggest to begin here: http://www.rawfoods.com/
  17. sleeping time /dream practise

    I've posted it about 15 times - search for 'Savasana' or go buy a book on it.