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Everything posted by ~jK~

  1. Taoist Philosophy

    In China there is only one Tao and only one book on it. Chuang Tzu was only an echo of what he had listened to. http://www.answers.com/topic/zhuang-zi To make a long story short - I've been in China, studying Chinese philosophy, for more years than most of you have education -from grade 1 to now. If you want to see the reality of Chinese philosophy read A Short History of Chinese Philosophy by Feng Youlan AKA: Fung Yu-Lan (simplified Chinese: 冯友兰; traditional Chinese: 馮友蘭; pinyin: Féng Yǒulán; Wade-Giles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feng_Youlan To give you an idea, Dr. Feng Youlan was brought over from China, during the Japanese attacks on China, during WW1 & WW2 and given an honorary Doctorate degree from Princeton University, and a Professor position, simply to learn Chinese History from him. My best friend here has a Masters Degree in Chinese Philosophy & History from the Chinese University, the top University in China for history/philosophy, that he taught in, after his return, she studied under him. I had the honnor to meet and talk to him. Read the book. You are in the field of Chinese culture and becoming an embarrassment to those that can read and reason.
  2. Leaving

    As one journey ends, another begins, neverending. Enjoy your now, but keep your eyes open. It is not about a discovery. More like a rebirth. New Awakenings into Forever. into Now. C U soon.
  3. Taoist Philosophy

    Read the book.
  4. Taoist Philosophy

    I repeat: Marble one, The Tao was created to make Order from Chaos. Now - it is your turn - I am curious where you are going with it. Source: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/14417-the-coming-war-of-words-aimed-at-recreating-a-new-dark-ages-for-humanity/page__p__188468entry188468
  5. Taoist Philosophy

    Do you read what you write? It seems total confusion between one paragraph and the next. Have Fun ! I'm going to quit wasting time.
  6. Taoist Philosophy

    Which translation are you quoting? I've read several translations as well as made my own translation as well as worked with my Chinese friends that were studying TTC - None of them even come close to what you are writing. Here is James Legge Translation # 44 "44 Cautions Or fame or life, Which do you hold more dear? Or life or wealth, To which would you adhere? Keep life and lose those other things; Keep them and lose your life:which brings Sorrow and pain more near? Thus we may see, Who cleaves to fame Rejects what is more great; Who loves large stores Gives up the richer state. Who is content Needs fear no shame. Who knows to stop Incurs no blame. From danger free Long live shall he." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The translator James Legge (1815-97) was a first professor of Chinese at Oxford University (1876-97), and took part in preparing the Sacred Books of the East series of 50 volumes between 1879 and 1891. " http://oaks.nvg.org/tao-legge41-50.html#44 Another, more recent, Translation by D.C. Lau (Lau is a Chinese Sir Name) 44 Your name or your person, Which is dearer? Your person or your goods, Which is worth more? Gain or loss, Which is a greater bane? That is why excessive meanness Is sure to lead to great expense; Too much store Is sure to end in immense loss. Know contentment And you will suffer no disgrace; Know when to stop And you will meet with no danger. You can then endure. http://www.terebess.hu/english/tao/lau.html#Kap44
  7. Taoist Philosophy

    Intresting in that you think you can improve on one of the greatest philosophical works of a civilization based on philosophy- not religion. This is not helping anyone understand TTC, it is helping them understand you.
  8. Sprouts...

    This is a bit that I discovered from pre Sung Dynasty history in China - it will keep you healthy when others don't. In the Sung Dynasty of China, there was a epidemic that was cured by boiling all water and food. -So this process was lost untill recently. Using Mung Beans Making a juice extract by sprouting (1/4 to 1/2 of a cup) of the seeds so that they have a root emerging no more than 1/8 inch. It takes about 24 hours to sprout the seeds in the summer. The process: I cover them in tap water for about 4 hours & then pour the water away, let them dry for a few hours & cover them with tap water again and repeat the process untill they sprout a root emerging no more than 1/8 inch. Then put them in a blender with about 3 times as much cold distilled water as seeds. Blend them with the cold water so that the seeds become like a powder. Strain the blended seeds & water through a stainless steel wire type filtering seive that you can find at grocery stores & drink the juice while it is fresh. Throw away the grounds. To build up your enzyme bank in your pancreas, you will need to do this every 2 or 3 days for a month or 2. Then about once a week. Even if I begin feeling a little sick, if I drink the juice, the illness does not develop. I keep some of the semi sprouted beans in the refridgerator most of the time & snack on them - but the juice extract is what really works. Be careful eating the beans like a salad as an unsprouted bean can break a tooth... The juice also acts as a catalyst for the endocrine system to bring hormones into balance. Read more on the process at these websites: http://www.living-foods.com/articles/enzymes.html and http://www.picosearch.com/cgi-bin/ts.pl and http://www.living-foods.com/index.shtml
  9. Nilo, In my opinion, you are at the first few steps into self-realization which is quite a bit further than most - but you are trying. I'll try to give a few pointers from well over 20 years of practice. It's not aimed at you but rather the group. This is the method I had to use on myself to begin what I see as a still developing, but so far successful, practice of Taoist/India yoga. Before getting serious with training, you have got to give up eating desert after desert after desert. All that mind candy is rotting the head. Simply put, it is time for meat, potatoes, vegetables and fruit. Drop the pink sugar candy. Take a look at the posts and see what the content is about. I see only talk of trendy cute gurus, paying out the nose for teachers that use belief system logic and nonsense that is designed to confuse students into thinking the 'true guru' is something they ain't. Enough said on the diet. What I'm hoping for is that a few of you-all begin seeing Taoist Yoga as a practice - beginning with total mind meditation, working through to Kundalini, and then beyond. It is a practice that -first- gives the practitioner control over their own mind whereas once that is achieved - it develops into exploring the many facets of meditation. Until this control over your own mind is achieved, nothing else can progress. To be a bit more real - a weaning off the mind candy will probably need to be done slowly - so here is a bit of 8 videos posted by Steam that will give you an idea of what is to come and the purpose of practice: http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1d9qz_spi...-pt1_shortfilms http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1da00_spi...lity-pt2_people http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1da8v_spi...-pt3_shortfilms http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1dae5_spi...ty-pt4_creation http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1daj2_spi...eality-pt5_blog http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1danq_spi...eality-pt6_news http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1dapv_spi...lity-pt7_people http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x1dijt_spi...lity-pt8_school Here is a web page where I have posted the method to begin. Firstly - A note on myself - I am from the old Hippie school of meditation/yoga that believes such powerful knowledge should not be sold. It is an obligation that once learned, must be passed on to as many as possible. I began my practice in 1967, mastered my technique about 3 years later but remain practicing the same today with some new additions such as the Kundalini -5 years ago. Here is a bit from the web page I have just finished on the subject: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/11802-awakening-psychic-abilities/page__st__120'>http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/11802-awakening-psychic-abilities/page__st__120 6 AM is for mild meditation, a mild way to begin the day - I do about 30 minuites that, I use it to work into Kundalini as described in T5T To begin - this is a description of the beginning portions of the method: You must see the nature of the exercises to know both their function and what the exercises needs from you to work. Yoga is not a pill to pop and wait to get the results. Kundalini is a Yang (energetic) awakening largely of the body - but it will help in preparing you for The Savasana. 6PM is for the Savasana - I usually take a shower to get me into the proper mindset to begin and then work into the Savasana for about 2 hours. (After mastery, this 2 hours drops down to about 15 to 30 min.) When completed your body should feel like a lump of clay. - It happens one part at a time - first the feet, then the lower legs, then the entire leg etc. After the body is relaxed, then begin the red dot for 15 min. - Once the 15 minutes is completed - with no thoughts or dreams coming into your mind - you can drop the red dot and become totally empty mind meditation. Please understand - I cannot give suggestions --- what will happen as in the experiences must be your own experience - not my suggestions. I can only try to help interpret what is happening. Anyone needing to understand what is happening, e-mail me from my profile. The Savasana as 100% Yin is the most important portion of Yoga as it ties all the body exercises into the mental - thus completing the circle. And eventually the awakening. As for understanding the power of Yin - Think this: the Yang power of the sun's Trillions upon Trillions of nuclear reactions occurring within the sun, with each reaction being more than equal to all the nuclear bombs on earth exploding in a millisecond - is lessened to the point of giving the gentle energy required by all life on earth, through the Yin power of distance. With The Savasana, you are taping into the power of Yin. The above has largely been from the webpage's final post - here is the begining: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/11802-awakening-psychic-abilities/
  10. Copyright October 03 2009 All Rights Reserved . See it in action: Click on the URL http://www.usdebtclock.org/
  11. Interesting concept. I've been wiggling my ears, my nose eyebrows, scalp, solar plexus(I use the cleansing breath from Yoga), even my brain - just to see If I could do it - and it does work. Flexing my brain as in contracting the two lobes seems to produce melatonin as it makes me sleepy. The rest is amusing to children to watch... But I never thought about my testicles untill I read this ... It works. They feel a bit warmer than they did a few min. ago and a bit kinky but that is all. Although it should have a little to do with the longetivity as more exercise should help produce more sperm AKA male stem cells... Hmmm... I think I'll just find me a spot and flex off
  12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The difference between Religions and Buddhism is that Buddhism is a philosophy of accepting responsibility for one's own actions. There is no jesus or god to forgive you, only a Buddha (a teacher) to point the way for you to forgive yourself. Once this perspective is seen, there begins to be the understanding that There is only One True Religion And that religion is WAR. A few years back, I took some time off and went to Hawaii to see it. I bought a bicycle and rode around and saw. What I saw astounded me - the USA military was dropping the war vets there and giving them welfare to live on -in tents - in the parks. There were Massive numbers of them - About the same time, I came across a woman, Ms Joan Chen at China Bazar in Honolulu Dole Canery building, that kept a table for free buddhist literature. It was a very small booklet named "The Heart of a Buddha". I began distributing this booklet to the vets living in the parks. Grown men that were living in a bottle began to see me and smile for the first time in years...
  13. The 5 Tibetan Rites

    Ni Hao, devoid. I've been doing T5T for longer than the book has been out - using the methods as described in Yoga - which is a bit older than all of our ages squared and then cubed a few times. These exercises; if properly practiced, are the keys to longetivity, total mind meditation, and awakening the of the Kundalini. You got to begin with the Savasana - here is a page or two that I wrote on it a few months back: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/11802-awakening-psychic-abilities/ I got to admit to it that I was wrong in giving it the title of: "Awakening Psychic Abilities" as that was only what happened to me. I began calling people that were thinking of me, doing astral projection during the Savasana etc -etc. I still pick up the phone before it rings more than 20 years later and know who is calling. But there can be no doubt that it was my beginning. And it does begin to open up the channels - but I think the author of T5T may have got a few things azz backwardz. You got to master the Savasana first - and I do mean MASTER it. 3 months are normal - expect maybe more. It is called the 100 day process by most Taoists. I've given most of the process at: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/11802-awakening-psychic-abilities/ - If any Question, write me by clicking on the spinning Flower of Life. and finding my e-mail thing. Don't worry of how many "years-old thread" it is - the only part of us that can tell time is our body and if you can learn enough - even the body isn't accurate in time telling... Truth be known - our mind has no memory of time - if you are not happy with your now - just rememebr when you were - go to sleep and wake up in the new-old now. By the way - here is the original book that got T5T started: http://www.kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com/downloads/ancient_secret_of_the_fountain_of_youth_peter_kelder.pdf
  14. Pushups as conditioning

    I do the Cobra pose from Yoga, which has a full range of motion on it's style of movement as described in The Five Tibetans(T5T). I do 21 repititions. Among other benefits, it keeps the man boobs off as well as helps to eat away some of the fat in the general vicinity of the heart. I also do a trick that I picked up long ago of doing sets of repetitions on sit-ups or leg lifts which takes the 21 repetitions times 5 sets = 105 situps while watching TV. If you have been slack during this winter, It will get you back in shape 5 times as quick.
  15. Transmissions

    To the guy asking about a buying a tranmission - Music is a form of transmission. But to actually know what is happening, you got to play an instrument. It's kinda like a car - you got to drive it to see if the transmission is working. After you get it once though - you see it everywhere - Wolves Howl, the wind screams, storms have a beat, the moon tinkles, the sun sizzles and pops to jazz, mountain streams have mozart and beethoven's spirit and refuse to let them rest and all that is just a beggar's begining
  16. The New World Order

    J.Z. , In 'differences' - there is always the obvious 'difference' And what you are noticing is happening - but what makes up the difference? In my post listed below - it points to the difference as being most obvious within the political techniques used on the masses: manipulative techniques AKA: the 'belief systems of religions' VS Structured systems of logic and philosophy. The Structured system being contained within this parameter: Confucius said of History: "Those that do not remember History are Doomed to Repeat it." http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/14417-the-coming-war-of-words-aimed-at-recreating-a-new-dark-ages-for-humanity/