Cookie Monster

The Dao Bums
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About Cookie Monster

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Solar plexus/abdomen contraction

    There is a therapy form called TRE, Tension/Trauma Release Exercises. You could perhaps work through it with that method.
  2. change name request

    Hello again. Can I have my name changed to "Cookie Monster" ?
  3. change name request

  4. change name request

    Hello Can I have my name changed into "Katte som drikker latte" plz? Thanks
  5. Staying in a buddhist monastery?

    Hello bums. I've been thinking about clearing my karma with the vajrasattva mantra lately and then I had a dream sort of confirming that. So I take that as a good omen. Can anyone recommend a buddhist monastery where I can do just that? Has anyone here stayed in a monastery and have some experience to share? It seems many meditation teachers/meditators stay in monasteries at some point but I must admit I know little about this... edit: I live in Norway. I could go to Asia - but not the US.
  6. DGS's Dizzying DVD Collection

  7. Draining the swamp!

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