Thank you all for your feedback. It sounds to me like experimentation w/ several breathing styles may be conducive to achieving specific goals, depending on the individual. I'm starting to fair closer to learning how to develop a deep intuitive understanding of energy work in regards to me as an individual, as opposed to a rigid structured discipline for the masses.
I do believe that some things are universal, such as deep, slow, controlled belly breathing for energy cultivation and mind regulation...not to mention the benefit of daily practice. The more the better...within reason. My dilemma is my conditioned desire for a structured, well-versed, historical practice that I can use for an extended period of time, as opposed to just "wingin it". I've done Mantak Chia's stuff and wasn't a big fan. I've tried Mo Pai and...although I do believe it's very powerful, I feel it's not very multi-dimentional in it's benefits and calls for quite a bit of self-deprivation in the sexual activity department. Not very conducive for a man in search of a woman.