That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. Hi all, for those who remember me, I have been gone a while and some things have changed for me, so I haven't been here much. Anyway, I am now in Hong Kong, and I was thinking that this is possibly the best chance I have to meeting a legit teacher who can make me feel some chi/qi. And by chi/qi I mean the real deal, some unseen energy capable of pushing me, electrify me or something that. For now I just want to know if it is real, so can anyone point me on where to find a legit friendly master in HongKong that would be willing to just show me some chi/qi? Thank you!!!
  2. Tian Yan Nei Gong

    Hi there, who has heard of or practiced Tian Yan Nei Gong??? What are your opinions or what have your heard about it??? Thanks!!
  3. Tian Yan Nei Gong

    Thanks Chang Do you have any experience with the system or know anyone who has/had practiced it a while?? and what they say about it?
  4. This is the first time I have ever seen a public display of ability by such high level practitioners of the internal arts. I speculate they must be at least the equivalent of level 3 in Mo Pai. Please let me know what you think and if you know what lineage they might be.

    Call them tricks and stunts BUT Bad Indian Music?! I cannot agree with that! :lol:
  6. Thank you C T, much appreciated. As soon as I can I will go visit these places. Not today though, because the weather is simply miserable
  7. Bronnikov Method

    Bronnikov is full of crap from what I ve seen, the documentary is with Derren Brown, famous magician and skeptic. I couldn't possibly believe Bronnikov is legit after seeing this. Is this ability real? maybe. Is Bronnikovs method real? I dont think so....
  8. "The Awakening"

    He is god, capable of anything, so he created himself before he even existed! BOOM SHAKA LAKA!
  9. Is it possible to truly get into meditation?

    WHy do you meditate apepch? What do you gain from doing it?
  10. Is it possible to truly get into meditation?

    To find out if there really is anything more to it than sitting around relaxing very deeply.
  11. Is it possible to truly get into meditation?

    I've pretty much dropped all expectation, the only thing I expect really is something, whatever it may be. But then you know, since I don't really enjoy it, when I'm done its like "man, I could have spent that time improving my skills on this or learning more about that..." If I had some big expectations I knew for sure would come, then I might meditate a lot.
  12. Is it possible to truly get into meditation?

    I can't say I enjoy meditation, in the sense that when I am done I don't go "wow that was awesome! can't wait for the next session! " All the meditation I have done is simply in search of a reason to meditate. So far all I've got is a tingly sensation in my hands/arms when I move them close to my upper body after a few minutes of meditation. Is that chi? I don't know, but though interesting, it hasn't really kept me coming back for more. I'm just in search of a path, but I can't find any that I know are worth following. I just know I'd still like to meet john chang someday, experience the phenomena for myself, after all my journey really started at the age of 16 I think, when I saw a documentary on the history channel about spontaneous human combustion. At the end of this documentary, a mystery man set some newspaper on fire, it was awesome. Wanst until 5 years later though, with internet in my life, that I could really pick up the trail. Well thats enough off topic, I just feel talkative tonight, thats all.
  13. Power

    Dragon feces Never tried it to know what its like though.
  14. Karma strikes again

    Karma? more like Karmera Had there not been a camera to catch her in the act she would have probably just carried on as if nothing had happened, never to be punished for that act of cruelty.
  15. Interesting talk, but who is this "Sean"?
  16. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    I'll never go to a seminar of someone I'm not sure is legit because I don't want to risk supporting BS.
  17. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    car-ge bunshin no jutsu?
  18. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    :lol: Ok so by your logic I guess stepping on a stage to prove your claims to some skeptics IMPOSSIBLE! Golden dragon body, obviously possible, was there ever a doubt?! How do you decide what is possible and whats not? coin flip? Oh look someone on a stage showing what he can do? Is this for real? I dont mean the stunts, I mean is that really a guy on stage showing what he is capable of?! Well maybe if there were skeptics there saying he cant do these things he d try a flip and fall on his face... Or he'd show them on a stage(thats right on a stage showing the skeptics what he can do, i know sounds insane! but please stay with me), and convince them right there that what he claims he can do he really can do!
  19. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    Well just do it for James Randi and company and you are sorted. Or Richard Dawkins and company. You make it sound like a really tough task If you wanted to keep your abilities private its one thing (which max doesnt sincce pictures are on the net), but if you want to show people it is legit it really isn't that hard...(as long as you really are legit) These avid atheist preachers give lots of talks etc, just come in, walk on stage and go golden dragon mode and make them shit bricks.
  20. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    Thanks Scotty @ Paul We do give our powers away, and sometimes it a good thing. You have the power, no doubt. But power without knowledge is dangerous, so even if you have the power to make your decision, but lack the knowledge to make the right one, how does keeping all your power benefit you? This brings me to the next thing, wisdom. Wisdom is what you need to help you decide when you should be giving your power away and to whom. Experts are human too, they cant always be right, and even though they are all "experts" they can still be worlds apart is their expertise of a subject. Either way it is always wise to get a second opinion, especially by those who have great knowledge in that field. In conclusion, use your power wisely.
  21. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    OK, i believe in photoshop more than Kunlun, so I might not have a completely neutral view on this but please note: 1. A video of the phenomena would have been much more impressive. Though just as easily faked. 2. The "ghostly" figure, even though they are see through they remain 2D. What I mean by this is that if he was truly see through the camera would capture the other side of his body. To illustrate my point, imagine he was wearing a backpack, you take a picture of him from the front, in the picture you should see whats behind him(in this case the backpack). So taking a picture of his right side would also caputer some of his left side since you can see straight though to it. 3. Kinda related to the last point, we arent merely what we see on the outside, if we started going invisible I would expect to see some insides here. (guts, heart, kidney, bones etc) 4. Digital images like that arent hard to make with the right software, in a digital picture the more time yuo spend and the you pay attention the more legit an image will look. With enough time spent a fake image can be almost indistinguishable from a real one. BUT, I have never gone invisible and have no idea how invisibility would work if it were real. Adobe After Effects video, invisibility made easy It might have been hard for me to trust stuff like this in the past, but now with pictures being digital, software as good as it is and accessible to anyone...its just too much for me to accept without some kind of real testing.
  22. The "Choking Game"

    I'm so sorry santiago, I wish I could do something more than offer my condolences. God bless
  23. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 76

    That will only happen if it happens by chance.
  24. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 76

    I am almost a man of the tao I guess, but I differ mainly in 2 things. I like to compete, but only in harmless games, I don't see harm in that. I want to have some excess, not just for me to be able to sit back and relax comfortably, but so I can help the people close to me if or when they need it. Also perhaps to pay back those who have helped me in the past.
  25. Kundalini Juices

    Interesting stuff, thanks Seth, I appreciate your answer. But for someone like me who lives a more ordinary life, it is pretty far out Did he ever say why beings like him don't make their existence known to the world? to kind of try and get more humans to seek becoming a more evolved being like himself?