That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. Meow Meow

    Yes, because the reason I wouldn't care if something happened to people like her is because I want these kind of actions to stop, I want them gone. They are cruel, and so I have a reason to think society would benefit from her being gone. She has no reason to do what she did. She doesn't live in the area, the cat did nothing to her, she knew what she was doing etc. I wouldn't go and kill her, but when she is gone I don't think I feel sorry for her. btw, the cat was rescued 15hrs later by chance by someone who heard its cries.
  2. Fear of feeling pain?

    Whats your point? I mean a phobia is just a stronger fear, no matter how strong the fear, if the person can face that fear for a greater good its ok.
  3. Fear of feeling pain?

    I think its ok to be afraid of pain, its wether or not you're willing to go through it to accomplish your goal that counts.
  4. something attacks me

    I hope someone can help you, but if you took your time to change your punctuation more people might read it. Not being a grammar nazi, just saying
  5. Sleep Paralysis & Demons of the Night

    Sperm banks must be like some kinda all you can eat buffet
  6. Third Eye

    you might have just killed the thread ralis
  7. Third Eye

    Can we see a picture of you Drew? (in full lotus if you want ) I am very curious. If you don't wanna show that is fine, since I myself wont be posting one I can't say anything.
  8. Western "success"....vs...Taoism

    So what if it is anti doaist??? If you get what you want, and no one is getting harmed do it, stop being afraid of imaginary rules Your desire to be daoist is anti daoist
  9. Move to Outer Space or Face Extinction

    How so? It seems pretty obvious that if you keep multiplying the inhabitants of the planet, eventually there wont be enough for everyone. Its quite simple, when will we be at the limit for Earth? I dont know
  10. Move to Outer Space or Face Extinction

    Well you dont have to be a top scientist to figure that out You just have to be a top scientist to get peoples attention over it. As an example (don't actually try it for the sake of bunnies) imagine you have a patch of grass 10m by 10m with 2 bunnies, they will then multiply to like 6 bunnies, then to 18 to 64 to A LOT. And you well if your 3rd eye is good enough to picture this, you'll realize your 10m by 10m patch of grass wont be good enough to feed all... not just that but all grass will be eaten and unable to grow back in time to actually feed even 1 bunny. All will die. Don't know about how long or close we are to limits on the earth really, since distribution of wealth probably kills more than lack of wealth on our planet. But if population keeps growing eventually some will have to move. Well they would have to move IF IT WEREN'T FOR 2012 SUPER AWESOME KUNDALINI 4th EYE DIMENSIONAL ANGELIC HEAVEN JUMP SHIFT WARP! Can't wait!
  11. Third Eye

    wait what? I just came to read whats going on here and got this as the last post, I hope its a joke, maybe it is I dont know and too lazy to backtrack Holding the door for people and being polite is very different from being a tyrant by physically suppressing people who irritate you unintentionally. Though in a job, you must have a dual personality because you're being paid to represent the company or store or whatever, so you must have a pleasant vibe so people come back for more or work together to get a job done. If you wanna tell people you don't like to beat it, be self employed or the boss. If you have a dual personality it is your fault for being too afraid to be yourself, even if it means being "strange". I myself have can be pretty positive, smiling and generally content and relaxed, and believe it or not I have had negative comments and reactions by people for this. You know, people like me can be pretty weird, since life just sucks for middle class people, omg you know, I need to be more stressed out and negative. Being positive and generally happy and content with what I have at the moment makes me a pushover or a bit of a dope who doesn't really understand how the world works BUt whatever, I don't know what exactly you been through/go through now, so peace brother. @wtm Its a big zit thats coming. Now about that third eye, why doesn't it start off open or remain open like our normal eyes? Whats up with that yo'?
  12. "When have the ducks ever flown away?"

    Wow Zen master over there needs to get out more. I mean when the student says they flew away he means away from where they were when he and Zen guy first saw them, sheesh! But I just wanted to say thanks for the Kate love these jokes
  13. Ridcule of energy practice

    I'm back! And thy ridicule energy work because its just too easy. 1. It looks like you're doing nothing really. 2. Energy workers can't really show any results from their practice. They're just as capable as the average healthy person who does not do energy practice, and probably less fit that someone who does more typical exercise routines. 3. This is a follow up to point 2, there are some that "can" do things others can't because of their energy work, but can't get the word out or can't get undeniable confirmation of their ability. OR they choose to remain secret, 4. Follow up to point 3, most well know people who could use mysterious forces or energy to do super natural things, were found to be frauds or just unable to perform on tests (because "place belief here"). 5. Young people are more "clever" these days when it comes to these things, they refer to religious people for example as adults with imaginary friends, because theres no reason to believe christianity for example to be true. And energy work just hasn't done enough to say to them "hey I am real, not just some practice done by those who live in a fantasy world". might be more, but those are my main ones I see. Some will blame the media, and yeah ok, but I think the medias portrayal has had more effect on how they ridicule you than why. Of course, all this stems from the lack of respect these days
  14. Time to move on

    I hope not, cause then we might get another thread that ends up like this. Don't leave DC, at the end of the day we're all just people writing on a forum, lighten up Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna or any other holy figure including God himself could write here and if we didn't agree we'd say the same stuff to them
  15. Time to move on

    I hate analogies, they spoil things for me, so much easier to simply get to the point. Think of a monkey with a banana, the banana being karma and the monkey you, if you can picture that monkey without him eating the banana you will succeed in proving we do not have to get rid of our karma. Anyway~ You were born a westerner right? isn't that permanent? like it or not... Tao99 shame on you! I had to meditate for an hour to get over your trolling post!
  16. Time to move on

    This has turned into quite a circus, I was here at the start, am I responsible? will there be karma to pay? Adept, relax man, I use to get worked up too, these days I just like "what the?....wait you're serious.....? I dont even..............." and then I Even if some of the people here say hurtful things sometimes, they probably don't mean them like that, they just a bit <insert nice word here>
  17. Time to move on

    The kinda response I expected. Well what can I say except you'll never know true happiness until you know the love of Jesus bro, you just don't get it yet, but I guess God must have other plans for you, not time yet. I bare more happiness on the tip of my fingers as I type this then you know! These discussions are kinda funny really :lol:
  18. Time to move on

    Well to me, the teachings sum up to something like this: Try to do nothing, care about nothing, seek nothing so nothing can happen. That way you will never be disappointed in any way. Seems like a life of nothing to me, sorry. And for the "blissful wisdom", I cannot share that view. They seem depressed and to some extent trying to escape from their old life for some reason. No blissful wisdom, just a different point of view which seems to lead to a life of nothing. If thats what you want go for it, I wont stop you or anything, but to me seems like a waste of a healthy life which could amount to some much more interesting experiences.
  19. Time to move on

    If the "bliss" is so great, why they so miserable looking? I've seen happy people, and they are not happy. They look depressed and miserable. Do the teaching tell them they must do that? EDIT: The AMONG WHITE CLOUDS DOC. For Vajrahridaya, since his code is a little messy on this occasion
  20. Time to move on

    Whats your definition of nei kung starjumper? And I just know the hardcore guys I saw in "Among White CLouds" documentary looked like a bunch of depressed people (except 1, who had a group of students). Are those guys that leave everything and go live isolated until they whatever (ascend?) not following the teaching right? (if you ve seen the documentary) And also in that, there was a guy close to enlightenment or something like that, they spoke with him a bit, seemed like a any miserable guy I can find just down the street, what gives?
  21. Religulous

    Concerning openness, you have to realize that to Bill being open to religion being true is like asking him to be open to the Marvel Comic universe or similar being real. I watched the movie a while back, so I'm not sure, but he did go to church as a child right? and many atheists went to church as children. So they gave religion a chance, but then as they grew up and started thinking for themselves more they just went "wait a second, this makes no real sense, why do people actually believe this?" which is why many atheist consider the religious stupid, all these years and they still believe and live their life by these beliefs without questioning them. If God would come down and said "yo wats up, yeah the bible man, only way to heaven" then showed some pictures of heaven with all the people who made it there, then some pictures of hell, showed off some of his supreme power etc Then there would be some real reason behind following a religion, but as it stands theres nothing really other than some comfort in "knowing" what life/death is about. Some religions may offer some good guidelines and some good exercises for people, along with a lot of baggage.
  22. Religulous

    I thought it was pretty funny
  23. superman neikung

    DBZ has more to offer than just flying, notice the video below, when Goku turns Super Sayajin 3, he shows you how through hard work you reach new levels. A most interesting part starts at 4:30 (for those wh arent bothered to watch it all), notice how Goku is portrayed as a baby in his mind, one with the cosmos. Is this a reference to "baby breathing" exercises? I would believe so. And now for clip 2: Notice what Goku says concerning reaching the level of an ascended saiyan (aka super saiyan 3). "This next energy has to come deep inside, push hard to find it" "Tap into that and you become a super saiyan 3" Could a Super saiyan 3 be simply a super saiyan 2 who awoke their kundalini? So what you guys think?
  24. New Age Bullies

    Thanks Stigweard