
The Dao Bums
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About zuowang

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Zhong Li and Lu Dongbin dialogue

  2. I recently read this book and enjoyed it for the story but mostly for the pictures. The book takes you through his travels of various monasterries in China,and the different focus of the monastics in China. It is a little sad because it takes place just as things are declining for daoism in China. Great food conversations as well.
  3. Is Valley Spirit the femine aspect & Dao the male aspect?

    The Dao is everything, and in everything without separation. It is both yin and yang. Wuji represents that void of no distinction when wuji split yin and yang manifested and so did myriad things.
  4. Speaking of translations... A teacher mentioned how excellent Kohn's translation of Zuo Wang Lun (SITTING IN OBLIVION)is. So I tried to locate a copy, but it was out of print so I sent Ms. Kohn an e-mail and she kindly responded explaining that three pines press is releasing an updated addition summer 2010. I managed to get a copy via inter library loan and must say it is an excellent translation of a very simple yet potent text on Taoist meditation. If we all read it and then reread this post we would laugh at how silly are ego's can be. It is hard to find kind people who wish to share their experience with others and the worth of the experience is a subjective opinion. All this takes effort and time good luck with your search everyone.
  5. Interesting argument going here,but it is all demons of the mind labeling and judging the same coin. Practice is the only thing that matters. Sit, dance, sing, pray, ride tiger return to mountain, guard the valley spirit, and cheer everyone else in their practice. To me this is the Tao
  6. Intro

    Hello Tao Bums, Been reading for a few years and enjoy the postings hope I can return the inspiration