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Everything posted by ngtest

  1. Are you REALLY a Taoist?

    ryansmith is the most Taoist (85%)
  2. Are you REALLY a Taoist?

    No problem it runs on Chrome ok. So it seems Jainism is similar to Mahayana Buddhism. Plus, I'm more Neo-Pagan than Theravada Buddhist. No way! But I'm more Taoist than New Age. Yes! I'm no New Age. haha 1. Jainism (100%) 2. Mahayana Buddhism (94%) 3. Hinduism (91%) 4. Neo-Pagan (75%) 5. Sikhism (75%) 6. Theravada Buddhism (71%) 7. Orthodox Judaism (64%) 8. Orthodox Quaker (63%) 9. Baha'i Faith (62%) 10. Unitarian Universalism (61%) 11. Liberal Quakers (58%) 12. Islam (57%) 13. Taoism (56%) 14. New Age (55%) 15. Reform Judaism (50%) 16. Seventh Day Adventist (42%) 17. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (40%) 18. Scientology (40%)
  3. Taoism and alcohol

    Frankly speaking, modern scientific study can be considered a sort of play-time involved with the skandha of form rather than any sort of true learning. True learning, on the other hand, is the process of getting to know your fundamental self and where the universe and the mind came from. True learning also involves learning how to reveal this true self through enlightened activity for the universe All religions have elements of truth, but Buddhism is the closest to the truth because it came from a fully enlightened Buddha. Scientists that haven't even opened a bit their third eye should better refrain from saying what is real and what not.
  4. My health on the table

    According to Master Nan Huai Chin, a simple method is to decrease the amount of food one eats. Even a fast for a short period can be helpful. Or not eat after noon.
  5. Chakra Diagnosis

    SereneBlue, In Master Nan Huai Chin's book Tao and Longevity there is an illustration of the chakras and that chakra you mention above the head is called the Sacred chakra which is different from the crown chakra and above it. But it doesn't say its role.
  6. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Living beings do not know that the physical body, the mountains, the rivers, empty space and the great earth are all within the wonderful, bright, true mind. Buddha
  7. Hello members of Tao Bums, Some of you have experience of long sitting in full lotus and also of spring forest qigong. Can you comment on the efficacy of the following practice: The bound lotus is the next stage after full lotus. First sit in full lotus then cross your arms behind the back and hold the right foot with the right hand and the left foot with the left hand and bow down touching the floor with your forehead. It is easier to do this touching the floor with the forehead than sitting straight. when sitting straight you do jalandhara banda also. Yogi Bhajan , a kundalini yoga master has said that one who does this position for 31minutes continuously at least masters this position and can affect his environment by his mere presence, that he becomes strong like iron inside and radiant like the sun outside. Some hold it for one hour. It has special healing abilities, especially for the legs. Just thought some people here would be interested to know unless you know already. But this pose is relatively hard. Does anyone know it?
  8. Better than full lotus

    If you sit more than 2:30 hours, around three hours continuous in full lotus, there comes a feeling of peace. In the yoga schools of India, there is the term asana jaya which stands for the ability to sit motionless in one asana for three hours. Then it is said that you have conquered the asana. Of course, this can only happen with either good meditation or very much will power.
  9. Better than full lotus

    Tao and Longevity translation by Wen Kuan Chu, original chinese was from Master Nan.
  10. Better than full lotus

    Dear members, I want to ask something those who may know. Does it make any difference if you practice full lotus with the right leg on top versus with the left leg on top? Some teachers in yoga teach left leg on top, but the usual in Buddhism and maybe Taoism is right leg on top. Thank you.
  11. Better than full lotus

    I want to clarify something. It is not actually a current running. It is basically very short currents accompanied by pain, because the channels are not yet open. When you open the channels as Master Nan Huai Chin says: "you will have a strong internal orgasm from your feet and legs upward to your waist and back, and even throughout your entire body. Rest assured."
  12. Better than full lotus

    It depends on whether you are meditating really. If you sit enough in full lotus without meditating and don't get numb and then when you meditate you get numb it is easy to know that the numbness is not harmful but is simply a reaction of chi. The numbness eventually goes away, but if you are afraid advance slowly.
  13. Better than full lotus

    Yes, I have experienced this. I can sit in full lotus for 2hours and a half with little pain only. For me now the pain begins after 2 hours and then the channels begin to open. Once I did 3 hours full lotus non stop and endured all the pain and when I released my legs they felt so fresh and connected and as I walked I had a very pleasant feeling like my legs were new! Have in mind that in the past I couldn't sit in full lotus more than an hour, but with training now I can sit easily for 2:30 hours. But also know that sitting 3 hours in full lotus does not mean that you have completely opened the leg channels, only partially. To open fully you need good meditation.
  14. Better than full lotus

    Zhuo Ming-Dao, I forgot to say that when chi channels are really opening it is accompanied by much pain. That's why you have pain if you sit for long in full lotus and not if you sit for little.
  15. Better than full lotus

    Once you have learned it well, other postures are just not an option. It is absolutely the best.
  16. Better than full lotus

    If you keep with your zazen and do your best every day it is sure to clear on its own. Better not interfere with the process, except if you know instructions from a Master. Oh, by the way if you manage to open somewhat the leg channels you will feel a kind of freshness and connectedness-pleasant! Master Nan says even euphoria which becomes stronger and stronger, then you don't want to leave the lotus!
  17. how to prevent nocturnal emissions?

    Dear Christoff, quoting from Master Nan Huai Chin: "To solve this problem and make it so that the semen does not leak out, you can cultivate the flying bird form of exercise. Every day before you go to sleep, stand up with your heels two inches apart. The first step is to tighten the muscles in your buttocks without contracting your anus: if you do that for a long time it may cause hemorrhoids. Simultaneously, pull in your lower abdomen. The second step is to take both hands and make the motions of a bird flying. Slowly in a natural manner lift them up. Your movements should be gentle and your mouth should be smiling slightly. Your shoulders should be relaxed. Both hands should be out on either side of the body, not extended toward the front or the back. Lift your hands very naturally, the slower the better. At the same time you raise your arms raise your heels, matching the upward movements. The third step is to lightly close your mouth when you lower your hands, and at the same time slowly lower your heels in a synchronised way. When you stand up use the strength of your big toes. Remember that throughout all of this your form must be beautiful and gentle, the more gentle the better. The point of emphasis should be on the tips of your fingers. When you raise your hands there will be a spontaneous flow of energy to your fingertips. Once it reaches your hands and turns the energy will pull them and they will naturally come down. At the beginning you should do it ten times every evening before retiring. You can slowly increase the number of repetitions" of course, do your best at meditation too Good luck!
  18. Better than full lotus

    Zhuo Ming-Dao, Continue using full lotus in meditation because the legs falling dead asleep during those longer sessions is a symptom of chi trying to open the channels I think. If you persevere and meditate they will open. It is said in the book Tao and Longevity by Master Nan Huai Chin.
  19. Hello All

    Hello all members of TTB, I am a young computer engineer. I am interested the last 5 years in Buddhism and doing stillness meditation. I have tried Hinayana and Zen meditation. I like Master Nan Huai Chin and have 4 of his books. I also like Bill Bodri and have 1 of his books. I am not experienced in Taoism but I believe the cultivation results are non denominational and Taoism has useful information for a cultivator. I have done very little qigong(taichi shibashi). I prefer sitting meditation and less than that breathing practices. I hope I will gain benefit by the discussion in this forum. May you all be happy. ngtest