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Everything posted by NeiChuan


    That made me laugh.. Lol and heeeeeey thats a secret who told you? lol
  2. Memory and concious problems Help?

    I was pretty much straight edge at the time.. I smoked alittle pot.. but months ahead of the actual occurence.. If I ever do smoke its months spread out. but no no other drugs.. Around that time my sleep patterns were on and off hectic.. Maybe one week I'd sleep bad like at 4 am then I'd sleep completely normal.. Im pretty sure that was before it had happend though =/
  3. Memory and concious problems Help?

    Other then a sorta've recurring dream I really can't remember.
  4. Shakti

    Very cool =D tools my favorite so enjoyed that aswell.. Specially the song choice.. Goes with the method you were doing =D

    Well auras aside.. Telepathy wise and being more connected to that person. Its more that if you know someone well enough and vice versa. Its really something when you get it down.. specially with more then one person

    Very cool post =D
  7. Did a lung capacity method and

    Mm im not trying to be skeptical but it seems like a far claim.. Where did you learn thats a result of a breath capacity skill? Also why would that be the result? Ways to fix that? Do you mean the shen in the liver?

    Hm thats something I've never tried to see auras lol, it wasen't something I was interested in it just came and in the beginning of qi gong. I do sometimes see a clear sometimes.. Im pretty sure its because I just dont get the right glance. Its gotten alot more intense and all, at night during training and all..I guess I have juice too cause It's been whitish hue for along time.

    Look up starfish like limbs Also I've heard of methods being true but there said to be extremely painful as they grown in. All I know sorry.
  10. Immortality Book

    Not trying to be a skeptic.. How sure are you that picuture isen't a recent one? the black and white doesn't really prove otherwise. Still cool though.
  11. Did a lung capacity method and

    Well I was a bit light headed.. My neck was stiff.. I remember constantly trying to relax it lol.. Lower back feeling I dont really remember sorry =\. @Deepbluesea. Mm no.. I'll go into a bit of detail though. You activate acupoints under the shoulder blades that activate the lungs more.. At that same time you have a Full inhalation of air.. Holding your breath while activating them after wards you breath it out with your lips in a circle shape and cheeks puffed out while using a downward arm motion.
  12. Some advice for my situation!

    I have my troubles in that area too.. Although what I do is breath with my chest in areas like that (when people are smoking) and basically normal small breaths, keep my eyes closed more. Thing is when you abdominal breath your using lower part of your lungs you usually dont use.. So its good not to damage them especially since you use them when training.. Secondly in TCM Eyes are connected to the skin... Hence keep your eyes closed alittle more often in these enviroments.
  13. Did a lung capacity method and

    oh and I haden't gone to much into detail but the wind sounded like a hurricane, or someone blowing into a mic. My ears felt pretty weird after aswell. (Just some extra info)
  14. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    did she die? LOL
  15. David Verdesi

  16. Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    Lol yea what I had in mind when I said that =D
  17. Did a lung capacity method and

    Hm thats understandable.. the shoulder blades are used in the method.. Anyway I was disoriented abit.. I haden't even realized fully what was happening till my vision was almost completely blurred lol.. Anyway it sounded like white noise.. Not quite but similar to the same sound as an outta've tune radio.. basically no signal ya know? It wasen't the same as the normal high pitched ringing ears.. I expected it to happen when all that started but I only noticed it till after the worst and all. I basically thought a thunder storm was starting lol. Well.. when the method is done your supposed to tense your huiyin so as not to get well.. basically a hernia. So i was tense.
  18. Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    Eventually hes going to get all kinds of awards.. Im still waiting for him to get the biggest douche in the universe award =D.. Or actually anyone to get it, I'd like to see that.
  19. Lol I've read some of the stories already (weird). Anyway sorry to cut in guys but who do you exactly mean by Jiang?.. Im wondering if its the one im thinking of. If you would pm me I'd appreciate it. Bye =D
  20. marijuana and taoist meditation.

    I thought something towards that point.. Ming men activity being I mean. Anyway in my opinion to use any over stimulation for meditation isen't well.. Its not wrong but its completely unneeded.. Also sorta've swaying you away from all you need in the practice.. Its self discovery lol. I try not to meditate until after a few days after I've smoked (when I do - I rarely ever do) because I dont want to go into a bit of a clouded meditation.. Same with to much energy drinks and such.. All the same to me and all unneeded for what im doing.
  21. Dr. Jwing-Ming Yang is Awesome. Always super informative. Thanks alot =D.
  22. Free Subliminal TEXTER

    Lol To each his/her own.
  23. qigong & paraplegics

    Ya know I have.. There was a master in taiwan that was said to cure Alll types of bones problems.. He actually started out as a paraplegic.. Thing is he was healed by his master then learned under him.. All I've heard is that hes in the US.. Takes about 4/5 patients max a day.. Its extremely painful qi gong.. But efficient. I'd suspect he's hard to track but I plan to find him myself. I don't think it'll be very easy to stay out the spotlight either.. So Good luck my friend..
  24. Knee problems..

    I've been going to the chiropractor for alignment issues although.. I started training again anyway. Pretty much one leg gets worked out more then the other from stances and my right knee has been getting pains and such popping all that stuff.. Was wondering if any of you have some feedback that could help. Thanks
  25. reverse microcosmic orbit

    lol thats pretty funny. Now I lost the interest to actually try lol