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Everything posted by Ninpo-me-this-ninjutsu-me-that

  1. The Mud Pill - I found it today, with pics

    That dung beetle reminded me of the Egyptian Scarab beetle, turns out they are the same.... the symbolism is interesting.
  2. Tell me what offends you, and I will tell you who you are

    My jar of strawberry jam never takes offence, no matter how much abuse I hurl at it from a safe distance across the room, I always new it had issues, now I actually know why.... I'll be using that that grandeur maniac phrase on it later, it's sure to at least give it pause for thought. The days of strawberry jam dominating and ruining my life are coming to an end! The worm has turned!
  3. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

    No worries man, I kind of figured there was something else going on in that post of yours that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It's all good.
  4. Tell me what offends you, and I will tell you who you are

    It can't be that non, I love strawberry jam, I just feel that it's not really been reciprocated.
  5. Tell me what offends you, and I will tell you who you are

    I find strawberry jam highly offensive.
  6. dont know if i should be posting this but is this someone on here?

    Ya, it was the back end of the Ninja craze when It came out.....Ashida Kim lol..... ya I thumbed through a fair few of his books back in the day in the local MA store but nothing in there to attract my meager pocket money, I also did the sneaking around and had a lot of fun with it, I think there are probably still rumours of 'Ninja dealers of death' frequenting the local common due to my stupidity . When I actually did take it up properly there was very little(if any)sneaking around going on Oh well, a lot of bruises though From what I saw from one of your other posts me and you are the same age, I never saw 'Pray for Death' with Sho Kosugi, you gotta tell me, was it any good??? I just can't be bothered to download it myself.... he did another film after that, it might have been called 'Pray even Harder'
  7. dont know if i should be posting this but is this someone on here?

    Honestly I really like the title of the book, when I first saw it I thought 'what a spanner!', I think I even may have ignored it the first time round, when I actually opened it up it was like Christmas; I like the fact it kind of misleads people, that's really a Ninjutsu concept. Every time I see it lying around my house and I see the title it still gives me a laugh. I also never have to lend it 'cos everyone just sees and and thinks 'what a spanner!', suits me 'cos I don't wanna lend it and risk not getting it back again
  8. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

    Really? I've been hanging out at the wrong bars then. I would imagine though any woman on a sex forum as you say obviously would be more open to it than the ones not hanging out on a sex forum. I have no doubt women aren't porcelain dolls, if that is the impression you got from my post as to my view of women you are quite wrong, that I would blame on my poor wording and not your interpretation. Rape fantasies, yes, but mention to them that the man raping them is a smelly old toothless drunk and watch their face(ya, I've said that when they've mentioned it as a fantasy)...and also remind them that as it's rape they can't say no, 'playrape'.... hmmm, play rape is not actual rape now is it? Yes the fantasy is common. I didn't say 'no' women like it on the face man, or anywhere else for that matter...... I'm no missionary position guy I can assure you. Simply from my own quick 'count up' I come to my own personal conclusion, if you wanna come on your girls face and she wants it then it's none of my business man. Good luck to ya. I never said I haven't done it before when it's been requested man.
  9. dont know if i should be posting this but is this someone on here?

    'Surely this combination of Taoism / Kundalini / Martial Arts (including Ninjas!) has to be dodgy?'(bullshido post) I just wanna pick up on this really, within Ninjutsu Daoist concepts/philosophy 5 elemental theory(in practice)and spiritual awakenings such as kundalini...and obviously martial arts are present(we have Chinese roots don't ya know), so this statement is pretty dumb in itself. Bearing in mind Ninjutsu/Ninpo is a warrior enlightenment system that was essentially created and propagated as a martial art in order to protect that knowledge therein(at least with Togakure ryu)then it's plain to see someone doesn't know what the ***k their talking about in that respect. I should add that not all the Ninja ryu had a spiritual/cultivation angle, some where purely physical, such as Koga ryu(deceased lineage). 'I LOLed at one of their book recommendations "Path Notes of an American Ninja Master by Dr. Glenn Morris" ' (bullshido post) Glenn Morris was a tenth Dan, he didn't get that from milking cows. 'Path notes' is a very fine book indeed, more esoteric than actually the physical side of Ninjutsu, that's true, but Ninpo the inner side is dealt with in ways that to my knowledge no other Ninjutsu exponent has really dealt with openly(cos their not allowed to)because he came to it from his own development he could say what he wanted to. The title is cheesy, but that's a deliberate move on his part.
  10. Happy New Year!

    A very happy new year to all and sundry. 2010, a lucky year, 2+1=3..... and lets face it, 3 is a lucky number by anyones standards!! It's like a 2 but with 1 added!
  11. New Taoist Home-Study Course

    I think it rather depends on who creates the course stigwerd, as well as the content, I know content has kind of been dealt with on another thread. Personally for me I wouldn't be interested but then again if a few well known teachers chipped in with various stuff it might sway me... but then people might argue as to what teachers are valid and so on.
  12. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

    Na, me too!
  13. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

    I'm keen on a bit of rough sex myself when combined with some tenderness and trust, maybe you have a point with it being viewed negatively, but I kind of remember the days when in porn a facial come shot was quite the rarity, it was so rare that no one I knew ever even considered doing it, at the time it was kind of like "what? why would you do that?". Porn definitely made it a kind of fetish thing.... obviously I cannot catergorically state no one in the history of man did it before that time. I guess if both are happy it's all well and good. Edit: I think between me and you we've kind of made this the 'facial come shot' thread
  14. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

    I don't know man, plenty of women like it and have asked for it on the breasts, but I wouldn't ever try to angle for the face although I have had a few misfires on the pull out and there are a few who asked for that. There's a thin line between loving submission and degradation to me, and if you have to cajole them to do it I think it's maybe just not polite Still, I kind of see what your saying with the submission angle.... but I think that's maybe where things get a bit messed up. I dunno, to each their own I suppose. I used to have a friend and she really didn't like a guy shooting in her mouth and her bf had to warn her every time he was about to blow(while she was), in any case she told me he warned her too late and as she pulled it out he blew in her eye!! She said it was f**king painful and she had to put her eye under the tap for a while. So, steer clear of the eyes whatever your preference. Edit: "oh doctor your stethoscope is so cold, but I'm feeling so hot doctor!"
  15. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

  16. Test - please ignore

    Years ago I went on a date with a half Chinese half Vietnamese girl; So, we went to this restaurant called Nando's, mainly chicken, if not totally chicken. Anyway we ordered our food, it was kind of half self service you know, and then went back and sat down. So, anyway, we're there in a full restaurant and then I realize I need some ketchup, so in this restaurant you have to get it yourself, it's not on the table, so off I went. Upon returning I realized that it being a glass bottle I may well look like a fool when I open it and proceed to smack it on the base and no ketchup would be forthcoming. Obviously I didn't wanna look weak in front of my new date and I wanted to impress her with my manly strength, so I did the only logical thing, I started shaking it first. As it turned out, some bastard hadn't screwed the top on properly and ketchup flew all over her hair, face and dress...also on the people behind her and behind me as well. For a brief moment I wondered why my date had something red all over her...then as realization dawned I did the only proper thing, I burst out laughing, uncontrollably....the whole restaurant went silent, what an asshole, but I couldn't stop..... finally she started laughing too, I did wipe it off, while trying to contain myself, eventually, even the others in the restaurant with ketchup on them saw the funny side(they had nowhere near as much on them as her). After that.....well, lets just say that the moral of this story is if you wanna girl to like you, I mean really like you, make sure you leave the cap off the ketchup!
  17. Test - please ignore

  18. KAP

    Oh well, you can never have enough mystery in life, that's what I say, I wonder if she takes requests though, a few pin-ups wouldn't go amiss (I might get a 'Shakti slap' for that, I'd deserve it too )
  19. KAP

    Well, it's either that or the technique alteration you taught me some time ago. I almost fell off my chair today. Thanks
  20. KAP

    Ya, I'm sure she does Santiago, my heads not that mysterious though, she could find better places. It's translating her language that's a bit of a poser
  21. What is this feeling that overcomes me?

    You just reminded me of an experience I had years ago, I've never forgotten it. I'm not sure it's anything related to what your saying but I'll post it anyway. I can't say exactly how many haircuts I've had in my life, but it must be hundreds.... but I remember only one. I used to go to the same hairdressers a short way from where I lived at the time and all the haircutting experiences were of the norm, except one Sunday when I went to get the usual haircut there was a new guy, middle aged and of either Italian or Arabic extraction(I'm really not sure which), in any case I felt a bit off you know, I mean I was used to the same guy cutting my hair the 'right' way. So I sit in the chair and the haircut proceeds....well, it was like no haircut I've ever experienced before or since. The man moved his hands in such smooth motions it was absolutely hypnotic, I was used to the jerking movements of the usual hairdressers, you know the kind, worried that the scissors are gonna impale you at any moment. But this guy, amazing, every touch on the head was like a caress or stroke.....absolutely hypnotic, the man was a fucking artist is all I can say. Sadly I never had the pleasure again, he was just there for one day to replace someone and had gone back to his own salon far away. He was a true master of his craft, I've never forgotten him.... I never will either. True artists and masters are few and far between in every skill/profession. I was lucky to have experienced it once. Maybe once was enough.
  22. KAP

    HAHAHA, nice Wasted on me though
  23. are you ever gonna die?

    You see that's why being Daoist is so good, I mean you try walking up to a lady in a bar and saying "by the way, did you know I'm immortal, I will never die!". What woman doesn't want to hear such wonderful words. Eternal security (gotta' leave out the bit about marriage not being of the Dao though)
  24. KAP

    In view of the subject of accelerated learning and KAP I had an interesting experience last night whilst minding my own business in bed trying to go to sleep. There I was with my eyes closed wondering if it was likely I would fall asleep within the next hour or so when in an instant in front of my inner eye was a 6x8(approx)set of squares, within each square were a combination of mechanical pieces fitted together in various different combinations. This page(it wasn't really a page, but I can find no other word)then scrolled upwards super fast, behind the squares and images was a line of inner light illuminating each line briefly, it then went onto another shorter page of mechanical pieces assembled together in other ways. This happened all so fast that I can retain no exact memory of the pieces. I've had various inner sight experiences before, but this was a new one on me. I am very far from mechanically minded, and if this is information that one day can be useful to me I really cant see how.... then again, I don't know what'll happen in the next hour let alone week or year. Anyone got any ideas what's it all about? I'm miffed me.
  25. Has Anyone Faced Their Demons?

    That's a very interesting point right there. Understanding, where possible, why others did certain things and why you, yourself reacted in a certain way. Certainly with forgiveness, maybe that's where true forgiveness lies. i found it was accepting the characteristics in others that led to the wrong, in myself. Complex subject.