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Everything posted by Eternal_Student

  1. Micro Cosmic orbit

    I meant the Wudang School had the only true orbit that I personally experienced, not that they have the ONLY true information out there. Clarification. Typing is so slow when the mind moves fast... The Egyptian practices are highly associated with the orbits as well as Kundalini. However, I have zero practice in that realm and cannot comment further. I can only speak of what I have direct experience with, I will not provide conjecture. Kundalini is another beast all together, and one that I have stayed away from on purpose. I am not saying there is not power/health/and spirit to be gained from that system and its associations, I just have had interesting experiences with that energy and prefer to avoid it. (I've seen a lot of Kundalini "Masters" and they stack up with the same amount of qi as Reiki "Masters". Anyone who calls themselves a Master, is setting themselves up for the end of learning. IMO) The information that is appropriate for your level will find you, not the other way around. Even if you seek something, you will only see what you are ready to see. After a long time of personal practice, I find this is the one constant. Teachers are great, but even if I give a highly advanced cultivation exercise to a room full of students, only 1 of those people are truly ready to hear the info. Its a strange phenomenon. Starting this fall, I will be recording my Qi Elective Lectures at the college. I will post them for free as a sample of what is not being taught out there in the Qi Gong world. Frankly, its so important at this point in time that the REAL info get out there to the masses... Stay tuned, the semester begins next week at the college.
  2. Micro Cosmic orbit

    Oh yes, did you think the Taoists have all of the trademarks to inner cultivation? In my travels I have had extensive conversations with high level practitioners of Indian cultivation, and the overlap is considerable. Bladder channel is involved, but there is another channel that's even deeper. An acupuncturist would know exactly what I was talking about... A certain TCM doctor altered the back shu points to be used in a new location about 1800 years ago, and this channel/points are named after him. The Wudang school calls it the channel of 4-10 branches.
  3. Micro Cosmic orbit

    Exactly. That is a good description of what it feels like, bowls! But that is the spiritual version, and often performed towards the end. There are mainly 4 of those orbits that are yang in nature, and 4 that are yin in nature. The main yang orbit uses yi, shen and zhi to circulate the energy. Those are intent, spirit and will in respective positions. The inner orbits use only zhi and qi to circulate the energy. (Will and breath) Qi is not only linked to your "mind" but is linked to different types of focus and as you meditate more, you discover that different focal spirits have different areas of expertise and range of influence. They are often separated into the different elemental paradigms in order to lend to their sensations. I will give you a tidbit. The back orbit has 3 main branches of yang. They can be found by investigating the shu points of the inner/outer bladder channels. I believe yoga has a specific name for the outer "nadi". But don't quote me on the Indian versions, as I have been trained only in the Taoist paths, which are modified and slightly younger than the Middle Eastern sects. The yin orbit goes along with the pictures of the water wheel of cultivation. You can find that illustration pretty easily.
  4. Micro Cosmic orbit

    The Micro Cosmic orbit is a very long pathway. There are actually 9 different orbits that I have practiced up to this point. The main one that most people know through public disclosure, is the yang pathway or the "wind" pathway. It is not the true microcosmic orbit. The true orbit is yin in nature, if we are talking on the level of body regeneration. 7 of the orbits deal with a more physical qi, while 1 is specifically spiritual in nature. That one is usually left for last, and as I have felt before, there are about 3 people who regularly respond on this website who have opened theirs, and about 4 more who read regularly, but remain quiet and don't participate. They just observe. The Wudang school is the only exposure of teaching who has any sort of idea about the true orbit. The Mantak orbit and the Jwing Ming orbits, are only "wind" in nature. And work very well at balancing the yang energies in the body to distribute qi evenly to generate a higher charge. But the actual orbit takes about one year of true dedicated practice, and has highly specific sensations that mark each level. The first sensation is "tickling"! And dedicated practitioners will understand this translation, and where it occurs.
  5. An article about America

    A FU#@!ng Men.... I have relatives in Finland and have spent time there. I can attest to their quality of living. The US is heading into some weird territory, but by all means, keep intoxicating yourselves and watching sports. That pitcher was robbed of his no hitter, huh? You can tweet about that, but know nothing about what is happening... What if we actually used all of our technology to clothe, feed and shelter everyone for free? What would happen after that? When will people realize they are part of a whole? That when you help someone out, you are helping yourself out...
  6. Suppos-ed Economic Collapse.

    The question becomes: If people are inherently a shard of the creator, and are endowed with the creative capability. Will the unconscious creators overpower the conscious projectors? And this falls in the same category as the lower chakras of fear, substance and material vibrations winning over the higher centers. Its a time like we have never seen before, and we are lucky to be in body to view it. No matter which way it will turn...
  7. Suppos-ed Economic Collapse.

    Its about time someone posted something. The collapse is rigged through Wall Street and higher end, elite banks/groups. It was not the public's fault. The NIA recently put out a warning on Youtube and other publications about hyper inflation. Its called meltup. Long, but explains a lot. Mostly these larger banking companies are taking out insurance on their stock dropping. Hyper inflating the amount of shares they say are in transit between hands, which consequently downgrades the actual stock. Then as it plummets, they reap rewards through put options, insurance, and bailouts. Naked short selling. Its a rigged scam and they are bleeding the assets out of the government and the people. Joe schmoe on the block did not accrue so much debt that it broke the system. It's government spending, pure and simple. That's why the TEA parties are rising, because they want the checkbook back from the FED, and into the hands of congress where it should be. The FED is a private institution that is holding the money hostage and setting policy based on their agenda, not the Congressional will. Now whether or not this implodes the whole system is yet to be determined. They employment checks are just about running out, what are the 29 million unemployed to do? Barter? They can't get a job at McDonald's even. Its never before been this bad, not even in the great depression. If they start raiding the 401K's and other pensions in the US, the population will get angry. And rightfully so. Where we go from there, is up to the people...
  8. Assemblage point

    Have you ever had a dream where you were not you? Where the situations you found yourself in were extremely generalized? Rather than, I was dreaming about being in high school again doing something with so and so. Its more like; I was a tree. And then I watched planes flying overhead. Next I was in the water, floating down into a factory. Way more symbolic and distance/generalized conceptual. Not personal reflective. Advertising? My classes are not open to the public. You have to be in the Master's program of a TCM college to take them... What do you think a book is? Its nothing more than a whole collection of experience and opinion from one particular person, the author. Unless its a non fiction, historical, or reference. Those categories do not apply to self help/spiritual arenas. Therefore the nature of your "evidence" is still opinion. The closest therapeutic modalities that deal with nexus points deal with those tissues that I mentioned earlier. Cranio sacral, myofascial release, visceral organ release and chi nei tsang are some of the common applications. Before you respond with a "screw this person" mentality, please reference some of what I mentioned. Left brain responses are common to Americans because of the education system. But the full experience of reality is more appreciated when using all parts of the brain. From the Left logistical to the right emotional, the limbic reactive and frontal cortex responsive. Even the deep reservoirs of central core stems add to the rich experience. But don't limit yourself to one half of your brain, all the time. The left side is always skeptical of everything!
  9. Working on the solar plexus

    NICE! you sound like a TCM practitioner.... Stretch the GB channels on legs. IT bands. Move the waist. Dai Mai channel. Fill center and left side of solar plexus with morning/afternoon heat energy from sun. (Its not called the solar plexus for nothing...) Push up into your rib cage with prayer hands on right side, just under ribs, until pressure relieves. All 3 lobes of liver starting with right and moving to center. Drink peony tea. Do qi gong! Enjoy!
  10. Assemblage point

    assemblage points... good topic. From my experience, there is a small crossover between Taoism and this theory. You will discover the nature of these points as you experience the nexus effect of you spirit/conscious body. The closest physical structure in the body is the nervous system combined with the conscious projections of the mind and organs. Its a strange phenomenon, but one that is not far away from upper crystal palace meditations in Taoism. In my elective at the college, I teach practitioners to access and manipulate these nexus points in their patient's body. The main ones we deal with are the central cord nexus, the heart nexus, the solar plexus region and the root nexus. Those are easier to feel and not as drastic in effect. The strongest one is the central cord nexus. When we manipulate and move this region, people almost always have an out of body experience. They describe situations where they leave their body and enter what could be termed as a "Jungian" dream state. Sometimes they work through their own projections, and sometimes through other "dimensions". Its very much a mind experience and very close to the stage 4-7 hypnosis levels.
  11. energy surging days

    I have noticed these surges for about 10 years now. From what my teachers have told me, they started back in the late 60's, but I didn't feel them until almost 97. IMO, as we get closer to the central radiation wave emitted from the dark rift (Mayan), we are getting closer to a more constant energy immersion. But as we inch towards it, there seems to be large waves of energy hitting the planet at a specific frequency. Now the waves are coming at around 1 every 3.5 weeks. Before it was around 1 a month. A year ago it was 1 every 2 months. But the closer we come to the center of the "opening" to our galaxy, the stronger they become. During the burst of radiation, the thought to reality creation time is temporarily increased. There is an excessive amount of energy available to all. Its rather nice, everyone gets filled up and the general mood of the population elevates. Couple this with the beginning vibrancy of Spring, and we have a potent shift.
  12. retention contest

    please, please, please. its not about how much you can store up, but about how efficient you can recirculate. the 100 days of "storing" allows for some to back up into the system. (literally ) just make sure you are constantly moving both aspects of the jing around the body. the yang part AND the yin part. both practices have their own speed and efficiency. one is much harder than the other and you will know when you have completed the jump to the sacral opening. but remember to recirculate both parts totally to every part of the system. not just up and around. start at the field and plow it well. all four rows and all eight patches. slowly visit the yellow court and pay respects to ALL five of the local inhabitants. sneak around to the front of the red palace for a quick stay. follow the pulsing of the inner drum to initiate the sacred voice. enter slowly into the jade gate until it is totally open. knock slightly on the front palace while waiting for the celestial energy to gather. combine the energy of heaven and the water of the deep stream in the crystal cave. hold onto the pulsing of the waves. allow the trickling of the inner spring to revitalize the elixir of life. swallow the pill and return the flavor to the yellow palace. keep the prize secret and replant the seed in the field to grow another harvest. spring will begin again...
  13. Chunyi Lin's new radio interview

    do you get paid per post? if so, how much? it reminds me of the story of the parrot...
  14. Medical Treatment of Tinnitus / Ringing Ears

    Qi is the father of blood. Blood is the mother of qi. Without a structure to hold the frequency, energy will have nothing to root itself with. In the case of the kidney, the physical act of acid base balance, blood pressure regulation and general filtration is the "yin" aspect (aldosterone) . The "yang" aspect is the adrenal function as related to the fight or flight response. (adrenaline) Lack of the yin hormone will create an excess of the yang hormone, even at rest. This can cause the region to give off a ringing sound because of pressurization moving upward as part of the run from the bear response. Or, because there is no substance to hold the qi of the kidney, the excess yang has nothing to grab onto and it will vent to the paired sensory device for the particular organ. The kidneys are linked to the ears. Everything is about balance. Nothing is static. No disease is permanent and everything is adjustable to some degree. That's the beauty of Eastern Medicine...
  15. Medical Treatment of Tinnitus / Ringing Ears

    Yeah, sometimes those docs may have something good to say... There are about 5 different things that can cause ringing in the ears. I am actually writing this with a patient on the table who has the same exact symptom. And chemtrails are NOT one of the reasons... 1- sudden rush of liver wind/yang from too much anger. 2- blood deficiency resulting in internal wind from the qi not having an anchor. 3- qi deficiency of the lung kidney connection where there is not enough upward pressure to move energy to the upper jiao and head. body overcompensates. 4- kidney apparent excess from lack of kidney yin. no root, qi has to rise. 5- liver yin deficiency combo with blood xu. no root again, liver qi has no anchor and vents upward. There are more, but those are the big 5. You cannot give a generalized prescription for everyone unfortunately. Because of the variations in everyone's qi, its hard to say this one thing will work across the board. Eastern Medicine has been and will always be, personalized medicine... (And just to reiterate, energy is only HALF of the picture. You have to remember the structure that gives it root.)
  17. Cultivation methodology other than retention.

    Retention is not the only way to develop qi. It is a method of revitalize the endocrine system through circulation of electrochemical and biological hormones created through sperm/egg activity. There is collection of qi in the dantien: thermal radiation, fascial, biochemical, electrochemical, electromagnetic and combinations thereof. Spiritual energy is stored in generalized regions, but primarily in the heart and brain. You can also turn jing into qi and store the essence in bone. Or store qi as fascial/tendon strength. Or store qi as muscular strength, but this moves it from qi into li. Qi is a generalized concept that can be broken into many parts which is the main problem with translation into English from Chinese.
  18. Hello there! I am fascinated by this Yi Chuan. Currently I would love to set up a seminar for the Master here in Boulder. I have been "about" to call a couple of times, but my schedule is not letting me do so. Then this popped up in perfect synchronicity. I teach at the acupuncture college and have loads of martial connections in this town as I challenged all of the internal artists to push hands when I first moved here in '04. Now I have made many friends!!! Very easy for me to advertise with the internal crew as well as the cultivators and acu students. Please speak with your teacher and see if he is open to it. Follow my signature for my contact info. Thanks! Stephen
  19. question away my friend, question away. that's why I was trying to tell you more about her, since I have direct experience... totally agree about the economy. the going rate is $75-100 per acupuncture treatment. i have a weekly rate of $30 and a top rate of $60 for 1.3 hr intake + appointment. feel you on both accounts!!!
  20. Laughing my butt off!!!
  21. Achievements. Powers. Flying around the room. Throwing someone with wei qi... You are missing the point. If you are looking to have power over others, it will always escape your grasp. Power over yourself, control over your emotions, and the ability to see all things as one, will always reign supreme. I believe she is a lineage holder. Besides, anyone who has spend 30+ years preserving Taoist texts and manuscripts is an elder in my opinion. And an elder or "one who has gone before" deserves respect. In a half hour conversation she cleared up a major distinction for me with internal alchemy. She has read texts that most people don't even know exist. There is something missing in American society that is mostly the fault of poor parenting. Filial piety and respect for elders is severely lacking. The older you become you learn that there is always a bigger fish and one can never know everything. So easy on the quick judgments. Do some research, find out what exactly is going on, and if its not for you, then fine. But no need to attack her character and credibility. She is a Taoist elder.
  22. Relaxation, attentiveness, visualization

    If qi is the father of blood, and blood is the mother of qi, how can you "visualize" moving energy without moving the physical body. Even meditation has micro movements of the physical body. Even if its slight, moving qi is like moving your arm. You use intention and actual movement to illicit the response. Its a combo of mental projection, energetic substance, physical micro movements, and the physical medium through which the energy passes. Any one of those things without the other will give you a lessened sensation.
  23. I have met and had numerous dinners with Livia. She has more knowledge about Taoism in her little finger than almost all of the people on this site combined. Her life has been spent unearthing and documenting archival texts that deal entirely with traditional Taoism and Taoist alchemy. Her professional associations list her up there with the top Taoist instructor and promoters in the United States. You've probably never heard of her because she has spent most of her time researching manuscripts... If she is willing to talk, you should listen. She has some amazing stories and information. And I am NOT a direct student, just relaying conversations that I had with her almost 10 years ago. If you are an avid meditation practitioner, scholar, reader, collector of information, or interested in the political and socioeconomic underpinnings of Taoism, she is your woman. Martial artists may be a little out of their comfort zone with her. Remember, Taoism is all encompassing and reaches to zones and regions farther than just a particular way of meditating or moving one's limbs in space. Read up on the 8 Taoist immortals and you'll see they are all very much individual characters, not a dogmatic clone of a particular style. That's the beauty of this "path"...
  24. A third eye technique, anyone tried this?

    Excellent! Every time I read something about your head chakras, I am impressed. I can definitely verify that what you are feeling is exactly how it progresses. I can even tell you what structures you are now engaging as this is one of my neuro- qi gong treatment modalities! I wont post it in the open however. Can't give all of my secrets away! ;0) But wow, you are progressing quickly... Respect.
  25. Amazing diagnosis of TCM doctor

    AMEN! That's why we have to keep pushing the qi gong in Western society. I see whole graduating classes on a regular basis now, and out of say 20 people, the 2 most successful students are ALWAYS the ones who practice qi gong. The rest just kind of fall by the wayside eventually or burn out. If I hadn't found some of the exercises that I know practice, I would have accumulated too much Xie qi from my patients and would have burnt out long ago. The 10 year mark just makes your medicine that much stronger, as you know...