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Everything posted by Eternal_Student

  1. Amazing diagnosis of TCM doctor

    I have seen 3 year chronic stroke victims regain control of limbs and speech. I have personally worked on facial paralysis with almost 99% recovery rate. One patient was just too many years down the road. I have used a 6 inch needle on someone's scalp before; for paralysis. I regularly needle 5 inches into hips. The huato points on the back are miracle workers. I just had a patient today with a tumor in his trochanter who has had pain for 20 plus years. He walked out with no pain and was so grateful. Those are the moments that keep you going in the medicine. I may not be a millionaire, but I get to see magic happen...
  2. Amazing diagnosis of TCM doctor

    I feel strongly about this... In no way should you personally feel the vibration of that post as directed towards you. I am making sure you step to the side and realize what just came out of me is a combination of teachers opinions from my school as well as myself and my close acupuncture friends... Thank you for putting the needle in my sore spot and allowing me to vent some qi stagnation. You just performed a treatment for me. Gratitude.
  3. Amazing diagnosis of TCM doctor

    I do not think a Western health care practitioner should perform Eastern Medicine, regardless of their experience or education. If this hypothetical Western practitioner had BOTH education systems, then yes. Just like I should not practice Western internal medicine after a 200 hour certification. I would not be qualified to understand the chemistry behind the drug interactions and receptors in the body. They are NOT qualified to understand the energetic art behind the entire medicine after a weekend. Don't try to take my job and I wont try to take yours. There is more than left brained education behind this medicine. In China there are two wings to a hospital. A "modern" wing with Western devices, and a "traditional" wing with classical treatments. PT's have tried to take our ability to stick needles into people and called it "dry needling". Then eventually it has led to them saying that they perform acupuncture. What they do is treat isolated muscle structures with a single needle to break up trigger points. This is NOT acupuncture as a system, but one small aspect of what we do. There is not only the monetary and job leaching of our medicine, but there is straight problems with how they perform their needling. I have multiple patients who went to MD acupuncturists with permanent nerve damage because MD"s think they are supposed to manipulate just the nervous system. They don't understand the art OR the science behind what they are supposed to do. You can't just stick a needle in someone and call it acupuncture. Its the energy of the practitioner, the technique on the needle, the manipulation of the channel, the interaction of the channel with the divergents, the movement of the divergent though the organ, the organ imput into the brain/emotion/spirit and so much more!!! To learn a protocol thats supposed to work on every system every time is stupid. Each person has a unique energy signature and pattern. Every diagnosis is different for every patient, depending on time, circumstance, daily interaction. Its so much more complicated than learning LI 4 is for a headache. So no. Leave me my expertise, and I wont attempt any ER work anytime soon.
  4. Amazing diagnosis of TCM doctor

    I know huh. Four years. Its a 4000 credit hour education. Its med school. Full time, 3 trimesters a year. Break in between each trimester. Below an 80% and you fail. Fail 2 classes and your out. People don't get how hard the school is. One formula class has about 120 formulas in it. Each formula has 5-12 herbs contained within it. And then you have to know it in Chinese and English plus the chemical actions of each herb. Our national boards have 5 exams on them. One of which is a Western medical exam where the questions can be from essentially ANY western symptom, problem, issue, cranial nerve or diagnosis. We have to pass their medicine as well. Its around 80,000 for the education. You just have to take out extra loans because you essentially can't work during the school since its 9-9pm daily, depending on clinic rotations. I actually did it in 3 years and a semester. My pulse diagnosis is Japanese actually. Each position represents a depth of structure in the body. 3rd position being the deepest qi in the system. 2nd position is the middle qi of the body while the first is the lightest and highest qi in the system. Then there are organs associated with each position and depth. 3rd position deep is the kidney yin on the left side of the body. 3rd position deep on the right is kidney yang... Its very complicated and you must have proper training to be able to practice. You have to have a minimum of 3000 hours and 1,500 of those come from clinic time to even sit for the exam.
  5. Amazing diagnosis of TCM doctor

    Five Element Acupuncture. Traditional Chinese Medicine. Esoteric Acupuncture. Neuro-qi gong emission. Scalp Acupuncture for stroke. Medical qi gong. Endocrine qi gong. Taoist internal alchemy. Etc. I've been lucky with some great teachers.
  6. Amazing diagnosis of TCM doctor

    My degree is from Southwest Acupuncture College. I have a couple main teachers, but one of whom is a founder of the NQA. I don't like to name drop... You learn the basics from a book, but after that, you need serious instruction and time. Its the HARDEST part of Chinese medicine, next to herbal prescribing. I had a teacher who could tell you your weekly qi report, both week past and week coming. She could also see into your general life for about 10 years to come. Predictions she made 5 years ago have all come true for me...
  7. Amazing diagnosis of TCM doctor

    YES!!! Great stories! Why do you think I spent nearly 105,000 dollars to learn the medicine. And that's why Chiro's and MD's should NOT do acupuncture after a 200 hour certification. I have a FOUR year Master's degree and I am still learning. Pulse taking is an art and a science. I have: predicted baby's sex, felt the iron levels in blood, know when and how much a person has eaten, felt prostate issues, detected cancer in my patient's colon, know when a person has had an argument in the last 24 hours, can differentiate between an ex smoker and current smoker or child of a smoker, can tell you how you dream and what about, felt genetic heart valve issues, felt what type of relationship a person is in energetically and emotionally, detected an aortic aneurysm, can tell when you've last had sex, nailed a person on stimulant use, drug use and abuse, etc... And I am just a beginner. I have been around Master pulse takers who can tell you some even more unbelievable things!
  8. Opening your Third Eye with Youtube

    All this talk about the pineal gland inspired me to visit my inner guru on the mountain. I spent about 40 minutes meditating this morning and opened it back up again. During that time I saw about 100 plus visions and heard/watched at least 15 of my neighbors during their morning routine. Things were moving so fast that it took everything I had to just keep a one pointed focus during all of the transitions. It then moved into a semi lucid dream state where I worked through about 3 dreams with cognition. Then I closed it back up and got grumpy because I had to actually go to work instead of meditate all day. At least it was only a day of acupuncture patients...
  9. Opening your Third Eye with Youtube

    Yep. Its a fun endeavor. External stimulation meaning the vibrations from the vocal cords do not originate in the head. They originate in the throat, vibrate the palate, the palate vibrates the sinus, the sinus cavity vibrates the gland. Skip all that and learn to vibrate the gland. You can do it. See, who said you can't learn from youtube or get free instruction off of TTB's !!! Once you start it humming, weird things happen. It takes on a life of its own. You'll see! LOL
  10. Psychic Powers

    What is power? Is it a skill that you learn? Or is it more of a realization? Connecting to all things as if they were an extension of yourself can lead to some interesting effects. Then maybe its not you the person that is making the even occur, but the "YOU" as a whole that works through the smaller representations. Learn to control yourself and along the way, you may find that self control is infectious. But who am I? Nobody. Just another song on the playlist of life!
  11. Opening your Third Eye with Youtube

    See, I knew you were ready to enter the head dantiens. And you found one! Congrats. Vibration stimulates, but does not teach you to control. You need to learn to flex it now. Contract and expand, vibrating it on its own without the use of external stimulation. Congrats, you have six more main chakras in the head to go...
  12. Stealing Life Force

    There are many things out there. You have to describe the situation in more detail. Like, what were you doing before you went to bed? What kind of house do you live in and how old is it? What is the general landscape around your home? Do you have power lines or a fuse box near your bed? Did you have a highly emotional day? Are you actively meditating? If so, what type? Are you in a relationship? Roommates? Family? Did you visit anyone that day? If not comfortable over public forum, then you can find my email rather easily. A very simple way to purify the room is with rose water. Just make a very diluted spray and walk around the room and spray the tops of the corners and all of the entrances. Rose is the scent of saints. Its like spraying skunk urine for disembodied entities. Its a very quick fix and can at least get you an excellent night sleep until we figure out where it originates from...
  13. can females lose energy during a climax?

    There is a general even exchange between partners, male and female. The male donates yang qi, the woman donates yin qi. If a male knows how to properly heat a woman over a period of time, then the situation is ideal. A slow boil is much better than a short explosion. For certain types. (there is always an exception) A male loses his primary hormone and jing constitution through ejaculation. But when you are young, you can play around more. A woman loses her jing through menstruation primarily. Their system is set up to "receive" primarily through climaxes that pull qi up and into them. The movement of the pelvic region is such to propagate sperm retention into the cervix. So generally, up and in. A man goes out and away. Unless he learns to be more like a woman, and retain his energetic and physical ejaculation an make things go up and inside... Then it becomes a blissful game of tug o' war.
  14. Tension at Jade pillow gate

    This is one of 3 main textbooks which are required reading for the Master's Program where I teach. The class I was assisting in today, uses this manual directly. The others are CAM, or Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. And the Shanghai text on Acupuncture. For point location and general theory only. There are about 20 other books for different areas. I can't recommend Cayenne Pepper for EVERYONE. Its a very acrid, toxic and hot herb. There is a reason its used for pesticide control in various countries. If you are someone who has an excess amount of damp, cold or really slow metabolism, then yes, maybe. But if you run hot already or have a history of sores, rashes, excess sweating, eczema, or other heat symptoms, DO NOT USE CAYENNE. Remember, not all people on the internet have a medical degree!!!!
  15. Celibacy and sexual energy

    I wish. Public forum. I am here to correct mistakes or keep people from having problems. As this is my 9th year of teaching tai chi, and my 10th year of working has a healing facilitator and my 15th year of martial arts, I am not about to give away all of my hard earned work... You must understand the amount of practice and hours put into these things I have learned. There is a reason I teach at a College as part of the Master's Program for an Eastern Medical degree! And I am a Master level instructor for one of the nation's largest internal arts associations. I teach teachers and medical practitioners. I am not a dabbler. This is my expertise. If you wish, I am always open to instructing on a personal, one on one basis. But my presence here is to keep people from hurting themselves and learn from my mistakes.
  16. Views on the Transition

    I have been blessed with some amazing teachers in my day. One of my favorites was a Native American Medicine Woman. She was my mentor for nearly a decade, in life. She is still with me at all times. One of the things she spoke to me about was the Great Purification. I was allowed to read letters from other Medicine men/women regarding the above topic. This was back in the late 90's, way before the current obsession with the Mayan Calender. And in them, were some startling predictions and visions... I know what I believe, but I want to hear what other practitioners are "seeing", "feeling" and doing to either ignore, face, prepare or laugh at the upcoming changes...
  17. Tension at Jade pillow gate

    Could very well be. There are about 5 spots below the yellow palace which open the divergent channels of the torso. Then there are about 7 areas at the level of the yellow palace itself. That's why I always try to keep people in the lower regions for quite a while before heading up to the palaces of the head. There is so much to explore and change down low. The lack of willingness to take time in the foundation is directly proportional the the lack of stability in the upper celestial palaces of the head. Certain processes, if started too early, ingrain the karma and emotional qualities of the individual too deep. There is a spiritual growth development that occurs with the upper regions. But by heading "up" to early, an individual becomes more unstable. I had a teacher kick start a process in me that allowed me to live in my upper celestial regions for about 2 years. But it was extremely hard for me to stay up there, because I did not resolve my lower energies first. So I crashed, and came back down. I basically killed myself spiritually, and then had to learn to repattern all over again. The emotional body is resolved through foundational work. :0)
  18. Views on the Transition

    I hear ya'. I couldn't see past 28. Thought that was it for me. Same projection block. I believe we just couldn't see into the intensity of the change. I mean, try to picture the amount of info and speed of thought that exists now, back in the 80's!!! It would have been laughable...
  19. Views on the Transition

    Ohmmm.....mennn.... :0)
  20. Celibacy and sexual energy

    Love ya' Drew! I was celibate for quite a while. Practiced a lot of jing retention and circulation. Still do, and my wife is very supportive. It is not the only way to build jing in your system. There are others. At this point I am very, very infrequent about my loss. But if you have plenty stored in other places, you can "take a hit" and be okay. Bones are where the real magic happens and are capable of storing a HUGE charge. Not just the dantien. Know when you get that full feeling after qi gong? And then, in not too much time, the fullness is gone. That's when you are relying primarily on dantien storage. There are a million other structures than can store a charge as well. The heart and pericardium lining is SOOOO overlooked. :0) Wang who? and Chunli who? As far as I am concerned, they are mythical people. Don't believe everything you read or see on Youtube!
  21. Celibacy and sexual energy

    With all due respect to Drew. He is definitely on a path. Not necessarily a main highway, but a path none the less... I just want other readers to know, this is NOT a typical response to celibacy questions. Drew is very attached to these methods which someday, he will have to face. There have been many other people who are able to discuss these subjects while being grounded in reality. Drew has attained too much yang energy, too soon. Which leads to sporadic, manic type posts which explain nothing. Full lotus is NOT essential to enlightenment. It is like applying a modified tourniquet to your body to enhance qi and blood flow to the torso. There are ways to achieve this that don't leave your legs numb and make you unable to walk after meditation. Eating a modified veggie diet takes your digestion energy and diverts it to regenerating tissues. It is NOT for everyone and not something you can achieve until you are able to directly "ingest" energy from the universe. People who try too early, end up failing because they dont know how to generate energy from external sources other than food yet. The goal of celibacy is much the same. Divert energy from sexual functioning to rehabilitation and growth of metabolism. This happens two fold. It increase metabolic functioning of the regenerative aspects of the physical frame, and secondarily, retains the male hormones and allows the testosterone and adrenal functioning to store up excess. Much like when we were animals, the more hormones we retained, the more energy we had to fight off other bucks. And then have more sperm to attract females for mating. Again, I mean no disrespect. There are many frequencies of people out there. I just need to balance the overwhelming talk of full lotus and distant mutual climaxes. It is not the norm. Which is why it is entertaining for some... :0)
  22. Tension at Jade pillow gate

    The process you have initiated is the yang aspect of the kan and li. If you keep raising the yang upward, it can dry out and flare the system. The goal is not to have a ton of yang in the head, but have the "fire" be below the water. Now I can't speak for Spring Forest. I have zero association or knowledge of their system. But the system I learned is straight from Wudang and takes a lot of patience to practice. Its not that its hard, you just have to take your time. At the end, you have almost complete control of your endocrine system and a modified personality to boot. You end up being different, but the same. Free info here: When you collect enough yang in the dantien, just circulate it no higher than midway between the naval and the sternum. Then master complete control of making the heat expand, contract, expand, contract along both points of the circuit. Dantien to yellow palace. Play with it. It should be fun. But control the lower levels first... :0)
  23. Tension at Jade pillow gate

    As for 7 dantiens in the head reference, I have not found anything on the internet about that yet. Its kind of a lineage teaching from what I understand. But if you feel energy well enough, you can probably find them on your own. The yellow palace is the seat of organs at approximately ren 11 through 13. That's where the front entrance is. Moving heat into the heart will cause even more drying and overheated symptoms to occur. That's why if you spend time balancing between the organs and dantien, it will eventually cool off as this is a precursor to a series of exercises known as Kan and Li. The drying effect is probably because of excess kidney yang that has not been refined yet. Is your source external? Or is this only your personal field that you are cultivating? It gets very complicated as the teaching has to be altered per the student. That's why mass techniques are good, but they can only teach you part of the process. Every BODY is different. Its hard to say for you specifically without a more intimate knowledge of your system...
  24. Tension at Jade pillow gate

    Excellent progress then. But don't grow up too soon!!! I recommend making the "communication" between the dantien and the yellow palace stronger, before you even move to the heart. Leave the jade gate until you have a super strong foundation. It sounds like you skipped the yellow palace. That heat you speak of needs to steam the organs for quite a while before you jump the frequency up to the head. The longer you stay between the front entrance to the yellow palace and the dantien, the thicker the qi signature will become. Then you will learn how to charge or sedate each organ individually. Harmony of emotions are reached through this area more than the upper celestial palaces. We are supposed to be refined spirits before we open the 7 dantiens of the head... As per my teachers instructions. :0)
  25. Views on the Transition

    NICE! I agree. I have bounced back and forth between them. The old one is full of stress and fear, while the new one is full of endless possibilities. Its a concept very similar to the light and dark worlds that the Lakota used to speak of. Slip in thought and you may find yourself in the dark one. Thanks. Just nice to hear I am not the only one...