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Everything posted by Eternal_Student

  1. 24 Rules That Guide Your Practice

    Wow, good thread. The 24 rules were awesome... The ones I think about often are as follows: Not eating too much before practice. Allow the food to get into the actual small intestine rather than sit in the stomach. Not urinating right before any sort of lower dantien compressions or intense qi moving. The act of opening the tubes right before can create a leak in qi if you push too hard. Allow time for the ureter to close before you go train. Also, if you have any sort of stomach bug, make sure you crap it out before you start to add qi to your battery. If you tonify yourself while there is a pathogen in there, it can make it stronger. Don't train in the qi level if you are emotionally upset. Physical work is called for at this time. Don't absorb summer sun. Its too hot and will fry your nervous system. Makes you a little crazy. Pay attention to your level after sex. Sometimes its good to train, sometimes not. I often get my yuan qi tickling immediately after sex, which makes no sense since I just lost part of my jing. But it does happen. Definitely make sure you have lightened your energy before training in the shen level.(secret smile) Leaving a stagnation area of emotions can cause negative entities to be attracted to you. They can manifest as part of your Karmic debt. Make sure you cleanse your home often, both in physicality and energetically, before you meditate. Neighbors can leave a very dirty energy stench if you dont have good feng shui protections. Allow your spirit to move you. Pushing too hard at times with the "don't skip a day " attitude, can leave you two steps behind. If the motivation and focus is not there, move to something that doesn't require you to tax your zhi. (That's the will of the kidney) Try not to sweat in the winter. I love to snowboard, so Im screwed. It directly taps the kidneys. See post by enouch on things to make cardio better in martial practices. Drugs or alcohol. Not before or during training. Period. Bad in so many ways. An old bagua rules to training that I have somewhere, says not to use strong drugs or alcohol around training. That leaves ground for not so strong drugs, which I never quite understood. But it was from a traditional source which confused me. I'll try to find it... That's all that comes up at the moment. I'll ponder.
  2. Device to increase cardio stamina/Martial arts/ and
  3. Device to increase cardio stamina/Martial arts/

    Very interesting article. I will watch the development of this drug. Two comments from an eastern medical perspective. One: There is something called cold stagnation. This occurs when the body is open and the thermodynamic aspect of lower temperatures invades the meridian/ small vessels / fasciae. When this occurs, it can create a lack of blood flow similar to a physical injury, which can lead to pain/disease/or other complications. This is the reason why in traditional medical texts, the ancients never allowed themselves to sweat during the winter. If you keep the body and the pores closed, the pathogenic influences of cold and damp cannot invade. Which is why you don't grow your qi in the winter, but instead guard what you have and keep to meditational exercises rather than movement based activities. A tree does the same thing by closing off its branches and directing energy to the roots for hibernation. With this in mind, putting ice on your kidneys while they are taxed from exercise and fully opened to release sweat through the pores, sounds like a really bad idea to me. Two: In eastern practices it is common knowledge that you don't eat large amounts while you are regenerating tissues from an injury or fighting off a cold. The blood and qi can be redirected to the "shields" when it is not being used to digest and transform foods. Love those ancients. Pretty smart folk...
  4. Memory and concious problems Help?

    Sometimes, for some reason, people leave their body. This can happen from trauma, drugs, meditation, strong emotions, or by just being too much in your head. We all have a "collection" point which is supposed to sit mid neck, at the base of the occiput around acupoint Du 15 or Du 16. This collection point is important in many ways. It roots our soul into our body in a very real capacity. I would try visiting a qualified cranial sacral worker in your area, first. If you get someone good enough, they can alter your cranial bones so the collection point is stable. Once stable, you will feel more in your body. Try that first, and then we'll see how you feel.
  5. marijuana and taoist meditation.

    Marijuana flares the ming men fire out of its normal position. The Ming Men fire resides behind and around your kidneys. It is a false sense of awareness because the extra heat rises up the Du channel and gets into your head. While there, it ups the amount of seratonin you produce, momentarily. After long term use, you slowly drain the good feeling hormones from your brain and adrenals. Eventually leads to insomnia and depression without the drug. The addiction comes from the lack of stimulation on the adrenals, not receptors in your brain. In terms of spiritual growth, it can give you a glimpse though the keyhole. That's all. But it leaves you open and vulnerable because while the ming men fire is in your head, its not powering your wei chi, your defensive energy. Leaves you open to energetic, emotional, psychic and pathogenic influences. The ultimate goal is to be able to alter your own hormone system without any external influence. So I am capable of getting "high" by tweaking my own pituitary and pineal glands. Its way cheaper than relying on external sources, energetically and monetarily.
  6. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    Someone asked what system I practice. That's a difficult question. I have had many teachers up to this point. Glenn Morris was one of them. Sharon Smith with the Mantak Chia group. Roger Jahnke with the Integral Association of Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Zufeng Sheng for acupuncture and my original tai chi. Master Lin who is deceased for my inherited Tai Chi yang family lineage. Some teachers from Wudang that will remain nameless as they are not publicly teaching, I must respect their privacy. Carlota Velarde who is also deceased for my Native American shamanistic path. (Lakota medicine woman). I have met and hung out with Michael Winn, Mr. Towler, Jim MacRitchie and numerous other lights of the known cause. There are many others including my students, whom I learn from everyday! I believe it was Santiago who stated something about being able to meditate and access any energy needed from any source. This was a wise statement which everyone should look into... So after a number of years of gathering these various schools of thought, I have a very intricate collection of techniques. Since I also have a Master's of Science in Oriental Medicine and will eventually have my OMD, I also have the technical backing to explain both the energetic and physical aspects of what is happening. I recently spoke at a Neuroscience division in Denver. And I will be in Santa Barbara for a tai chi training in late October. My students learn wai dan methods, nei dan methods and a micro orbit from wudang which is extremely detailed and long, I may add. I have not taught the general public as I work at the acupuncture college in boulder as of now. But soon in the future, I will be joining the ranks of the seminar provider as well as the writers guild. My purpose here was to just provide some help along the way, but since you asked, that is what my ego has been up to this life. Now I must make it sit and shut up again!
  7. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    If you are cold and you are still practicing qi gong, you need to try something else. You should be able to build up a fire in your belly quickly, if not immediately. Since its turning winter, what about collecting solar radiation? Qi is a combo of interstitial pressure, fascial pressure, blood flow, thermodynamic movement and nervous system sensations. You should not only be able to control all of these aspects, but pinpoint individual sensations for different therapeutic results. If a patient is freezing cold, I use the thermodynamic aspect of qi to warm them up. If they have neuropathy, its time for a little nervous system electric movement. You get the idea. Cooking the qi is something absolutely essential to making higher concentrations and levels of energy. Movement of qi is wonderful, but relatively ineffective in the long run if you want more energy. You may be really good at moving a small stream of qi, but you want people to feel a tidal wave! The orbit I am trained in, takes approximately 12 years to complete. I myself am only 5 years into it.
  8. Generating Heat with specific breathing techniques.

    Just a small tidbit of info. make sure your perineum and sphincter muscles are closed. don't "push" too hard on the exhale. you can blow qi out your butt! and keep the neck extremely relaxed during any pressurization of any sort, anywhere. if the neck gets stuck, it can create some really tough energetic imbalances to sort out for your acupuncturist!
  9. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    the MCO is a real thing. it can happen on many levels. when you use the mind to move the qi, you are moving the outer du channel which is primarily superficial cutaneous nerves. it is still part of the MCO, so calling it false is not exactly accurate. it can still provide some general health benefits. it is safe and will not damage anything since the charge is low. if you are truly accessing the hormones and steaming the qi in the lower dantien first, there are very specific physical sensations that are to be felt. very specific. not the ambiguous feelings of mild tingling or perceived changes. you FEEL the movements rooted in physicality. to train the deep orbit is slow. you don't move past the lower dantien for almost 10 months. very few people really take the time to do this, but it will change your whole metabolism and qi levels. qi becomes extremely dense and can feel like a thick, viscous fog in your belly. then after you cook the qi, it becomes extremely hot and can be condensed into a viable source. then, as a couple of individuals already mentioned, you move to the next circuit in line. jumping to the head off the bat, is okay for the outer orbit to help balance the whole body's qi levels, but it is not the deep orbit. just know, there is more...
  10. Holosync, brain stimulation and Jing

    Yes! Excellent question. One of my specialties is using Qi gong to alter the pathways of the brain. This has many effects on both the physical, endocrine, emotional and spiritual bodies. I "rewire" the pathways that have been shut because of lack of blood and energetic flow. Its an offshoot of neurological acupuncture for stroke/trauma recovery from brain injury. And it works well... Jing IS used by the brain, directly. Thats why in higher stages of the meditations, you seal off your senses from outside stimulus. You are attempting to not allow the thieves, as they are classically called, to steal your qi as it develops in the brain. Thieves being sight, sound, thought, smell, and taste. Anything that uses neurological power to experience the world, will if used to an excessive amount, deplete jing. The eventual goal is to build up a storehouse of jing FIRST, in the lower dantiens. That way, when you do go into the higher realms, you will have plenty of battery power to run the crystal palace with efficiency. Otherwise, if you are doing too much programming, it will deplete the energy reserve. Just have a balance between using the head, and using the body.
  11. Is "Hell" a part of Taoism?

    if you can imagine a state of mind where taking/devouring/stealing is all that occupies the will. and then imagine a place where the motivation is to share/support/interact. these places exist inside of us when alive, and become the whole of us after we pass into our natural state. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. the degree to which a person can maintain a steady gaze, is the degree to which the focus overcomes the emotions. when you can choose your focus and interact with the foci of others, you will sustain. if your emotions lead the mind, then you will drift wherever your lesser "spirits" will carry you. become one with your emotions, but eventually you need to learn to control them. or they will control you. the state of mind a person holds when passing back, is the most important factor to determining the course of their experience. pass while angry, and it will take you a lot longer to find your way out of the dark realms. pass while focused, and you may just find exactly what you were imagining all along...
  12. Oh boy. After 15 years in the business, do I have stories. One man who became a "teacher" of tai chi had chi sickness. When he performed a set of exercises in the popular yang family tradition, it looked as if he was popping and locking. No smooth movement at all. And he thought he was completely smooth... Patients mother: became schizophrenic after attempting Kundalini without an instructor. She is still in the hospital under care to this day. Military friend: Kundalini sickness. Was in Iraq and he was dabbling in the yogic path of a certain process. During a firefight, the extreme adrenaline surge kicked in the "spirit" and he experienced 3 days of complete slow motion. He said it felt like 10 years.... Another well known qi gong instructor that my teacher met at a NQA conference, nearly punched him out after he just put a hand on his shoulder and said hello. This guy had a very high level of skill but not a clean soul. A local instructor who is also very skilled at a particular manner of internal martial art, has this complete obsession with constantly putting students down. Its very sad. So much knowledge, and still stuck in the power dynamic of the second chakra. A patient/student became entranced by energetic vampirism. She know has to wear sunglasses at all times because of light induced, excruciating headaches. She is also constantly fending off shingles and is essentially crazy. Recently I heard that she developed ovarian cancer. Be careful with searching for power. Make sure that you work on cleaning out karmic and emotional imbalances BEFORE you attempt any sort of advanced practice. Find a good acupuncturist who can treat energetic illnesses and don't put excess amounts of chi in your head right off the bat. Keep the dantien building slow, and save the brain stuff for much later. Its just smarter that way! I'll try to think of more...
  13. compassion

    Compassion is like walking around with a coin bag. I can be compassionate when I have enough money to spare. When I run to the end of my savings, I need to turn inward to be compassionate to myself. Unless I am independently wealthy, which I am not, I must be slightly choosey as to whom I am compassionate to for the sake of my monetary health. I strive for independent wealth however, so I can be compassionate to all.
  14. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

  15. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

    The ego is important. Energetically, before a sun can go nuclear, there has to be enough central mass to induce gravitational cohesion.
  16. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

    wow. you should be an acupuncturist, because you hit the point dead on. personally, I try to train my ego like a dog. i keep it around because it keeps me warm when i'm alone. i feed it lightly so it doesn't cost me more money in vet bills. when it barks loudly, i command it to sit. its fun to play in the park, and good for starting conversations with strangers. i take it for long walks so that when its tired, its less likely to want attention. but in the end, i ignore it. because its just a dog...
  17. Cash-strapped sell their kidneys to pay off debts

    In TCM, your kidney is responsible for your pre heaven jing. One kidney is responsible for half of the yin, and half of the yang that you inherit from your parents. In the old days, the left kidney was the yin kidney, while the right kidney was the yang. We now know, that the adrenals are the yang aspect while the filtration of the actual kidney is the yin aspect. Either way, you are donating half of your bodies main reserve batteries. That's HALF of your genetics. No thanks. My grandparents screwed up my jing anyway by smoking and drinking for 50 years. I have to be a miser with the small portion I got from them anyway. Thanks grandma!!!
  18. Microcosmic Orbit clarification

    the organs of the solar plexus are as follows. liver-seat of gusto and also generalized anger gallbladder- seat of bravery and rage spleen- seat of introspection and worry pancreas- higher "thoughts" and aspirations but also obsessiveness. stomach- ability to absorb situational events or refute everything. since most of the more negative emotions arise out of chemical and physical imbalances in the solar plexus, by constantly flushing the area with qi, it gives the adept time to kick out the unwanted karmic patterns. if this area is totally clear after 9 months of intensive focus ( using the secret smile to dissolve blockages), while slowly upping the charge of earthly qi, the eventual clear rising to the next stage will happen exactly as you say, spontaneously. it involves some serious study of the abdomen with your third eye, lots of self dissolving serotonin inducing smirks, and a good amount of therapeutic help to resolve inherited and created patterns of imbalance. if you have the patience, this is the area where most of the work is done. after this, it gets easier. but that's why there is a picture of a bison plowing the field in the inner landscape pictures. this is the HARD part. you have to drudge up the muck, deal with the shit, and plant the seed!
  19. Microcosmic Orbit clarification

    I would like to add something that will help maintain your energetic state. The micro orbit is great for opening your main energy flow and yes, can increase your strength tremendously. There is something called the small orbit or the small wheel. Its the pathway from your pelvic region, up the back of the du channel, and into the solar plexus region. After letting it mingle with the energies of your organs, you recollect the new qi back in the lower dantien. I suggest running this small orbit first for a LONG time before sending the qi up to the head. Its like building a skyscraper with a solid foundation. If you spend more time keeping the orbit moving through the bottom half of the body, your are less likely to "burnout", because you have a solid foundation to grow upon. Too many people try to send the qi up too soon. Traditionally, you are supposed to spend near 9 months of dedicated practice to only moving the small wheel before heading up to higher places in the microcosmic orbit. Gives the body time to refresh, detox and clear stagnation in the emotional organs before you solidify your spirit in the head. That way you make sure you clear your emotional/karmic patterns before you enter the heavenly levels. Nobody wants to show up to the gates of heaven with stains on your soul!
  20. standing meditation: HOW TO STAND???

    pelvis tucked under to allow for belly expansion. back flat to move qi through the du channel. shoulders dropped and forward to enhance curve of arms. sternum dropped down to descend qi down ren channel. upon inhalation into the dantien to collect qi, you focus on the yin channels of the legs and arms. feel yourself gripping the floor upward. the yang channels are your exhalation focus. feel yourself extending down into your feet. you shift your focus as to which yang channel you wish to send qi down. front- yangming/stomach channel side- shaoyang/gallbladder channel back- taiyang/bladder channel alternate your weight upon the exhalation to move qi through each of the channels individually. then work to move qi through them in total. so yes to forward, yes to the side and yes to leaning back. depending on the situation!
  21. I Want To Learn Everything About Qi Gong! (Where Do I Start?)

    Start by retraining your diaphragm. Step one is learning to descend the qi/air pocket/focus to the belly. Inhale deeply and have your belly expand out. Drop your sternum to help guide the qi down. Keep the shoulders down to further drop the qi. Pull the pelvis up in the front to make room for the belly expansion and flatten the back. Descend the qi to the belly and then you can work on path 1. If you can't descend the qi to the belly region, you can't charge the battery. If you collect qi and the breathing is still high in the body, in the early stages, it can develop qi stagnation which leads to physical and emotional imbalances. It usually takes my students about 2 weeks to fully reverse the diaphragm. Just think, we've been told to suck it in and up for years. That puts the breath and qi focus on the heart. The heart is an engine, not made to store qi but made to move qi. You'll get to that later. The battery of the intestine runs best at a slightly acidic ph balance. That means a grain such as rice or quinoa, some steamed veggies and a small amount of protein. Water is essential. If you are not hydrated, you will not have enough plasma to conduct thermodynamic heat. Yang qi. Have fun!
  22. Oh, if you only knew!

    Oh Glenn. How awesome that you haunt us still! Dr Morris was one of my favorite teachers. The last time I saw him was in Spring of 05 when we were filming black belt techniques for the Hoshin video series in Denver. He is with me still. In fact, he scared the crap out of a psychic/healer that I went to visit. I was totally skeptical and told her nothing of my life except that I wanted to experience her work. As soon as I got on the table, she started describing Glenn to a T. And he was pointing a long finger that ended in a sword at her, saying be nice! If you ever trained with him, you know all about that damn finger! I would love to find that video grouping. Yes, KAP sucks hard... giggle.
  24. To add to the "oldie but goodie" post from long ago.... I myself have toyed with the monastic. Often I crave the detachment from society to head for the hills, so to speak. The act of physical immortality is rare. Our bodies are designed to degrade with use. If you were to chase this act and follow it to immortality, you'd end up being really, really old! (obvious) The "immortals" are just individuals who have reached an extreme of cultivation. Spiritual immortality is still within your reach. You need to fuse all of your collected souls of the various organs, 7 for the lungs along, into a family of sorts. Then your "song" becomes a standard tune in the jukebox of the universe and you will have enough focus to not jump right back into another womb while traversing the bardo plane. Those darn wombs are just so warm and inviting! Jing cultivation is not just limited to saving it up and circulating it. You can turn qi into jing directly to reabsorb some of your days of thunder from youth. But you would have to have lived by the seasonal code in a more strict manner. Spring-activity and planting the fields/reproduction; growing qi. Summer-light activity; growing shen. Autumn- reaping work/food; storage of jing for winter. Winter-never opening your windows of the house, no activity except minor tending for survival, and long hours of interior cultivation, carefully guarding the qi of the year. NOBODY I know lives by the old patterns. We constantly work out, constantly have sex, work too much, sleep too little and entertain our senses in excess. To really live the tao, you would need to take a cue from the ancients. I live in Colorado, that means snowboarding season in winter! A huge no no in the ancients world. Guess I am screwed too...
  25. Greetings from a Recluse

    Hello to all. I have been reading your forum for quite a while. I am an acupuncturist in Colorado and teach at the Master's program for a well known local college. Generally I have not had much public involvement as I have been mostly interested in personal cultivation. Some of my teachers are well known in the qi gong world; some living and some have passed. It is only recently after around 15 years that I feel I could contribute enough to enhance the learning of other adepts. I train daily. I cannot live without focusing on qi. Without my practice, I would have very little to sustain my time. My goal is to be a signpost along the way for others with the same interests, which is why I am choosing to open up to the general taoist community. There are some great practitioners on this site and a ton of people who have genuine interest in self cultivation. In this age of electronics, I feel its time to contribute back to the wealth of knowledge of which I have sipped. My board name describes my philosophy, as does my quote. For as soon as you think your cup is filled to the brim, someone comes along and spills a little of your elixir. And the search continues. I think we are losing time, and the need to share knowledge is super important to our survival and evolution. I look forward to helping contribute in any way possible. Hopefully through neutrality and with the intent of promoting peace. Stephen Harms