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Everything posted by Non

  1. awakening is the call to service more and more women. the will of heaven is the collective will of woman. for to serve God's will, is to serve woman. and vice versa.
  2. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    this is the crossroad: it's either stay like a 'normal human' and be bad, and get laid.. or stay like a normal human, don't be bad, be "good" and don't get laid. Or do what is right and just, and become enlightened and be above and beyond all of that. which may even take several if not hundreds or thousands of lifetimes when you don't ahve the best "methods".
  3. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    To be unenlightened is to be immoral. To cause suffering and to be suffering. It's no wonder that it's true badboys get more women and have more in life. Because the majority are unenlightened and "the path" is a "hard" one. I wish enlightenment was the prerequisite to life... because otherwise life is just suffering and sucks and immoral to even be alive. It requires that one be immoral. This is why soemtimes I say to myself maybe I should just be celibate my whole life.. and anyways I am involuntarily celibate so I'll just continue staying alive.. because to have success in the sexual arena is to be a part of this suffering, and to cause suffering.
  4. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    You said possibly. Standing up to a woman is a lot different than standing up to a man. With women you have to be careful. Also, women are by nature more selfish than men. It's normal for women to be selfish and abnormal for men to even ask for anything at all. How fair is that? Do women know when to stop asking for things? How can ONE MAN provide for all a woman's egotistic desires? It's impossible! Only an enlightened female master would be able to detach from her ego such that she doesn't ask for too much because by nature the human ego ALWAYS wants more than what it can have. It's the reason why buddhists want to abolish craving leads to the end of suffering.
  5. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Thanks for that post. Yea it's messed up.. can you believe I didn't even know or come to stop and think about these things until you told me? Well.. I know why these women get bitter and men get bitter. Because humans need touch.. there is somewhat of a chemical dependency for it. Marnia Robinson made a post about it here: http://www.reuniting...you_skin_hungry Well I definitely relate to that. I think it's more than just skin of course. IT can be expanded to just male/female interaction that is loving and accepting of one another. That is also "touching". Also, when it comes to average women or women "with a few extra lbs" I kinda don't care. Maybe it's just because I'm young and inexperienced who knows. But that may be just me. She can be a little overweight, etc. it's all good. And we all can change. When we're together we can even motivate each other to improve. Many people are still stuck where they are because they have no drive and they are lonely, depressed. I don't deny anything you've said but having said all that gives a lot of women the idea that they have a right to be selfish. In fact.. my TCM prof said women are by nature more selfish than men: it's normal for her to be selfish while for guys it's not. Then he explained why from a TCM point of view. Ok, so what if it's only because of the history of denial and hurt of women that she is this way? Ok it's possible too. But still... seeing all this and then my story doesn't make much sense does it? Well it seems though that if women wanted to do anything now becuase of her history she can do just about anythnig and people will agree with her because: "women were denied, cheated, opressed" etc. Then there are men who would say that in history the society was just patriarchal yet this doesn't mean women were opressed because "beta males" could be just as opressed. And like he said it was just a "patriarchal society". .... I dunno, matriarchal, patriarchal. They probably both suck... but I would like to know how it is to be in a matriarchal society. Bonobo chimps are matriarchal.. most people think it would be the same as patriarchal except with women. Do you really think this would be the case? What if it would be more spiritual? I dunno. Then of course there is the theory that we were all ruled by giant humans (the annunaki) who had superior sexual capability than the human males, and they fucked and mindfucked the human female population and spoiled them, taught them the secrets to multiple orgasms and non-ejaculatory orgasms. Meanwhile the human males were beta, and then the ETs left and you had males (incapable of multiple orgasms, higher knowledge, etc) who didn't know how to satisfy women sexually except for probably a few, and a lot of demanding women so then what happened? Men became fearful and instilled patriarchy. End of story. And some of those ETs might have stayed around, or their siblings. And it's been messed up ever since. Jajajaja... crazy
  6. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Actually don't expect ANY woman to be attracted to you. Yes even the "lower than average" ones expect you to be perfect. Why should a person who is on the spiritual path be judged by the same criteria a non spiritual person is? Wouldn't it change something? A spiritual person might have different characteristics than say a careless 'authoritative thug' or some kind PUA who only trains his appearance and appears authoritative. Spiritual people are shunned by society, of course he might have some trouble with the crowd, with the rest society, etc. He's different. So why is he judged with the same criteria as a worldly person? Wouldn't a spiritual person be somewhat more evolved than the others at least in other aspects that have nothing to do with the violence and brutality of this world? Maybe he's more mature, and can work on himself with some kung fu training. I train in kung fu also. But the fact of the matter is the only reason I feel like shit most of the time is because I cannot get one woman to look at me like I'm normal or treat me like the other men. It's not because I'm not tough, or don't have the capability of being just as tough, because I can be. Its just discouraging to be as alone as I am. THIS is what's discouraging. THIS is what's disheartening. Not the thugs who I can outgun, or can beat up. Remember also: there is the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. We are not always running away from fuckin tigers and bears. We have different stresses in our modern day society that don't include lions tigers and bears. our biology reacts to these stressors as if they WERE lions and tigers and bears, in a sympathetic way. Ultimately it is the people who can balance the two types of nervous systems to their advantage that ultimately are the most evolved yet... who gets the most female attention? The sympathetic dominant types it seems. So you can keep spouting all the new age sexist crap like from David Deida and all you're just saying is the same thing we've been saying for thousands of years which we haven't missed out on hearing: grow some f-ing balls! YET STILL we don't even require the same types of "balls" that fighting lions tigers and bears utilized. Sure you can man up but don't make it seem as if we are dealing with the same stresses we had in the ancient days. You're still just being a bully. The amount of psychological castration. We can't just do things without having consequences either... you can't defend yourself without fearing police harassment either. We are expected to live as civilized human beings. This requires another skillset than just "being tough, growing balls, etc"
  7. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    people people can be so hypocritical... it's 'normal' for women to be selfish and prefer 'alpha males' but for a man (beta male actually) to prefer one woman over another it's not ok.
  8. nothing special

    yea but this can be extremely depressing when you're like me and nothing really is special.
  9. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    yea nowadays betas are not even considered to provide either.. or for stability. Who needs stability nowadays? We now have condoms. and a whole lot of 'beta males' to kill off and torture.
  10. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    making sure you get laid is part of ensuring your survival. Your very sense of self and body depends on it. Starting off without it ever in your childhood including successful interaction with the opposite sex is like not having had enough food to even begin to have the energy required to get more food or even continue on living and settling somewhere. You're always self sabotaging yourself and have no movitation to live or even strive for something better because it all seems futile. People unconsciously expect you to have experienced when you're my age, and to be "sexually mature." To even get experience requires experience, etc. Besides that it all seems hopeless because what else do you have to live for? Its all useless because biologically you are psychologically castrated due to your lack of history, and biologically speaking you're not really wired to live that long or even healthily being an incelibate unless you live in a tibetan monastery or taoist monastary and use their transmutaton exercise and even then have to embody both yin and yang male and female within the personality to be successful. Hey Im living society not everyone can be a monk and not everyone can live healthily without consequences of their past experiences or lack of. People misunderstand me and think I'm just expecting women to fall on my lap, that's not the case. Its just when you're like me with little experience it's very hard to have confidence and hope for the future in regards to sexuality and relationships and it doesn't have that much to do with self love as it is of just having others accept you for who you are and live with it.
  11. Why is it that for everything people talk about the answer is always "look within"? I mean.. honestly, I think it's a START but why is it EVERYTHING? If all that is without is also within, and all that is external is ALSO YOU then why the sole emphasis on the within? WHy isn't there a blending?
  12. Sexual Urge

    well it disturbs, it's not really enjoyable. That's the problem: I can't enjoy it. It burns, it agitates. It's only enjoyable with a partner, or transmuted, otherwise it's just stagnation or congestion and it irritates.
  13. Sexual Urge

    because wth are you going to do, masturbate if you dont have a partner? What a waste... if you cannot have sex what then? masturbate? how stupid?
  14. Sexual Urge

    I think it helps to be relaxed, or in the meditative calm state ie with alpha brainwaves increased. IMagining the brain becoming cold (the front part) helps. Cold like ice..
  15. Sexual Urge

    Ehm.. yea.. says: To imagine that your whole body is engulfed in flames. Or at least high vibrational light, or vibrating at a very high frequency. That way the "sexual urge" becomes dislocated from just the genital regions. Or you can imagine the same thing applying to the entire universe, ie the entire universe is engulfed in flames or high frequency vibrations. AS for the frequency of vibrations.. well initially I'd start it off with less frequency so you can just feel it.
  16. Chi of a beautiful person

    so I dont understand why you quoted me then if you were not replying to me...
  17. well I guess one of the main reasons I made this thread is that people tend to use the whole "look within" stuff in blaming another for something that is not even their fault. I can obviously look within sure, but why overemphasize it. I get what you're saying, look within because habitually people have had the tendency to look without. And besides that looking withni is very important. But it shouldn't be overemphasized right?
  18. Chi of a beautiful person

    See this is exactly what I meant, but you thought I was wrong simply because most likely you think everything I say is wrong.
  19. Chi of a beautiful person

    Alright, nvm then ShaktiMama. I understand what you're saying: their world is your world because yuo make it yours also. Experience is in your own reality. Etc.
  20. Chi of a beautiful person

    So he belives ALL women are wrong and men are right? I don't know where you got that from. If anything he might've thought he himself was right, while another was wrong. if this is the case and you think he's not being open minded, well then what about the others who oppose the views: isn't it the same thing going on there?
  21. Chi of a beautiful person

    I guess it's a huge world I have because it describes the majority of a populace.
  22. Chi of a beautiful person

    How is it only my reality though if statistics points otherwise?
  23. Chi of a beautiful person

    double post
  24. Chi of a beautiful person

    ok.. I don't deny it. I just include "other men" simply because that's the way it seems too.
  25. Chi of a beautiful person

    I dont see how he's being a deliberate asshole. In fact I don't see how what he says it different from what you're saying: "you must love yourself first before yuo love others".