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  1. Chi of a beautiful person

    When it comes to comparing men and women it seems women are always going to top the males. The males have superficial strengths but women have internal power. At least that's the way it seems. When you think of it though in regards to sexuality it's true. Men and women come out usually equal in terms of population size but about 20% more males are born but due mostly to sexual competition (and most if not all competition is based subtly or more explicitly on pro-creation) these males die before the age of 30 ... yet we are related to 80% of our female ancestors while only 10-20% of our male ancestors. This is definitely not equal. It seems only males are judged. For a man, there will always be someone stronger, you will NEVER be strong enough and you will ALWAYS be judged by your external achievements and your successes. As a woman, you can never appear weak enough, but there is a limit to what men do. Still it is insisted that men be judged while women are exempt from any kind of judgement because it's never her fault as she "has no direct involvement" in anything. Do you see the tremendous disparity between men and women, and why there are so many men left out, and hidden from the picture? You only see the men who are in your face. Yea women are abused.. I understand there are and have been for a long time. But women don't have to be subject to this. They don't always have to be the victims. In the end it is Women who decides which men continue their legacy and which don't, whereas some men just force it on the woman. I don't try to force it. Have you ever thought that because of the disparity between men and women you can explain why some men are more aggressive, or bitter, etc. The REAL disparity? And the fact that men are traditionally considered the aggressors while women are 'pacifists'. I don't necessarily agree with that but there are many others who agree, if not subconsciously agree with that. I may, though I don't want to and work on reversing that or at least making it right. It's the men always fighting over the women, any woman. Women sit there and do nothing and are already having guys come up to them because women are naturally "beautiful" and men are "beasts". But women only fight for the the men "on top" whether that be good or bad. As a collective at least or the majority. As long as you keep judging men as alpha and beta you will be judging men as "superior and inferior" as in "better or worse". Whereas a female, an alpha or beta female, yin or yang female, doesn't matter you still get laid, you still got someone who cares for you.
  2. Chi of a beautiful person

    Yea... well hotness is considered any day when speaking of short term pleasure.. before anything long term is considered. Usually anyways..
  3. Chi of a beautiful person

    And what do you expect? If men are the aggressive of the sexes, and I'm still a virgin at 25 then that's a lot of aggression turned inwards.
  4. Chi of a beautiful person

    well.. it may seem like I am. And it may be that I am.. I'm just frustrated. You know I'm always honest. Usually anyways... or at the right time. Anyways, it does seem like a lot of them are deliberate though, with their own justifications as to why. In the end it's usually guys like us that are hurt the most, whether it's right or wrong. You seen the Karate Kid right? Would you call the main character an asshole?
  5. Chi of a beautiful person

    Thanks for calling me an asshole. At least you said SOME are assholes. But I'm pretty sure you mean if not all then most.. because the fact is most men are assholes. Like in the 90-ish percent more or less. I talk about my observations without any direct name calling and then I get called names. It always happens with the same types of guys who talk about what's going on.. because I'm not the only one. At least I'm not like some of the others who just don't care what goes out his mouth or what he types. I do, but I also try to be honest and sincere.
  6. Chi of a beautiful person

    See, No More Mr Nice Guy isn't even a good book. Neither is David Deida's sexist crap. And 60 yrs of Challenge? You seem to just promote PUA all over. And it's the same msg: be a respectable asshole, be an asshole in a socially acceptable way. It's the reason why women still like a-holes that women fall for these PUAs.
  7. Chi of a beautiful person

    and they're being assholes because they dont know any better? so why blame? dont you find it ironic that you're calling the "nice guy's" jerks when they're complaining of the assholes women go out with as opposed to more nicer guys? How are they assholes in the first place? Maybe asshole is not exactly the word. Ignorant maybe? I thought asshole meant someone who deliberately insults and hurts others knowing what he does but even then.. who can you blame about ANYTHING? Everyone is the way they are because it's just the way they are. They know not. But sometimes it can trigger emotions in others just like me. There can be some questionable one's though right? Like weirdos, psychos, creeps, killers, the guy who kills people in Bally Total Fitness (because that's just the representation of every nice guy right?) and I can be an asshole if I want to. But if I'm an asshole? that may be up for debate. maybe you misunderstand many self proclaimed "nice guys". I know. Using the word "nice guy" and "bad boy" is wayy too polarizing at times. I dont know any other way to explain the double standards women might use to filter out the 'attractives' and 'unattractives'. So something 'bad' is something a woman doesn't care to judge something a 'badboy' or attractive male does while the unattractive male is seen as a creep, weirdo, immature, demon, etc. You also have to note it's only guys that can be labelled any of the sort like creep, etc. because in general men are bigger/scarier than women and women don't usually do the approach. I'm just saying. And I wish that women could do the approach because nowadays just about anything a woman says goes.. she can say you're a creep because you looked at her in the same way an attractive guy does. Men have more of a chance at scaring women simply because of the way they look. This is why I have trouble sometimes approaching girls because I dont want to come off as too aggressive or scare her. Sometimes it seems more right if the woman at least gives a signal or something so it doesn't look like I'm being aggressive. Anyways the women usually are the choosers right? The guys are the fucking beggars. Unless he's an alpha male.
  8. Weightlifting and cultivation

    I've been doing Strongfortism with 8lb weights. Might be a bit much for starters though.
  9. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    So pretty much that website says: Kiss of Death -- A friends speech ending in a hurtling trip to the Abyss. Specifically when a woman tells you something along the lines of "I think of you as a friend." It always results in a rejection of some sort. Bitch -- 99.999% of women. Note for men: I know they are. Note to women: yes, you are in this group. More accurately it is a woman who is not honest about whyshe won't sleep with you. Or sometimes, just a woman who won't sleep with you. And of course women who won't admit the basic truth of Ladder Theory. God -- Something you should profess belief in if you think it will help you bang some bitch. Outlaw Biker -- The prototype of everything women say they don't want but really do. And you will know him by his forearm tattoo, 'street smarts,' weed connection, domestic violence convictions, and the fact that the women you are an intellectual whore to are always complaining about him to you before they go off to fuck him, or leave you in a bar to go home with him. Intellectual Whore -- This is defined here Intellectual Pimp -- The woman that a man is an intellectual whore to. Asshole -- 99.999% of men. Note to women: I know they are. Note to men: I know you aren't really, and that it's just an act to get women. Essentially it is a man who acts like a man. ---------------------- Note on the definition of Asshole: I know you aren't really, and that it's just an act to get women. Essentially it is a man who ACTS like "A MAN". So you see, to a woman, a MAN is actually the Outlaw Biker. We were talking something in my TCM class. My professor said celebrities are all yin deficient. Which means they give off FAKE YANG. Which is why they can be actors. Fake yang people ACT like yang, but aren't really yang. It is not true yang. On the surface they are, but on the inside they are yin deficient, which makes their yang seem more prevalent and makes it think it's a yang excess, or simply yang. That's why actors can act.. they have a lot of imagination and can fake, they are good at playing a role that is not them. Just like yang rising to the head giving hallucinations, or "hotheadedness" Obviously there are diff factors because there can be the yin looking type and the more yang looking type. So but in essence to a woman a man is to be the outlaw biker. Is that really The Man? Is that true masculinity? Another thing I noticed.... There was this woman in my class. Another woman mentioned to her a guy, to which she replied "but he's skinny". I thought.. man, ok... what if the guy started to work out once he got with her? What if he just needed to feel like it's worth it. What if he changed? What if there's a reason, he's skinny. Ie maybe he has problems gaining weight, or some other issue. But no she judges him as if HE'S NOT GENETICALLY FIT OR MORALLY INFERIOR. I can be considered skinny but half about 3-4 months ago I had much more muscle. recently my diet changed. besides, women don't even stop to think that things can CHANGE. They want the man to do everything. but what if the guy is in my position.. has no DRIVE because in reality biologically speaking, it is sexual union which drives the human being. He has no pride, having no experience of the sharing with the opposite sex to make him feel biologically worthwhile, or worth living, AS A SOCIAL or COMMUNAL SEXUAL HUMAN BEING (Which is technically just being biologically human). So .. yea I could do a lot more .. I can have more energy, be more proud of myself, have more confidence and do a lot more. Because I would be motivated. I would feel as if I am doing something for some reason. Guys don't notice, but a MAJORITY of their self confidence CERTAINLY draws upon their past successes with women. No matter if today they have anyone. if they had at least had it once most likely their confidence level would be superior to the one who has never had any experience at the same age level as the first. Espcially if the second guy has had only negative experiences, or just simply experiences where he is ignored, and therefore feels like a nobody. You cannot deny that the human body is naturally magnetically attracted to the opposite sex and sexual union demagnetizes them and relieves them of such pressure to unite. So I have this problem, where I feel apathy a lot, not willing to live, having no drive, being stagnant, because I feel like I have nothing to live for. Not feeling like I could ever even meet someone in the future, even if I make the effort: simply because my past has been very empty with regards to the opposite sex.. A WHOLE HALF OF THE HUMAN POPULATION, but not only this half because it has far reaching effects on the male population, which I don't even care for.
  10. yea when you have school, work, kung fu, exercise, etc. you have much less time.
  11. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    when it comes to women that's all that matters.. and frankly I have nothing not even to start with attracting women.
  12. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    there is absolutely NO POINT in training, whatsoever. All of life is a sham, and it's just dopamine surges that make you feel like staying here and living on but in the end it's all NOTHING. When you have as little as me to even start with there is nothing you can create that can make it better. All future effort is vain.
  13. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    "And why does everyone always say I'm bitter just because 99.999% of chicks are bitches?"
  14. one of the secrets to the low cal diet: eat low starch veggies. like stir fry veggies, etc, leafy greens, etc. Fruits are pretty high calorie and they can add up very quickly, can also be addicting. Same with the fats, so you'll have to balance both those out. If you eat too much fruit and can't control it then eat some root veggies like carrots.
  15. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    exactlywhy I need to just end it all and commit suicide. Because there's just no way in this hell that a woman will ever like me. The fact is they all go through hundreds and thousands of guys and no matter what I do, I'll never be enough, there will always be someone better than me. Women are so distanced and immune to most men.
  16. look up Calorie Restricted Diets, (CR diet for short). There are some websites on it. Also a raw food diet can be easily a CR diet because of all the energy it gives.
  17. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Im sorry but its posts like these that actually make things worse.
  18. ok well there's going to be a seminar thing going on here soon on ZHong Yuan Qigong. Anyone heard of it?
  19. isnt having a family theway of karma yoga?
  20. well... for the human ego evrything pretty much sucks, i mean it houses cravings and attachments and sex is definitely the biggest attachment but anything else could be. sex tho can be the worst drug. but yea like one of the guys said.. it probably would not affect you as much if you had transformed jing to qi. or at least could abolish craving..
  21. Why is it that for everything people talk about the answer is always "look within"? I mean.. honestly, I think it's a START but why is it EVERYTHING? If all that is without is also within, and all that is external is ALSO YOU then why the sole emphasis on the within? WHy isn't there a blending? What you're asking for is pretty much for people to become Superhuman or Gods, to transcend their animal natures so that they are able to live without fulfilling their needs. Much like a breatharian can live without food and water(?) and live on qi. But without the prerequisite of having attained the siddhi the person cannot do that obviously.. and that takes a process. OK everything is withni. JUST AS MUCH as everything is also without because there is within "outside" also. There is Without "inside" also.
  22. WHY do you think the creator would do such a thing? So women are just mindfucks, and here to test men to bring them down?
  23. I'm talking After enlightenment... even so, how can one say you cannot have sex, or be in a relationship and not attain enlightenment? Why so black and white?
  24. I think when you're "on the path" of spirituality, yes, you shd start by yourself, perhaps until you acheive a level where you CAN include someone else.. otherwise you're not ready. This translates to a lot of a lone time and that's what you see. But how can you tell me that like wtm says: it cannot be a practice? Sure once you realize that love is within you that's fine. Then you attract a woman: naturally. So then what are you going to do reject her and stay a lone because YOU DONT BELIEVE it's possible and that you can't handle it, with the goals you're trying to achieve? Acheive? Achieve what? Achieving?
  25. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    yea but.... the people who get sex, relationships, etc. whatever easily are not even going through any kind of training. And even if they start to cultivate, their bodies are at least somewhat satisfied and they know they can achieve something, they have such confidence to start with. Then again there's the other view that no matter what, that person will also have to face the same inner demons that a involuntary celibate has to when he does start to cultivate because all the past will be rendered useless. So I duno.