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Everything posted by Non

  1. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Not irrational or stupid sorry.. but maybe you don't understand it or make sense of it.
  2. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Not having seen the video.. I was thinknig about that this morning though at work. So.. if I don't find a mate in this lifetime that fits me... just continue and maybe in another life I can find one that's right for me. I don't find one simply because: i'm different. I'm on the path of spirituality and that's highly uncommon and people actually look at you like you're crazy, etc. it would take a bit of game playing to find one. Conformity, lust, acheiving greatness etc. I find it hard to be this way. I also thought about Greatness... I've been inhibiting my growth into being "Great" and acheiving Greatness because of the pressure to be 'absolutely perfect' which is definitely impossible. One can be great but COME ON appreciate the fact that it took quite a bit of damn effort, and so what if I'm not perfect?! So yes... the last thing I wanted to say.. is that.. relationships is hard. You're not working with someone/thing you exert your will/force on. No... it's influence sure but it does not really seem to depend so much on you as much as it depends on the other person's acceptance of you... or so it seems. It seems. But again.. I guess I'll stick to solo cultivation then.. and then maybe in another life when it's come I can either create one or by magic of synchronicity or even chemistry I can attract a partner and then we can move on to the next level.
  3. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Actually, the prob in perception is this: women use the excuse that since they believe all men cheat and that it's "empirically" ok for men to cheat that she can cheat. Thus it makes it OK but not ok for the man because usually that woman would not want a man to cheat on her. Well maybe some don't care. This goes for pretty much any argument that : "because ALL guys do it I can" even though not ALL men do this, only SOME. OK this goes for everyone: there's no way you can beat around the bush and blame me for ALL of what women do.
  4. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    and as soon as the "PIMP" Seth Ananda shows up everyone goes crazy because he knows so much right? So why are you looking down and your hair in your pic is there any subliminal message going on there?
  5. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    bitchez is bitchez what more can you expect? I told you it's the same thing I talk about all the time. Yea I am improving myself, yea, but who cares? It's never enough for hoes. Never enough for any girl. They are attached. I can spend aeons trying to become "perfect" in her eyes: it's never going to happen though. It's impossible. Perfectly impossible. It's ok for her to be attached, but not for a guy? It's ok for her to cheat, but not him? It's ok for her to fuck around but not him? Even so, not all men fuck around. See this guy can at least say F-you because he's rich now. He's also young enough to enjoy life and enjoy young women. As for the other guys who try hard and they're not rich: they get nothing but pain and suffering. See... a person also can spend aeons meditating to get over this shit, and only at the last minute achieve enlightenment and get the fuck up out this place. it would happen sooner if the energetic practices could help but that includes having a partner in dual cultivation: Even the Buddha said "Enlightenment can found in a woman's vagina". I'm dead fuckin serious. Of course nothing in excess, but he was not talking about excess. Excess is all that fuckin life-long celibacy going on.
  6. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I ask myself these questions on a daily basis. There is no working around it. It's all the same.
  7. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    yea that's funny and all but when I'm feeling the way I do when I write about this stuff and how I feel about what I type is just insane and hurt.
  8. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I think those statistics are BS.
  9. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    For what tho? She doesn't want babies. No woman these days usually want babies. Even if so it's not these 'manly men' that will be taking care of it now is it? No, the other PEASANT SLAVE "WEAKLINGS" DO ALL THE DAMN WORK and of suffering with the cuckold wife. These men would not even care for her if she wasn't witholding the very basic thing they need to live a balanced and healthy live: interaction/sex/bonding etc. But they take what they can get. Women don't want for children don't care: you know how many women these days are in their 30s and 40s still dont want a child, how many women my age even say that to have children nowadays is "bringing someone into this fucked up world" Which THEY Bred into this world. Even if they dont say this, they would say IT'S TOO MUCH WORK. I WANT TO HAVE FUN, HAVE SEX AND FOOL AROUND. I HATE BABIES. You know 99 % of women are actually REPULSED by male honesty, by consistency, by genuine caring, and bonding, by fealty. It's not "cool" it's not "hip" it's "immature" it's "foolishness" it's "feminine/wimpy", etc. etc. etc. WHY do they act this way? In direct opposition to anything good. How many times do you hear of men being BRUTALLY heartbroken. I mean brutally......... not as much as the women though.. they can get sex fine and that's all they need. because this program really IS antagonistic to anything good. So much so that it seems suspicious at the consistency of total obliviousness that women have to anything logical in the behavior and the total heartbreak. Women get tattoos that spell HEARTBREAKER. THey joke around and tease. It's not "random" by any means, it seeks to destroy any sense of genuine nurturing care, and "love" because "nature is so stupid" or at least that's what they have ingrained into their heads.. Because their fertilization mating program which is based on quantity not quality (which is very fuckin stupid, what is better 20,000 stupid fucks that feel good or GOSH ONE supreme being THAT ALSO FEELS GOOD?) And they can't control it because they are always being bombarded by temptation, heck they have no knowing of anything else because they cannot look beyond themselves or what's in front of them. Makern: I dont believe women have much of an excuse to act this way. Not any of the "evolutionary theories": by evolution it's supposed to seek the best possible circumstance and you do NOT see that anywhere. You see what "seems" the best, NOT WHAT IS. True there is evolutionary psychology but not all of what's touted as evo psych really is psychology. You're probably making excuses though because you read into pick up artist material which tells you to be bad and aggressive and uncaring and pretentiously dominant in all situations, etc and that's all "evo psych". Most of the time these PUAs tend to be unbalanced in their approach and are "too yang" if that's a way to explain it... but women eat it up because well... and I'm sorry to say this, I'm frustrated: quite frankly - WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY KNOW!? I mean come on. Jeez. It's nothing but torture. NOTHING but torture. NOTHING but impurity. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING BUT TRUE HELL, though some are just unaware. And it KILLS... it MURDERS though nobody sees it! Men are being fuckin martyrs all the time, and that's all they are. Even when there's no reason to be. She has not one ounce of care or knowing for the suffering of men.
  10. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Even in Marnia's book it seemed towards the end that she gives in to her animal side... in the belief that there is nothing sacred about life, sex, relationships, no love, just pure lust/fear/adrenaline. Women just think they are meant to be devious, always will be devious, and cannot stay in one place, are complately chaotic and inconsistent, and illogical, etc. that relationships are always heartbreaking. At least for the men they're heartbreaking... a woman ALWAYS gets sex and that's all she needs to feel short term pleasure... and she gets another one in no time.
  11. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Ultimately though men suffer perhaps the most because women are increasingly seeing men as being feminine because they are being honest and expressing themselves/being themselves while women see "love" as just a game, sex as a game, that men are here to suffer at the drop of a hat on the woman's fault because "she was not turned on" by him having to Be "the Best", Be the Most Brutal, or simply Being "on Top", etc. all she has to do is sit there and look pretty.. which women naturally are! Women will increasingly look for more more more, and never be satisfied and men just get what they can. People like to think their relationships are pure, and that they're pure but then not know what "turns them on", and is the basis of their *initial* attraction. It is not pure, it is in most cases selfish, and brutal if one were to see what's going on, altho natural. When it comes to intial attraction, unless she's knowledgable, any bonding based interaction will always be overrided against it by her primitive 'fertilization mating program' that is BASED ON NOTHING BUT FEAR AND DRAMA. Nothing but, nothing more than FEAR AND DRAMA. With as MANY guys as they have access to, any single woman, no matter her looks, her personality, simply because they have access to so many guys, and who DOG HER, she has no choice but to give in to the temptation. Because usually TRUE bonding comes AFTER the initial attraction and she is ALWAYS being bombarded with primitive fertilization mating signals. A woman and especially young, will never get to realize the fullness of taoist based sexuality or karezza simply because she's having too much fun with herself on the 'normal fertilization based mating program' at the mercy though of the many men who would die at her feet. The myth that older women are better is just false too. Old and young, women are still slaves to their mammalian brain. They're always on a hamster wheel of guys and cannot stop running in circles to look outside and just observe, or even see that there's life existing beyond. Too much "fun" in the form of short term thrills which she never runs out of, so who needs to think in long term? Or who needs to think in any term? And too busy mocking men and criticizing them as being "unmanly" when they simple express themselves and are being honest about the sacredness of their interaction, because they realize that the "normal fertilization based mating program" has simply no concern for goodness in any form. In fact it is even antagonist to anything truly good or truly life affirming.
  12. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I'm also concerned about the fact that it seems all beginnings of relationships are still mostly based on the primitive 'fertilization program' that Marnia talks about.. and is still concerned with such neurochemicals as adrenaline and dopamine and not about oxytocin at all. I guess I'd like to think relationships can form through bonds that utilize oxytocin as a foundation but, in most cases it's not. GIrls will always be attracted to the "bad men", crave thrills, always want to fool around and disregard any man who attempts to be serious and express himself in all honesty while girls think Love is a joke, and foolishness, intending to break hearts because they've accepted and pushed onto others that "'love' is harsh/brutal" and it requires aggression in the form of socially acceptable forms of violence and torture. and etc. etc. etc. All forms of regular sex are just based on the survival program which cares nothing about bonds, and only about quantity, not quality.
  13. Wing Chun In Hong Kong

    haha, sexy.
  14. Contemplate to find Enlightenment

    Exactly. That's why I don't quite understand "clearing the mind". Clearing the mind is actually: focusing on one thing at a time. On one stream. That's not empty because there's one thing. That's the "resting" I want to learn emptiness meditation. is good for that. Though I'm having trobule with the first exercise: just how to disregard past and future thoughts when I don't even notice whenever I go into them? Especially when they are urgent? How can I clear my thoughts then, when to clear thought requires the thought of clearing?
  15. So my friend was telling me that since I live in the West it might be better to practice something like Golden Dawn (Hermetics) stuff instead of Eastern traditions which seem more geared towards non-Western thinking. He said GD is better for westerners because it's more sensorial oriented, and eastern traditions are just less practical here in the West and is even becoming so in the East as China is getting even more capitalist than the US. I said well...GD stuff seems very much like magickal, which I like but right now I want to get into the basics. Eastern traditions seem more self reliant, he agreed. So what do you guys think? I may get into GD stuff but later. I also do have a copy of Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon. ALl in all it seems more hands-on type of stuff than Eastern traditions, which are focused on cultivating.
  16. It is scientifically proven that good guys do finish last. They mate less so they die younger. What do you think about this?
  17. good guys finish last

    WEll I know.. it's obvious that our society does not value bonds all that much. ALso.. the reptilian brain is the oldest brain we have.
  18. good guys finish last

    Alright.. I shouldn't say abusive. My bad. What if it really is though and yet still affirm that there's no such thing as "good and bad" just that it really is abusive/destructive? It is part of samsara isn't it? It still contributes to suffering doesn't it? SO then why do all the spiritual masters need to overcome the desire for sex? Why must they all transform their lust? Most sex today is still based on adrenaline and dopamine feelings, not oxytocin. Adrenaline is FEAR. I don't know about vasopressin but that's another chemical involved. BUt as said by Marnia in Cupid's Poisoned Arrow: by nature we are hardwired to be non-committing. At least that is our first instinct or was the first instinct to develop. That mean's firstly there's no such thing as fidelity. Bonding behavior come 2nd but in attraction usually it's the first thing that matters: if a guy shows more the behavior of a person who does not want commitment. Because according to nature it's more about quantity vs quality, and it prefers quantity first. Well, according to popular science anyways. WE are hardwired also to form bonds but this supposedly comes 2nd. People do only start to develop bonds once initial attraction has taken place. Taking the view that we are a developing Universe and that "Love" is a fairly new concept at least here on Earth, I'd say that is true.
  19. good guys finish last

    Iw as being sarcastic I forgot to mention
  20. good guys finish last

    yea well you're not awoman so your opinion doesn't count .
  21. good guys finish last

    ok, like I said in my other thread: People are addicted to sex, and think that to satisfy an addiction they need to be abusive or be abused, therefore they come to expect the opposite sex to either be abusive or accept abuse. So women think guy's sexual nature is abusive, aggressive and violent, so a guy who gives in to this and is abusive, aggressive and violent is considered as "being real" but a nice guy who knows about all of this knows that sexual energy needs to be handled with care or at least properly.. they just don't know how to do it because need to attain samadhi or some ish or practice some meditation or spiritual sexual gonfu. Whereas the rest of the people are just animals, or at least most of them. SO it's just 2 extremes. At least the nice guy knows sort of what's going on, the other men couldn't really care. The sexual nature in it's most lowest primitive form IS abusive. That's just how it is and nobody cares to think about it or even admit to it. Even if they do it's a half-assed recognition because they still don't care who hurts in the end.
  22. WEll.. I haven't ejaculated at all or masturbated for about 3 months now. I've thought somewhat of sex, and I've done some jelqing practices here and there being very careful not to lead energy outwards through contractions. In fact.. I haven't had any "contractions" so to speak in a long while. I dont do PC muscle squeezes either. I dont know if there are any health benefits to those either since I read PC muscle squeezes are for women and for males it's more the muscle between the anus and the spine. So.. I'm just wondernig anyway. Is it bad to not experience morning wood? It's not like I dont get erections anymore but usually I subdue them when they come around because I dont want to have to lose any jing afterwards because then it can leak.
  23. perhaps its not smtg to do forever (obviously).IT can be used towards enlightenment, then one can learn the various other sexual practices.
  24. Check out my thread: This pretty much explains "normal lustful sex", at least in the modern society. So why not try to transform this? In fact I would see it as a hindrance to my life not to, and somewhat wrong if I dont. To be honest it does seem as if normal sexuality is somewhat a disgrace, and abusive to each other. Furthermore it is based on violence and disharmony, violence against our own through inequality-competition. Fear, anger, etc. Just like drewhempel talks about. It's true. It's probably that this "normal sex" is on an extreme part of the spectrum that people would view any kind of celibate practice or transformation of any sort "repressive".
  25. So what's your take on the differences between the types of sex karezza/neotantric sex and Dr. Lin's Sexual Chikung/Kung Fu? So Dr. Lin's stuff is ok and doesn't lead to energy loss? Dr. Marnia is against Mantak Chia's stuff because she says it's "too hot" and leads to depletion, although less than ordinary orgasm/ejaculation practice. Then there is also the question of whether it will lead to what she calls "Satiation" in which oxytocin is dpleted and dopamine takes over which restarts the whole dopamine cycling thing and leads to loss of sensitivity to your partner.