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Everything posted by Non

  1. Bigu diet and The Three Worms

    BTW I believe the proper way to do the Three Worms cleanse is without fruits. ANY sugar not involved. In the website there is a book about the cleanse using colloidal silver. The technique I explained above though is the dietary way, and might take longer. BUt if you add in some supplements it would make it a ton faster probably. Also if you don't sprout your seeds, any seed: legume, nut, seed, grain- it will contribute to digestive problems. Besides if you're trying to stay away from grains you dont have them. Perhaps a little beansprouts though are ok.. and the longer the sprout the better. but I would try to stay away. Sprouts are low carb. Grain sprouts are ok when they become grasses or greens. Nuts/seeds must be soaked for about a 8-24 hrs depending on which nut/seed. Besides sprouting ups the nutritional content, as well as making it easier to diegest, activating enzymes and deactivating enzyme inhibitors and taking away bitterness. MOre: Taoists see other things within their bodies as well. Each person is made up of their qi (chi) or breath/vital energy, qing or concentrated essence (often represented by semen) and shen or spirit. They see within themselves three cinnabar fields - cinnabar a mercury laden ore often used in magical and alchemical practices - in their head, heart, and above the navel. They also see within their bodies three worms that leave their bodies every year to report to heaven on the person's activities - each improper action that is reported shortens their lives and defeats their quest for longevity. These worms, however, can be conquered. Overcoming them allows one to live for extended periods of time. One must first avoid grains and cereals - these foods especially nourish the worms, who the sage would prefer were made weak. The sage must contemplate the Tao and visualize planets and deities in order to diminish the power of the worms. It also helps for one to live in accordance with the Tao - at least the worms will have little to report before they are vanquished.
  2. Wow.. I wonder how sex would be without gravity. I wonder if that would change the energy flow?
  3. I dont get "morning wood"

    yea.. I hate Dr. Lin's website.. so hard to read. So scattered and so much info. The CD is not called Sexual Yoga right? Something about Resonant Orgasm Taoist Love Coupling or whatever.
  4. I dont get "morning wood"

    No, I was specifically talking about the issue of retention of urine that I've had since I was very young.
  5. Bigu diet and The Three Worms

    Does Bigu let you have fruit? I'm on a no fruit, no sugar diet, eating only low starch veggies and greens with nuts/seeds. Mine is a raw vegan diet, the nuts are soaked, there are sprouts, and the veggies are washed thoroughly. I think this is a really good way to approach a cleanse of worms. This is actually what Gabriel Cousens recommends and his book Rainbow Greens Live-Food Cuisine is ALL about getting rid of toxic parasites, fungal organisms and protozoans in the body using the diet. As well as being low glycemic and in the case of being raw it's about the lowest glycemic you can get, plus the added benefit of proteins not being denatured as well as the enzymes, and the fats are also not heated such that they become transfats. I noticed that when I cook the fats they give me pimples, and make me fat... There is also a ketogenic way which I've been experimenting which consists of mostly greens (the lowest carb greens are the dark greens) low carb veggies and nuts/seeds which are low carb. I like the pumpkin seeds and sunflower. With some algae and maybe grass juice/powders for added protein. Just a note, on this one there is a looot of fat since that is your main source of fuel, but just under 20gs of carbs. Just enough though to feed you in whatever you need to stay on ketosis. It's what I want to do to lose weight fast. I've felt great ever since starting it. AS per the Rainbow Diet though there are 3 phases and the first one include only low glycemic fruits in very low amounts and only mixed in salads or as mild condiment in green juices. LAter on in the next 2 phases you progressively add in fruit. Personally I want to stay as low in fruits as possible and high in protein as possible. As Gabriel Cousens says that protein when cooked about 50% of it is destroyed. Which means there might actually be more protein in the raw vegan diet than you think. Besides, when mixed with the lower carb, enzymes, low glycemic effect of the raw veggie diet, balanced omega 3s to 6, it helps normalize the blood glucose and gives an effect similar to the Zone diet. Fruit is different than starches in that: Fruit contains fructose as opposed to glucose and gets absorbed by the cells instantaneously, without needed insulin. Nor does it need to be broken down. Starch, or glucose in any food causes alot of insulin to break down and absorb the carbohydrate to use as fuel. This can lead to straining the adrenals (kidenys in TCM) and over consumption also can trigger blood sugar problems, especially in the breakdown of the glucose and etc with regards its glycemic index. Causing blood sugar spikes, and also straining the insulin response, and then the production of harmful prostaglandins. Also, when there is an excess of glucose in the gut not all of it can be broken down. Whatever cannot broken down by insulin it invites fermentation in the gut to break it down using the three worms (yeast/parasites/fungus/protozoan etc) so therefore.. . Starches contain alot of glucose molecules bonded together.. fruit does not contain as much start. Fructose is in fruit which is a simple sugar, along with some sucrose and small amounts of starch, so it's not as bad. That's the diff between fruits and grains. Not saying grains can't be eaten but there are precautions, and always be careful with the glycemic index of the food, any food. So ehm.. in any case, to get rid of the worms one doesn't even need a raw vegan food diet I just think it's a really good way. You can probably just eat cooked low-starch veggies and avoid grains/fruit and sugars (simple) for a while, and take probiotics or eat lots of fermented foods.
  6. I dunno.. Marnia at seems to have a differing opinion. She think even women can experience a loss of jing, or depletes herself with orgasm or 'excessively heated' sex. But then again, women by nature have more liver-blood as compared to men according to TCM theory. As for which is better: hot sex or the cooler type a la karezza/neotantra (of I'm not sure. For cultivation purposes I might lean more towards the latter, but the former might be necessary as sexual gongfu might have it's purpose ? Though I'm not inclined to follow Mantak Chia's teachnigs on this because he focuses only on the 'hot sex' (I think). MAybe Dr. Lin might be better preferred.
  7. OK.. I believe.. there is a purpose for celibacy and/or just not ejaculating and conserving one's sex energy and transforming lust into something more useful. SURE organizations have used celibacy to control their students, but that's not in all the cases. One has to sort it out, NOT ALL CELIBACY PRACTICE IS BAD or destructive.
  8. Tantra, Cultivating sexual energy

    Hmm.. I need to def. check out Dr. Lin's stuff. has some good info too on "karezza/neotantra".
  9. I dont get "morning wood"

    Someone mentioned that it may hae something to do with retention of urine? I may want to see a TCM doc about that. I've had that ever since I was young but am not sure if I was masturbating at the time. Like in middle school. I mean its not severe..but still an issue. Happens mostly in public places. Ppl tell me it's just insecurity.. but if it happens when Im alone its not just insecurity. Altho it may just be a habit of holding in..
  10. I dont get "morning wood"

    I'm also thinking that all the practices and exercises I do will automatically sublimate as well.
  11. I dont get "morning wood"

    WEll the reason I guess it doens't manifest into a full erection is probbaly due to the fact that I don't want to think about sex too often. If I do, I try to make it as "karezza/neotantric" as possible or just.. well... a female I like, and it's just touching or eye contact and smiling (imagination of course) and channeling "love energy", getting the energy to rise rather than stay stagnant in the penis. Because usually what happens after I fantasize about sex is after it goes down I start leaking precum or something. That's when I know I've lost something. Maybe that is the 'toxic' part of the semen that is coming out? THe part that has accumulated which may also be an 'excess' that sometimes it's ok, or if not better that it comes out and especially during a wet dream? Usually though I'm so.. retentive (I guess) in trying to channel it that I think subconsciously it does this automatically when I have a wet dream and it doesn't even cause an ejaculation in the real world, regardless if I may have one in the dream world. BUt those have started to die down since I stopped entertaining sex fantasies. NOw I just feel my organ stir, and try to channel it upwards.
  12. I dont get "morning wood"

    I guess it might also be necessary to state that I don't sleep normally. I have a polyphasic sleep schedule in which I'm never up at the hrs of 11-1am (usually anyways) and the hours of 3-5 I'm usually up. But... this morning I did feel a stirring around 4-6-ish in which I felt like I would have an erection if I had not been so focused on something else... or sleeping, or with a full bladder and sleeping AND int he dream state (heheh). So yea.. maybe it's not so bad after all , ie like an erectile dysfunction and low testosterone. In fact I regularly feel my organ stir I just choose to not sort of manifest fully into a Full erection, and try to channel it upwards but I usually don't know how. Anyone know how? Joeblast said thru dan-tian but through which channel is that? du, or ren? or "central" channel? I also felt as if concaving my lower back might help target it going up the du channel.
  13. Joeblast is that done by rising the vitality through the central,front or back channel? Through the MCO?
  14. I dont get "morning wood"

    Maybe I can get an erection between the hrs of 11-1am, when Charles Luk in Taoist Yoga suggests is the REAL time to cultivate, and not when you stimulate your penis with sexual thoughts and play with that burning sexual energy, nor when you get up in the morning because you havea full bladder, or are still having post-orgasmic automatic urges. If anyone knows what I'm talking about please verify and correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't even read Taoist Yoga yet so I don't know. I'm just doing my own practices and hoping it'll be enough to sublimate. Maybe I should.. one of these days when I have TIME>!!! Meditate more.
  15. I dont get "morning wood"

    Meh... I've never had sex, nor even learned Mantak Chia's material. Although his taoist practices might be high level but from what I've read his sex practices might be unbalanced in that it focuses alot on too much "hot sex". There is also the neotantric/karezza type which is "cool-er" I guess, ie from Not to say that hot sex doesn't have it's place, if it even does but it's just not the same as karezza, regardles if it ends without ejaculation. For me it's better for cultivation at least the cooler type. I'm not looknig to repress. I'm looking to sublimate. Just becase I have encountered resistance doesn't mean I'm repressing, I'm merely persevering. I do want to seek peace, and not repress. As for Bodyoflight, maybe You are an ET? lol. Just a thought. and.. I dont know what to make of this thread how it has become..
  16. I dont get "morning wood"

    Interesting yea but doing it masturbatorily at least dry only leads to excessive stimulation and congestedness in the genital regions at least in my experience. I guess it's best to learn how to acheive the automatic pc muscle contractions without using your hands. Im not talking about the consicous voluntary contractions butt he involuntary ones wchich occur before orgasm...
  17. I dont get "morning wood"

    well it's just.. I can't get sex so what else can I do? I dont want to lose energy so Im trying to find ways to be celibate, and benefit form it rather than go crazy. BTW I am pretty much the same way when I am masturbating, than when Im not. Im just a bit more driven and in fact I sometimes feel more connected with others, with women I can connect better, thelittle connection I have anyways. I have more energy. Sometiems though it can get sort of well, repressive but that's more to do with insecurities or thinggs I need to deal with. And Im not going to masturbate when I get depressed because that may just mess things up and do nothng for my depression, and I'll feel pathetic. In fact it feels pathetic to release when I have no partner in the first place. I feel like masturbation is only normal for those who think being without a partner is normal, or rather always being without one is normal. I guess in the animal kingdom animals just kill and rape , or just find a mate. Monkeys might masturbate but also I've read they masturbate more when in seclusion.. my situation is quite like seclusion I guess. Or being psychologically castrated.
  18. Would there be a difference in the TCM Organ clock in the US when taking into account the Day light savings time?
  19. I tend to hold the idea in my mind perhaps subconsciously or so that life is just ultimate suffering and life throws at me just the opposite of what I need and desire, what would break my hear in the most brutal fashion. Especially manifested in the yin, or feminine in my life. In woman. That life throws at my opposition in the most symmetrical fashion, that which would make me suffer the most in extreme. That life is nothing but pure suffering in the most lowest in primitive form, that ultimate truth and peace spirit, beauty, etc can never be known. That life is pure nightmare and nothing else. taking advantage of all of my highest energies to fulfill the lowest of goals. Playing on all of my most extreme fears. It's incredible the depth that I feel this. Maybe I've just had my heart broken so much that I feel like this is all that becomes of life.. and I'm stuck in this thought, stagnant in thinknig life is nothing but pure suffering and that I should just end it all with a tragic suicide. I'm not kidding. I do not know what is real.
  20. That Tan Tien thing

    Alright nvm. Than IMO I think Yang Jwing Ming is just trying to make big bucks talking about a "real dan tian". Nobody confused the dan-tien, it was always at the Qihai point few inches into the body, nobody thought it was at the mere surface of the belly. I was always taught it was at the level of Qihai about 2-3 inches inside the belly. Never was I told it was just "qihai at the surface of the belly". Yang Jwing Ming makes it seem like everyone was being taught this but I don't ever see anyone say that it isn't 2-3 inches inside the belly.
  21. That Tan Tien thing

    OOOOOOkokokok... So You're saying the "real dan tien" is basically at the level of the belly button (navel) correct? And that it was confused with the acupoint Qihai which is 2.5 inches inferior to the belly button/navel, while the real dantien is just 1.5-2.5 inches INTO the body at the level of the navel. IS THIS CORRERERECTT??T??
  22. maybe it's because of this:
  23. I do another healing sounds though. Liver - Xu (Shooooo) Heart- He (Huuuuhhh) Spleen - Hu (Hooooo) Lungs - Xia (Shiiaaaa) Kidneys - Jue (Chueeeyyyyy) Triple Warmer - Xi (Shiiiiiiii)
  24. Yes.. the anger is what I have to learn to subdue. The reason why I don't "express" is that I have misplaced anger. Like my professor says.. why get angry? Why not just shout? When shouting might be what one of the zang organs require... I forgot which one(s). So it just gives another perspective. So it's not actually that telling someone "fuck you" is wrong.. it might be moreso how you say it. If you project anger, that's insecurity. If you say it without the anger that is stronger, more balanced, and might work better than projecting anger which might just bounce back to you. So until I can control my anger I am afraid of expressing... because I know it usually ends up biting me back in the ass... Regardless of when people say "dude do something about it"... because if I'm angry/frustrated/insecure there's no point in "doing"... You can "do something" about it all you want but if you do it with the negative mindstate it will be counter-productive. But I fear too much...
  25. yea I take up martial arts and some pretty yang Qigong like Hua Shan Pai Qigong.