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Everything posted by Non

  1. So I can just use mocassins and not have to be bare foot then?
  2. also, raw food has more electrons than cooked food. A lot more. It's a great great source of electrons. I spoke to my qigong professor at my TCM school. I don't think he understood fully what I was saying.. but I mentioned the kidney 1 point and how it was mentioned in the book, and asked him specifically "wouldn't it be more effective then if we connected the heavenly and earthly energies in the dantien if we stood barefoot outside"? He said said it's not necessary to do that, that one needs to just do the kidney 1 massages and tapping exercises, and focusing on it during meditation and connect the heavenly with the earthly energies in the dan tien. Also when you do the massaging, you get the lao gong points in the hands which are connected to the heart, that is fire, and you connect them with the water points at the kidney 1 point.. is a sort of 'heaven and earth' union as well, but within the body.
  3. synch... my mother gave me the book last weekend. I've been Earthing these past two days naturally, about 30 minutes standing on the ground. It's embarrassing to do it outside though. Can't you just walk barefoot at home if you have tile? Or perhaps open the windows also a bit? I bet it might not work as much if you're outside because it's out in the open air. Can't you just focus on the Kidney 1 point? The book mentions Kidney 1 and some scientific evidence as to it's effectiveness as being perhaps the main channel connecting the feet to the Earth, and that it has to do with the UB channel, which connects to all water passageways of the body and the organs.
  4. Zhan Zhuan barefoot on the earth? ie Earthing? Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong is also pretty powerful. I like the Five Tibetans also. These are my main practices.
  5. Herbs and Qigong

    Goji berries are also good for kidney yin
  6. Sexuality and Geniuses?

    drewhempel #2 with the OaDs. as for the fruit diet Im not sure it's the optimal diet especially because it takes a transition.. and it's a lot of sugar. if it's high fruit then make it low glycemic at least most of the time. I eat a diet of mostly dark leafy greens and veggies with some nuts/seeds and algae powder to give me more protein. Sometimes I add in a small amount of low glycemic fruits in the salad. later on after about 3-6 months as per Gabriel Cousens book I'll start incorporating more fruits, but really I think this is good.
  7. There is a pt 3 also. Though the movies are great the history is very innacurate, even bogus.
  8. Sexuality and Geniuses?

    Thanks for that link on Napoleon Hill. I'll be reading that. So it seems that actually it's not mere celibacy.. it's using the sexual drive which REQUIRES inspiration from WOMEN to create somthing. it does not mean a person just become celibate. It means getting the inspiration from women, perhaps in thinking that maybe a woman will be impressed or something if you do this or that.. but if you want to hold onto that creative energy then don't have the sex. It's tantric or like karezza I guess. But it doesn't work if one has the wrong ideas about sexuality, and is destructive. Ie if a person holds shame about his sexuality or holds the idea that all women are messed up, or that he's missing out on something by not having sex. It would not work if the woman he thinks about is destroying him and hurting his feelings. Or the rest of society gets to him. or if he thinks he's the only one not getting any, etc. It also doesn't work if hte guy thinks he'll never get any. It works when he KNOWS he can get sex when he wants to but he's putting it aside for the best time because he can get it whenever he wants to. If he has low self esteem or really bad experiences and no help it will just destroy him.
  9. Sexuality and Geniuses?

    Well according to my Chinese history class many of the biggest contributors to the development of TCM (many of which were "Daoist" scholars) were not celibate and lived long live, in some cases very long lives. The only one who was celibate lived only to about 60-70 years old, but it seems he read the most books and was extremely studious since he was very young so he made a compilation. It kinda seemed like he was also an outcast and may have even had some of the usual male virgin quirks and oddities of being alone all the time. Then he lived a short life so... So this seems opposite to the West.
  10. Sexuality and Geniuses?

    I dont understand how it can actually be transmuted to some other cause. It will always still contain a degree of physical expression. If it's expressed by creative means for example through music then the music will just have a tinge of sexuality in it. Whoever does this is perhaps subconsciously seeking physical sexual reward through their creative expressions and perhaps makes their music impressionable to the opposite sex. It will never be really pure of the physical expression... The only way to do this is perhaps to fully become asexual through prolonged periods of celibacy such that the body rewires it's dopamine seeking capabilities, but I don't know if it's a guarantee. It will always be towards creating something with reproductive value. The normal person at laest nowadays simply cannot do this. A person must first perhaps deny and neglect himself.
  11. Sexuality and Geniuses?

    I think they just didn't know the secrets of non-ejaculatory daoist sexual practices and neotantric sex. ie karezza. so they either had no choice but to be celibate because of scarcity of knowledge or women to practice it with.
  12. Women......... like to say that they want a man with Confidence. (ooooooh Confidence... [give me a break...]) Just the other day a woman was saying to me how relationships don't work unless one is secure in themselves... but she was bragging. Later I thought... well you need to be secure in yourself for just about Everything don't we? "so dont talk to me about having blablabla etc" lol. close to 99 % of people don't even have Real confidence. Do they think what they see as pride or a "selfish pride" is the same as "being secure in themselves", is this confidence? Is being overly boastful and having "selfish" pride confidence? Obviously what the hell do you think? I wouldn't be asking this for nothing, because I do see this is a very common misunderstanding.
  13. Pride does not = Confidence

    actually I can't read all the replies. Some of my recent threads have gotten so many replies, and Im busy so no I dont read them nor reply to every single one of them.
  14. Pride does not = Confidence

    I know, confidence is attractive. That's not a problem. But most people think it's for different reasons. Confidence is attractive more in relation to the "law of attraction" or polarity. The more you want something thee more you confirm you don't have it. When you stop wanting it (ie being confident) you get to have it. Also when you're not confident even if something comes to you, you will subconsciously reject it, or avoid it. So of course confidence can be attractive. But can the opposite be attractive also, if a person does it right? THere are people who aren't really too confident yet are still attractive. But I dont think it necessarily has to do with being more yang than yin and vice versa unless spoken of relative to smtg else or playing "masculine" or "feminine" role. It's usually cultural conditioning and most don't even know what they're agreeing/agressing to is the archetypes they are referring to. Ok, all good right? Well it's hard,and don't tell me it's not. Most people haven't gotten to that level, and if they do they do it unconsciously most of the time. Because we are all raised in Ego and Want/desire and Lust. Doesn't always mean you're a bad person though. It just might mean you are mislead. The majority of society is this way, even "good" people. As for helping me in my solar energies and mars... yes indeed. I don't think Chinese Medicine would say it's bad. In fact my professor says "instead of getting mad, shout, that treats the [specified] organ". I forgot which organ. Martial arts I've taken up, ie kung fu.I painted my room yellow for some reason though I wanted to paint it earthyish color, and stuck with it. Might not be so good feng shui. I still try to do the yang stuff bit but walking outside seems such a drag. I'd rather go to the park and practice kung fu, which I think of doing often when I have time. oh shiz.. gotta go. Sorry if this reply is incomplete.
  15. Pride does not = Confidence

    nothing turns a woman on more than a man putting down another man. We all thrive on this duality. If everything was perfect nobody would be being "turned on" because there has to be something to compare to ie "this is good, that is bad". If everything was good there would be nothing to compare. Would woman be turned on if everything was "perfect?" Probably not, would that mean there would be no love though? I think not. That's why neo-tantric sex and karezza do not focus on being "turned on". THis is probably way different a sexuality than modern sexual practices of common society. "The male and female become One" all 2s or 3 are 1. Probably just conceptual but it's probably egoless too. Therefore modern sexuality thrives on ego and lust which breeds fear.
  16. Pride does not = Confidence

    Well practicin the sun one, the prayer hasnt stuck with me though because I dnot have it written down yet. I took too much renshen or I dont know what yesterday and I was overly yang,and a lot of the girls were just like "*sigh*, not today..." and I was like "what?" because I was making lots of jokes. THey were funny but they thought I wasn't being "serious" enough i guess. I've also been taking lots of DHA and L-carnitine and mmy focus has improved TREMENDOUSLY to the point I can start participating in class more.
  17. Pride does not = Confidence

    Yes... well it probably isn't real pride which Im talking about anyways. The woman I was talking to was telling me it's all about being secure in oneself yet she seems pretty yin (at least in comparison to him) with a very boastful boyfriend who likes to snicker a lot insult people and then look back at his girl as she smiles with glee and thinks "look what I did hehe." Kinda reminds me of how another culture in the past used to impress females with a decapitated head of their enemies.
  18. Pride does not = Confidence

    When a male is being "yin" (in relation to a yang), he is not necessarily being feminne (in relation to a masculine role) which is purely a societal construct a majority of the time. Should we really judge one another? I would say it seems to me that most "yang" women aren't being judged about their own "yangness" nearly as much as many of the males are being judged on their own "yinness", and then it's commonly equated with roles of masculinity or femininity. At least for the males anyways. It's very polarizing. You have masculine males then having sinister qualities... so that leaves better and more kinder, less harsh qualities as having a more yin and therefore feminine character. Wait I thought evil was yin while good was yang. :wacko: See what I'm saying?
  19. What are good meditation lengths?

    heh, don't hav a particular timeset? whenever I'd randomly meditate without having a time set goal it would be so much more relaxing...
  20. PC Zaps Qi

    I can do qigong and I'll be feeling great, focused etc. my eyes awesome my head clear. Not 15 minutes on the comp ALL of that qigong stuff is out the door and I'm left with tired eyes, mental and physical lethargy, scattered mind and inability to concentrate, low energy in general. then it's hard to get out of this, out of this pattern. After I am zapped I'm pretty much done for the day and the rest of the day is shit... even qigong after this doesn't help as much. Maybe a nap, but still no matter how many naps I take I don't have enough time to take all those naps.
  21. PC Zaps Qi

    a woman told me one shd regularly take breaks from the computer because while on the computer one would use the muscles connected with the collar bone to breathe instead of the abdomen, so you shd take breaks to belly breath. if a person uses the computer a lot it could weaken the belly breathing capacity/strength so you should build up the muscles to belly breathe deeply
  22. The best way

    Let's say one does have to ejaculate, what is the best way to do so ensuring that there is minimal energy loss? A certain time of day? Without feeling, or with maximal feeling? Attention to the heart, etc? I'd like to know of some of the ways a person can ensure that there is minimal energy loss both before, during and after ejaculation. ie, to drink much water afterwards, or eat a hearty meal with lots of fats, or carbs, or protein. Or skip the meal and just meditate, do qigong, or standing meditation or if not some time after. Go outside and get the yin energy from the moon. Drink yin tonifying teas right after, or if not sometime after. etc. I know the whole "keeping your heart open" is probably good.. if you're alone though can that really be so easy? Ie with a partner that can provide support, a person who is alone does not have a partner so where/how does he focus attention?
  23. im still not sure of the location of the solar plexus chakra... the link I gave after reading it just confuses me more. You said it was between the navel and the sternum. I feel two major areas of importance around this area... Just under the tip of the bottom part of the sternum.. it seems like a channel actually that goes underneath each ribcage in a line. It's easy to get energy of this channel mixed with the heart or more center part of the chest and a little higher than the center. Kinda like in this pic, just above the arrow pointing to the chest where there is a major depression: Could this be the heart then? Now back to the first point of major important; it feels sort of like the two lines right under the ribcage in this picture here: In the first pic though it seems to be right under the tip where the chest muscles meet in the center where it makes an upside down V; at the first major depression right under it. The other major area of important is like dmattwads said inbetween thee sternum and the navel (umbilicus ie belly button). This point is right below the point above, in the next major depression where the bottom part of the first abdominal muscle is. On the bottom point of the line inbetween which separates the abs. So which point is the solar plexus then the First major area of importance or the second? Could they both be related? Could the first one be the real solar plexus chakra mentioned by authors which say it's located at the solar plexus, or is it the second which dmattwads talks about? Or could they be both as one and I just feel a disconnect between the two points? Also spleen chakra according to Master Choa Kok Sui is at the side of the body at the level of the Second major area of importance that I mention.
  24. Communes

    or an involuntary celibate who has no place on this Earth because people can be so cruel that he (especially a he) has to find something to do with his damn life in a community where celibacy is accept if not required.
  25. Communes

    I feel like sometimes its the only way to be for me... a buddhist monk. But you need to save up lots of money to be self sufficient for quite some time because they dont recommend normal jobs...