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Everything posted by Non

  1. Goji berries supports yin jing.
  2. I know.. you're trying to help. I just had a difficult realization today in class. The prof says.. in China there is the "tradition" of men having more than 1 wife. I felt bad about this... so I asked.. what if there are more men than women? He said there will be war, and he thinks this may happen with China. Now.. I also wanted to ask.. doesn't this leave to many men being alone if men have more than one wife? He did not answer because he probably did not hear me. I did not want to make it seem a big deal but it was a big deal to me. Though a woman told me that in Tibet if men did not become monks women marry them, but many men share the same woman so it's the reverse. I don't get this.. this is very offensive or hurtful to me. Why the inequality? Men are left out because. IN each case a man cannot have one woman for himself, or the woman can have many. IN tthe case of the "Chinese tradition" many men are left alone, even if they're good men. Simply for tradition. More men are born than woman worldwide anyway, but they kill themselves or die off to equal it out. He says nature intended women make it much easier to find a mate, and many, while for men it's much harder. IN the case of the Tibetan 'tradition' a man cannot have his own woman to himself, but a woman can have many men. But over all the women still ends up on top. NOw who is to blame? Is it nature? Or is it REALLY women? Or rather the nature of the feminine? We all co-create this "reality". This Duality right? So in a sense do womoen contribute to this reality, or are they really just "forced to submit to the will of nature?" Surely women have it easier than men in all cases. They have the internal power which men do not have. How the HELL can masculine and yang energies not have the foundation of an Internal power such as yin? I asked... for there to be Good, or for Good to exist, doesn't there need to be evil? If evil did not exist, what then? He says "we would not exist". So I say "how is there a choice then to be good or evil? if there's not enough evil to support the existence of good then how is there a choice if a person has to submit to the "dual nature" and become evil just to support the existence of good?" He says... you'll understand in the future once you get more into TCM. This sort of thing really changed me perspective.. and it really messed with me. I took a break and walked outside, cried in the restroom. I asked myself.. is this the reason why I'm so alone? BEcause I'm meant to be as a monk, or celibate just to the support the worldwide traditions of greedy men and women, and of their evil natures? He says..that mankind has an evil nature. uhh.. yeah!? is it mankind or Nature? Why does it have to be so dual? Do the CHinese and taoists Support rather than try to transcend the Dual Nature of reality which CAUSES suffering? I started to think of the many theories of TCM. Most of them are very good and sound, logical and intuitive. There are some things I don't agree with though.. where TCM theory seems to support the suffering, or the dualistic nature. For example: he says animal products are most of the time more powerful than any plant for curing certain diseases and 9 times out of 10 they really are the more powerful of the TCM medicines. Now, ok, I'm vegan. I eat only from plant food sources. So what then? Because I don't want to support the suffering of animals. Ok.. maybe if the animal dies of natural causes, but if not? Does it support the "belief" in this dual reality, in which Evil exists to support Good? Where animals, humans, etc. must feed off other living organims' overt sufferings for their own selfish benefit? Is there a Universal Good? he says... "I like Christianity, it's just so natural. It's based on the beleif in Love." I asked about buddhism, and he said "Buddhism gives people hope.". UNder my breath I said "yea for the involuntary celibate males". It would seem the ones who are involuntarily celibate are celibate just to support the existence of an unequal tradition. Of one extreme to support another extreme, just like "evil" supporting "good"... and then "good" supporting "evil". So even if Buddhism has it's uses... hoepfully it can help me "GTFO" of this Insane reality of which Only suffering exists. Because this sort of thing forces many men to be alone and neglected. Is the Yin nature to blame? or the fact that many people seem to support such a dualistic view of reality? Does TCM wish to support the dualistic reality, including all the suffering or seek to transcend by integrating it? He says.. "you have the choice of being good or evil". but again I asked the question do you really have a choice then if evil supports good and vice versa? You can live either as a monk in a temple or be a TCM doctor or? And is buddhism just as insane also as the rest because they inherently believe in a dual world that has to be transcended? Is this how the Existential world has to be? Full of suffering just to support Life itself. Full of Death just to support Life? Why can't we just not exist, and be in a state of purity then forever?
  3. maybe you're not just introverted, or just probably in the wrong community. I mean it might be fine being 'introvert' but also, in the right community of 'introverts' who aren't really introverted just, a bit more spiritual.
  4. hm.. now that I remember, doing crunches on the stability balls really helped me isolate the muscles closer to the ribs. dmattwads, you don't look at the ball when you're doing the zz meditation do you?
  5. and also... heart-fire promotes the spleen so... exercise(s). specificlaly I'd like to work in the muscles of that area, ie upper abdomen and lower ribcage(?). Where can I find Max's 5e standing set? Yea.. if you've ever heard of Jack Greenwoods book "The Ultimate Power" he says if you just work on the mental it's going to be long and arduous task and eventually it may never work because it's not as substantial as the physical methods, which when coupled together is best and really the only way. There you have qigong standing meditation which is his "The Body Method". His exercise though is just standing meditation bringing Earth energy (or just gravity feeling) up through the whole body through the feet and back down into the earth coordinated with breath and simple up down hand movements (which are not even necessary) because the key is standing meditation and the energetics. That's just the basic but then the mind can be used along with it to heal, and manifest. its probably best to be accustomed with standing meditation and feeling gravity as Earth energy.
  6. Yea i understand but it shd also be coupled with qigong (ie psychological aspect). The energetic is important too. I've been thinking also to exercise vigorously as in running or something a bit more.
  7. actually I may not be vata at all.. if anything more kapha. I only say vata because I have had this tendency to run cold lately. Vatas can eat raw the key though is to eat warming foods, and oils. From what I've read anyway. Kapha and vata are very opposite, vatas are good with oils kaphas are not. So my next experiment is to not eat as much oils and we'll see how that goes. also wth is a panchamakara and it's treatment? Im reading afterlooking it up and Im confused.
  8. well when I focus on it.. shd I focus on the insides of my body, ie the upper abdomen or just outside, or the surface of the belly where the opening of the chakra might be?
  9. I wonder if the adrenals have anything to do with it? Imean.. was focusing on the solar plexus all day yesterday... and I noticed a sluggishness around there.I've also had spleen issues, or just digestive in general. A lot of distension in the upper abdomen after a eat and for a long while after, if not the whole day.I always have a feeling of distension around there.. constipation, gas, and bloating. Maybe I cd try to balance my doshas so I've read about that. But I also noticed that for example this bloating keeps me from taking action at times. Ie.. let's say someone dropped something or is about to and a person nearby usually gets up to help thee person or stop it before it occurs. Well.. I have this sluggishness in that area, from bloating. Also my concentration and my emotions as well. It may be from having a higher fat intake... or something. It also could be connected with the adrenals. Too much caffeine in tea lately so.. I'm sure that can tire out the adrenals. I kept following the feeling of sluggishness (which was leading to indecisivenes) and I came to the points all around my lower ribcage deep inside, a feeling of sluggishness. It may be visceral fat, or it can also be adrenal related, or both. I need to fast and balance my doshas. I've been eating a lot of fat lately since I've cut out carbs and being that I don't get excessive amounts of protein being vegan and getting mostly from raw food. I have to stop eating so much cold, and fats also because of my kapha/vata doshas.
  10. "We are listening, but your problem isn't that there's a problem with society-" No....... it's common to think a person who thinks the rest of society is crazy is the crazy one. At one point it may have been true. OR there's some truth to it. This society, especially many places in the USA are dominated by a schizophrenic mind state. The media and pop culture is very polarizing/dualistic. You also have people misinterpretting what "yin and yang" really mean.
  11. What if I do notice social cues, I just don't know how to respond to them, especially the trivial ones, as I said why can't it be so direct? I do notice... but I'm not sure. I've always been unsure. What does she expect to take a giant leap of faith, for something such as sex which to me is MAJOR even though she throws it around like last week's toy. Anyways like I said before, girls are always telling one guy he's a perv. stalker, creep, etc. for responding to such cues in a nice way, or rather, stepping all over him like a doormat because he's being too careful. Then other guys who are haughty and confident enough to wade through fake rejections or put her in her place or make teasing remarks which borderline sexual harassment, or are just backhanded insults/compliments. You tell me how to respond when a woman then gives you such vague cues, and you don't know if you'll be considered weak, etc. for not responding in a 'confident' way, when at the same time you gotta be so careful that even the minutest (AND YES MINUTEST) friendly act can be taken as a man being a perv or being a stalker, or creep? I've never really been any of these things ie pervstalkercreep, etc. but it's what women use and call you if THEY HAVE NO INTEREST in you. They try to make you feel immoral for being human. SO tell me, how then am I supposed to react then, when things are so polarized as good guy (who's always seen as weak and yin) vs bad boy (who's always seen as yang). Regardless...the only way people do it is by Mixing the two which is still essentially dualistic. It's not enough to be oneself or just be normal and be NEITHER good nor bad, OR JUST GOOD/NORMAL (in the non-dual sense) they have to be Normal (but this time without much good because too much "good" is bad, this is now the new normal) and Bad, or just bad and bad. You hear women say it all the time, things have become polarized. "You have to be good and bad". That's very polarized and dualistic way of thinking. OK, maybe it's just semantics, but do you have an idea of the power of words on the subconscious mind? WHy? Becuase then she starts to look for negative traits in a man, as well as 'good' traits. WHICH IS CRAZY AND SCHIZOPHRENIC. She looks for schizophrenia.
  12. Diet for enlightenment?

    Also.. in one of the books by Gabriel Cousens he talks about how a person says: "As long as you havethe right mindset you can eat anything you want". He goes on to prove how generally it's true that thoughts affect foods and it effects digestion, but how much energy do you want to expend in digesting crappy food which will in the end kill yyou and disturb the mind, which eventually you have to expend to counter the real effects it has on the body as a vehicle of the spirit or consciousness? The body can only take so much. You want to eat whatever you want? Ok, then take the preparations and build yourself up so that you are so indestructible that you can eat whatever you want and nothing happens to you. All takes energy though, and that is (most likely) finite in this Universe. You want this body to be able to withstand anything,the become more spiritually powerful. But you can't do it when you are at your basal level as you began when you were born. You're vehicle as a carriere of the spirit is not that powerful, and the spirit can over come it BUT is the vehicle then powerful enough to transmit the spirit which can overcome all physical situations? OK? I understand, thoughts affects food, and digestion. So does awareness. It just doesn't end there...
  13. Diet for enlightenment?

    Obviously a person should have the right mindset when eating. Digestoin is important as also thoughts effects food. But one can't be totally unconscious and just accept poisons into their body, naively and think it will do no harm. THe ayurvedic physicians have known for thousands of years that certain foods will affect the mind. To say this is hogwash is quite naive.
  14. see this is exactly what i talk about but no one listens
  15. Diet for enlightenment?

    You still do get enough nutrients, all of which are necesssary to produce ejaculate and the hormones necessary for sex drive. Nothing is deficient except for disease in a CR diet.
  16. Diet for enlightenment?

    we cannot realy be thankful for the poisons people have to consume for no reason beacuse we are uncsoncious about what we eat, which makes us unable to produce and feel the hormones that are necessary to even feel thankfuls. thanks.
  17. Like I said before, people who want to continue the existence of such "social cues" want to stay unconscious and secretive, and manipulative. THose women who cling to the "mysteriousness" of having such "unconscious" social cues and's just ego. They may have been unconscious at one point in our history but to keep us in the dark, and then point the finger and say, "you're not good enough because you can't smell when I'm having my period or ovulating even though I'm acting unlike Im having my period or ovulating."Then they start to add in different colored bracelets whcih are breakable and are supposed to signify different sex acts she would perform on strangers or nonstrangers in a certain social group. Or she wants to start wearing red hair coloring, or chooses to wear tight pants yet look down on you when you're simply being human and looking CAUTIOUSLY because you know it's supposed to be wrong yet there's no other reason why she'd be wearing those pants but to get attention. OR she wears nothing at all underneath, or she wears UNDERWEARS as clothing to work but make good "beta" males feel bad about being human because they notice something... or they say no when they really mean yes or vice versa.Then they blame the man for no being psychic, or learned enough, or experienced enough. or animal enough, or alpha enough. They want to keep men in the dark as well as themselves. There's nothing truly good about having such cues that only "experienced men" can know about because then virgins don't get anything. It's all done to keep this "social field" and "game" alive, to exclude certain "non-alpha males". It'ss high school ALL LIFE LONG. They will keep just saying "you dont know how to read my vagina when it's in orout inside my clothes...... when it's secreting hormones even though you cannot see" and the guys will be like "you don't know anything about women" and WANT To keep it that way. They want to create a playing field where only those "alpha male traits" THEY want to circulate and be circulated with around while others not. "You're not Cool enough". Most of this is trivial! "You can't smell my ovulation so you're not an alpha male". "You can't sense when I'm ovulating even though I'm keeping it hiddden, and even telling you things that will piss you off and make you believe any friendly behaviors you do can be considered in court for sexual harrassment charged, even though I want you to take advantage of me and disregard all my complaints and rejections and calls for help, even if I DO feel pain and suffer". "You can't sense that I want to suffer". "You can't sense that I LIKE to suffer and that I LIKE drama". "YOU CAN'T SENSE TRIVIAL SHIT WHICH I THROW AT YOU TO SUPERFICIALLY JUDGE YOU SO I CAN FEEL SORRY ABOUT YOU BECAUSE I HAVE EXCESSIVE PRIDE ABOUT MY EGO" "You can't sense any of my crap because I WANT TO KEEP BEING MYSTERIOUS AND MANIPULATIVE AND TEASE YOU, THE ONLY GUYS I CAN'T TEASE ARE THE ALPHA MALES WHO ARE PISSED OFF AT WHY I PLAY SUCH GAMES, AND I WANT TO BE RAPED BY THESE ALPHA MALES WHILST PLAYING LIKE I ENJOY IT WHEN I REALLY DON'T BECAUSE I KNOW I SHOULDN'T BE PLAYING SUCH DRAMASBUT I LIKE TO SUFFER BECUASE I DSERVE IT". I LIKE TO EXCLUDE GOOD MEN FROM THE WORLD AND BREED HORRIBLE MURDEROUS KILLERS BECAUSE I WANT TO CONTINUE THIS BUDDHIST EXISTENCE OF SUFFERING. It's a MADE UP REALITY you guys CO-CREATE and it's to exclude certain men, GOOD MEN TOO. Women believe it, men believe it, so you can criticize other men about "not beingg able to smell her from 10 miles away because you're not manly enough or animalistic primal driven-machine enough" and women will keep trying to be secretive and manipulative, and men will keep saying "bro she can smell your insecurity about wanting to fulfill her wishes of rape from 3 planets away of course you're not alpha male, bro she can smell whether you don't want to make her bleed which signifies you're not alpha enough you're not sensitive enough you're not experienced enough you're not aware enough, you're not learned enough, you're not animal enough" etc. It's ALL done to make things secretive and all to continue manipulation and such.
  18. Diet for enlightenment?

    for one I think a CR (Calorie REstricted) diet would help. The CHinese also believe in eating until ur belly is 70 percent full rather than 100 percent. Japanese have the 80% rule (from what I've heard). CR diets cut calorie intake by as much as 20-30 percent so that goes along with it. It increases lifespan and immunity, as well as overall strength. IT does that by activating certain genes involved in the process. The point though is probably also to get all or more than enough micronutrients and cut back on macronutrients. The most micronutrient dense foods are the vegetables, and specifically the leafy greens, the darker the better. They also have the least calories but in relation to weight, or calories Im not sure, are protein dense. Also very rich in chlorophyll. Fermented food is also good to incorporate. Conscious Eating is a good book by Gabriel Cousens. So is Hippocrates LifeForce
  19. seriously though? this is a tragedy. This is a catastrophe. This is an epidemic goin on all over the US. This signifies the world is ending or something is on the horizon because I KNOW Im not the only one. Women are crazy everywhere and men are just getting screwed over big time. All the good men and only the good men. It's really a crisis. I know I'm not the only one. People are getting extremely materialistic and dumber. Everyone and their mom's.No one likes to take responsibility, the world is fucked. TEOTWAKI
  20. shjared only amongst those in a secret society or poeple in the know, which makes it deception to ward off those "outside the know"... so no it's not shared and is about deception.
  21. life isn't a game. who has time to sort out through all the damn social cues that are circulated throughout the Hollywood pop culture market?
  22. but she tries to hide it and act bitchy so that if you Don't know or don't act on it because you're afraid of disrespecting her it means you're not "alpha" enough to not care about doing something wrong becuase you don't have "enough power", because you don't pwn shitz.
  23. So as I said before, MOST OF THESE SUBTLE CUES ARE NOT ALWAYS SHARED. SOme of them might be unconscious, some of them not. Some women are always poker faced. Some women are extravagant. Some women want to manipulate men unonsciously. Some women want to abuse men by overstimulating their sight-sense. Some women want to only attract certain men by setting up the field how THEY WANT TO. Then science tells you "it's all unconscious acts that they want to be dominated". BS. If so, then all these damn uncsoncious social cues make them look like the most unconscious creatures on Earth
  24. You are being contradictory here. YOu're saying that there isn't a such thing as "normal" yet there are normal social cues which shd be memorized, or even picked up on? FIrst of all, most of the theory that says "if a person has his arms crossed it means he's closed off" bs is truly BS. Those theories are overgeneralizations. Not all people who cross their arms are closed off,mad, etc. A woman flips her hair, uncontrollably like an unconscious dog, touches her hair, etc. Or maybe she's doing that on purpose because, only an alpha male can sense that a woman who flips her hair constantly is unconsciously wet. Yea, I do know "subtle social cues", I've read all about these things. I probably haven't gone through the most complete list available on the MARKET but I have some familiarity with them, have noticed them in some people, haven't in others. Sometimes it makes me question if this or that. It's really trivial, sometimes it is true sometimes it isn't. Im not going to question every single detail. Am I supposed to "unconsciously" pick up on social cues? Because I'm alpha male, I'm supposed to pick up on subtle pheremones being secreted out of a woman's vagina in the general area? or see that a woman who's constantly sticking her ass out really wants me to notice her, etc. or she just does that on purpose etc. yea I do take notice of these things but Im not dumb enough to uncosnciously make generalizations on every single subtle detail. Can't women just be direct or atleast be honest or do they always have to communicate through subtle cues, and CONSTANTLY making new ones, for the "alpha male initiates" they choose to circulate through? Like for example: red dyed hair. That's become popular a few times in the past. What does this signify? Am I supposed to populate that this woman is freaky? Ok another one: plastic breakable wristbands in different colors that signify sexual acts she would perform on strangers or people in the same social circle of initiates who know just wtf it means, and only "alpha males" would know. Ok.. body splashes of different smells signify how horny she is. BOdy splashes that have pheremones mixed in. Tight latex pants, telling men she's ovulating and wants to be looked at but only by dominant alpha males that know about her "signals", even though it's commonly considered disrespectul. ok... she's wearin a long dress and you know that such a sexy woman doesn't wear long dresses to signify she is conservative but perhaps is not wearing panties or is actually a freak underneath. Black nails, black jeans. Camel toes which show she's not wearing panties, or skimpy panties. Thongs which show over her jeans. Low cut jeans. Commonly considered disrespectful to look at but only alpha male dominant men or men who are confident enough to look at them because they are inherently disrespectful, they show that they want to be done hard and roughly in bed. So they will accept disrespectful acts in communication. She acts like a bitch most of the time because she wants to be put in her place like a little girl dominated by big daddy. She wants to be treated like a whore because she wears whore clothing. She wears NOTHING like a whores clothing because she wants to appear reserved when really she's not reserved underneath. She looks like she doesn't take care of herself because she always ready to be sexed on the spot, she doesn't waste time with makeup. She WASTES time on make up because she wants to be done so roughly that her make up goes all over the place she looks like she's been abused but she likes it because it makes it seem like she was dominating by a FEIRCELY dominant man and makes her feel like the center of the universe in knowing she was dominated by the most dominant man who was SO uncontrollably horny that he couldn't control himself or just couldn't give a shit what she or other male would want to stop him even if he was hurting her. Accepting abuse makes her feel on top of the world and other men who were afraid to abuse her, because only men brave enough to abuse her show that they really have power. The need to come up to her overtly and whisper in her ear because she has a bitch shield which wards off men who are afraid of invading her personal space out of nowhere from behind. Oh well these are uncosncious? They're not all unconscious I'm sure. If they are, are they retarded? And to see when men go crazy because THEY MAKE MEN GO CRAZY. IN FACT THEY WANTED THEM TO GO CRAZY!?